History Lesson




“But I will start off by recapping a part of history that was never recorded: Something that happened to the first generation of, well, people like you.” 
JJ reframed from saying ‘your kind’ because he knew Charlene was different than the other cold-hearted people in the ‘Unloving ones.’ 
Charlene was listening attentively on his lap, biting her bottom lip, knowing that it wouldn’t be the best thing for her to hear this. 
Did Charlene know he was breaking all rules by telling her this? 
“As they might’ve told you, Darren Molterak, a-umm, first generation, I mean founder of the whole killing thing, had pinned a human man to a tree when that man called him a monster because he knew what Darren is. Before that man died however, he had told Darren a…prediction. That man was a wise man that knew nothing but that people shall not be harmed just because they are people, and said to be weaker. After Darren left, leaving a presumed dead Man there, a little boy ran out from the shrubs and stared at the man on the ground. 
The little boy had heard everything. 
The little boy cried as he knelt down beside the man. That man was his father. The little boy’s tears ran and ran. Who would’ve known that the little boy’s tears could revive his dead father? His father woke up blinking tears of his own. 
The both of them ran back to their little village and told everybody the story. Nobody believed their haunted story. The two of them resolved to only telling the people in their family of this. Even their family doubted that what they said really happened, but they were a supportive family, so they took what they said into consideration. It wasn’t until people started disappearing off the streets and being removed completely from people’s lives that people started realizing that the wise words of these two were more than just words, it was the truth. The whole village started to try their best to fend off these unwanted, and deadly foes…they didn’t succeed. More and more people died every day, and since people knew of them, they killed with more freedom, even coming out in daytime and murdering people in front of other people. Desperate times call for desperate measures; soon enough, people were pushing off their friends and family to the ‘unloving ones’ for sacrifice, so they themselves would not be harmed. The great man or ‘Terran the noble’ could not believe this. People were becoming cold-hearted and selfish. He knew that the happening of this would mean the end of the human species, since they weren’t uniting as one to fend of those that were a lot stronger, which in turn, made them weaker. He got his family together in a hidden compartment in their house, but he knew that this wouldn’t help them long, for the ‘unloving ones’ could sense life, and they would go to any length to rid humans of life. Terran then revealed to his children and great children where their mother was: she was dead. She had gone uncover to the ‘unloving ones’, hoping to gather as much information as possible before she was killed. She had a way with words, and being charming and beautiful, she easily made the ‘unloving ones’ honor her above all the other humans. She was treated better than others, and the leader Darren himself, kept her in his dormitory. She was clever and adventurous, soon, she had gathered so much unknown and unrevealed secrets that the ‘unloving ones’ became suspicious. She wrote it all in code, and inside it revealed things about the ‘unloving ones’ that even the ‘unloving ones’ themselves did not know. In that letter, she mentioned how to destroy the ‘unloving ones.’ After all, besides for the need to feed on death, inhuman gifts and natural abilities as speed and such to kill prey easier, the ‘unloving ones’ were pretty much human. They could die too. Like Terran’s son though, Terran’s family also had unbelievable gifts. The gifts they had were specialized into destroying the ‘unloving ones.’ The letter also revealed another secret that would be important to Terran. Terran and Darren were twins born from the same mother and father. It was destined for the two brothers to fight and for one side to win. However, the night before the big war between human race and the ‘unloving ones,’ Terran committed suicide. Without Terran to lead the humans, they all failed miserably, and blood flowed like rivers down the streets of that village. Terran’s family however, was leaded by a blue butterfly to a place where they were hidden and safe from the ‘unloving ones.’ Legends say that that butterfly was Terran coming back to save his family, but why did he save his family but not anybody else? Was he just selfish? No, Terran was not selfish. Terran had the gift of knowing what would happen in the future, he had found out that the war between the two would not be won by humans. He needed to fool fate though; he couldn’t let all the innocent die like that. He brought his family away so they could form a team to destroy all the unloving ones. By night and by day, his sons, daughters and grandchildren worked hard to discover their own talents, hoping that their family would be able to survive until the savior of human and the ‘unloving’ came to their aid.” 
“Savior…?” Charlene interrupted, despite herself. 
JJ ran his fingers through Charlene’s dark hair lovingly and sighed. He knew she would pick out the key information. 
“We’ll get to that…now though, I should continue to story. The family couldn’t come into a full-on clash with the unloving ones, but slowly, they killed the ‘unloving ones’ one by one. Although they couldn’t rid of all of the ‘unloving ones,’ they continued to work hard in destroying them, following the rules that Terran and his wife had left behind for them. Generation after Generation, children became teens to adults to parents to grand parents to great-grand parents to history and a legend. Together, they all looked for the savior Terran had spoken of. Now, here’s the truth: I am born for the sole use of killing you. Terran is my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather. Our only purpose in life is to destroy as many of you as we can. WE are called the fighters, and we’re supposed to hate you with all our heart, but I can’t.” JJ whispered the last part to himself. Why did he love his supposed enemy? JJ…didn’t know what he should do, and it was all showing now. Should he kill Charlene, whom he loved, or should he disobey his family and continue loving Charlene? And if he couldn’t disobey his family, do you think he would be able to kill Charlene with his own hands? 
Charlene was quiet, though JJ didn’t know it; Charlene understood the pain and confusion he was going through. 
“What would they do if they-if they found out you-you-” Charlene grabbed his hand. 
“NOTHING,” JJ said firmly, but he looked away and dropped his hand from her tight grip. 
“I’m-not-worth-it,” Charlene pronounced every word carefully, tears filling her eyes. She could see that JJ was trying to lie to her. She knew even if she died after the ‘fighters’ found out about JJ loving her, JJ would still not get off the hook. They would look at JJ as if JJ was a traitor. 
“Then nothing is worth it,” JJ answered, his head snapping up instantly when he heard Charlene say she shouldn’t be important to him. 
Charlene shook her head sharply as sobbed. “It’ll hurt more to see you suffer because of me than to leave you now! I can’t let your FAMILY, of all people, hurt you!” 
Charlene stood up abruptly. Charlene turned to the door and was about to walk out when she heard something to make her stop. Pain-filled tears were dropping from JJ’s eyes. The first time Charlene EVER saw JJ cry, and it was because of her. 
Charlene came to a decision. She would rather it be herself that goes through hurt later on if they’re discovered, rather than watching JJ go through pain now. 
Charlene ran back to JJ, and through her own tears, she could see JJ trying to smile-trying to get positive again to make Charlene stop crying. 
“I still have to tell you the rest.” JJ whispered to Charlene as he wiped away her tears with a gentle touch of his hands.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Chapter 1: Test
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Killa92 #3
karambolage #4
ANother unfinished fic. Update?
opklnm #5
update soon
CharleneSa #6
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you soooo much for updating this story. this is absolutely one of my fave stories of all time!!!!! oh gosh, everytime i read it, i just feel like hugging you for writing such a awesome story
omg!!! i love this ff!! but y dont u have many subscribers!! :(( maybe cuz its taiwanese ff? .. well anyywayyy its a good ff!! i hope u get more subscribers!!
CharleneSa #8
“I NEED TO PEE.” Danson called aloud to the students, making the elder superior turn red at the ears. AHAHAHAHAHA this seriously got me laughing my head off! when i read the title of this chapter, i was like, WHAT?! HUH?! and then when i read that sentence it all made sense and i was lie ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhuuuuuu what a good laugh! thks so much ^^ lovely chappie! i love charlene and danson together as a couple so i really love their interaction here! CUTE! ps. are u excited for char's new album? LOL JIA YOU
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