Unexpected visit.

Coffee Boy Sunggyu


                “Okay Sunggyu… yeah I need to hang up.” You said before you woke up Rachel. 

                After the day you agreed to be his girlfriend, the two of you would talk on the phone non-stop and would met up for coffee almost every day. 

“Yeah… no seriously Gyu I need to get off…” you said with a frown.  Sunggyu sighed and said “Okay, I’ll let you sleep.  Sleep well okay?” You nodded and said “Okay Sunggyu, good night and sweet dreams. I love you.” You head him laugh “I love you too YunJi.”

You finally hung up and closed your eyes when you heard Rachel sigh. ‘uh-oh’ you thought ‘the beast has awaken’ so you covered your face with your blanket.  Slowly Rachel turned to the side of her bed and got up to stare at you, she sighed once again. “Really Alison? Do you have to keep me up with your talking every night?”  You froze hoping she’d go back to sleep, but instead she got up and removed the blanket off of you.

“Do you like him that much?” Rachel said. You threw her an innocent smile and nodded. “Ugh only if I knew you’d be like this, than I wouldn’t have told you to make a move.” You started to giggle “I’m sorry Rachel… I promise that I’ll only talk to him until 1o’clock okay?”

She raised her eyebrow and said “1o’clock?” You pouted and said “Midnight?” Rachel kept staring at you. “Okay okay 11:30.” Rachel shot you a smile and nodded “11:30” and then threw herself back to her bed “Now go back to bed…. And I better not hear you texting.”


                The next day you and Sunggyu met up to go to the amusement park.

                “Sunggyu! Let’s go! Don’t be a baby.” You said dragging him to one of the roller coasters. “Do we HAVE to go on that one?” he asked.  You nodded and gave him your classic puppy face knowing he won’t be able to resist it. “No not the puppy face. Please anything but the puppy face.” He exclaimed. You stood there and continued to pout, he sighed and agreed “Okay fine.”

                You pushed him and pointed to where people lined up for the front on the rollercoaster. He really didn’t want to do this, but you forced him. 

                Finally it was your turn; he sat down beside you and took a deep breath.  You smiled at him and when the rollercoaster started he held your hand. 


                “Ugh I can’t believe you made me ride all those crazy rides.” He said as the two of you sat down to take a break from walking.  You smiled and said “Awww poor grandpa gyu, you can’t handle roller coaster?” He turned to you and squinted, “What’d you call me?”

                You put on a dorky smile and said “Nothing…” He continued to squint “You know what… you come here.” He said.  The two of you started to chase each other, laughing.  You couldn’t help but feel like you were in a movie. 

                Sunggyu finally caught you and lifted you off the ground “What did you call me?” He were laughing and tried to get down “I’m sorry Sunggyu, now put me down.” He shook his head “What’d you call me?” You smiled and looked at him “Grandpa gyu.” He squinted and smiled “No… from now on you call me Sunggyu oppa okay?” You nodded and then he put you down, but he didn’t let you go.

                “Now what’s my name?” You smiled and said “Grandpa gyu.” He started to tickle you “Oppa… Sunggyu oppa.” You said through your laughter.  “That’s more like it.”

                You smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek.  “Now let’s get out of here, I’ll make you food if you come over.” You said, and he agreed.


                The two of you walked home hand-in-hand, enjoying the sunset and the comfortable silence. 

                “My house is just around this corner.” You said. Sunggyu smiled and said “Finally, I get to come over to your house.  Do I get to meet your roommate?” You nodded.

                Right as you turned the corner you saw a figure standing outside your door. “Did Rachel invite someone over?” you said out loud.  Sunggyu shrugged and continued to walk beside you.

                You continued to stare at the figure and the closer you got the more curious you were.  The figure turned and you automatically stopped.  “Alison YunJi Park.” The man said.

                Your jaw dropped and you stopped walking “What are you doing here?” You said.  The man walked towards you and Sunggyu.  “I asked you a question Daniel… what are you doing here?” The man moved his gaze from you to Sunggyu.

                He took a few steps closer till he was face-to-face with Sunggyu.  “Who is this Alison?” Your anger grew; you pushed Daniel out of the way and dragged Sunggyu behind you “Ignore him Sunggyu.” You said as he continued to walk to your door step.

                “I want you back!” Daniel shouted. You turned around and saw that Sunggyu’s hands were clenched into a fist. “Don’t get mad Sunggyu, this is my issue.”

                You walked up to Daniel and said “You already had your chance, it’s too late now.” 

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Chapter 37: Aaww they are having a baby ... so happy for them...
Chapter 37: Whoo! A happy ending! Got surprised when I saw this being updated (and finished)! Does the baby have a name? xD
Chapter 36: vejktekhgooekjlhgkljtshl;; you dont know how happy i am to see you updated. Haha.
Im glad gyu's okay... And you're okay too xD
Chapter 36: Wah! I was surprised when I saw this story being updated! Thank you for the wonderful chapter! So glad Gyu's back and of course, you're back as well! Looking forward to the future of this story! ^^
Haneulxxx #6
Chapter 35: Asdfghjkl sunggyu? ^^ update soon author ssi!
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh not sunggyu...!!!
Oh god...
Its been forever!!!
Update soon!!
Or imma die >.>