All Day Long

I Can Protect You


*yikes.... Okayyy so the previous chapter wasn't that nice, isn't it? Ahhhh~ so sorry T^T it was too rushing... Sorry sorry so sorry! >< will promise to make the story better and much more awesomeeee~ :D okie okie

Your pov

~you and Lynn sitting by the beach, watching the sun set. The color of the sky was really amazing. You could feel the breeze go past your hair and could smell the salty fresh water as though you had taste it. Sitting on the bench, you and Lynn was eating your favorite Ben 'N' Jerry's cookie and cream ice cream.

Suddenly you felt ticklish around your Chest area. You look down, to see the the buttons of your blouse were off. It was as though someone had secretly ed it without you knowing. One by one, the buttons open by itself. You grab hold of the third button but 'something' tried to shake your hand off. You were terrified and SCREAM...~

you open your eyes and sat up, to find yourself in your bedroom. You were dreaming. You look ahead and saw myungsoo sitting in front on you. Your hand was pressing against he's, which was on your chest. Your blouse was ing till halfway and half of your bra was visible, showing your cleavage. Your eyes widened and you scream again, pushing his hands away as you take the blanket to cover you. You pointed at him in disbelief, but you couldn't say a word. Your mind just went blank and your heart beat faster. You thought he was trying to you again, when he suddenly asked. "You don't wish to be drench while sleeping, do you?"

You thought as it was really uncomfortable, with your wet clothes all drench in the rain. You felt your bed, it was quite damp. "What were you thinking, sleeping under a tree? Don't you know you might get struck by lightning? You could have died if it wasn't me who saved you." he proudly praise himself. You were surprised he didn't know that you were, indeed struck by lighting. He should have felt that your body was extremely hot. But maybe the rain had cooled your temperature down.

“Tks...Thanks," You muttered as you look at the clock. "It's already 4 in the morning. You should go rest now. Leave the rest to me." you assured him. He nodded and yawn as he walks out of the room closing the doors behind him. As soon as the doors closed, you quickly went out of the bed and took out your wet top and skirt. But suddenly the door flung open again and upon seeing you half , myungsoo's face turn red and quickly close the door. You were dumbfounded and just stood rooted to the ground, shocked of what had just happened. You quickly put on your new set of clothing. "You done?" he ask from outside of the door.

"Yea, um... Come in." you replied. When he opens the door, he acted like nothing had happened. He looks around the floor, except for you. He looks really cute with his shy face but it definitely felt awkward. He cleared his throat. "Beef, I want that as a reward."

You nodded innocently and he closed the door without looking at you. It felt really awkward but you were too tired to think much. You were too lazy to change the bed sheets so you just remove the damp sheets and slept right away.

The next morning you woke up and look at the clock. "!"

You quickly jump out of your bed and ran past myungsoo's room. He wasn't in there. You ran down and look around, he isn't there either. You were supposed to cook lunch for him, as it was already 2 in the afternoon. But he was nowhere in sight.

Disappointed, you dragged your foot lazily and went to the kitchen. You were about to open the fridge when you saw a post-it note on it. It wrote:

Hey pig, you slept too long and forgot about my lunch. I WANT BEEF!! Btw, I'm out with the guys.

You were a little afraid. Hoping that he would not complain to his mom, mrs Kim, bout your 'misbehavior' yesterday. You somehow felt something was amiss, and you remembered. You look around you and couldn't spot the familiar face. Yoojin has disappeared ever since the incident happened. You thought that she would never appear again.

You were thinking of what to do that day and the idea just popped out of your mind. Since myungsoo isn't around, it would be a great opportunity to clean up his room. After that, you can head to the supermarket to buy some groceries.

You grab the broom and feather duster and head upstairs. You open his door, and the room didn't appear to be as messy as you thought. But you walk deeper into the room. Your jaw dropped at the sight of it. Clothes were piled up together forming a mountain; sweet wrappers were strewn all around. His stationeries and books were lying on the table.

"It’s gonna be a long day." you sighed.

First you picked up the litter and threw it in the dustbin. Then you took all his clothes, folded it and placed it in the wardrobe neatly. You packed his stationeries and book, putting them in their respective places. You swept, mop, change his bed sheets and last but not least, you iron his uniform.

At last it was done! The place looks really clean and tidy. You sprayed a little air freshener and it smelled of fine jasmine. You were satisfied with your finished work and rested for a bit before going to the supermarket.

~few hours later~
It was about 5 when you went out of the house. You had skipped your lunch in order to save time to make dinner later. As you walk down the streets, you caught sight of 3 similar figures.

Sungyeol, sungjong and myungsoo was walking home, chatting. "I knew it." you muttered to yourself. You could recognize them from afar, with the different way they walk, they talk and even the way they style.

Sungjong saw you and waved as he ran to you. "Anneong!!" he cheerfully smiled and waved. You smiled and pretended that you had just notice them.

Sungyeol and myungsoo walk towards you and sungyeol gave you a warm but charming smile. As for myungsoo, he just stood there and looks at you, like as though he's never seen you before. The both of you felt awkward and didn't greet each other. Sungyeol notice the awkwardness between the both of you and tried to break it up. "So where are you going?" he asked.

"I needed some beef for tonight's dinner" you took a glance at myungsoo.

"I love beef!" sungjong cried. "Is it ok if I come too?"

You look at sungjong with the 'you serious' face. "Don't take that kid's word seriously." sungyeol said as he lightly whacks sungjong on the head. "Let's just eat out." he suggested.

"Awesome! We could ask the rest to join us too!" sungjong jumped in excitement. "Let’s go, ----------!" he cried. Myungsoo and you look at each other.

You denied the offer. You wanted to go and were really hungry, but it would be awkward with myungsoo, especially what had happened yesterday. "Nnah!!" sungjong cried. "You won't want to miss the fun." he winked, he grab your wrist and pulled you along before you could say anything.

Sungyeol and myungsoo followed behind. Myungsoo didn't utter a word since. He just put his hands inside his pocket and walks beside sungyeol, who was texting the rest of the infinite members.

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LOL!!! MyungSoo was faking but got caught!! :D Nice job getting caught MyungSoo. :D
VueYueXiang #2
Update soon!! ^^
Btw the poster is all cute!!
koolchica55 #3
is it sad to say that i feel like the guys are being hard core creepers .... or even pedos....... idk i get the feeling they might try something with her cuz they got the wrong impression when she left l's house. and where is then world is her ghost friend at???
oh my gawd... O:
really sorry if im a very slow updater. but i seriously think this story is getting to nowhere :( waaaaaaa
im stuck right now... really sorry to my dear readers... :<
rupture #5
good job lynn XD. I'm gals you updated^^
i missed this fic so much. :)
choicocks #6
So cute. XD
rupture #7
lol free show XD
myungkitten #8
update soon!
cute! <3
WAT blackout again omgomgomgg update soon ;p