
Just A Distant Memory [REWRITING] -under construction 7/12/13

"O-Omma?" I said being shaky. Just hearing her voice pissed me off. I have now come to conclusion that I seriously hate my Omma with a deep burning passion! Ever since she abused Jiyong.

"Mee-Yon .." she softly sobbed into the phone. "Your Appa .."

My eyes shot wide open and I opened my mouth trying to say something .. oh please don't say what I think your going to say. Please don't say Appa died! Even though he's a really quiet man he cares for me and the people I love .. 

"My Appa what?" I said trying to make her finish her sentence faster.

"He .. He's in the hospital .."

I was trembling everywhere and couldn't find the words to speak .. I was stupid enough to let my own Appa live with her and thought he'd be fine? I blinked a couple times thinking what had happened .. what if Omma abused him on purpose? 

"What is he doing in there? .." 

"You know how all these years your Appa was always quiet?"

I nodded as if she could see me right at this moment. 

"Well .. it was actually a sickness .. when I came home earlier I saw him lying on the bed really stiff. I tried speaking to him but he could only move his eyes .. I rushed him to the hospital and right now they're trying as hard as they can to find a cure ..."

"H-How long has he been in there?"

"About a week .."


"I'll email you the address to the hospital .. but--"

"SEND IT NOW!" I shouted and hung up the phone and tossed it onto the table .

How come all of a sudden .. all the things that I've cared about are slowly disappearing from me .. now that my own Appa is leaving .. I can't seem to handle life as it is anymore .. he's the only when who protected me and the only who liked Jonghyun. He accepted anyone and anything that I seemed to like and he didn't even punish me for the doing something wrong .. 

I bawled up on the floor near the couch . I don't want to be alone .. what If I also leave with Appa .. will anyone really care that much? I've hurt so many people already .. I don't think they'd even notice I was gone .. plus I'd be much more happier in heaven ...

I heard my phone ring and I quickly got up and answered it. I checked my email and I saw a picture of the hospital my Appa was at and the address was below it.

I pulled my strength together and ran upstairs to go pack. I've decided to leave for awhile until my Appa was cured .. I won't leave the hospital until I know he can stand up on his own two feet. Family is more important right now so Eun-Ae should understand.

I woke up Jonghyun accidently when all the bags and boxes from the closet shelf fell down. I kept jumping and reaching for my suitcase and finally started pulling clothing off the hangers and threw them in my luggage.

"Mee-Yon? What are you doing?" Jonghyun asked rubbing his eye and yawning.


"Packing?! Where are you going!?"


"Hospital?! Why are you going there are you hurt!?"


I didn't have time to explain to Jonghyun with what was going on. I need to pack as quickly as possible.

I felt something grab onto my arm but I just ignored the feeling and continued to pack clothing that I just saw in the closet. I didn't even look at what I was packing I just knew that I needed clothes and that was it. It was harder pulling onto the weight I carried with me everytime I walked across the room to get something.

"Mee-Yon, stop .. look your not even thinking of what your packing what's wrong?" Jonghyun asked with a hint of worry and concern in his voice.

I ignored him and just tugged him along with me as I packed stuff from the bathroom. 

"Mee-Yon. Your turning pale just stop!"

My eyes kept fluttering with sadness and I just shook it off and continued to walk.

I tried to grab onto more clothing in my closet but I tripped and fell. I just collapsed onto the floor and broke down crying and hurt .. all I kept thinking about was my Appa and that he would leave me alone with such cruel people ..

"WHY DOES LIFE HATE ME!?" I screamed and cursed at the ceiling.

Jonghyun slowly sat next to me and helped me sit up. I laid my head onto his lap and kept shaking. I couldn't think at the moment and just wanted to let all my feelings out with what I held in this past week .. and luckily he was there to care for me .. 

"Life is unfair Mee-Yon .. you just have to accept it" He said caressing my head.

"I don't want to .. I just want to leave too .." I sobbed gripping onto the fabric of his clothing ..

"Leaving won't solve anything .. you just have to be strong along the way and hope for the best" 

"But I'm not strong enough Jonghyun! The only person that cared for me was my Appa and he would always listen to me when I complained about my troubles!" 

"That's not true .. I care for you .." 

I knew that already but I didn't feel it .. It doesn't feel like anyone cared about me .. it just felt like I was there watching them live there lives .. 

"Jiyong cares about you .." he continued.

Same for Jiyong ... it seemed as if he was faking his love .. I just can't believe anyone anymore .. after hearing Appa was in the hospital I just wanted to turn into a negative person ..

"Eun-Ae and Key are there for you too" 

"Eun-Ae doesn't care about me! She was here in Korea for so long but didn't care to find me!" I sobbed even harder.

"It's because it was hard trying to contact you Mee-Yon!" I heard Eun-Ae storm into the room and knelt beside me. "I tried calling everyday but your phone just wouldn't pick up" she said patting my back.

"I too cared for you Mee-Yon .. remember how I would always go to your house for a visit but you would always send me away?" Key said entering the room and he sat beside me as well.

