


"Teacher, I have searched through this entire country and found many by the name of JJ Lin. I eliminated the girls, but there are still a large amount of men. What shall we do, Teacher?" Asked a female with blood red hair. 
"We have no other choice. Find all of them, meet them. For the one that has escaped, you will not feel craving for his death. Go now." Said Cherron. 
"Yes Teacher." 
"Charlene is lucky...I can't believe it. Of all people, of all the young ones, it just MUST be Charlene? Why did this have to happen? Maybe I should've just left her be..." Said Cherron, a series of picture flashbacks drifted through his mind. 
"Teacher, why must I be kept away from all the others?" Asked young Cherron, his innocent smile in place but confusion shown in his tone of voice. 
"Why, don't ask that Cherron." Said Cherron's old Teacher. 
"I want to know Teacher! I can't play with my other friends! They're...they're all kept away from me!" Said Cherron, crying. Cherron was lucky though, this paticular teacher had a connection with Cherron, or he wouldn't have been able to talk to the teacher like this for so long without being punished. 
The Teacher softened but kept his distance from the crying Cherron. 
"Because you're different-special." Said the Teacher. 
The Teacher should've known that Cherron would not give up this easy, after all, one of the reasons The Teacher likes Cherron so much was because of his intellegience. 
Cherron sighed and looked into the Teacher's eyes. "Teacher, you and I both know that's an excuse." 
The Teacher was once again amazed by Cherron's intellegience at the ripe age of 5. 
"Alright, I shall tell you Cherron, but promise me you will not let this speech bring you down. Do not let it come true or be of the exact future. Be good and promise you will not feel shame or sad if I tell you this. I was going to tell you when you get older, but as you bring the topic up as such an important thing, I will tell you, but handle it with maturity." 
Young Cherron braced himself and took deep breath. "I am ready for the truth." He said calmly, blinking as his smile disappeared to show his seriousness of the topic. 
"Well, we must begin from the beginning. We must begin with the first generation of our kind. Our great ancestors were indeed great, they suffered greatly to ensure our comfort. They had braced against pain and suffering while embracing any chances coming towards them. Our great ancestor-Darren Molterak-was one of the founders of us. He was on a hunt one day and saw a bunch of miserable humans down by a pond fishing. Among them was a young man with roughly carved features and ragged clothes on. He took one glance at The Great Teacher and his eyes narrowed. 'I know what you are, monster' he said." He had offended our Great Teacher and that was wrong, so The Great Teacher let his friends go but pinned him to a tree and decided to ask him a question. 'What do you mean monster?' He had growled. 'Your terrible acts, the way you kill us humans for no reason. You're a monster, you fit the term alright.'" Said Cherron's Teacher. 
"That's mean." Said the innocent Cherron, but the Teacher couldn't even smile at Cherron's naivety right now, only bitterness could be felt for him. 
"The great master held his neck and slowly took the breath out of him, draining life away from him. Even with his last few beaths, that evil man must curse The Great Master. He had gasped 'With your evil deeds, a generation of your's shall be the last to do these evil acts. A young girl with bravery beyond normal and intellect different among others. She shall bring along her friends, friends of your own kind and rebel against the wrong of your actions. She shall succeed. Even though succeeding is not easy, she will have to sacrifice more than she can bear, but she will. She is the daughter of a mortal and your kind. She bears the name of Charlene and is the daughter of a Teacher. This particular Teacher is born with a kind of aura that makes one adore him. HE goes by the name of Cherron. He shall be the one destined to have to fight against his own daughter. His daughter is mighty in heart and brave in soul, her friends loyal. The first friend positive and shines light on all darkness, the next friend healing with his mind, the third with strength to kill the unknown, fourth a female with spirirt that never breaks, fifth hard and rigid, never breaks apart. The sixth with wisdom beyond her own experiences. The seventh and eighth cannot be named, for they are still undecided. Charlene bears the gift that none can top, She shall see all: Lies, truth...and the past. Her generation is the generation where all disastrous actions would forever-more cease.' He had said, then died right there, right then. The Greath Master could not help but find this all confusing and somehow starting to believe him. You are Cherron. We ust make sure you CANNOT be adored by everyone, so we keep you away from everybody else. We have to tell you that you cannot have a mortal spouse. You cannot bear that daughter." Finished Cherron's Teacher. 
Cherron left that afternoon wishing he hadn't asked why he was being isolated. 
Cherron sighed as he recalled all the memories. It had been his fault that there is a chance Charlene shall be able to rebel against her own species. 
He just HAD to lose control when facing Charlene's real mother, he lost control in the form of love. But he killed her in the end. Who knew that the police found her shortly after, sending her quickly to the hospital to find that the baby-Charlene-only having been in her mother's womb for 2 hours, had been grown to the size of a normal baby at 9 months, fully functional. They had taken Charlene out, not knowing that she had not been there for 9 months, but 2 hours. So this is what happens when a mortal bears the child of an immortal, the baby grows fast. 
Cherron had looked in the newspaper two days later to find the heading "Amazing 9 month baby survives in dead Mother's womb." 
Then a picture of Charlene's mother. 
Cherron had choked on nothing. He nearly hyperventilated. 
His baby had survived. 
Cherron rushed to the hospital and claimed Charlene to be his own daughter, insisting that they need not check DNA. They did, he was the father, and they let him take Charlene away. Cherron thought quickly and decided he would make someone-a mortal woman-take care of his child. 
He found the absolute WORST person to be Charlene's mother, so Charlene would LIKE to go back to him when the time was right. Who knew this fact helped Charlene become the stubborn and strong person she is now?
Who knew Charlene could develop such a strong hatred for her own father? 
The telling is just getting more and more real. 
What Cherron didn't understand was what the man said about Charlene's gift to be able to see lies, the truth and the past. It can't be, if any gift was present, it would've been shown shortly after her heart 
was taken out. 
For everybody else, it wasn't neccessary to TAKE OUT the heart, since their body functions properly with or without it there. For Charlene though, she was half human, therefore, there is a possibility of her heart recovering and functioning normally again. 
Why didn't Cherron just KILL Charlene when she was just born? 
That's probably a question everybody would ask. 
Just because Cherron acts strong and hard and tough on the outside doesn't mean he is. 
Just because Cherron is especially hard on Charlene and acts somewhat cruel to her doesn't mean she isn't his daughter. 
Just because he killed Charlene's mother doesn't mean he never and will ever stop loving her. 
Just because Cherron was taught since young to follow and believe all The Great Teachers believed doesn't mean he LIKES what he does. 
Charlene is Cherron's daughter. 
No one can change that truth.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Chapter 1: Test
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Killa92 #3
karambolage #4
ANother unfinished fic. Update?
opklnm #5
update soon
CharleneSa #6
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you soooo much for updating this story. this is absolutely one of my fave stories of all time!!!!! oh gosh, everytime i read it, i just feel like hugging you for writing such a awesome story
omg!!! i love this ff!! but y dont u have many subscribers!! :(( maybe cuz its taiwanese ff? .. well anyywayyy its a good ff!! i hope u get more subscribers!!
CharleneSa #8
“I NEED TO PEE.” Danson called aloud to the students, making the elder superior turn red at the ears. AHAHAHAHAHA this seriously got me laughing my head off! when i read the title of this chapter, i was like, WHAT?! HUH?! and then when i read that sentence it all made sense and i was lie ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhuuuuuu what a good laugh! thks so much ^^ lovely chappie! i love charlene and danson together as a couple so i really love their interaction here! CUTE! ps. are u excited for char's new album? LOL JIA YOU
grace_leeu #9
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