
Just A Distant Memory [REWRITING] -under construction 7/12/13

"Be safe okay?" Eun-Ae said as she hugged me good-bye.

"Of course I'll be safe! I'm stuck with a bodyguard" I said glaring at Jonghyun who was throwing the luggage in the car.

"Alright! Time to go!" Jonghyun said rubbing his hands together from the fifty degree weather.

"Arasso, I'll miss you Jongie" Key said as he gave him a wink.

"Not so fast Key, you know this is MY apartment still so don't think that you can get away with anything" Jonghyun said as he playfully punched him. Key just gave him an annoyed look.

"Plus, we're giving only Eun-Ae the key and she promised to not ever give it to you" I said as I handed Eun-Ae the key to the apartment.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Key whined.

"Life isn't fair" Eun-Ae joked as she jingled the Key in Key's face. "No Key for Key" 

"Haha, very funny. Aish, it makes me want to change my name" Key grumbled.

"Well, we should be going now! We'll see you two in a week or two .. or .. however long it takes for Mee-Yon's Appa to heal .. but--"

"In a week and a half" I said cutting how Jonghyun's sentence and opening the passenger door.

"Right .. well ANIYONG~!" Jonghyun waved good-bye to Key and Eun-Ae as he got inside the car.

We all waved good-bye to each other and headed for the hospital. It was about an hour or two drive from the apartment. As Jonghyun started the ignition and finally drove away from the sidewalk, I kept my gaze towards the window and admired the sunrise. The beautiful view matched the song I was listening to. 

After awhile I noticed Jonghyun staring at me almost every second .. back to looking at the road and then to me .. I felt a little uncomfortable.

"What do you want?" I said making him jump and focusing more on driving.

"W-What? Nothing" He said as he positioned himself in the drivers seat trying to be comfortable.

"You sure? You keep staring in my direction" 

"Yeah, because your music is on way too loud" he said.

"And that makes you stare in my direction?"

"I'm hungry" he said skipping the subject.

I thought that was a pretty awkward moment .. but now that I think of it .. I'm hungry too. I realized that we were rushing so much this morning to leave that we skipped breakfast.

"Me too" I said rubbing my stomach.

"You want to eat somewhere?" He said looking at the restaurants that we passed by.

"Okay, want to eat here?" I said as we slowly drove by this complex that had a lot of restaurants. The road we were on was empty so we were slowing down to twenty miles per hour to find a good restaurant to go to. 

He agreed so we drove inside the complex and ended up parking in front of a breakfast place. We got out and we both stood in front of the two door entrance. 

"Why are we standing here I'm hungry" Jonghyun complained as he crossed his arms being impatient.


"Hop? Did you just say hop?" he said confused to why I even said that.

"Haven't you realized that this restaurant name is Hop?"

We both stared at the sign for awhile trying to read it. It was still pretty dark outside so all we could see were the lit up letters.

"Ohhh, no it doesn't say 'hop' it says 'iHop'" Jonghyun said and laughed. "The 'i' wasn't lit up"

"iHop? that sounds pretty weird I think I like 'Hop' better"

"It stands for International House Of Pancakes" he stated as he continued his way to the door. "Let's go eat I'm freakin' hungry!"

I stood there for a minute still confused. After awhile I started to laugh. Haha, I get it. I. Hop. That's hilarious!

I followed Jonghyun from behind as we entered the restaurant and it smelt so good! The smell of freshly baked pancakes filled the room. 

"Aniyong! I'm Michi and I'll be your waitress for today" she smiled and leaded us to our booth. We sat down across from each other and I saw Michi staring at Jonghyun .. first Jiyong's  ex and now this girl? You have GOT to be kidding me. I felt a little better when I saw Jonghyun awkwardly look back at her scooting away from her. 

"Ahem~ I think I'll just get pancakes, T-bone and eggs" I smirked at her and handed her the menu. She just gave me a look and snatched it from my hands.

"Uhm, Honey~ What will you be getting you look so tired" I said as I grabbed his hands and looked at him sweetly.

"U-Uhm .. same? But I'd like water .. now .." he said staring at both of our hands that rested on the table a little shocked.

"Did you hear that? Water. Now" I said to Michi in a cold but sweet tone making her jealous. 

"Are you sure that's all you need? Water? .. No Ice tea?" Michi leaned in closer to Jonghyun breathing on his neck.

I quickly pulled Jonghyun closer to me from across the table and kissed him on the lips. I smirked while I saw Michi slowly get up from the plastic seat and walked off furiously. Funny, another . A couple seconds later after that I realized that I was still kissing Jonghyun. I opened my eyes and saw that his was close as if he was enjoying this .. we kissed before sheesh.

I pushed him away and plopped back onto my seat a little embarrassed .. I saw that his cheeks were red too. Is he blushing?

Jonghyun cleared his throat and looked out the window next to us.

"So .. what was that for?" 

"Oh .. I .. did that because you looked uncomfortable that the who--waitress was getting up on you" I said as I played with my fingers from underneath the table.

"Getting up on me? It just looked like flirting"

"Isn't that the same thing?" 

"Well getting up on me is like how if she---"

"LALALA, I understand no need to get into detail!" I said covering my ears and closing my eyes.

I heard him chuckle so I slowly lifted my hands away from my ears and opened my eyes.

"You enjoyed it didn't you?" He brought up and smiled.

