Chapter 24

The Bet

For the rest of the week, Jinyoung didn’t have the chance to get close with the maknae because of their tight schedule. They had to fly to Japan, and then to America and now they’re back In Korea. Yes, all of that happened in just one week. And what makes things worse was that during those trips Jinyoung had to be pulled away from the others because he is the leader and so he had to spend his time with his managers and coordinators.

Finally they’re back in Korea and the manager had just informed for them to take a break for the rest of the day. Jinyoung look at his calendar that he hung on the wall and groaned. He had missed his chance for six days and he doesn’t want to waste the last one. He has to do something today.

“Ugh I’m starting to miss Shake Shack~ why Korea can’t have Shake Shack!” Baro whined as he throws his whole body on the sofa.

“I miss that sushi they sell in Nagoya! So freaking delicious!” Sandeul throw his backpack to one side before lying flat on the floor, too tired to even take off his socks.

Gongchan enters their dorm and went straight to their shared room, climb up to his bed and lie down, reaching out for his plush toy that a fan had given him. Minutes later CNU enters and settles down his things neatly before heading towards the closet to change into fresh new clothing. Gongchan takes a peek from above as CNU undress himself, taking off his top, showing off his slender figure. Gongchan suddenly feels hot and stuffy as he begins to fan himself even though the air-conditioner is on full blast. CNU turns around a bit to undo his belt that got stuck on his back and Gongchan freaked out thinking that he has been caught so he ended up kicking his toe against the edge of the bed.

“Ffff….ouch!”  Gongchan nearly swears as he curls himself up. CNU turns abruptly and on instinct grab the nearest shirt, covering his bare chest, thinking if it’s one of their hardcore fans who sneak into dorms.

“Oh it’s you Chansik!” CNU let out a sigh of relief as he puts on his shirt. “I didn’t know you were up there.”

“Ahh…yeah. I was about to go to sleep.” Gongchan replies softly. CNU nods and collects his now dirty laundry. “Hope you enjoyed the free show, Chansik.” CNU says and smirks playfully.


“Or should I say, that was just a preview, maknae.” CNU laughs out loud as he walks out of the room.

After the room is empty, Gongchan lie back down, his arm draping over his eyes, trying to ignore what his hyung had just said.

“Gong Chansik.” A voice calls him and he looks down to see who it was. It is the leader.

“Yes hyung?” Jinyoung is busy scrolling down his phone, too engrossed to even look up at the maknae.

“You’re going to sleep, right?” Jinyoung asks and Gongchan answered a yes in a confused tone.

“Good. You need all the rest. Cause you won’t be sleeping tonight.”

“What? Why? Do we have a schedule?”

“No. But you will be up all night long.” JInyoung finally looks up at the maknae and sent him a playful wink before exiting the room.

“All. Night. Long….?” Gongchan’s thoughts immediately went to the dirty side that are not suitable for 17 and below (A/N: I still feel like Gongchan is a minor OTL.). Gongchan quickly erase those thoughts away before covering his face with a pillow, trying to go to sleep.



“Chansik…” Gongchan feels somebody taps his shoulder repeatedly and he opens his eyes.

“Oh hyung…” Gongchan answers groggily as he sits up. He then realise that the room is dark. Why didn’t his hyung switch on the lights? “Hyung, What time is it right now?” Gongchan asks loudly.

“Shhh! Don’t wake the other up!” Jinyoung whispers before climbing down the bed, telling Gongchan to follow suit. Gongchan follows and walk out of the room, remembering to close the door behind him. Once in the living room, he sees that the leader is all dressed up. He look up at the wall clock and realised it’s already 11pm.

“Woah! I slept all through the day?!” Gongchan exclaims, making the leader laughs. “Yeah but now you’re fully awake right?” JInyoung asks and Gongchan nods in return.

“Good. It means you won’t be tired tonight.”

Gongchan gulps and look at the leader, confused. “W-what are we going to do…?” Gongchan asks, feeling curious and excited at the same time.

“Oh I haven’t told you yet?” Jinyoung tilts his head. “We’re going to watch a midnight movie.”

Midnight movie.

“Oh.” Was all Gongchan replied before he feels like face palming to the floor. ‘Of course. Watching a movie. That’s what Jinyoung hyung likes. Why would Jinyoung hyung think of something dirty!’

“So go and get ready. The movie will start soon. And why is your face all red…?” Jinyoung raise an eyebrow. Gongchan just clears his throat before dashing towards the bathroom to wash up.






“What genre are we watching, hyung?” Gongchan asks as they take a seat at the very back, a couple seats. Gongchan looks around and there’s not many people in the cinema hall so it’s easier for them to net get caught.

