Plan To Pee



Danson stirred from the other cell, blinking his eyes once.

Charlene let a breath out, in the cell next to him.

“What the…?” A slightly dazed Danson started, noticing that his hand was pulled upwards toward one of the bars, where it was handcuffed to Charlene’s hand on the other side of the bar.

“This is to make sure there’s no way either one of us can escape.” Charlene muttered, her voice monotone, as if it didn’t surprise.

Here she was, back on enemy territory.

Here she was, with the same people that had decided JJ should die.

Then Danson realized where they were. “You should have left.” He said immediately, a pained expression on his face, as if he hated seeing her there with him in such a situation.

“I wouldn’t have been able to get away anyways.” Charlene responded, staring at the handcuffs.

Refusing eye contact, this doesn’t make her words too trustworthy.

“You should’ve tried. I think we both know that you may have made it.”

“But then you would-”

“YOU don’t care about ME.” Danson told her, frustrated at her stubbornness.

Again, the two of them fell into a moment of awkward silence. He was angry. She was guilty.

“Now you make it I that screwed up the prophecy. Because of me, more lives are lost.” Danson whispered, tightening his handcuffed hand into a fist.

And like that, silence once again sneaked between them, a moment of no words, but a lot of awkward looking away from each other.

They remained silent, unwilling to back down for the other. It was ironic how the exact qualities they hated in the other were the exact ones the two share.

Charlene sighed and shook her chain bound hand, listening to the tinkling sounds. It was a wonder how something keeping them here was making innocent little ‘tinkling’ sounds.

A band of fighters made their way into the jail cell, accompanied by one elder superior. Charlene’s dislike for them deepened as they traveled round and round the cell, as if she and Danson were animals in a Zoo.

She thought she saw Danson’s skin colour deepen in colour to a different shade of sickly pale because of the hatred for these ‘human –claiming’ monsters. For sure did she his jaws clench, however, and the tightening of his chain-bound hand into a fist.

“And this is your famous, but useless ‘savior’” the Elder superior said in a bored tone, as if he was an elementary school teacher taking students out for a trip.

“Can we… touch them?” A boy probably barely 13 asked, taking a closer to Charlene. He must be a newly training fighter, as he knew nothing about people like Charlene.

Charlene glared at them, pulling on the handcuff to get Danson to open his eyes.

“Stop looking like those always sleeping gorillas in the Zoos!” Charlene called.

“What do you suggest I do then, the all mighty savior? Act like a sleeping giraffe?” He responded sarcastically, pulling back on the handcuff to make Charlene lean in his direction instead.

“Well, they want a show, right?” Charlene grinned at him. “Then let us give them one.”

“Charlene, you know your plans usually don’t work right?”

“I don’t see you trying, since you seem to hate me right now.” Charlene shrugged, giving him a look of pure arrogance.

Danson sighed. “Lean in closer.”


“I NEED TO PEE.” Danson called aloud to the students, making the elder superior turn red at the ears.

“You don’t get to pee… you’re a monster.” He responded, looking down at Charlene and Danson only through the corner of his eyes.

“So apparently, only humans pee…” Charlene muttered sarcastically. “I don’t care. Your leader wants us alive when he sees us, so of course, there’s a reason. Imagine if he were to die of his own urine-poisoning…” Charlene started, giving the elder superior a look of whether he was sure he was the boss.

He obviously wasn’t.

“I-uh- don’t talk to me! I…” He looked hesitant for a second, trying to keep his dignity in front of his students, but of course only masking his fear.

“GO GET SOMEONE THAT CAN FREAKING MAKE DECISIONS!” Charlene yelled, privately laughing at his startled expression. So Danson was right, he was scared of her.

Tripping over his own feet, the man made his way out the door, forgetting about his students. A few of the ‘good’ students followed their teacher, but the few confused ones remained.

Charlene grinned.

Danson shook his head at Charlene’s childish grin; they still had a long way to go. 


Sorry, this chapter's kinda short :( On a hurry because of stupid Biology class... blech blech :) 

Thanks for reading, sorry for any grammar issues! 


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Chapter 1: Test
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Killa92 #3
karambolage #4
ANother unfinished fic. Update?
opklnm #5
update soon
CharleneSa #6
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you soooo much for updating this story. this is absolutely one of my fave stories of all time!!!!! oh gosh, everytime i read it, i just feel like hugging you for writing such a awesome story
omg!!! i love this ff!! but y dont u have many subscribers!! :(( maybe cuz its taiwanese ff? .. well anyywayyy its a good ff!! i hope u get more subscribers!!
CharleneSa #8
“I NEED TO PEE.” Danson called aloud to the students, making the elder superior turn red at the ears. AHAHAHAHAHA this seriously got me laughing my head off! when i read the title of this chapter, i was like, WHAT?! HUH?! and then when i read that sentence it all made sense and i was lie ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhuuuuuu what a good laugh! thks so much ^^ lovely chappie! i love charlene and danson together as a couple so i really love their interaction here! CUTE! ps. are u excited for char's new album? LOL JIA YOU
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