Clear Everything Up ( last !! )

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"Sajangnim, are you sure? This isn't our usual way to handle rumors," Lee Sooman's secretary said. The older just nodded firmly and smiled.

"It's okay, it won't be much of a harm if we do things differently this time around right?" Lee Sooman said. You stared at the both of them. You still don't know how will SM handle this rumor, they said they will tell you right before the presscon. But exactly when...?

Just then, Xiumin appeared at the President's office. He opened the door and immediately smiled at the sight of you.

"Youngrin! Sajangnim~" he bowed to Lee Sooman before going to you. "Youngrin~"

Lee Sooman coughed and Xiumin stopped moving. "Minseok, please restraint yourself. At this rate you will be called a e."

Xiumin was about to protest but the secretary called him and you to tell you two about what SM will say about the rumors.

"So here's what we will say.." The secretary started. Both of you listened very very well..


The press conference room was crowded. The reporters wouldn't stop talking and the entire room feels like a beehive. You peeked out to the crowd from backstage. All of a sudden, you felt your stomach aching from nervousness. Then someone patted your back gently.

"It's okay. Calm down," Xiumin said. For some reason, you calmed down at the sight of his face and his voice. You smiled at him.

The staffs cued the 5 of you--Xiumin, his manager, Lee Sooman, you, and your manager--to come up to the stage to begin the press conference. When you finally stepped up, the reporters went crazy. They start taking pictures wildly and you have no choice but to just smile and bow at them. You sat next to Lee Sooman in the right corner of the stage.

"We will now begin the press conference regarding EXO Xiumin and Heroine Your," Lee Sooman started. "Questions will not be answered until after the explanations are out." The reporters went quieter.

"At the start of this year, rumors began to circulate that EXO Xiumin here, are dating Heroine Your that was a trainee then. This came out to surface because they were spotted together in China," Lee Sooman said. You could see the reporters started taking notes. "However, that was not true. Xiumin-gun have known Your-or better known as Youngrin- for a very long time and they have a close oppa-dongsaeng relationship."

The reporters began buzzing again, saying things like 'this reason again?', 'does he have a thick face?', 'why can't they think of a better reason?', 'who would believe this?'.

"Silence!" The staff yelled loudly. The reporters went quiet in an instant. Lee Sooman nodded at the staff and continued talking.

"Xiumin-gun and Youngrin-yang are long time acquaintance, they have known each other even before Youngrin-yang became a trainee of SM Entertainment," that part is not entirely untrue. "Xiumin-gun is really supportive of Youngrin-yang in her training and provided her with many advices."

You felt bad for deceiving the fans, but it can't be helped. This is the best choice that could be made. You just debuted and it's just ridiculous if SM admitted your relationship with Xiumin right now.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Lee Sooman said. Then one re
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Chapter 32: ohoho i like this kekeke
vika117 #2
Chapter 32: It's so WOW! I LOVE IT !!!!!! Thank you author-nim! *kisses you to death*
Pikachuonacid #3
Chapter 1: Baozi <3 FIGHTING
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 32: I can resist xiumin cutenes . Perfect . Xiumin is soo sweet . Keep it up .
Chapter 32: Aww can i say this that this is the cutest story in the universe haha . I can't resist xiumin cutness . There you are making a good job . I enjoy reading this story :D
Chapter 32: This fic is just so full of hearts and loves and kisses and hugs! Tho at first it creeped me out since fluff is not so mm my cup of tea? But I haven't got a chance to read lots of Xiumin fics and this is just so auuuummmm cuteeee! I love it!
JiaYouO #7
Chapter 32: Can't wait~
chizu_ya #8
Chapter 11: cant help but smile and laughing for sehun and minhee moments
myexoticbaby #9
I love this story
princess-dreams #10
Chapter 14: I'm loving this story at the moment, whooo!