An Old Friend

Just A Distant Memory [REWRITING] -under construction 7/12/13


I felt guilty for not stopping Mee-Yon as she went back to bed to sleep because she had to know ... the real thing I was going to say to her. If only she would let me finish my sentence! Then, she could beat me up tonight and after I could sleep off the pain .. but no, she's just too excited to see Eun-Ae that whenever I talk she decides to interrupt me ... I guess .. I'll receive my beating tomorrow .. 

I sighed and turned my body around facing my laptop which was still resting on the coffee table. I looked back at Eun-Ae's photo album and decided to skip through the photos .. hmm, there's always this guy in every single picture! But he's blurry in all of them .. Her boyfriend perhaps? Ooh La La I can't wait to tease Eun-Ae when we have a chance to visit her! 

This boy better be a good one .. Eun-Ae is also my best friend too so she deserves her perfect dream guy! Not like my player friends of mine or something .. especially Key ... that also bugged me about him. Seriously, It's a beautiful thing to be waking up every morning to see the same pretty face right next to you, not waking up every morning seeing a different as your personal slave! Aish .. Key .. when will you get a permanent girlfriend? .. Even Taemin has a girlfriend .. wait .. I just realized that I don't have a girlfriend ... I think I just powned myself .. 

I shook off the thoughts in my head and browsed through Facebook. I clicked the messages icon and looked back at what Eun-Ae sent me .. Oh please Mee-Yon, don't kill me ..


(Next Morning)

I rubbed my eyes and blinked a couple times waking up from my peaceful sleep. I yawned and smiled to myself.

"Eun-Ae! I can't wait to see you today!" I shouted.

I stretched my arms and got out of bed filled with energy. I made my way to Jonghyun's bedroom and saw him still snoring off. I chuckled when I saw his eyes open up and quickly look at me.

"Yah! How long have you been here!" He said surprised slowly sitting up on his bed still staring at me.

"I just came right now relax! It's not like I came here last night just to stare at you until you woke up" I giggled and sat down on his bed.

"You sure ..." he said fidgeting with the pillow that he put on his lap.

"Yes .. why are you acting so weird?" 

I looked at his eyes and noticed that he wasn't staring at me anymore .. he has a worried expression on his face and his eyes attention was focused on his laptop .. I glared at it thinking what could be on it that's making him so unconscious ... I immediately got up and walked over to his laptop. Jonghyun's eyes widened and ran after me .. 

"Is your laptop still o--" I was interrupted by his sudden pounce on me and we both landed on the floor ... my head bumping onto the floor and his bumping on my back.

"YOU CRAZY MENTAL PERSON WHY'D YOU TACKLE ME TO THE GROUND!" I said pushing him off me and giving him an annoyed look ..

"To prevent you from beating me up!" He shouted back.

".. Beat you up? Why would I do that?" I said curiously.

He got up and sighed. He grabbed his laptop .. he faced it towards me and moved his fingers along the censored mouse which made the screen light up ... I saw a message from Eun-Ae that was on his Facebook messages .. I started to read it and my smile grew wider.

From: Eun-Ae

JONGIE! How r u huh? Look, I know that this is really unexpected but I'm moving back to Korea! I tried contacting Mee-Yon's cellphone but it kept beeping and said that the phone was disconnected? Idk .. it was weird did her phone break or something? Well anyways, yeah! I'm moving back PERMANENTLY! We have to catch up sometime yeah? I'm arriving at the airport tomorrow so call me ASAP when you get this message so that we can make plans (; the 3 of us! Bring back the memories!! Well okay I gotta go! REMEMBER CALL ME!! Or else I'll seriously gang up on you and torture you if you don't call back by tomorrow ! I'll be sad T-T well kk gotta go. BYE! Tell Mee-Yon that I love her! Bye (:

I stood up smiling and wrapped my arms around Jonghyun giving him a tight hug.

"Why do you think that I'll beat you up? This makes me want to hug you even tighter! Aren't you excited!? We're going to see our best friend again! Today actually! .. OMO!! WE HAVE TO CALL HER!" I let go of our hug and grabbed the house phone. I was dialing the number until Jonghyun grabbed my hand and set the phone back down on the charger.

"W-What are you doing? I'm calling Eun-Ae! She said call her tomorrow ASAP and tomorrow is actually today!" 

Jonghyun grabbed his laptop and settled it down next to me ..

"Look at the date she sent this Mee-Yon ..." he said quietly ..

I gave him a worried look and looked back at the screen ...

"February 25th of this year? ..." I said almost crying ...

He nodded his head and looked down at the ground ..

"And ... today's March 14 .." 

He slightly nodded his head ...

