Our plan, Their kidnap, Her

Just A Distant Memory [REWRITING] -under construction 7/12/13

"EUN-AE!! EUN-AE!!" I kept shouting loud enough to hear any response from downstairs but all I heard was the door shut ..

My heart kept pounding faster and faster making me sprint down the stairs and swing around the corner to enter the living room. I slowed down to a stop when I noticed that the place was rampaged probably caused by that Seunghyun .. I knew he would've came ..  I knew he wouldn't give up so soon, so why did I think he would come maybe a year later?

I carefully examined the place to see any stains of blood or any weapons anywhere .. I walked around the place and only saw everything scattered onto the floor and furniture out of place ... then I started to panic again as I heard an engine coming from a car outside ..

I went up to the front door and practically threw it open .. I started to run down the long, dark hallways until I reached the light shining onto the sidewalks and the road ..

I stopped again as I scanned the parking lot in search of the car that Seunghyun was probably driving .. then I heard another scream ..


"HEY, shut the up!" A guy in all dark clothing snapped at Eun-Ae and tossed her into the back of a white van ..

I started to run quicker and I almost reached the van until it started to drive off making me further and further away from it .. I kept eye contact with Eun-Ae who was helplessly screaming and hitting the back window of the van, crying. It made me burst out crying too because I've never seen Eun-Ae in this much pain and trouble .. in bad situations where she needs me I was always there to help her .. I never failed and I hopefully won't fail on this day .. 

As I kept running the wind dried my tears away giving me the feeling of coldness around my eyes .. it was harder for me to see because I had to keep squinting to not make my eyes numb, but I looked passed the problem and kept on running ..

It drove from out of the parking lot and into the street. I followed behind but ran onto the sidewalk helping me catch up with them .. thankfully I saw the stoplight turn red and saw the van come to a stop .. I sped up and finally reached the corner cross walk. I kept on pressing the button allowing me to cross so that I could run up to the van and save Eun-Ae but it was too late ..

As I stepped onto the side of the street tons of cars honked at me to get out of the way .. this big crowd of cars came out of nowhere and drove right in front of me blocking the pathway that lead me to the van ..

"Damn .. freakin' hurry up .." I said to myself as I watched the herd of cars drive by ..

Seconds later I saw the white van take off again and it turned to enter the freeway .. I looked up over the cars and saw Eun-Ae still screaming and panicking in the back .. but there's no way in which I can catch up to them now .. I failed miserably .. 

I brokedown on the corner of the sidewalk and fell onto my knees .. I cried and screamed in frustration not caring if people looked .. I didn't know what to do anymore .. I wasn't even sure if it was Seunghyun who kidnapped her .. what if it was another stranger? 

All these thoughts quickly rushed into my head giving me more pressure .. I couldn't think of anything at the moment .. nothing but of what to do with Eun-Ae .. how will I save her? Where is she going? Will she be slave ? This is starting to stress me out ..

I looked up and saw the cross walk cleared and no cars were driving in front of me .. if only the van was still there then I would have a chance to save her ..

As I kept breathing in every second to catch my breath I felt someone's comforting hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Key panting .. he looked at me with a worried expression on his face ..

"Where's Eun-Ae?" He asked making me cry even harder ..

I heard footsteps coming at us .. I looked through the corner of my eye and saw Jonghyun running towards us ..

"Mee-Yon! What are you doing here sitting by the street!?" Jonghyun yelled at me and stood next to me .. the yelling made me feel worse and I kept on weeping trying to answer them clearly ..

"Eun-Ae .. kidnapped .. I- I tried to run after the van .. but I was too slow .." I said in between sobs ..

"WHAT!? WHO!? WHAT VAN!?" Key kept yelling out many questions making it confusing for me to understand, so I just told him what happened ..

