Moving Day

Revenge [On Hiatus]

“No! Not there. That’s too far away. No! Not there either. It covers an outlet. No! Too close to the window. That’ll be a pain during Summer. No! That’s way too close to the heater. Are you trying to start a fire? No! Just no! You leave. I’ll do this myself.” Tao moves over to his bed, pushing Lu Han and Lay out of way, deciding to move it around himself. As he moves it, he grumbles about the other members. “How can you be so bad at moving a bed? You were doing it for almost 10 minutes.”

Xiu Min’s busy lounging back on Kris’s bed, enjoying it even though Tao’s been ing from the beginning. “Ahhh, it’ll be nice to have that out of my room.”

Tao stops pushing the bed, walking over to Xiu Min is patting his stomach. Hard. “I’m gonna miss you too, Min Seok. Now who will I get to punch at night?”

Xiu Min decides to get up and go to the living room, suddenly finding it more appealing.

Tao squeals when someone hugs him from behind. “He’s glad to be getting rid of you, and I’m ecstatic to be getting you.”

Turning around Tao wraps his arms around Kris’s neck, pulling him down to his level and kissing his cheek. “Did we really need to bring this though? I’d be more comfortable sleeping with my life-size teddy bear each night.”

Grinning, Kris gives Tao a quick peck before pushing Tao’s bed beside his. “I just wanted a bigger bed. And it’s more fun to make them move it. It’s my mission in life to drive Lu Han nuts.”

“You’re doing a good job,” Chen interrupts as he walks into their room. “He’s in there right now ing about Tao being a diva and you being an enabler of it.” He tosses Tao’s phone at him. “You should be getting a call from Baek Hyun soon. Lu Han called him to tell him to call you and tell you to stop. It’s quite funny actually.”

Not even 10 seconds later, Tao’s phone starts ringing. Tao answers the call with a sweet voice. “Baek Hyun~. I miss you~. Have I ever told you how pretty you are?” He can hear more than one person laughing at that. “Baek Hyun ah~. Am I on speaker?”

“You are. The whole group wanted to tell you to keep up the good work. Listening to Lu Han rage like that is the funniest thing we’ve experienced all week over here. Se Hun says to be meaner about it. He likes when Lu Han’s whinier than he is.”

“I’m not whiny!” Se Hun whines, causing all of Exo-K to laugh.

Tao, finding it funny as well, continues with the Lu Han talk. “Did he tell you about his black eyes?”

“Yi Fan did before Lu Han did. He sent us a picture he took when Lu Han was asleep. You pack quite the punch, Peach,” Chan Yeol praises. “Next time we’re together, you have to teach me.”

“Hehe. Okay, Chan Yeol ah. But now, I must make like a buffalo and roll. I have some moving to do. Bye~!” He can hear all of Exo-K and Chen cracking up over that as he ends the call, while all Kris can do is look down, embarrassed. He was sure that had died down by now.

“Ugh, I can’t believe you just said that, Zi Tao. You’re definitely spending your first night in our room on your own bed.”

“But… duizhang~. I thought it was cute when you said that. And it’s such a fun thing to say.” Clearing his throat, he motions for Chen to make Kris look at him. Holding Kris’s head in his hands, Chen turns his face towards Tao. “I’m sorry for this, Yi Fan, but you’ve left me with no choice.” Taking a deep breath, he looks at Kris as he puts both hands, not just one, up to his cheeks, puffing them out slightly as he puckers his lips. “Bbuing bbuing~.”

As Kris shoots a glare in Tao’s direction, his eyes narrow so much that his pupils aren’t even visible anymore. “I hate you for that.” Turning around, he shoots an equally scary glare at Chen. “And I hate you for helping him do that.” He stomps off in the direction of the living room, yelling at Xiu Min in English as he does. “Min Seok! I know it was your little Korean that taught Zi Tao about aegyo!”

From Kris – and now Tao’s – bedroom, Tao and Chen can hear Xiu Min squeal, followed by the sounds of feet running and the sounds of Lay laughing as Xiu Min bolts out the door.


