Phone Call

Love in Different Languages

Chun rushed to his office, smiling. He just found hope for their photo shoot. He sat at his office chair and in his hands; he was waving a calling card.

"Why do look so happy, Chun?" Asked Joe who was just beside him, looking at Chun?

"Well, I think I just found a photographer! I feel so saved!" Chun said, smiling, turning to Joe.

"Now, spill it out! Who's the mystery photographer?" Joe asked again.

"Well, I think her name's Ella Chen!? It says here." Chun said, glancing at the calling card.

"Ella Chen?! The famous photographer who just started her own studio 5 months ago?" Joe asked, turning to the calling card Chun was waving like crazy.

"Well, I think so... Why do you know so many details, anyway?" Chun replied in question.

"Well, I watch news, you know. When I get home and all." Joe replied. “Anyway, how did you get this?”

"Oh, that. I was rushing my way here and she accidentally dropped her calling card.” Chun replied. “Okay, then."
Chun said, handing the calling card to Joe.

"What is this for?" Joe asked.

"You call her immediately to inform her of a photo shoot appointment." Chun said, turning to Joe, smiling at him. As soon as Joe got out of Chun's office, he contacted Ella who was currently shooting a photo shoot.


"CUT!" Ella shouted, her phone currently ringing, distracting the whole set. "Excuse me for a while." Ella said, answering her phone. Ella glanced at her phone; the number wasn't registered, so she assumes that it's a customer calling her.

"Hello. This is Ella Chen speaking from 'Lights and Legacies' Productions. May I know who this is?" Ella patiently asked.

"This is Joe Cheng, the assistant of Mr. Wu Chun who owns 'Abstract Bleeding' clothing line." Joe replied.

"I assume that you want to ask for a scheduled photo shoot? Am I right?" Ella asked back again.

"Well, yes Ms. Chen. We would be glad to have you as our photographer." Joe replied.

"When is it going to be?" Ella asked.

"Um, about a week from now." Joe replied, clearing his throat.

"I'll check our schedule later. I'll call back if we appear to be free on the set date." Ella said, looking back at the impatient people behind her.

"Okay, bye." Joe said, while Ella hang up the phone, not even bothering to say bye and just wanted to go back to the set.

"Sorry. There was a customer who called. They said that they were to do a photo shoot in about a week and want me to be their photographer for the 'Abstract Bleeding' clothing line. Well, back to the set." Ella said, rubbing her head and heading towards the camera stand.

"Oh, Chun..." Rainie suddenly whispered to herself.
The shoot just finished. It took them a couple of 5 hours just to do the shooting, also because of breaks, the phone call, lunch, brunch and all. Ella was just a starting photographer, but she was famous. But then, being famous doesn't mean that she would be loaded with so many things to do. In fact, that was the last scheduled photo shoot they needed to accomplish for the day when she thought it was just the start. Just then, Rainie approached Ella who was sitting all by herself, staring onto space.

"Ella. You were talking to whom again, just lately?" Rainie asked Ella, who just came back from spacing out to reality.

"Uh. Yeah, I was talking to I think... Joe Cheng, was it? The assistant of Wu Chun who owns the 'Abstract Bleeding' clothing line. Why?" Ella replied in question.

"Well, well, well, since you're about to know who he is... Then, I'll tell you." Rainie said, going closer to Ella's ear to whisper her something. (*AN: Well, you'll soon find out in the next chapter what Rainie said to Ella.)

"Really!?" Ella was shocked. "I didn't know that---" Ella was cut by Rainie who covered , so that people from the set won't hear about their little secret. Rainie was being careful. Quite a lot of people knew about Chun and if the secret spread, then she would be doomed.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you. You're the only one who knows it. I mean us. Oh yeah, he’s my cousin." Rainie said, giggling.

"Not that bad, not that bad." Ella said, turning to Rainie to ask yet again, another question. "But why are you telling me all these details about him? About Chun?" Ella asked, curious why Rainie told her all those details.

"Well, my instincts tell me that you're going to be close just like this. We never know if you'll be able to change him." Rainie replied, making a peace sign and then putting the two fingers together.

"Is he really that type of guy? But how come he was able to pass a position like being a manager with that attitude of his?" Ella asked, wondering why on Earth a guy would pass a position of being a manager despite of him being (secret).

"Well, that was before, but then, I never know if he's changed at all. It's been a couple of years since we had a real conversation." Rainie replied.

"Why is that?" Ella asked, waiting for an answer from Rainie.

"Our parents quite got an argument when we were younger. I don't even know if they'll be able to even solve it."
Rainie replied, with a sad expression plastered on her face.

"I know they will. Jia you!" Ella said, cheering Rainie up.


After a couple of hours, doing his work... Joe went back to Chun's office to report to him their company's progress. *KNOCK* *KNOCK*, Joe knocked before he entered.

"Come in." Chun responded, signaling Joe to enter his office. "So, how was the convincing Ms. Photographer?" Chun asked, adding to what he just said.

"Well, she said that she would call back if they were free on the set date." Joe replied.

"Oh." Was all Chun could say, looking out the window.


Edited on: 09132008 at 8:06 AM.

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Visiting old fics!
@jjinbbangbbang, I guess so. :))) This, after all, is my first shot in making an ff. :))) Thanks for the comment! :)

@luckypyo, I hope you did read it. :)))
jjinbbangbbang #3
Ah~ like story but maybe too many minor character?
luckypyo #4
oooh!!! i'm interested..!