"W-Well .. I saw this white van parked in front of the apartment building and I saw a man dressed in dark clothing shoving her inside .. I was guessing it was Seunghyun who took her because .. well it's a long story I'll tell you later about it .. and then I tried to chase after them but the van drove too fast .. I was about to cut across the street until a bunch of cars drove in front of me .. when the time passed by I saw the van drive away onto the freeway and that was the last thing I saw .." I said and looked over to the street watching the cars driving by again ..

There was silence between all of us because of what was just heard .. I looked up to see their faces .. I saw Key closing his eyes and holding on to the top part of his head while walking around and Jonghyun with a serious face looking to the side .. 

"POLICE! WE NEED TO CALL THE POLICE!" Key randomly shouted at us after his minutes of thinking ..

I widened my eyes and nodded my head pulling out my cellphone from my back pocket .. I forgot about the whole situation! I was too busy thinking about how to save Eun-Ae that I could've just called the police earlier!

After only one ring I heard someone talking on the other end of the line ..

"Yes, how may I help?" This lady said on the other end as I heard busy phones ringing in the background and faded conversations.

"Someone kidnapped my friend! Her name is Kim Eun-Ae and she was taken away into a white van and they drove off with her inside" I said maybe a little too fast ..

"Do you know who kidnapped her?"

"No .." 

"We'll figure this out and track her down, we'll call you as soon as we find out any information" the lady said and hung up the phone. I hung up and looked up to see Jonghyun and Key staring down at me ..

"What did they say!?" Key said biting his nails ..

"This lady just said that she'll contact me whenever she finds out information about Eun-Ae" 

Key just looked at me with a stilled face which made me nervous .. I told him everything correctly didn't I?


"Calm down Key" Jonghyun said and put his hand on his shoulder. Key was going crazy now that Eun-Ae was gone .. but that's what the police station said .. the only thing that we could do now is wait ..

"Well this I don't want my girlfriend to die!" Key said and started to run back to the apartment ..

"Key! Where are you going!?" Me and Jonghyun both shouted in unison and watched Key run off ..

"To save Eun-Ae! Since you guys aren't even trying!" He yelled back which made me hyped up with anger ..

"YAH! KEY! I AM TRYING! I'M JUST STRESSED! SO DON'T BLAME THIS ON ME!!" I yelled even louder and made a fist at him ..

"You need to calm down too Mee-Yon. Eun-Ae will be fine we just have to .. need to get that Seunghyun in prison .." Jonghyun trailed off and gritted his teeth ..

"I wish .. but if the police station won't help us .. it's up to us to save her!" 

Jonghyun and I both nodded and started to run back to the apartment to plan out everything and to save Eun-Ae!


I'm just terrified .. scared .. and alone .. 

I thought Mee-Yon was going to save me .. I saw her run after me which made me cry seeing her try hard to catch up .. but I knew it was impossible for her because I saw Seunghyun look at her from the rear view mirror and drive faster ..

I bawled up and tucked myself into a tight corner in the back of the van .. what's he going to do to me? .. When did he even come here and find me!? ..

"Hey Eun-Ae, it's been awhile huh?" I heard a deep dark voice speak from the front of the van ..

I didn't reply back and just stared outside of the window .. I saw tall dark trees hovering over the road .. where is this place? ..

"Eun-Ae! I'm talking to you!" his voice shouted at me making me tuck my legs in tighter and close my eyes .. hoping that Mee-Yon, Jonghyun, and Key would be following us right now about to save me in seconds ..

I was pushed forward with a force when the van came to a fast stop. I looked outside the window and noticed that the road was even darker than before .. and more trees than before .. what the .. where are we!?

I closed my eyes when I noticed that light hit me .. I was sitting in the dark for so long that it hurt to look at bright light .. I slowly looked up and noticed one of Seunghyun's friend standing before me with the rest of their possy behind him ..

"Ah, Eun-Ae ah? It really has been long, and you have changed a lot" one of Seunghyun's people smirked at me .. I bit my lip and looked down afraid .. please please please please please don't me ..

