"I want my girl back"

Coffee Boy Sunggyu


                Sunggyu was walking to the bus stop when suddenly he felt like he was being followed. He had his hands in his pockets, and they were ready to throw a punch.  He started to slow down his walking when he saw a figure following him; he already knew who it was.

                Sunggyu stopped in the middle of the road and turned around, “Reveal yourself.” Sunggyu shouted. Slowly the dark figure walked up to him and removed his hood. “I knew it.” Sunggyu said smiling at Daniel. “What do you want?” Sunggyu asked.

                “I want my girl back.” said Daniel as he slowly walked up to Sunggyu. “Well I’m sorry to say this, but she’s taken now.  Like Alison said, you had your chance so leave her alone.” Daniel scoffed and said “Would you like me to repeat what I said to Alison before? Once I want something, I never give up until I get it.  Which means that you and me won’t get along and believe me you do not want to start with me.” Sunggyu glared at him and said “Oh… now why is that?”

                Daniel’s fist clenched and said “Do you not know who I am?” Sunggyu shrugged his shoulder and said “I have no clue; all I know is that you’re my girlfriend’s ex.” Daniel scoffed and said “I’m Daniel Lee; the world famous hallyu star.” Sunggyu nodded and said “Is that so… well what’s a hallyu star doing picking up a fight with regular guy like me?”  

                Daniel couldn’t hold in his anger anymore and threw his first punch. “I want my girl back.” Daniel said holding on to Sunggyu’s shirt. “Why’d you leave her in the first place? I mean I understand why you left her the first time; but the second time… was it true that you had another girl when she asked you to come back?” Daniel threw another punch. “I didn’t have another girl; I had to lie because I didn’t want her to get hurt.” He screamed.

                Sunggyu’s lips were bleeding and he cringed in pain; he couldn’t hold in his anger and he threw a punch. “What do you mean you didn’t want her to get hurt?” Sunggyu now holding Daniel by his shirt, “I just… I knew once I became famous she’d be attacked by fans and the press, I didn’t want that for her.” Sunggyu laughed and said “Well that’s stupid.”

                Daniel and Sunggyu forgot everything they were talking about and just started to fight. “Daniel!” Someone shouted. Daniel was about to throw a punch when he noticed the voice “ my manager.” Then he let go of Sunggyu and said “We’ll continue this later.”

                Sunggyu sighed “What a guy.” He said as he saw Daniel run to his manager.  Once he was home he looked at his face “Alison’s going to kill me when she sees me tomorrow.”


                You were sitting in the coffee shop, drinking your Americano waiting for Sunggyu. You looked down at your phone and it read “9:45am” You sighed and sat there continuing to wait for Sunggyu. ‘He usually isn’t this late’ you thought.

                That’s when you saw him walking from a distance, you smiled and waved.  As he was getting closer you noticed something different about him; he had his hood covering his face.  You shrugged your shoulders and continued to wave.

                Sunggyu walked in and sat down “Good morning Alison.”

                “Good morning to you too Sunggyu.” You said with a bright smile.

                Sunggyu sat there awkwardly and didn’t remove his hood. “Sunggyu, it’s warm in here take off your sweater.” Sunggyu sighed and slowly removed his zipper.

                “Sunggyu!” You shouted.  Sunggyu looked down embarrassed to show his cuts and bruises. “W-w-what happened?” you asked.  Sunggyu took a deep breath and said “I didn’t want to show you… I’m sorry.” You got up and sat beside him “Tell me what happened.”

                Sunggyu bit his cut lips and said “Well, I was walking home and someone was following me.” Sunggyu didn’t even have to finish; you knew who it was. “Daniel…” Sunggyu nodded and held your hand “I tried to avoid it, but I…”

                You felt anger rush through your body, “Why would he do this, I told him to step off.” You sighed “That jerk…” you said under your breath.

                You looked out the window of the coffee shop and saw a bus pass by; you saw Daniel’s face on it. “I hate seeing his face everywhere.” You said trying not to cry. “It’s okay Alison” Sunggyu said trying to comfort you. “He won’t ever take you away from me, no matter how much he tries… he’ll never take me away from you, I promise.” 

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Chapter 37: Aaww they are having a baby ... so happy for them...
Chapter 37: Whoo! A happy ending! Got surprised when I saw this being updated (and finished)! Does the baby have a name? xD
Chapter 36: vejktekhgooekjlhgkljtshl;; you dont know how happy i am to see you updated. Haha.
Im glad gyu's okay... And you're okay too xD
Chapter 36: Wah! I was surprised when I saw this story being updated! Thank you for the wonderful chapter! So glad Gyu's back and of course, you're back as well! Looking forward to the future of this story! ^^
Haneulxxx #6
Chapter 35: Asdfghjkl sunggyu? ^^ update soon author ssi!
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh not sunggyu...!!!
Oh god...
Its been forever!!!
Update soon!!
Or imma die >.>