Kris and Lay are watching TV when Tao comes running from the bedroom to hop on Kris’s lap. “I’m all done moving! Since someone was busy being a big mean sourpuss, I had to do it all by myself,” Tao starts pouting, and Lay snickers. Tao takes that as his cue to get off of Kris and go over to Lay, forcefully plopping himself down on his lap, a satisfied smile on his face as he watches Lay’s face switch from an amused look to a pained one. “You don’t get to laugh, Mr. Yi Xing. You didn’t help either.”

“Have you ever tried helping you? It’s not fun. At all. It makes you want to go play with a bear because you know it’s probably more fun. Bear bites off your leg, who cares? It means you aren’t currently listening to Zi Tao complain about something else.” Patting Tao’s head, he adds, “I say that with the utmost of love, of course.”

Sticking his tongue out at Lay, he moves from his lap back over to Kris’s more welcoming one, the older man’s arms wrapping around his waist instantly. Giving Kris a quick kiss, he asks what they’re doing now. “Waiting for Min Seok. He got away before I could grab him.”

Lu Han, who walked in during the public display of affection, makes a gagging sound before taking a bite of his sandwich. “It’s nice and all that you two aren’t ignoring each other anymore, but must you subject all of us to such things? Especially while I’m eating.”

Grabbing the back of Tao’s neck, Kris pulls his face to his, running his tongue over Tao’s lips before kissing him. Turning to Lu Han, he makes sure to give Tao’s bottom a quick slap as well. “But whenever you’re around, the urge to ravish Zi Tao is so much stronger, Lu Han.”

Lu Han smiles as he sets his sandwich down and walks over to Kris, grabbing each of his cheeks and pinching them as he pulls. “My lovely Yi Fan, it seems you sometimes forget who’s older between us.”

“No, I definitely don’t forget. How can I forget when you sound like such an old man?” Kris is rewarded with another pinch and pull as Lu Han painfully pulls his lips up into a smile. “What I mean is… Oh, that feels so much better,” Kris says as Lu Han lets go of his cheeks, a result of his shock as Tao pinched and pulled at his cheeks.

“Lu Han ge~, if Yi Fan kicks me out of bed because he’s in a bad mood, you know whose room I’ll head to, right?”

If Tao wasn’t still holding his cheeks, Lu Han’s mouth would definitely have fallen into a frown. Pushing Tao’s hands away, he walks back to the kitchen, pulling his phone out as he mumbles, “Stupid Baek Hyun. I knew I should’ve called Su Ho instead.”

Running over, Tao grabs the sandwich that Lu Han forgot. “Oh boy. Free lunch.”


“Yi Fan~. It’s been hours. Min Seok isn’t coming home. Let’s go do something. We can go shopping!”

“With whose money, Panda? I’m a bit broke.”

“Well… we can go window shopping!”

The second Tao mentions windows, Kris mentally facepalms himself for being such an idiot. He remembers the day Tao showed him the fanfics that Lu Han showed him. Taking Tao from his lap, he sits him down in the spot next to him. “Stay here, Panda.” Getting up, he hurries over to Xiu Min’s room, quickly opening the door and running into the bedroom. The first thing he sees is an open window, then a bed currently occupied by a sleeping Xiu Min. Mentally slapping his forehead again for not thinking of this earlier, he runs to the kitchen to get a large glass of ice cold water. Carefully making his way back to Xiu Min’s room, not wanting to spill any of the water, all he sees is the back of the tiny Korean as he runs away from the window. Groaning, he’s about to turn and leave when he sees Tao in the bedroom, leaning coolly against the wall. “Huang Zi Tao! No, you did not just do that!”

Nodding, Tao crosses his arms in front of his chest, a smirk on his face. “That was for not helping me move.”

Downing the glass of water in one shot with a scowl on his face, he shakes the remaining droplets onto Xiu Min’s bed before going back to the living room to watch TV with Lay, wondering if he’s ever actually seen Lay not glued to the TV.