My eyes filled with anger and tears and I punched Jonghyun on his head and arm ..


He rubbed his head and tried comforting me with a hug but I just pushed him away ..

".. Did you do this to mess with me? Because this isn't funny .."

It was quiet for a long time until he spoke up ..

"Want to go shopping?" He asked.

I glared at him .. "You want to go shopping? At this very moment of depression!?" I said in disbelief ..

"Well, you always said that whenever your depressed you liked to go shopping!"

I sniffed and looked down ..

"Whatever ... take me. BUT, pay for anything that I find really cute! I don't care about the pricing ... you owe me Jonghyun" 

With that I stood up and grabbed my purse from my room. I headed downstairs and waited by the door for him to get ready.


I swear my eyes just bulged out and my jaw is probably sore now from hanging down for so long ... She wants me to pay for anything she finds cute!? But she finds mostly everything in the mall cute!!

I blame Eun-Ae for this ... she could've called us what was she thinking? .. She owes me too whenever we get the chance to visit her ..

I groaned and got up. I got my ... wallet .... and walked downstairs seeing Mee-Yon tap her foot impatiently waiting for me to come down ..

"Hurry up!!" She demanded. 

I ignored her command and just continued my pace slow still walking downstairs .. I finally reached the door and saw Mee-Yon rush out quickly and walked towards my car .. I keep telling myself that I'm so freaking angry at her .. but why can't I show my anger? .. I can't even feel anger yet I'm telling myself that I'm angry with her ... Sigh, I really can't get mad at this girl ..

I reached for my car door and opened it .. I sat down on the driver's seat and started the ignition .. I took a glance at Mee-Yon who was staring out the window ... I hope my credit card doesn't go down to zero after this depressing shopping day ..

It was a really long drive to the mall she wanted to go to .. some giant big asian mall that she loves ... also meaning the most expensive mall that she loves .. 

I parked in the parking lot and unbuckled my seat belt. Before I couldn't even speak to Mee-Yon I saw that she wasn't in the car anymore .. I looked ahead and saw her running towards the entrance ... I gulped and looked down at my pocket seeing my wallet stick out .. My Appa said he left me money that would last me at least five years ... hmm .. that's a lot of money .. I think I'm fine ..

I got up from out of the car and shut the door. I looked up at the great big mall and closed my eyes again ...

"I hope this day goes by fast .." I mumbled to myself ..



I skipped happily inside earning weird looks from people ... Pfft, your just jealous that I get to have a million dollar shopping spree today! 

Ignoring the people I stopped skipping hearing my stomach grumble really loudly .. I rubbed it and pouted ... Dangit, I forgot to take a quick bite before I left the apartment ... I looked over to the right side of me and saw this amazingly big candy shop! 

"Holy crap this is huge!" I said in amazement.

That's when I heard a very familiar voice behind me ... 


I turned around and saw yet another best friend of mine .. this one was a very long distant friend of mine ... I couldn't believe it! I blinked my eyes a couple times just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming ... Until I soon realized .. the person that I also missed the most was standing ..

Right in front of me ..


U P D A T E ! :D 

I apologize again for my slow updating ): at least I try and do one once everyday ! 

SOOO, this chapter was ... /: (: ): ? haha

It doesn't really make that much sense of a chapter lol XD just bi polarness and all lol 

But, if you liked it then ... YAY ? (x

Thank you again for Subscribing/Commenting ! <3

I LOVE READERS WHO DO THOSE 2 MAIN THINGS ! It seriously does give me the support to update x2 faster >.< hehe

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I was reading this a long time ago, but forgot to i've found it again and am reading from the start!
I am unsubcribing to some stories even though I wish they'd be updated but they don't.. and this is the only one I have not unsubbed to yet it is the one that did not update for the longest time
They hate me T-T lol jk.<br />
Idk somewhere hidden! XD same amount of subscribers but 1 commenter. Its saddening...
Please update!! I really want to know who she ends up with. Omg, I realized the comment section is basically all me and you replying.. >_> WHERE ARE YOU OTHER COMMENTERS?
Did u not see how hurt she was? Lol I'm not making this an obvious ending (x
GREAT don't tell me that she'll fall for Jonghyun AGAIN. OR that Jiyong will want her to be with Jonghyun.. -.-
Lol you just full on dislike jonghyun, don't you? XD
Me : "YES she forgot about Jonghyun. Now she will be with Jiyong." unless Jonghyun MAKES her regain her memory back again
if HE = Jiyong. Sure. xD
It's a sad ending (: I'm not gonna lie haha. Pretty intense. But remember I'm writing 2 endings! One happy one sad! and .. HE will be the one scene in the next chapter. If you know who HE is haha