A waiter brought us our water and food. I wonder where that waitress went? Probably crying to herself with what happened earlier.

"What the kiss? I don't know haven't we kissed before?"

"Yeah, didn't you enjoy that too?" He said as he sipped on his water.

"Why bring this up. YOU enjoyed it more. Isn't that way your talking about this?" I said as I drank my water trying to not blush so much ..

"Maybe I did" He said as he cut up his steak ..

The whole fifteen minutes of eating was silent. The only thing heard was the crashing of the plates in the kitchen and the chatting of other people around us. Awkward atmosphere was all that surrounded the two of us .. why did he say that? .. 

We finished eating and he paid the check. We both walked out and got inside the car. It was still even more quiet in the car .. he started to drive and I continued to listen to my music just like what I did before we went out to eat. Everything was the same .. except the quietness .. Until a few minutes later Jonghyun spoke.

"What are you listening to? I want to listen too" He said.

I rolled my eyes and plugged in my iPod to the car speakers. I turned it on and started playing "Bigbang - Lies".

"Hmm, this song matches your life story Mee-Yon" Jonghyun said as he hummed to the music.

"Mine? How"

"Lies. Haven't you thought about how your life is mostly lies? Your Omma. Jiyong" he said.

"Jiyong?" I asked. How is he a lie?

"Yeah, didn't he lie about my death to make you fall for him more?" He said.

I slowly nodded my head and started to think of what he said .. Jiyong .. a liar .. I remember .. I remember all the things he used to lie about when I was still with him .. It's too painful to even think of all the hurtful things he did to me .. 

I didn't feel like listening to the song anymore so I switched to the next one. It started playing "Can You Smile - Infinite".

Are you serious .. Jonghyun better not sa--

"Hmm, this song too. Catchy, but the song matches you. You never smile anymore. Well you do, but not as much as before." He said interrupting my thoughts.

I ignored him and started to play the next song. Ipod .. please don't fail me ..

It started playing "Wasteful Tears - Navi Ft. Hyunah". 

"Jonghyun you better not compare this song to my life or else I'll seriously punch you" I said glaring at him. "Just listen to the song."

He stayed quiet the whole ride which made me listen to my music peacefully. I glanced at him a couple times to make sure that he wasn't staring at me again .. which I realized I've been staring at him more. I slumped my shoulders down in defeat and started thinking how I blamed him with my own mistakes .. what is wrong with me?


"Hmm, what?" I said still lost in the music.

Jonghyun wasn't speaking so I opened my eyes to look at him. He looked concerned with something.


"Hmm, what?"

"Are you mocking me?" 

"What? no, are YOU mocking me?"

I sighed and turned the music off.

"Okay, what's wrong? I'm listening" I said and turned my body to face him, leaning on the car door.

He cleared his throat. I thought he was going to speak but he just kept looking forward. I wasn't sure what he was thinking or what was even going. A few seconds passed and I decided to look in his direction. I saw the hospital in front of us.

"Oh great, we're here!" I happily said and got out of the car. I shut the door and stared at him still sitting inside .. what is wrong with him? ..

I walked over to the back of the car and opened the trunk. I took our stuff out and wheeled them over to the sidewalk. I clapped my hands together and stood right in front of the car .. noticing Jonghyun still staring at what was now in front of him. I've stared back at him for awhile and got tired from our staring contest. Did he shun himself purposely why is he frozen?

This is starting to get on my nerves .. he's not moving .. not even a little bit .. is he even breathing?

I impatiently took out my cell phone and called him hoping that he would pick up. After a few rings he picked up and still stayed silent .. 

"JONGHYUN!" I shouted into the phone and he snapped back to reality and looked all around the car confused.

"GET.OUT." I said slowly so he could understand. He looked at the passenger seat and then he looked at me. I waved at him getting his attention.

He finally opened the door, got out, and then locked it. He stood next to his car looking serious which made me a bit scared ..


"Mee-Yon, what are you doing to do now" he said interrupting me.


"Turn around .." 

I followed his instructions and saw him standing by the entrance of the hospital.


Just a quick thank you again ! <3

for my subs, cmmnts, and rdrs (:

Iunno why I felt like abbreviating them XD haha

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I was reading this a long time ago, but forgot to i've found it again and am reading from the start!
I am unsubcribing to some stories even though I wish they'd be updated but they don't.. and this is the only one I have not unsubbed to yet it is the one that did not update for the longest time
They hate me T-T lol jk.<br />
Idk somewhere hidden! XD same amount of subscribers but 1 commenter. Its saddening...
Please update!! I really want to know who she ends up with. Omg, I realized the comment section is basically all me and you replying.. >_> WHERE ARE YOU OTHER COMMENTERS?
Did u not see how hurt she was? Lol I'm not making this an obvious ending (x
GREAT don't tell me that she'll fall for Jonghyun AGAIN. OR that Jiyong will want her to be with Jonghyun.. -.-
Lol you just full on dislike jonghyun, don't you? XD
Me : "YES she forgot about Jonghyun. Now she will be with Jiyong." unless Jonghyun MAKES her regain her memory back again
if HE = Jiyong. Sure. xD
It's a sad ending (: I'm not gonna lie haha. Pretty intense. But remember I'm writing 2 endings! One happy one sad! and .. HE will be the one scene in the next chapter. If you know who HE is haha