Chapter 12

The Bet

" Are you ready?" Baro asks. Gongchan looked at him,wide eyed.

He was unsure. He look back at his hyung who was tugging his sleeve.

"If you're not ready.." Baro started.

"A-ani hyung..." Gongchan said.

Baro then smiled softly before bringing Gongchan into the bedroom. "Close your eyes.." Baro instructed.

Gongchan did as he is told. He felt that Baro close the door behind him. Gongchan held his breath in anticipation.

"Open your eyes." and Gongchan did as he was told.


"SURPRISE!!" he heard all of his hyungs scream as soon as he open his eyes.

Infront of him,his hyungs are holding the latest game console xbox kinect.

"Omo?Hyung~ You bought this for me?" he asks his four hyungs in disbelief.

Gongchan hug the game console for a little longer before putting it away safely.

"Oh?you're not gonna play it now?" Jinyoung asked.

Gongchan shakes his head . "I can play that later,hyung."

He look at them one by one,grinning sheepishly. "I'm curious. Why are you all buying me stuffs?"

The four of them look at each other. Why is the maknae suddenly asking?

"Because we love you." Jinyoung simply answered.

Gongchan raised an eyebrow. "Love me?" Gogchan asked,looking at all of them.

"Yeah...You don't know how much we love you.." Baro said,gazing at the maknae lovingly. CNU nudged Baro out of his trance.

"Well then,I should get hyungs something too. Because I love you too~" Gongchan said,smiling cutely.

CNU shakes his head. "Gwenchana,maknae."

"Even better! Buy only for me!" Baro exclaimed.

"Yah!" Shinwoo smack Baro's head.

"Stop it,you two." Jinyoung glared. "You really want to buy us somethin,Channie? Do you have the money?" Jinyoung continued.

Gongchan just nod.

"Only for us? The four of us?" Sandeul asked.

"Pssh...of course,hyung! Who else?" Gongchan answered.

"Not even DT hyung?" Jinyoung asked cautiously while the others anticipates the maknae's answer.

Gongchan tilt his head to the side. "D...DT hyung...?"

"Well yeah...You love him too. Everyone knows that." Baro said,obviously couldn't contain his jealousy.

Gongchan chew on his lower lip,thinking. They all know Gongchan would probably give DT hyung something special.

"Aniya. Why would I give him something? I only love him as a hyung.Besides,he is getting married. He probably get lots of presents." The maknae answered casually.

"M-mwo?" CNU asked in disbelief. Jinyoung furrowed.

"Then...if you only love him as a hyung...,What do you love us as...?" Jinyoung asked,curious.

Gongchan blinked innocently before smiling playfully. "That's for me to know and for hyungs NOT to find out!" Gongchan answered,sticking out his tongue and left the room leaving his hyungs dumbfounded.

"What do you think he meant by that?" Sandeul asks quietly.

"Mollayo." Baro answered,scratching his head.

"Do you think he's giving u-us a chance?" CNU stuttered as if afraid to jinx it.

"Do you think he knows about the bet?" Jinyoung asks. For once,no one knows the answer.




Later that night, when the maknae was fast asleep,the hyungs had a secret meeting at the kitchen floor. They had food in the middle of the circle as a decoy in case the maknae wakes up. Baro was keeping on a lookout every one in a while.

"Okay." Jinyoung started. "Are you sure the maknae is asleep?" he asks just to be sure.

The others nodded. "Ok,let's start."

They were discussing about when and who will get a chance to woo the maknae. They decided that they could not all do it at once so they decided to have this secret meeting.

"Well,I suggest we get each a week to woo Channie. At the end of the month,after our comeback,we will ask him to choose,agree?" CNU suggested.

The others nodded in agreement liking how the spectacle wearing member think.

"I agree,I think that's a great idea." The leader said. "Now,who will start first and when?"

There was silence as each member thought it over.

"I guess..I will start first." Baro volunteered.

"I'm next." Sandeul raises up his hand.

"Then me." CNUsaid.

"And I will be last." Jinyoung annonced.

The others nodded their heads. "Arasso,we start next week." Jinyoung finalised as always.

"Wait." Baro said.

All of them turn to face the rapper.

"What now?" Sandeul asked,annoyed.

Baro always have to add in something.

"Even if it's your week with Channie,the others can still in since it's a challenge." The rapper said.

"Fine. Don't regret it,Baro. since you're first." Jinyoung warned,smirking.










I know that you guys want more JinChan right?

well,just wait for it.. ;P





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besome1 #1
Chapter 25: Author nim ㅠㅠ
rice-mates #2
Chapter 5: AUTHORNIMM update juseyooo~~
PuppyLvr11 #3
Chapter 18: YAY SanChan I love this chapter
thyrami246 #4
Chapter 18: I'm still very confused with gongchan like i mean.. Asdf idek how to describe it
Oh anyway aren't sick people can't take a bath esp with cold water?? Lol sorry just, when i sick my mom won't let me wash xD
thyrami246 #5
Chapter 6: Reaaaallly~~~ they all looks so cute together.. It's so hard to just pick one
Chapter 12: So that was the bet
Chapter 11: I was thinking the same with the rest of b1a4 beside Gongchan
Chapter 10: Was it? Was It?