Iced Egg

Revenge [On Hiatus]


Tao sits next to Lu Han, holding a rag filled with ice over his eye. "Sorry ge." Pulling the rag away to see how the Lu Han's new black eye is doing, it looks so painful that Tao flinches. "Man, that's ugly. I know how to fix that!" Tao runs off to the kitchen, returning seconds later with an egg. "Here ge. Rub this on the bruise. I saw this in a drama once. They say it takes away the color."
"Would that be the same drama that taught you about using oppa?" Even with Tao being the reason he's in pain in the first place, Lu Han feels bad when he sees Tao frown because of him. "I'm sorry, Panda. I'm just cranky because it hurts." Taking the egg from Tao, he starts rubbing it on the bruise beneath his eye. "I'm doing it. Feels better already. Thank y..." Lu Han stops in the middle of his sentence, his black eye now also coated with yellow.
The broken egg startles Tao at first, then causes him to panic. "That didn't happen on the show! Oh man, what happens now? Oh man, is that bad for the eye?! Will it get infected!? WHAT IF YOU DIE BECAUSE OF THIS!? Oh man, oh man, oh man."
A strong pair of hands on his shoulders manages to keep him sitting down, the owner of the hands afraid that Tao, in his frenzied panic, will destroy the house while looking for a cure. "Tao. It's okay. It's just egg. Lu Han won't die. His eye won't get infected. He just has to wash it out and he'll be as good as new. Other than that gorgeous black eye you gave him." Kris winks at Lu Han. "Go wash that out before Tao gives himself a heart attack. Please." As Lu Han makes his way to the bathroom, shedding his egg-covered shirt, Kris rubs Tao's shoulders, trying to get the younger one, who's still panicking, to calm down. "It's okay. He's going to get rid of the egg now. Just calm down. I would think Wushu would teach you techniques to calm yourself down."
It takes only minutes, although it feels like hours, for Tao to finally calm down. Kris slowly breathes, basking in the quiet that has finally found its way to their dorm again. That is, until Lu Han finally comes out of the bathroom. Tao's worry comes back and he hurriedly gets up and rushes to Lu Han, causing Kris to fall from the arm of the couch to the floor. "OhmygodareyouokayIwassoworriedaboutyou."
"T..Ta...Tao! Hush. Breathe. Now try saying that again so that it sounds like an actual sentence instead of one big word."
"Right. A sentence. I can do that." Taking a deep breath, Tao tries again. "OhmygodareyouokayIwassoworriedaboutyou! AndIwassureyouwereabouttodie."
Lu Han can just sigh, wondering why he even tries. He walks off to the kitcen, retruning with a pad of paper and a pencil. "Here. Write it down instead. Listening to you is giving me a headache."
"Roger that!" Taking the paper and pencil, Tao gets on the floor, writing it all out while sitting on his knees. "Lu Han ge! I'm fin...ished." He looks around the room. "Duizhang. Where did Lu Han go?"
"The second he was out of your line of sight, he ran out of the dorm. Can't say I blame him. You're clingier than a leech in a blood bank. Lu Han should get an award for dealing with you as long as he did this morning."
"Oh. you think he'll at least bring a cake home when he comes back? I could go for some cake."
"How in the world did you rope me into this, Panda?"
Tao, skipping ahead of Kris, shoping bags in hand, replies, "You said you'd do anything if I would just, and I quote, 'calm the down.' You should know by now that the only things that calm me down are cake and shopping. Now I have new clothes and ingredients for cake. It's a win-win for both of us, wouldn't you say?"
Kris can just shake his head in disbelief, taking a peek at his wallet, which is a lot emptier now than it was at the start of the day. "I'm not an ATM you know. I can't just whip out cash each time you need to calm down. I better see you wearing those clothes more than any of your other clothes from now on."
Tao, obviously unfazed by Kris's comments, changes from skipping to jumping. "It was only $170, duizhang. I'm surprised you even spent that much. You were ready to rip my head off yesterday."
Kris runs up and jumps onto Tao's back, causing him to almost fall over. "Let's just say I pity Lu Han, so I'm letting it go. At least, I'll let it go if you can carry me all the way home from here." Wiggling his legs and reaching up to mess up Tao's hair. "Let's see you put your Wushu strength to use, Panda."
"If I do, will you make the cake for me when we get home?!"
Kris, laughing at Tao's one track mind, agrees. "If you can carry me home, I'll make you the stupid cake.
Driven by his desire for the world's greatest dessert, Tao pulls Kris closer to him and sets off for home, a smile on his face.
"Cake's done, kiddo!"
The sound of running feet can be heard from the kitchen, as can the sound of Tao swearing as he slips on the floor in front of the kitchen. Kris chuckles and finishes off his glass of water, smiling as he remembers pouring a little of it in that exact spot only moments before.
A/N : I can't believe people are still subscribing (I can hardly believe someone even did in the first place!)! To all of you new subscribers, you make me smile. It's nice to know I must be doing something right.
I've discovered that listening to music while writing can be troublesome though. I've had the same song on repeat all day (Girl's Day - Nothing Lasts Forever should you wanna join me. Hehe) so I couldn't concentrate on the last half of this. Lol. I hope it still came out okay! I even tossed in a few Taoris moments finally!
Well, uh. It's almost 6am now, and I'm sleepy. Heh. Was anxious to get this one out there before sleep, so I didn't read it over for typos. Hopefully, there aren't  any!
Enjoy chapter 3 everybody! ^_^
-Runs off to bed-
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I bet so many people hate me because of chapter 8. Lol.


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Lol291992 #1
Chapter 30: You should let people know if you are going to do a different pairing then the one in the tags. It's a disappointment to get into a story and then find out that there's a pairing you don't like.
kimminseok96 #2
Chapter 20: I like this fic a lot ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 17: yes yes! chen and kris! huzzah huzzah :'D
Chapter 42: i hope everything will be better for you~ o:
will wait patiently for your return ^^
Chapter 16: Ah, Chen. XD
fishyyy #6
Chapter 41: damn, this whole series is freaking adorable and one of the funniest i've read on this website! daebak!
AshsCheesecake #7
Chapter 41: Please update this story soon! Please! This is definitely my favorite fan fiction. Please hurry and continue your awesome work
Chapter 41: please, update soon~!!! XD