Confession #2 - How I feel

Confessions of a girl




With a dazed expression, _______ walked back to class. Even though she had promised herself to never let her ‘problem’ interfere with when she was in school, _______ couldn’t help but feel depressed that day.

“Ooof! Sorry, didn’t see you there!”

_______ looked up, only to find the owner of the voice already gone.

“Ya!! Wait for me!”

Following the sound of the voice, _______ looked ahead of her & saw Mr. Popular running towards his friends. Unknowingly, a smile crept onto _______’s face as she saw him fooling around with them, a smile on his face.

As _______ continued her way back to class, she thought of the first time she ever saw that smile. It was just as bright as ever, so magnificent it blinds. Ok…. Maybe there’s a slight exaggeration but, that was how bright it was to _______.


~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~


“Ughhh! I can’t believe he forgot to pick me up from school today! Pssht~ Some male nurse he is!” _______ grumbled as she fought through the drizzle & the blasting winds. The slight downpour wasn’t all bad but the hurling winds made it extremely hard for _______ to walk. Without so much as a book (books are left at school, only homework are brought home), let alone an umbrella, _______ was defenseless against the weather.

“Aaahhhh~~~” _______ shrieked as she came crashing down, flat-faced against the cement ground. She had tripped over a couple of stones & was now sitting in the middle of the road, in the rain, with a scraped knee.

A tear escaped her eye & _______ was glad that no one was there to see her in such a pitiful state. Suddenly, a hand appeared before her. As _______ looked up at the boy in front of her, she never thought it was possible for someone to shine so brightly.

“Take my hand”

And when she did, a small tingling sensation ran through her fingers. She never felt such warmth from a person before, besides her man nurse, but this was different. A sense of excitement & giddiness surrounded _______’s body as she realized that they were still holding hands.

As _______ carefully slipped her hands out of his, she thanked him. All of a sudden, she felt cold again but there was this scorching spark at the tip of her fingers.

“Here, wear this,” he said as he took off his jacket & placed it round _______’s shoulders. Pulling the hood onto her head, his heart-warming smile never faded. _______ couldn’t help from smiling as well. Once he was done, he waved goodbye & ran off.

Still stunned from what just happened, _______ just stood there, further soaked by the drizzle. Lifting her hands, she smiled once again looking at them. All of a sudden, she didn’t mind walking in the rain anymore & if not was thankful. If she had been fetched from school, she never would’ve met him.

A year later, _______ was shocked when she saw the very same boy sitting 2 seats down from her, in the same class, in the same school! Some time that day, he turned around to pass some papers & _______’s heart warmed at the sight of his smile.

'Even after all this time….' _______ thought.

Smiling back, _______ gladly took the papers.


~~~~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~~~~


It’s been almost 2 years now that _______’s had a crush on him. She knew well enough of what could happen if they ever became friends & grew closer. Just thinking about it made her cringe. _______ was satisfied just watching from afar & that she did. She never missed an opportunity to catch a glimpse of his million-watt smile.

As class started, it was hard to concentrate. The girl in front of _______ was out sick that day so she had a perfect view of his back. Staring intently at him, _______’s thoughts started to wander off.

'I wish I could tell him how I feel…'




Author's note~~


I exaggerated LOTSSS on his smile!! I know, I know~~ haha

Hope you can bear with this chapter! ^^



For those of you who read this story, THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!

I REAAAAALY APPREACIATE IT!! (you have NO idea!! haha)


@Dubu-Lover & @teentop4ever


For you, I will write my best!! ^^ *gives chocolates*

Thank you!!!!

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sowhathuh #1
aw, nice story
I love this story..
Another story that made me cry.
I admire them. They're all strong..
I'm not really into reading sad fanfics with people dying in it, but this one is somehow different, and your lyrics for wedding dress were really good!
orz i'm soooooooooooo late to read this masterpiece of yours.......... T_T omg so sad right now, well at the last chapter i thought _____ would stay longer, but she didn't T_T<br />
but it relieved me to know that yoseob and junhyung could move on :') thank you for making such an amazing fic T_T I LOVE YOUUUUUUU
Thank you so much to all my readers!! <3<3<3<br />
I really appreciate your comments, really!!<br />
Thank you again for the support & love ^^
I cried alot TT.TT<br />
It was very cute and beautiful:)<br />
greatjob!I loved it< I have to go wash my face due to my waterfall attack^^~~
Ah... I did cry :) It was sooo sweet! I loved it. For some reason the music video of Haru Haru by Big Bang kept playing in my head... sorta similar to what happens... not really. But it was a really touching story!
CAR3MeL #8
Oh my god.<br />
I just read your whole story in one day.<br />
Its was SO GOOD.<br />
I'm about to cry ;( so sad at the end<br />
you did a good job!
loveyoseob4eva #9
Omgg I almost cried!!! I think it was best for the girl to umm you knoww cuz she couldn't choose between Yoseob or Junhyung without breaking each other hearts [: love your fanfic btw <3