Then I heard sketchy footsteps walk towards me .. I slightly looked up and saw the figure of the person that betrayed me .. the one who broke my heart just to get another girl .. my best friend .. 

I quietly sighed to get those awful memories out of my head .. then I jumped when I felt his hand fall onto mine ..

"Oh Eun-Ae, tsk, your cuteness will never fade away will it now?" Seunghyun smirked at me sending me chills all around my body .. not the good kind of chills .. the feeling of disturbance is what I felt ..

Seunghyun came closer to me and leaned in as far as he could while I leaned back trying to get away from this man ..

"You know you can't resist me" he whispered and deeply breathed onto my neck. That's when I freaked out and harshly pushed him away from me. I kicked him in his 'place' and he automatically groaned and fell to the ground.

"Never in my life have I LOVED you! I already have someone to love and it's definitely not you!" 

I saw Seunghyun's friends look at me surprised and they started to back away. I laughed to myself because I thought they were afraid of me now but I noticed how they kept looking at Seunghyun and still kept backing away ..

"You . I will get you AND Mee-Yon" he said and started to get back up on his feet again .. I stepped sideways and tried to make a run for it but two guys ran after me and held me back. Seunghyun kept walking closer until we were face to face again ..

"I brought you here for a reason. You see, since your very much loved by your friend Mee-Yon, she will come and save you at some point"

I started to think positively at the fact that he admitted Mee-Yon will come and save me but then frowned upon hearing his next spoken words.

"But once she arrives here, oho, your not going to be the only one in deep lustful suffering"

I gulped and only looked away .. I felt his cold eyes staring right at me but there was nothing to do but look aside ..

"Why are you torturing Mee-Yon .. she didn't even do anything .." I said quietly still looking to the side. I just had the nerve to ask that question because I didn't see why she would even be part of this .. was it because she broke up with him? Or what?

I heard him chuckle and then speak up again. "Because, I want her too. Both of you will have no way out of here .. I won't let you .."

I froze in fear because Seunghyun really is a powerful person .. he can take down anyone so that's why I am afraid .. how will we escape? .. I really wish Key would show up now and save me .. 

I heard ringing in the background and decided to look up .. I saw Seunghyun place a phone next to his ear about to call someone.. at this moment I found it strange to be calling in such an awkward scene .. me getting pinned to the car with two guys holding me down .. and him standing right in front of me .. I was stuck in a death triangle with three mean points ...

I began to panic again once I heard the familiar voice speaking in from the phone ..


"Guys we have to do something"

"I know Key I know you've told us that a thousand times after you finished a lap of walking around the apartment' Mee-Yon sighed and snuggled a pillow onto her lap on the couch.

"Jonghyun" I whined pointing to Mee-Yon.

"Why ask us? She's your girlfriend so save her" Jonghyun carelessly said and relaxed his feet onto the coffee table.

"Aigo! Jonghyun! Feet. down." I said pointing to his feet and then the coffee table and then the floor. He obeyed and then I started to speak up again.

"Why are you guys so dull!? Around fifteen minutes or so ago we were breaking down by the street and now it seems as if you guys have no emotion! She's your bestifriend! So why not care in trying in saving her!?"

"KEY STOP SAYING I DON'T CARE OF COURSE I DO!" Mee-Yon shouted and stood up from the couch making me sit down on the chair behind me ..

"You think it's so easy to save her? If it was then we would've helped her about like an hour ago! It takes time to think of things like this and I'm still stressing over the fact that the police station didn't contact us yet! God, I would wish for some sort of call! Any call! Anything as long as it deals with Eun-Ae!---"

Ring Ring Ring


We all turned and looked at the phone sitting on the table stand .. we hesitated for a bit if it was right to pick it up but I ran for the phone anyways even though Jonghyun was sitting right next to it ..