"And you know that I'm always here for you no matter what .." Jonghyun said and laid his head on top of mine ..

I tried calming down in my head so I sighed deeply .. I sat up and saw all the familiar faces looking at me and smiling .. I knew I was loved but I never felt it until I saw the proof admitted at this moment .. the things they said were right .. I just never cared to take the time and think about it  .. It warmed my heart .. I should really stop letting my Appa bring me down .. even though he might leave me.. he'll be in heaven watching over me .. and God sent me these three amazing people right in front of me ..

"So why were you so depressed?" Jonghyun asked holding onto my hand.

"Oh .. my Appa's in the hospital .."

Everyone gasped but I just smiled at them.

"It's okay though .. I realized that I'll still be protected wherever I go because my Appa will be my guardian angel" 

Eun-Ae hugged me and so did Jonghyun and Key. We all had a friendly family hug for awhile and we all stood up.

"So, are you still going to stay at the hospital for awhile?" Eun-Ae asked.

"Neh .. I want to stay with him until his time has passed" 

They all nodded and went back to their rooms.

"Stay strong Mee-Yon, you could do this! Hwaiting!" Eun-Ae said by the door and did a peace sign.

I just laughed and turned myself back to my luggage .. I unpacked all the random things I threw inside and only packed a few weeks of clothing inside.

Jonghyun was still standing at his spot staring at me ..

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

"You know I mean it when I said I'll always be there for you, right?" He said and hugged me.

"Don't worry about me Jonghyun .. I could live without my Appa by my side .." I smiled to myself and pulled away from the hug.

"How about Jiyong?" He brought up .. I hesitated awhile to answer but I eventually did.

"If both Appa and Jiyong disappeared I truthfully still would be upset .. but as long as I still have people surrounding me with care then I'd be okay" 

I zipped up my luggage and pulled it over by the door. 

"I'll leave in the morning and I'll call you guys to make sure that we're both okay" 

Jonghyun smiled and nodded. We both walked over to the bed and fell asleep .. Even this was a very depressing night .. I was glad to at least hear that some people care about me .. It felt good to have a breakdown moment too .. I really wanted to let all my tears out before it could get worse ..


I waited until Mee-Yon fell asleep .. I haven't seen her cry so much before .. her Appa must mean a lot to her ... he also meant a lot to me too since he loved me as a son ..

I smiled as I saw her quietly breathing in and out .. I didn't want her to leave so soon .. maybe I should come along with her to the hospital ..

I got out of bed and started packing my belongings as well .. I couldn't let Mee-Yon live in a small hospital room alone .. the hospital is a depressing place, she needs someone there with her ..

I finished packing and placed my luggage right next to Mee-Yon's by the door .. I set my alarm to five o' clock so that Mee-Yon would know that i'm leaving with her too.

I got back in bed and relaxed. I really hate to see her suffer like that .. this night was way too much to handle .. 

I opened my eyes once more and saw her still in the same position sleeping. Without thinking I leaned in and kissed her .. I panicked as I saw her eyes slowly open so I pretended to snore and sleep.

"Jonghyun?" she whispered.

I opened one of my eyes and saw her still sleeping .. I didn't know she talks into her sleep? I chuckled to myself. How cute.

"Saranghae ..." she said drifting off into another deep sleep ..

My heart started to beat faster once she said that ... she actually told me a truthful answer. That was the truth right? She actually said saranghae? .. I pulled her in closer to snuggle. I rested my forehead ontop of hers and dreamed happily.

"Saranghae Mee-Yon .."


Don't judge me I felt like writing this !  >.< lol 

Iunno I've been listening to really cute love songs so ... yesh .. I wrote this lol

Thank you for commenting! lol I love reading the comments they're hilarious XD 

Please continue to keep reading !  and I actually wrote three chapters in ONE DAY! WOOT! :D hope that made up for not updating for so long haha

I have so many typos ! haha sorry for that .

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I was reading this a long time ago, but forgot to i've found it again and am reading from the start!
I am unsubcribing to some stories even though I wish they'd be updated but they don't.. and this is the only one I have not unsubbed to yet it is the one that did not update for the longest time
They hate me T-T lol jk.<br />
Idk somewhere hidden! XD same amount of subscribers but 1 commenter. Its saddening...
Please update!! I really want to know who she ends up with. Omg, I realized the comment section is basically all me and you replying.. >_> WHERE ARE YOU OTHER COMMENTERS?
Did u not see how hurt she was? Lol I'm not making this an obvious ending (x
GREAT don't tell me that she'll fall for Jonghyun AGAIN. OR that Jiyong will want her to be with Jonghyun.. -.-
Lol you just full on dislike jonghyun, don't you? XD
Me : "YES she forgot about Jonghyun. Now she will be with Jiyong." unless Jonghyun MAKES her regain her memory back again
if HE = Jiyong. Sure. xD
It's a sad ending (: I'm not gonna lie haha. Pretty intense. But remember I'm writing 2 endings! One happy one sad! and .. HE will be the one scene in the next chapter. If you know who HE is haha