My Heart is Beating...

Coffee Boy Sunggyu


                “Did I mess up?” you asked Rachel. You wanted to die after the day you confessed, because Sunggyu went silent after you confessed. “I mean… I said it straight to him. He didn’t say anything, he just sat there and got up and left.”  You started to cry “Does this mean he doesn’t like me?” Rachel continued to comfort you; she let out a sigh and said “You know, I don’t know.  We’ll have to see what happens.”

                One day passed, and no contact from Sunggyu. Another day flew by, still no contact from Sunggyu. 

Slowly and dreadfully, 5 days past; you let out a sigh sitting on couch staring at your phone.  “He’ll never call. I messed everything up.” You like out a groan and stuffed your face into your pillow.

Suddenly your phone rang, without taking your face out of the pillow you picked up. “Hello?”

“Alison?” said a familiar voice.

Your heart started to race and a smile automatically appeared on your face. “Sunggyu?” You heard him laugh at the end of the line. “Yeah it’s me.  I just called to ask if you want to meet up again.” You forgot everything that happened last time you guys met and told him yes.  The two of you would meet up once again at the same coffee shop. 


When you walked into the coffee shop you saw no one and thought it was strange; you ignored it and just walked in.  All of a sudden, the lights dimmed and all you saw was a path of Christmas lights leading you towards your Sunggyu.  He was standing there and all of a sudden pulled out a microphone and started to sing.  He sang words of love… he was confessing.

You heart was beating fast as slowly he made his way towards you.  You didn’t know what to do, you just stood there as he was making his way towards you. 

The song finally came to an end and Sunggyu was right in front of you.  The two of you couldn’t take your eyes off of each other.

“Alison… YunJi…” you heart started to beat fast. ‘Oh my gosh he called me by both of my names…’ you took a deep breath and nodded “Sunggyu asjushi…” he smiled and grabbed your hand. “I’m sorry about not contacting you for the past few days, but the thing is… the day you told me how you felt… I didn’t know what to do.” He took a deep breath. “And the reason I walked out was because I didn’t know if I should tell you how I felt too; and to be honest I didn’t even know how I felt about you then.   And you telling me how you felt just made me go into shock, so I reflected… and...”

Sunggyu took out a little box and you started to freak out “Wait… are you asking me to marry you?” You blurted out. Sunggyu laughed and shook his head “No no, I want to ask…. If you’d like to be my girlfriend.” Then he opened the box (without kneeling on the ground part of course) to reveal two beautiful rings; they were couple rings. 

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Chapter 37: Aaww they are having a baby ... so happy for them...
Chapter 37: Whoo! A happy ending! Got surprised when I saw this being updated (and finished)! Does the baby have a name? xD
Chapter 36: vejktekhgooekjlhgkljtshl;; you dont know how happy i am to see you updated. Haha.
Im glad gyu's okay... And you're okay too xD
Chapter 36: Wah! I was surprised when I saw this story being updated! Thank you for the wonderful chapter! So glad Gyu's back and of course, you're back as well! Looking forward to the future of this story! ^^
Haneulxxx #6
Chapter 35: Asdfghjkl sunggyu? ^^ update soon author ssi!
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh not sunggyu...!!!
Oh god...
Its been forever!!!
Update soon!!
Or imma die >.>