"Err, who is this? Is this someone that knows Mee-Yon?" I heard a deep manly voice say into the phone .. It was about Mee-Yon! I pressed the speakerphone so that Jonghyun and Mee-Yon could listen into the conversation too .. 

"Neh, who is this?"

"None of your business, where's Mee-Yon?" He said ignoring my question .. Rude.

"Ugh, seriously? Seunghyun?" I heard Mee-Yon grumble and made an angry face .. Scary.

"Is that you Mee-Yon?" the deep voice supposedly called Seunghyun said.

"Why the hell did you call? And what the heck how did you get this number?"

That's right how exactly did he get this number? .. Isn't this Jonghyun's place? .. Is he a pedo bear? 

"I stole Eun-Ae's phone. Now listen, you want Eun-Ae back right?" 

We all huddled near the phone and listened intently ..

"W-Wait .. am I on speaker?" 


"Take me off, I could hear myself echo. Then give the phone to Mee-Yon!" 

Aish .. "Mee-Yon your going to keep it on speakerphone still right?" I whispered to Mee-Yon as I handed the phone to her. She nodded in response which helped me calm down again.

"Mee-Yon speaking"

"Ah, Mee-Yon so about Eun-Ae. I can tell you one way to get her back" 

Everyone stayed quiet .. this was obviously a plan of his or a trick so we have to decide carefully if we should take his offering suggestion or not ..

"Continue" she spoke calmly. 

"Right, well, you can have her back in only one condition"

"Well say it then because your taking way too long to tell me this suggestion" she said utterly annoyed.

"Impatient I see, do you want her back or not!?"

"Ayya! Just tell me already of course I want her back now!" Mee-Yon screamed into the phone while me and Jonghyun backed away a little.

"Okay okay, if you want her back come down to .."

When I was listening to their conversation it was perfectly normal and loud and clear to understand. But why all of a sudden with the whispering!? There's a reason why we chose to put them on speakerphone!

Mee-Yon just kept nodding and saying 'mhm'. It seemed as if they were having a nice conversation .. isn't he like a or something why are they chatting!?

Soon enough Mee-Yon hung up the phone and placed it back onto the phone charger. She got up, grabbed the car keys from the table, and rushed over to the door but then turned back and looked at us ..

"Well are you coming to save Eun-Ae with me or not?" she asked as she opened the door.

Jonghyun looked confused with what just happened and so was I .. but without saying anything else we rushed over to the door and followed her from behind. She headed out to the car to drive off to whoever knows where ..


Thank you guys for waiting for me to finally get off my lazy and update ! (x

well here it is ! I'll work on the next chapter right now.

What do you think will happen to Mee-Yon? Comment below. lol

Thank you for subscribing and reading and commenting!  :DDD keep supporting! <3


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I was reading this a long time ago, but forgot to subscribe...now i've found it again and am reading from the start!
I am unsubcribing to some stories even though I wish they'd be updated but they don't.. and this is the only one I have not unsubbed to yet it is the one that did not update for the longest time
They hate me T-T lol jk.<br />
Idk somewhere hidden! XD same amount of subscribers but 1 commenter. Its saddening...
Please update!! I really want to know who she ends up with. Omg, I realized the comment section is basically all me and you replying.. >_> WHERE ARE YOU OTHER COMMENTERS?
Did u not see how hurt she was? Lol I'm not making this an obvious ending (x
GREAT don't tell me that she'll fall for Jonghyun AGAIN. OR that Jiyong will want her to be with Jonghyun.. -.-
Lol you just full on dislike jonghyun, don't you? XD
Me : "YES she forgot about Jonghyun. Now she will be with Jiyong." unless Jonghyun MAKES her regain her memory back again
if HE = Jiyong. Sure. xD
It's a sad ending (: I'm not gonna lie haha. Pretty intense. But remember I'm writing 2 endings! One happy one sad! and .. HE will be the one scene in the next chapter. If you know who HE is haha