“You know that the only reason I’m not torturing you right now is because I’m hungry, right?” Kris says as he sinks his teeth into the chicken leg. Xiu Min, in an attempt to get in Kris’s good graces, brought some home, just for him. Looking to his right, he sees Tao still hasn’t moved; he’s been sitting there drooling over the chicken ever since Kris started eating. Leaning over, he gives Tao a quick kiss before taking a drink. “How’s it taste, Panda?”

Tao shrugs, an innocent look on his face. “I don’t know, ge. I didn’t get a good enough taste.” Kris takes another bite. Rubbing a little bit on his lips, he leans over and kisses Tao again, lingering for a few extra seconds. his lips after Kris pulls away, Tao smiles. “You’re delicious.”

After finishing the first leg, Kris quickly takes another one, passing the bone from the first one to Tao, who hungrily puts it in his mouth. “It’s like having a dog in the house. Who needs a garbage disposal when you have a Zi Tao of your own?” Stealing Kris’s cup of water, Tao drinks half of it before putting it back. “That’s gross, Panda.”

“Says the guy who kisses him.”

“Says the guy he gave a black eye to.”

“Yah! You willingly kiss him. I didn’t willingly throw my face against his fist.”

“Yah! Don’t you ‘yah!’ me. This is China. Leave your Korean side in Korea.”

“Jong Dae says it all the time! Why don’t you tell him that?”

“Because I like Jong Dae.”

“Awww, I love you too, duizhang.” Kris jumps in his seat as Chen comes from behind and pats his shoulders.

“You big dork. You could at least let me know you’re in the room next time. Almost needed a new pair of boxers because of you.” Turning around to grab the last chicken leg, he sees 3 bones left on his plate. “Huang Zi Tao!”

Kissing his cheek, Tao flashes him a quick smile before running to their bedroom. “Thanks for the food, Yi Fan. Thanks for buying me dinner, Min Seok ge!”

Drinking the last of his water, Kris shoots a glare at Xiu Min and Chen. “I swear you two and Zi Tao are teaming up to drive me insane.” Putting his cup in the sink, and throwing away the bones of the poor chicken, he follows Tao back to their room, seeing Lay watching yet another show as he passes through the living room.


A/N : First off, finally broke the 100 subscribers mark. So happy. Thank you, MsAsianButterfly, for being the one that took me to the triple digits. Joey loves you! <3

Also! Happy late Mother's Day! Spent the whole day with mine, so that's why there was no update last night. By the time I had enough time to write, I was dead tired.
Self promotion time! Hehe. Feel free to follow me here if you have a Tumblr. ^_^
@white_snowy - Yay for happy tears! And yay for still loving Chen!
@Lee_HyunJae - I can't even imagine Lu Han being the third wheel. I can imagine how much fun it'd be to write though. xD
@VitaminBuns - Haha. I'm glad that was the hapiiest thing for you at that moment. :D

@siahna - No idea yet. I figure, at the rate it's going now, the only thing missing is . And I just know it would take me days to write that. I'd be so overly critical of myself. I'd want it to be as perfect as I could get it. For now though, I'll keep going. I'm thinking I'd like to throw another spend-the-day-together-with-someone event in at least once, but not sure yet. When it does end though, and if I do end up writing another fanfic, I doubt it would be another Taoris one. I'd have this one on my mind, and it would probably be way too similar. Maybe one of my other favorite OTPs. I definitely have a lot. :D

As for the rest of you lovely subscribers and readers that aren't subscribed, hope you enjoy!

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I bet so many people hate me because of chapter 8. Lol.


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Lol291992 #1
Chapter 30: You should let people know if you are going to do a different pairing then the one in the tags. It's a disappointment to get into a story and then find out that there's a pairing you don't like.
kimminseok96 #2
Chapter 20: I like this fic a lot ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 17: yes yes! chen and kris! huzzah huzzah :'D
Chapter 42: i hope everything will be better for you~ o:
will wait patiently for your return ^^
Chapter 16: Ah, Chen. XD
fishyyy #6
Chapter 41: damn, this whole series is freaking adorable and one of the funniest i've read on this website! daebak!
AshsCheesecake #7
Chapter 41: Please update this story soon! Please! This is definitely my favorite fan fiction. Please hurry and continue your awesome work
Chapter 41: please, update soon~!!! XD