What Happened?

My Unexpected Husband (FIX & REVISE)

I woke up in a hospital! How did I get here? Why am I here? Did I hirt myself? When did I get here? I tried to ait up but there was pain in my right shoulder and I saw my right arm in a cast. What the heck?

"Excuse me, but what happened," I asked the nurse.

"You don't remember," she said. I shook my head no. "You took a shot for a boy. The boy was kida short, has brown and blonde-ish hair and he was from SHINee, I think." She put my breakfeast pver my lap and left the the room. I kept thinking but I couldn't remember. I tried to close my eyes to remember but its a big blurr.

I took my spoon and start eating my noodles. I wonder who is the boy and SHINee. Unexpectedly the door opened wide. It was the boy that the nurse explained him. He came up to me and hugged me.

"Ummmm...who are you," I asked. He looked at him confused.

"Ji Woo, are you joking," he said laughing. And the four more boys came in. They gave me hugs, flowers, and a giant big teddy bear.

"I'm serious! Who are you guys," I screamed. They were in shock.

The tallest one said, "Onew, get the doctor?" They guy,Onew, nodded his head and ran out looking for the doctor. They were still in my room.

"Ji Woo, It's me,Jonghyun," Jonghyun said.

"Mianhae, I don't remember you. Mianhae," I said and bowed my head. Then the tall guy came up to me.

"Do you know me," he said. I shook my head no. Then that Onew guy came in again but with the doctor.

"I'm telling you, she has amnesia," Onew said. The doctor came up to me, looked into my eyes and asked who were the boys in the room.

"The only person I know is Onew because that tall guy said his name," I said and pointed at the tall guy.

"This is not good," said the doctor. He told boys to wait inside of my room while I go to a examination room. The nurse put me in a wheelchair and bring me into this really dark room. 

"Just realax," said the nurse. I tried to by breathe in and out but it made me dissy. The nurse brought me to the chair and put a helment over my head. I had to sit still like a stick for five minutes. It was hard. My nose started to itch. I sruntch my nose. I wanted to scratch it but I shouldn't. After, the five minutes was up, I immediately removed my helment and scratch it. It felt good. 

"Will tell you how bad is your amnesia soon, okay," said the nurse. I nodded. I went down and go to to my wheelchair. The nurse took me to my room and the borwn and blond-ish boy helped me to my bed. I bowed my head and said thank you. He showed a beautiful smile. I started to blush. 

"Ji Woo, but do you know who I am though. Not my name but our relationship," he said. 

"Ani," I said. I felt sad. He frowned for my answer. 

"It's okay," He said. He waved agoodbye and I did the same. Once he and his friends left, I questioned myself. I look thorught my bag. It had my phone and Iooked through it. I saw pictures me, my mom and my sister. And then there were pictures of me and the guy! It looked like we were friends. But when we click the next pictures...it was us kissing. 

"Are you my boyfriend," I said to myself. 




Mianhae for my absents!!!

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Will Fix and Revise


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kealohilani3 #1
Chapter 19: Is her name Ji Woo or Jwi so?
crazyKpopGirl #2
if you love someone kingka or not go for it!!!!!go go go
StayLeeForever #3
Kyaaa!!! I was like, key what are you teaching an innocent girl?! But then it ended up as that game:) AHAHAHAHAH
XxtaerilxX #4
OMG!!! this so nice.. haha.. update soon~~!!
Love the special chapter!
and I don't know why, but I kept on replaying that video over and over again :O
Update soon~! Uwaahhhh I can't believe it's almost done!!!
:O that first special chapter was good ;D I would have done the same as her if that ever happened to me :O
WHAT THE?! okay seriously if this is in real life i would hunt lee joo--head DOWN.......
Omg...pls be ok...jwi so