Let her go ...

Just A Distant Memory [REWRITING] -under construction 7/12/13


After I left them standing there watching me walk away .. I couldn't help but cry just a little ..

Yes, when I walked past Mee-Yon I shedded a tear and I gasped for air but I didn't want to let her know I was hurt ..

I wanted her to be happy .. when I saw her kiss him .. I felt pain in my heart but I knew she was happy ... Think of others before yourself right? Even though I'm in pain I need to give her happiness right? 

I walked down the sidewalk almost at the house. This late at night and they still go on fighting and making up, fighting and making up .. and so on .. some love. I mean, the guy just got here and .. violence occurred. It was a scary sight to see the room and the blood if you were me .. I didn't know Mee-Yon was that violent. Well, you learn something new everyday. Even though It's ... yeah.

I arrived at the house and opened the door. I jumped a little when I looked up .. Guess who it was? 


"Jiyong! Why were you outside? Look at the time! ... Wait a minute .. Where's Mee-Yon?" She was concerned .. she demanded an answer. What to say?

"Mee-Yon needed a little thinking time after the fighting so I told her she should go out for some fresh air." I lied.

"Is that so? Where's Jonghyun?" She lifted an eyebrow, smirking.

"He ran away .." Lied again.

She walked up to me and slapped my face so hard I almost lost my balance. My cheek was red and I looked up to her with a cold look.

"HOW DARE YOU LET HER RUN AWAY WITH JONGHYUN! UP TILL NOW YOU STILL WANT TO MAKE HER HAPPY!? SHE'S PERFECTLY FINE WITH YOU!" She yelled and slapped the other side of my face making it red too. "I thought you loved Mee-Yon? Why are you letting her go off with a worthless boy that causes her anger!? She was happy with you until she saw that guy--"


She was about to slap me again until I grabbed her hand from stopping her. 

"Why are you acting like this! All I want is for Mee-Yon to be happy!" She again screamed.

"SHE IS HAPPY! Haven't you not noticed!? Mee-Yon talked to me before about her hardships and what she had to go through with this family! She told me everything and I'll explain it to you so you can actually understand this !"

"Say whatever you want! As if it would change my mind" her eyes widened with anger and she turned around to go back upstairs. I stopped her as I quickly grabbed her wrist. She looked back.

"My god what now!?" 

"Years ago Mee-Yon had a happy life back in Korea. Happily living a free life with her best friend Jonghyun. After school was over they would always go to her favorite icecream store to get her favorite icecream so that she could relieve her stress. Even at a young age you would never understand her! All the times she would go to that icecream place you would always pick her up and leave Jonghyun behind without even asking him if he needed a ride. You thought of him as invisible. One day it was so hot that Mee-Yon passed out. Jonghyun carried her to the nearest hospital to make sure that she would heal. He called you, the hospital call you but you ignored every single call! Wherever and whenever she would feel down she'd quickly run to Jonghyun for comfort. They were the only two people that could make each other happy. Mee-Yon would always be the first to walk over to Jonghyun's place to play there because YOU didn't want him to come inside! You let her other friends come inside, guy or girl, but not Jonghyun! You don't even know how devastated she was when you told her that you guys had to move away! Do you know how hard it was for her to say good-bye to Jonghyun? They had this special place in this park they'd go to and there's this brick wall they stay by. They marked one line on it everyday they would be happy together. And that's everyday. The park is just down the street if you want to see it. Mee-Yon took me there and trust me the whole wall is filled with little white lines of their past childhood.  That's how much it showed that they were happy together. She suffered years and years without Jonghyun because YOU lied to her about him being dead! Do you not see how happy they are together!? Do you not know how bad of a mother you are! Ignoring your own daughter if she needs you!? Only Appa was there to listen to her but he was too quiet to tell her anything because YOU would make him pay a consequence if he let Mee-Yon date Jonghyun. They are both old now I think they can make their own decisions. Don't hold them back. Unless you just want to see your daughter miserable for the rest of her life again ... "

With that long enough story I let her hand go and went upstairs. I turned around only to see her frozen and blank expression. Pfft.

"You understand now?" I didn't hesitate to stay to hear her reply. I just left her standing there and I continued to walk upstairs. I went inside the bedroom and fell onto the bed. Why did I realize just now that I will never make Mee-Yon happy? Within those two months together .. I hope she'll make the decision to leave me and go with Jonghyun .. she deserves to be treated right ..

As I closed me eyes to give myself some rest my phone started to ring. Aishh .. can I have some peace and quiet? I moved my hand around the bed until I finally found my cellphone. I clicked the send button to answer the call.

"Yoboseyo?" I grumbled.

"Hyung! You finally picked up!" The stranger on the other line cheered happily.

"Who is this?" I said confused.

"SeungRi! Sorry can you hear me? It's pretty loud down here!" He shouted.

"Where are you?" I heard loud music in the background.

"The club! I'm with the gang! Wanna join us?"

I looked at the clock .. 

3:16am .. wow ..

"Do you know how late it is right now!? No!"

"Actually .. It's really early right now! Cause you see A.M. is the morning time so techni---"

I hung up the phone and threw it to the side of me. I didn't feel like hearing an easily explainable thing. Why are they partying out so late? Urrg .. disrupted my peaceful moment .... I closed my eyes to wander off into dream land until my phone again rang .. should I pick it up .... okay fine ...

I picked up my phone and right when I was about to say yoboseyo i was beat to it ..

"-cally 3 A.M. is really early for you and if it was P.M. then it would be late so --"

"FREAKIN' SEUNGRI I DON'T CARE SO SHUT UP!" I screamed impatiently at him ... I hate when he rambles on and on about random things.

"Jiyong .. you sound pretty mad .. are you okay?" 


"That was a stupid question I know I know .. but seriously what's up?"

"Trouble .. Night .." I pulled the phone away from my ear until I heard his voice again.

"Night? You mean morning? Because it is morning right now so it should be goodmo--"

I pressed the end button and turned off my phone .. 

Bad morning and annoying morning for me ... Yeah, SeungRi's making me want to say morning now since it's the morning ... AHHHH! HE'S MAKING ME EVEN MORE CRAZIER!

I ran my fingers through my hair and looked out the window. I stood up and walked towards the window to see if Mee-Yon came back ..

Sadly, she didn't .. I really need to stop thinking about her .. I love her too ... but there's nothing I can do. I guess I'm just going to have to wait .. You can do this Jiyong. Wait for two months .. if she hasn't come back ... you'll understand.

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I was reading this a long time ago, but forgot to subscribe...now i've found it again and am reading from the start!
I am unsubcribing to some stories even though I wish they'd be updated but they don't.. and this is the only one I have not unsubbed to yet it is the one that did not update for the longest time
They hate me T-T lol jk.<br />
Idk somewhere hidden! XD same amount of subscribers but 1 commenter. Its saddening...
Please update!! I really want to know who she ends up with. Omg, I realized the comment section is basically all me and you replying.. >_> WHERE ARE YOU OTHER COMMENTERS?
Did u not see how hurt she was? Lol I'm not making this an obvious ending (x
GREAT don't tell me that she'll fall for Jonghyun AGAIN. OR that Jiyong will want her to be with Jonghyun.. -.-
Lol you just full on dislike jonghyun, don't you? XD
Me : "YES she forgot about Jonghyun. Now she will be with Jiyong." unless Jonghyun MAKES her regain her memory back again
if HE = Jiyong. Sure. xD
It's a sad ending (: I'm not gonna lie haha. Pretty intense. But remember I'm writing 2 endings! One happy one sad! and .. HE will be the one scene in the next chapter. If you know who HE is haha