Meet my bestfriend :)

Coffee Boy Sunggyu


                “Alison go sit down, let me do the cooking.” Sunggyu said.  Although he offered to cook you food you wanted to help. “Seriously YunJi go sit down.”

                You turned to him and glared “I’m holding a knife… don’t you tell me to go sit down.” Sunggyu backed away and said “Oh sorry… uhh yeah I’ll just leave you alone.” You turned back to cut your vegetables and silently laughed.

                You finished cutting the vegetables, put the knife in the sink and back hugged Sunggyu as he was cooking. “What should I do now?” you asked.  Sunggyu smiled and continued to cook “You go sit down and rest, leave the cooking to me.” You pouted and sighed “Okay…” but you still clinged on to Sunggyu. “Go sit down Alison.” You shook your head and said “No, I think I like it here.”


                10 minutes later, dinner was done.  “Here try some.” Sunggyu said feeding you a spoon of his home made Kimchi Cheegae. Your eyes lit up and your taste buds tingles “Wow… you cook better than me.” Now you were very eager to eat.

                The two of you were chowing down the food, and Sunggyu admired the fact that although you were so skinny, you could eat well and you ate ALOT. ‘She’s so cute when she eats.’ he thought every time he looked at you. Sometimes you caught him looking at you and you thought ‘He’s so handsome, but he eats like a hamster… it’s cute.’ And then you’d smile.

                Suddenly the door opened; Sunggyu shot you a look of panic but you smiled and said “Don’t worry.”

                “OH MY GOSH! Alison! The house smells heavenly. What’d you cook?” Rachel yelled from the front door. “Kimchi cheegae.” You shouted back. “Oh my effing lord, I love Kimchi cheegae.” She said walked towards the kitchen.

                “Oh and Alison…” said Rachel who was just about to enter the kitchen “I bumped into…” then she spotted Sunggyu “Who’s this?” she said looking at you while pointed at Sunggyu. “It’s nice to meet you Rachel, I’m Kim Sunggyu, Alison’s boyfriend.” said Sunggyu who held out his hand to shake. Rachel shook his hand and then shot you a glare and wiggled her eyebrows. “You have good manners, I already like you.” You smiled and then prepared a bowl of Kimchi cheegae for her.

                “Oh my goodness this is soo good; your best cooking by far Alison.” You laughed and said “Well… I didn’t cook it. Sunggyu did.” Rachel’s jaw dropped and said “You’re lying.” Sunggyu smiled and said “Well… I live by myself so I know how to cook.” Rachel nodded and said “Well Kim Sunggyu-shi… I have no words. I’d like to date you myself.” She said.

“Hey!” you exclaimed “He’s mine!” Rachel rolled her eyes and said “I know, I know. Don’t worry.” and then turned to Sunggyu, “If you have any friends that are single, I’d love to meet them.” Sunggyu laughed and said “I have a few single friends. I’m sure they’d love to meet you.”

You smacked Rachel lightly and said “Don’t use my boyfriend like that!” Rachel turned to you and said “C’mon Alison, I’ve been single for like 2 years.” You looked at her for 15 seconds and gave in “Okay fine...” Rachel cheered for joy and continued to talk to Sunggyu about the single friends he had.


                “I really enjoyed today.” Sunggyu said to Rachel. “Don’t forget to tell your friends okay?!” Sunggyu nodded and said “You can trust me.”

                You escorted Sunggyu outside. “I can tell your roommate really likes me.” You laughed and said “Yeah, that’s good.  She doesn’t like people this fast, but it was all your manners and cooking.” Sunggyu laughed and pulled you in for a hug and the two of you stayed like that for a good minute. “You should really go inside, it’s cold out here.” You nodded and said “You go home safe okay?” he nodded and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead. “Will I see you tomorrow at the coffee shop?”

                You raised your eyebrow and said “Is that really a question; you know I go there every day.” Sunggyu smiled and said “Ahh… that’s right.” He leaned in slowly for another kiss. “See you tomorrow Alison.” You waved good-bye and watched him walk until you couldn’t see his figure faded in the distance. 

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Chapter 37: Aaww they are having a baby ... so happy for them...
Chapter 37: Whoo! A happy ending! Got surprised when I saw this being updated (and finished)! Does the baby have a name? xD
Chapter 36: vejktekhgooekjlhgkljtshl;; you dont know how happy i am to see you updated. Haha.
Im glad gyu's okay... And you're okay too xD
Chapter 36: Wah! I was surprised when I saw this story being updated! Thank you for the wonderful chapter! So glad Gyu's back and of course, you're back as well! Looking forward to the future of this story! ^^
Haneulxxx #6
Chapter 35: Asdfghjkl sunggyu? ^^ update soon author ssi!
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh not sunggyu...!!!
Oh god...
Its been forever!!!
Update soon!!
Or imma die >.>