Chapter 6

Being Juliette


Minho POV

All I could do was walk behind Key and Amber as Key kept talking and talking… and talking.  Not that I usually minded on any regular day… but for some reason it really bothered me today. I thought back to the lie I told and mentally slapped myself. What was wrong with me? The whole conversation ran through my head again… reviewing everything that was said, so I would remember if I had to explain anything again later. Hmm… which reminds me- why did hyung get all pink earlier when Amber smiled at him? Did he… no way. There was no way Key could be attracted to this Amber? No flipping way…

I was too busy with my thoughts that I didn’t see Amber stop; I bumped into her, and reflexively put my hands on her shoulders. I noticed what made her stop… an angry Onew hyung, and manager staring at us. Crap! Wait… did manager hyung know that Amber was here and dressed this way?

I leaned in closer to Amber and quickly whispered, “Should we tell hyung? Or does he not know you’re you?” She turned to look at me and shrugged. Great, neither of us knew if we had to keep up this charade in front of hyung… this was something to look forward to… not. I sighed.

Suddenly Key wacked my arm and said, “Yah! I know she’s pretty, but hands off, dongsaeng!” Huh? I let go of Amber and stepped back from her. I could feel myself blush. I looked at Key with wide eyes, not sure how to respond. He just smirked at me. What the heck?

Both hyungs started walking towards us… oh damn it! They did not look happy with me. Key however, stepped in front of Amber and me and said, “Hyungs, this is Julie. She is a friend of Victoria, and she’s been kind enough to step in and be in the MV. Minho was fetching her for us… that was what was taking him so long. She only speaks English and Chinese, so I can help translate.”

Immediately, the expressions of both of them changed to happier ones. Thank goodness. I was not looking forward to being yelled at by both hyungs.

They introduced themselves to Amber and she introduced herself. She was so quiet… why was she speaking so quietly? I was standing barely two feet away from her, and I could hardly hear her. Crap! I then understood… all of us knew her voice… I was impressed that she figured out if she spoke this way, the others wouldn’t be able to recognize her voice.

Key nudged me, and I noticed that the others had started to walk away. I was too deep in my thoughts I hadn’t seen them head towards the chairs set aside for us. I followed after them and took a deep breath. Pabo… focus!

Amber started to sit down, when I noticed that her long legs were in full view of Key and Onew. I immediately took off my jacket and draped it over legs. I so wanted to cover her up completely… what’s with that dress? Did they run out of fabric or something?

Amber looked up at me, smiled and said in English, “Thank you, Minho-ssi.” Minho-ssi? Her voice was… I could feel myself blushing again, so I looked away. What was wrong with me today? “Pabo… pabo!” I mentally called myself.

Key turned to Onew, pointed at Amber, then at me and whispered loudly in Korean, “Julie is beautiful isn’t she? I think someone has a crush on her.” And he smirked at me again, while both of them laughed. All I could do was grunt and blush harder. “Pabo… pabo!” I called myself again.

I looked at Amber and momentarily was breathless again. The long wavy hair, draped down her shoulders… seemingly to frame her slim neck… the redness of the dress that along with the dark hair showcased her milky skin… I inhaled and felt my cheeks redden again. Was this really my best friend? “Omo,” I thought.

Key and Onew walked away. No! Where are you two going? I can’t be alone with her right now, not with all these thoughts running through my head… Amber turned to me and startled me. I immediately stood up. Water… I need some water. My throat was parched- I felt like I swallowed my tongue or something…

“Um, ok,” I heard Amber say and she sighed. Her sigh was quite loud to my ears.

She must be so frustrated with me… from thinking that I was joking earlier… plus I know I barely have said more than a few words at a time to her. I sighed and turned back to face her. I looked around and saw that we were still alone. I crouched in front of her and took a deep breath.

“Amber? Just so you know… I wasn’t joking earlier.”

“Omo! Pabo! What the heck are you doing?” I yelled at myself. I stood up and walked away. I needed that water… now!


[A/N So I had not planned on recapping Chapter 6 with Minho's POV, but after writing it.. I was pleased with how it turned out. I hope most of you will enjoy the insight to his mind too. K, I would have finished this sooner, but I got distracted with youtubing SHINee.. tonight? Onew.. dangit, he's so cute too. I'm starting to think he may be my next fanfic..uh.. victim. lol ^^ gnite all.. oh- fyi, not paired with Amber.. Amber belongs to Minho in my heart. :)]


@TwistedIllusions ~ Sweety, Minho is ALWAYS cute, lol ^^

@EunnieWoonie ~ ooh, makes your day! I'm happy to see that. Seeing comments such as yours makes me smile like the biggest goofball, so thank you! And oh yes.. Minho is so in denial about his attraction to her. But it's so fun to see how his mind is trying to wrap around those weird feelings of his, :)

@ErrICCA_sjh ~ I'M your first minber fic? Oooh.. a convert! I'm pleased! lol I love all the Minber fics on here, but I HAVE to suggest you check out the author joonkun's Minber oneshots... I have to say, those fics cemented my Minberships. Enjoy! ^^

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januarysunshine13 #1
Chapter 25: Hello, I really enjoy your romantic fics. there used to be two stories on Amber and Onew. Hope you make them available again. I wish you still kept writing about them. I really liked the way you portrayed them.
Chapter 25: It's been like 4 years and I'm pissed with my self that I only got around to this now! I loved it so so so much❤️
Chapter 25: I seriously keep coming back to this story! Hahahaha this is one of my favorite Minber fics out here!
Chapter 25: Aww I wanted to see the netizens reactions to amber being Juliette but still amazing story :D
sarakarrolina #5
Chapter 25: I LOVED EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER! Just wanted to say that. I've been reading this fic since yesterday, and it's amazing. It was so much fun reading, beautiful, cute, adorable... Awesome.
I loved the story, and you've done a really really good job! I'm almost disappointed I didn't find this story until it was finished. However, I loved it. <3
Thank you for an amazing story!! :)
Oh, dear Shisus! It was fluffy, then it was angsty, then it was fluffy again, it was a roller coaster ride of fluffy angsty-ness! I loved it to pieces!!! Great work, my friend.
i read it again and i'm starting fangirling again... this is all because i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored
OMG I FINALLY FINISHED NOW SPAZZING FA;OSIDJFAIOEFAKLXDJ;. (took me such a long time to finish lol.)
That was beautiful. During the middle I wanted to slap some sense into the characters sometimes, but I like the ending, it's so sweet. I especially like how you tried to make it realistic at the end. Wow, Minho got some courage lololol. Great story! ^.^
BassLover16 #9