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You looked up as he leaned closer and closer.
You can't move, you just don't know what to do. Your eyes are locked in his.

Just a few centimeters and he stopped. You nervously looked at him. He smiled and pinched your cheeks.

"Hehe," Xiumin said, chuckling. You blushed and curled your lips.
"Oppaa," you pouted and he laughed even harder. "Oppa why are you laughing?"

Xiumin is trying to catch his breath and said, "Nothing~"
You blushed again, remembering how close his face was to yours. "Let's go back Youngrin-ah, it's getting dark."
You nodded and got up, walking happily beside him.

Today was great.


The next day, Kai is waiting for Xiumin in the training room while folding his hands and stomping on the floor impatiently.
When Xiumin entered the room, Kai immediately rushed to him and bombard him with questions.

"Hyung where were you yesterday?" "Did you go with Youngrin?" "Where did the two of you go?" "How does it feels?"
Kai asked continuously just like a paparazzi. Xiumin is confused of what to answer, and which question to answer.
"Stop!" Xiumin said, making Kai stop. "Ask one at a time. So, first question is?"

Kai thought for a bit and smirked.
"Do you like her?" Kai asked. Xiumin blinked a few times before answering.
"What? I thought you were going to ask about yesterday. Not answering that question~" Xiumin said, grinning.
"Aiyaahh hyung don't be like that! Okay I'll change my question," Kai said. "Where did you go and what did you do?"

Xiumin is remembering of the events yesterday before finally said, "We only shop, and go to the amusement park."
"What? I refuse to believe you two only did that," Kai said, skeptic about Xiumin.
"Jongin, what do you expect? She's only 16 years old geez," Xiumin said. "That made me think, I'm so old."

"Yeah you're an old man," Kai said before fleeing away laughing, leaving Xiumin before he could argue with anything.


You are smiling all day, and there's no training for today too. You are playing with your phone, and realized you haven't call Minhee at all.
You pressed the call buton and called Minhee.

"Hello?" Minhee picked up. You are too excited to tell her about what happened yesterday.
"MINHEE-YA!!!" You shouted. At other side, Minhee got shocked hearing you and your loud voice.
"Yah calm down. Why so loud?" Minhee said. You giggled and told her everything.
"Omo, is that true? Congrats! Never knew you would get close to your idol like this," Minhee said. You giggled again.

"So how is Busan?" You asked. Minhee gulped, trying to not let you know.
"It's good. I'm going home today," Minhee said.
"Oh really
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{ Say Hello } omf thank you all for reading this fic ㅠㅠ if you like it, please do upvote!


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Chapter 32: ohoho i like this kekeke
vika117 #2
Chapter 32: It's so WOW! I LOVE IT !!!!!! Thank you author-nim! *kisses you to death*
Pikachuonacid #3
Chapter 1: Baozi <3 FIGHTING
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 32: I can resist xiumin cutenes . Perfect . Xiumin is soo sweet . Keep it up .
Chapter 32: Aww can i say this that this is the cutest story in the universe haha . I can't resist xiumin cutness . There you are making a good job . I enjoy reading this story :D
Chapter 32: This fic is just so full of hearts and loves and kisses and hugs! Tho at first it creeped me out since fluff is not so mm my cup of tea? But I haven't got a chance to read lots of Xiumin fics and this is just so auuuummmm cuteeee! I love it!
JiaYouO #7
Chapter 32: Can't wait~
chizu_ya #8
Chapter 11: cant help but smile and laughing for sehun and minhee moments
myexoticbaby #9
I love this story
princess-dreams #10
Chapter 14: I'm loving this story at the moment, whooo!