“A rated 21 movie.” Jinyoung answers casually.

Gongchan feels like his eyes were about to bulge out from its sockets. “What?! So we’re going to watch some ladies and all?” Jinyoung turns and scrutinise the maknae in front of him.

“You sound excited.” Jinyoung teased and Gongchan’s face turns tomato red. He doesn’t know why his mind is not in the right mind today. It must be jetlag. “Well sorry to spoil your mood but we’re just watching an action movie.”

“Action movie is fine by me, hyung.” Gongchan smiles sweetly before turning towards the screen as the lights starts to dim.

Suddenly a spine chilling music starts to play and Gongchan shudders. “Hyung, you said we’re watching an action movie.”

“I was just kidding. We’re watching a horror movie.”

Gongchan’s face turns pale as he tries to sit back and relax.

Jinyoung’s motive to watch a horror movie is because the Jinyoung knows Gongchan hates horror movie and he will cling to anybody who is beside him. Jinyoung wants Gongchan to cuddle up to him, to make himself look like a hero to the maknae.





“You look so ugly.” Baro commented. Jinyoung hissed while the guilty maknae beside him kept apologising.

“Serve you right. Sneaking out in the middle of the night.” Baro mumbles as he continues scrolling down his phone.

“Would you just shut up! It’s 2am in the morning!”Jinyoung rolls his eyes as he put on more force on his nose to make it stop bleeding.  Jinyoung and Gongchan are sitting on the sofa in their dorm while Baro is sprawled out on the floor, waking up a few minutes after the leader and maknae sneaked back into their dorm.

“I’ll go get more tissues.” Gongchan excused himself.

Jinyoung groans. He could have never imagined it. Never once in his life he thought he would end up this way just because he had asked Gongchan out to watch a horror movie with him.

“You must have done something erted till Gongchan did that to you, Hyung.” Baro laughs.

“I said shut up.” Jinyoung gritted his teeth.

“What actually happened hyung.” Baro asks, this time a bit concerned. “You really look ugly with a broken nose.”






As the movie proceeds on, Gongchan’s eyes are glued to the big screen while Jinyoung’s are glued to the maknae. Gradually Jinyoung moves closer, but the maknae is too engrossed to even realise that Jinyoung has slowly drapes his arm over the maknae’s shoulder and rest his fingers on it. Jinyoung felt Gongchan tense up before a small squeak escape his lips, him turning quickly, accidentally elbowing the leader on the ribs. “Oww!”

“Oh my god hyung! I’m so sorry! I thought a ghost touched my shoulder so I freaked out! I’m so sorry!” Gongchan apologise profusely as Jinyoung tries to act cool when actually it hurts.

“Shhhhh!!” A voice is heard from the other end of the room and Gongchan quickly shuts his mouth before bowing his head.

“I’m okay, Channie. It’s ok.”

Gongchan relaxes and continue to concentrate on the movie. Jinyoung frowns as Gongchan is taking the suspense scenes calmly and not once Gongchan tries to hug him or whatsoever he has seen in the movies. At one point, the lead actress is chased by the ghost and Gongchan covers his face while watching the whole scene through his fingers. Jinyoung took the opportunity to slide his hands onto Gongchan’s left thigh, squeezing it lightly (because he likes it) assuring Gongchan. Gongchan again tensed up but relaxes as Jinyoung smiles at him. As Jinyoung lingers his hand on Gongchan’s thigh, his ring slipped off and fell onto the floor.

“Dammit.” Jinyoung cursed as he tries to reach out, his face now on Gongchan’s crotch. Talk about bad timing, right when Jinyoung bends down, the movie hits its as the ghost appears on the screen, and an eerie voice fills the room making the maknae screams, instantly moving up his legs onto the chair, his crotch hits Jinyoung right on the nose.

And that was how Jinyoung rolls on the floor in pain, smelling something metallic and felt some liquid dripping from his nose. They had to leave the cinema early and end up at home with a broken nose.


Another update! ^^

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besome1 #1
Chapter 25: Author nim ㅠㅠ
rice-mates #2
Chapter 5: AUTHORNIMM update juseyooo~~
PuppyLvr11 #3
Chapter 18: YAY SanChan I love this chapter
thyrami246 #4
Chapter 18: I'm still very confused with gongchan like i mean.. Asdf idek how to describe it
Oh anyway aren't sick people can't take a bath esp with cold water?? Lol sorry just, when i sick my mom won't let me wash xD
thyrami246 #5
Chapter 6: Reaaaallly~~~ they all looks so cute together.. It's so hard to just pick one
Chapter 12: So that was the bet
Chapter 11: I was thinking the same with the rest of b1a4 beside Gongchan
Chapter 10: Was it? Was It?