


“JJ, yo, where are you JJ?” 
Show shut the door closed and walked into JJ’s room to find him snuggled under a bunch of soft blankets. Of course though, the blankets were just a total mess. Some people are messy eaters, JJ was a messy SLEEPER. JJ’s right foot peeked out from a side of blankets. And his head tilted close to the blankets, his soft breaths the only sound in the room. 
Show sighed. 
There’s no wonder why JJ didn’t reply any of his calls. 
A series of “Ding Dongs” echoed throughout the silent apartment. 
Show already knew who it was. 
“Yo, CHAR, JJ’s sleeping, ugh, you ALWAYS press the bell like, a billion times!” 
“Oh, oops.” Charlene bit her bottom lip as she walked into the familiar building without invitation. Charlene was such close friends with the both of them that she never really considered small things like MANNERS. In front of them, Charlene could take off any guard, any wall that she had put up. 
Charlene had just put down her backpack on the sofa when suddenly, something occurred to her. 
“JJ?” Charlene suddenly became thoughtful. A series of words floated through her mind. 
~~~~ "Wayne Lin. Call me Jay, like this dude calls me." Said the guy. 
"Hi, Jay." Said Charlene, still smiling. 
"I do not call you that!" Said Show, "I call you-"~~~~~~~
____________ JJ Lin, I'm guessing it's the guy's name. We will look for this JJ Lin." ______________
“JJ Lin? It-it can’t be, right? It’s probably just a coincidence…” Charlene muttered to herself as she stared at the floor, but she just can’t settle this weird feeling running through her veins. 
“Yeah…JJ, but somehow, a few weeks ago, he suddenly gets really annoyed if I call him by JJ. JJ has always been a nickname for him though, but only his close family members and I call him by it. He never liked it if other people him call him by JJ. Weird huh, maybe it’s cause he believes it doesn’t make him ‘MAN’ enough or something…” Show laughed, as if it was impossible for JJ to be ‘Man.’ He was only kidding though. 
“So…you say JJ’s sleeping?” Charlene asked, only trying to distract Show from noticing she was kind of spacing out.
“Yep, sleeping like a baby. Hey, have fun, I’m going to go change out of these clothes- they’re kind of uncomfortable. It’s a huge price paying for being the stylish, cool one!” Show laughed as he some poses. 
Once Show left, Charlene wondered about in their cozy, safe and warm apartment. She felt guarded and loved every time she entered their home. 
Charlene stopped without her own notice in front of JJ’s room. The door was slightly opened. Charlene pushed it open a little more and peeked in. She found JJ sleeping soundly in his messy bed. At that exact moment, Charlene realized something: She would much rather the person that was said to have bounded her by love to be THIS JJ rather than any other random guy. Charlene found herself walking slowly and quietly into JJ’s room, towards JJ’s bed, where he was sleeping peacefully, as if he had not one care in the world. 
Charlene sighed, if only she could sleep with the same kind of peace. Charlene had a nightmare every night now, not one of them contained one smile or one phrase of encouragement. 
Charlene reached out her hand and JJ across the cheek- he felt so warm, so comforting against her ice cold hand. Even one touch of his cheek calmed her nerves- her fears. 
Charlene closed her eyes focused on her own breathing, in and out; in and out her breaths came. Something triggered some memories in the back of her brain that she had stored for further use- or maybe she thought not useful at the moment. 
The mini-movie played through her head. A young woman in her early twenties stood with her left arm on her left hip, a young baby was cuddled in a mass of blankets in her right arm; a knowing look was on her face. 
“Honey, don’t worry, I KNOW when our first date was!” A young man with a huge, innocent smile plastered across his face came forward and tickled the woman as she laughed hysterically. 
“I love you, and it was May 16th. I picked you up at exactly 7:00 pm; we went to the seaside to look at the calming waters-which you absolutely ADORE, besides myself of course.” He laughed. “You were wearing a turquoise skirt with a blue blouse. Think you were trying to look sophisticated and mature for our first date, but you accidently slipped and fell into the water,” Continued the man, smiling at the glowing red woman in front of him-his wife. He loved her adorable clumsiness. 
“And we had our first kiss that night…” the woman sighed, recalling great memories. 
Suddenly, that clip was stopped as another replaced it. It was the same woman and man, but beside them was a little boy barely 6, smiling as he held an ice cold Popsicle. His little pink tongue poked out every few seconds as he devoured the tasty treat his father bought him. 
The man and woman were smiling huge smiles, but there were worry lines on their still young faces and the woman’s eyes were thoughtful. 
“Let’s bring JJ to your mother.” The man said glumly. 
“No, she knows nothing of this; she can’t and won’t help us.” 
“Mommy, daddy, want some?” JJ smiled brightly and his dimples showed. 
“No honey, it’s alright, you have it okay?” The mother said kindly, patting her adorable son on the head. 
The man and the woman both sighed; their son looked up, interested. 
Then another clip took place of this one. 
The little boy had grown up to be about 10, but even at ten, he looked weak and childish. He was smiling as he walked down the street chewing on gum. 
“Hey, JJ, what’s up?” A little boy called from across the street, but on his face was a worried expression. 
There were police cars all around his house. 
“Your parents were murdered, you’ll be sent to an orphanage.” The police officers said as the shocked JJ just sat there silently. He was too shocked for even tears. 
He looked to the side and his parents’ faces were pale white, with exactly no color at all tinting their usually happy faces. His mother’s eyes were opened, but not shocked; it looked as if she wanted to say something: last words. 
His father had his arms around his mother. 
“It’s you, isn’t it?” 
JJ’s voice startled Charlene and she dropped her hand from his face. 
He blushed when he noticed that her hand was on his face a second ago.
“I’m what?” Charlene asked, unable to think that he would know of the bond. 
“Come,” Said JJ urgently as he grabbed hold of Charlene’s wrist and pulled her out his room. 
“Where are you guys going?” A confused Show asked. 
“Just out to get some pizza, we’ll be right back,” Show calmly replied. 
“Kay.” Show replied, smiling. 
JJ leaded Charlene walking and walking for a full half an hour. He stopped her in front of a huge lake. Charlene recognized it as the one she saw with the little kid and his parents. 
JJ sat down on a rock and patted the spot beside him. Charlene sat down, grateful that the how she had touched his cheek had not affected the way he thought of her. 
“You’re her, aren’t you?” JJ muttered as he grabbed Charlene’s wrist once again.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Chapter 1: Test
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Killa92 #3
karambolage #4
ANother unfinished fic. Update?
opklnm #5
update soon
CharleneSa #6
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you soooo much for updating this story. this is absolutely one of my fave stories of all time!!!!! oh gosh, everytime i read it, i just feel like hugging you for writing such a awesome story
omg!!! i love this ff!! but y dont u have many subscribers!! :(( maybe cuz its taiwanese ff? .. well anyywayyy its a good ff!! i hope u get more subscribers!!
CharleneSa #8
“I NEED TO PEE.” Danson called aloud to the students, making the elder superior turn red at the ears. AHAHAHAHAHA this seriously got me laughing my head off! when i read the title of this chapter, i was like, WHAT?! HUH?! and then when i read that sentence it all made sense and i was lie ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhuuuuuu what a good laugh! thks so much ^^ lovely chappie! i love charlene and danson together as a couple so i really love their interaction here! CUTE! ps. are u excited for char's new album? LOL JIA YOU
grace_leeu #9
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