Chapter 5

A Song Calling For You One More Time

Icing was at the airport with SS501 and U-Kiss. They were heading to Hawaii for a short break. All of them needed one. SS501, U-Kiss, and Icing have been working hard. They were recognized by people and were being followed. The airport provided security for them since it was starting to get intense. They got onto the plane before everyone else since they were flying first class.

Soo Min sat in between Kyu Jong and Young Saeng on the plane. The other members were spread. A few hours have passed while they were on the plane. Soo Min had fallen asleep. Her head was resting on Kyu Jong’s shoulder while Kyu’s head was resting on Soo Min’s head. Young Saeng head was resting on Soo Min. All three of them had fallen asleep easily.

Young Saeng woke up and realized he was sleeping on Soo Min. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. He put his ear phones in and hit play and started to read a book. Young Saeng looked over at Kyu Jong who’s head was resting on Soo Min and chuckled to himself since he thought both of them look sweet together.

Ki Ming came over and noticed unni was still sleeping and with Kyu Jong. She smirked and pulled out her cell phone and was about to take a picture and Soo Young came over and pulled on Ki Ming’s arm. “Mingie can you just let her sleep and leave her alone right now. It’s not nice to take a picture of people sleeping.. She is tired enough already. You should play with Dongho since both of you are our cute maknae’s. Were landing in an a little more than an hour.”

Soo Min started to wake up. She started to move and her eyes opened slowly. She looked at Kyu Jong who was still sleeping. She didn’t want to move too much to disturb him since he is a light sleeper. She closed her eyes again and dosed off instantly. It only felt like moments later that someone was shaking to wake her up. “Soo Min.”

Soo Min opened her eyes and looked at Kyu. “Kyu, what is it are we in Hawaii now.” She sat up and looked at everyone getting their luggage. Soo Min sat up and rubbed her eyes and stood up. “Was I sleeping this whole time?”

“I think so I only woke up an hour ago.” Kyu got up and got Soo Min and Young Saengs stuff down. Everyone headed off the plane and waited for their other luggage. After they got their luggage they headed out side because they had a bus ready for them to take them to the villa that they rented out for the week.

Ki Ming grabbed on to Soo Min arm when they arrived at the villa. “UNNIIIIIIIII lets go to the beach.” Ki Ming started to drag Soo Min along.

"We’ll be back later. Mingie and I are going to go exploring.” She waved to everyone else and headed out. The beach was just down the path from the villa. There were a few villas around, but not many.

Soo Min and Ki Ming walked down the beach. Soo Min loved the beach. She never really gets to go to the beach often. Being an Idol made it difficult to go places without being spotted by fans. She looked around and smiled. It was warm here compared to Korea right now. Soo Min felt a beach ball hit her head.

“Unni is in dreamland.” Ki Ming smirked. “Thinking about something or someone. Oh who could the person or thing be?”

“Oh, it’s nothing Mingie. It is nice to have a clear mind, and not stressing about our new mini album. The song and lyrics are finished. All we have to do is record the main track and learn the dance. Also, the second track is almost finished; it is going to be a ballet. We have to shoot two or three videos when we get back and record all the other songs on the album.” Soo Min saw going through her cell phone. She had the lyrics inputted her phone.

“Unni no talking about work. You need to relax.” Ki Ming said as she pulled Soo Min’s phone out of her hand and ran off back to the villa.

“Yaaa give me my phone back.” Soo Min ran into the villa after Ki Ming. They ran inside and around the villa. The ran back outside and headed towards the pool. Soo Min didn’t realize that she ran right into the pool and made a splash.

“Unni, are you ok.” Ki Ming asked.

“Never better.” She said spitting out the water and swam to the edge. Everyone was outside now due to the splash that they heard. Soo Min looked at Dongho and Kevin holding out their hand for her to take. Soo Min smirked as she took their hand and pulled them into the pool. Everyone started to laugh. They were really enjoying their first day in Hawaii, but it was coming to an end because the sun was going down. They were all tired and fell asleep instantly once their heads hit their pillows.

It was the next day of their trip already and they rented one big boats to go snorkeling. They were heading out around noon. Soo Min, Suhyun, Eli, Kyu Jong, and Young Saeng woke up and were preparing a picnic for everyone to have when they were on the boat later. Soo Min was placing everything into a basket.

Soo Min looked at the clock and decided to go wake the others up. Soo Min entered the room she was sharing with Ki Ming and Suhyun. She looked at her Maknae Ki Ming. She was spread across the floor hugging a teddy bear. Soo Min kneeled down and shook her slightly. “Mingie its time to get up,” she said in a gentle voice.

Ki Ming eyes opened and she looked at Soo Min. “Five more minutes’ unni.”

“Mingie if I give you five more minutes you will fall asleep again. Do you want me to get Kibum to wake you like her wakes Dongho.”

Ki Ming got up quickly, “Ok I’m up I will be down in a few minutes.” She said as she was looking for something to wear in her suitcase.

Soo Min got up and headed to another room. Mi Su and Soo Young were already awake and dress. They were just sitting there, chatting. They looked at Soo Min as she entered and both said “Hey unni! When are we leaving to go snorkeling?”

Authors Note: I hope you like this chapter. Its mainly the plane ride and I little the members of Icing, U-Kiss, and SS501 messing around. I'm starting to think of other pairings. 

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kyurosy #1
Chapter 36: Hmm nice story I'm also so confused between kyu and bum cuz they r my bias to but for me I choose my sweet kyuie
bubblegirl12 #2
Chapter 36: nice! jfdksal; i lreally like it!
I know! But at the timw my heart could not do that to Kibum since it was during well you know since Kibum is Junnies brother
Awww cute story xcept for the last two chapter i changed it to Kyujongie in my mind xD i really like the fic but again yu should know who i really like from my user name lol sowiee <3
thanks for commenting
Dianasaur #6
SS501 is awesome LOL
don't worry Yuki and Shiawase i'm going to be writting side stories for this fic. I'm planning on it but right now I'm focusing on other stories please check them out
YukiMary #8
Awww I really love this story~~!! ^^ So it was Kibum who with her finally? Awwwwww >.< XDDD I really love this story!!! yaya~~ Well its end already. Haha but its really great!! Thanks for writing this!!! ^^~~~
awww thanks I have 6 other fan fics to work on lolz you should check them out