Chapter 24

Being Juliette

[A/N Yay.. not the final chapter- I had too much I wanted to write, and once I reached over 2000 words with not being as close to the end as I wanted, I decided to split what I had and make this the second to last chapter. I just hope it was understandable!! Please look forward to tomorrow's update. By the way... I've already started obsessing about the next storyline, so please anticipate that as well. <3]



I woke up to being repeatedly hit with pillows from either side of me. “Yah! Unnie! Wake your up!” shouted Krystal, with another whack of the pillow against my side. I groaned, rolled over, and pulled the covers over my head- though I smiled secretly.

“Ugh! This girl,” complained Victoria, as she also hit me with a pillow. “Get up!”

I covered my mouth to contain my giggles at their attempts to wake me, but stayed still in bed.

“Unnie… Minho oppa’s on the phone!” Sulli shouted. I immediately sat up to look for the phone which caused all the girls to laugh at me. “I knew that would work,” she smirked and threw one of the stuffed llamas Minho had given me over the years at me.

Luna sat on her bed next to Krystal and said, “Minho oppa’s so romantic! I can’t believe he sang you a song on live radio!” and pretended to swoon.

“Don’t be so melodramatic, Luna…” Krystal said and rolled her eyes.

“What? You said the same thing last night! You’re just mad that Lee Jong Suk didn’t do that for you…” Luna said and smirked.

“Stop it girls,” Victoria said and threw pillows at both of them. “You’ll never quit arguing with one another if you start that topic.” Victoria sat down next to me and asked, “Gwaenchanha?”

I smiled. “Ne, unnie… I’m fine.”

I hadn’t noticed Sulli leave, but she returned to the room carrying a tray with 4 cups of tea, and some cookies. “Confession Tea Time!” she shouted, “and no worries- Victoria umma made the tea and cookies!”

I rolled my eyes- but wasn’t surprised. Each of them pestered me until I gave up and told them everything that happened after Minho and I ran out of the radio studio- minus the kisses we shared.

Krystal put her cup down and jumped on my bed, asking, “Did he kiss you? Did he?”

I quietly looked at the girls and then slowly nodded which made all three of the youngest members pretend to swoon- I could only laugh at their antics.

“So, you both love each other, and kissed… does that mean you’re boyfriend and girlfriend now?” Sulli asked.

“I don’t know if we’re exactly that… but he loves me and I love him… and we’re fine with for now,” I answered truthfully. Then I frowned. “But I’m scared.”

Victoria sat up upon hearing those words. “About what, Amber?”

“What... what if fans do what they did to… you know who... And more importantly… what will SME do to Minho?” I asked nervously, while Victoria sighed.

Luna stood up and walked over to her laptop and turned it on. She started searching on the Naver website, as soon as it loaded and started to read outloud:

“SHINee’s Choi Minho has a girlfriend? SHINee’s Choi Minho serenaded someone with the song “Just the Way You Are” on Shim Shim Tapa late last night. DJ Shindong had asked the question, “Had there ever been a time when you wanted to tell someone something, but couldn’t for whatever reason?” referring to those in SM Entertainment and apparently Minho had planned on singing a song that would explain how he was feeling. Immediately after the song, he had left the radio station so no one was able to ask who the song was meant for. Everyone is now speculating as to who that someone could be. A SNSD member? An f(x) member? Who do you believe Minho thinks is amazing and hopes to never change?”

“They never mentioned you unnie,” Luna said quietly. “That’s good, right?” I slightly shrugged while Victoria nodded.

“There were only a few people who had seen Minho run off with Amber. SHINee’s manager and manager oppa immediately took action and got the engineers to edit the part of Amber and Minho running off from the livestream- and Shindong oppa never mentioned Amber leaving afterwards. The cameras were turned to focus only on Donghae and Hyoyeon who joked about his song “Oppa Oppa,” before we ended the show. So no one besides those who were there knows exactly what happened.”

“Will Minho oppa get into trouble?” Sulli asked the one question on everyone’s mind. We all looked at one another and yet, no one could give an answer.


I tried calling all morning to speak to Minho since Luna read that one article, but wasn’t able to get a hold of him. I kept imagining all sorts of things- SME kicking Minho out of SHINee and SME… Minho was ignoring my calls because he hadn’t meant it when he said he loved me… Minho getting hurt on the way back to his dorm- and it was driving me crazy. I sighed and laid back on the couch- closing my eyes.

I grabbed my hand phone to call him for the twentieth time when a knock was heard on the front door and it opened. Manager oppa walked in and we stood up to greet him.

He did not look very happy- he looked over at Victoria and said, “Go tell Luna and Krystal to get ready to go to the van. I need you all to not come in the living room for a bit- I need to talk to Amber.”

I nervously sat down and watched him sit across from me. He waited until both Victoria and Sulli left the room before saying, “Amber… I need you to tell me the truth.”

I looked up at him and waited for him to continue.

He stood up and started to pace. “Is there something going on between Minho and you? Are you two dating?” He stopped to look at me; waiting for my answer.

Before I could answer, he continued with, “Because I know you two are best friends- if you’re only friends, then you both need to say so. Minho will get in less trouble if he says that he sung that song to a friend rather than to a girl he likes.

I sat there silent- I didn’t know how to respond.

“Amber,” he said sighing. “Look… I expected something to happen between you two eventually. There was always a feeling you two put out- but I always looked the other way. I’ve been your manager for three years, but also been a friend- I know that behind being an idol, you’re all just like other people and want to date and have fun.”

He started to pace again at my silence. “Amber… if anyone ever asks, I did not say this… but had you two just secretly dated, I would have kept looking the other way. But since Minho did that on live radio, everyone’s up in arms- wanting to know who he was singing for. Their manager and I did as much damage control as we could, but some netizens and upper management at SM Entertainment are definitely not happy with Minho.”

“O-oppa…” I interrupted him. He stopped pacing and looked at me. “What are they going to do to Minho?”

“As of this morning… they have taken his hand phone away, and put him in lockdown. He’s not allowed to leave his dorm, talk on the phone or talk to anyone besides his manager and s, or be on the internet while they figure out how to quiet things down. Fans and netizens have gone crazy over this- some are upset, and then there are some who are supportive.”

“They wouldn’t kick him out of SHINee or SM Entertainment or anything like that, will they?” I asked quickly.

He shook his head at me. “Minho is the face of SHINee, Amber. He has millions of fans worldwide- they aren’t that stupid to do that to him…” he said looking at me. “Or to the girl he loves,” he added quietly.

I looked at him, unsure if I heard him correctly. What are you trying to say, oppa? What are telling me to do?

He continued to look at me for a minute longer and then stood. “Think about what I said… but, mianhe, Amber- I don’t know what else to tell you. We’ll just have to wait and see as to what will happen. Well, the girls need to get going,” he said and started to walk towards the bedrooms.


The rest of the day, I spent between sitting on the rooftop thinking about everything manager oppa had said and searching the internet, reading everything related to Minho and what happened at Shim Shim Tapa.

I looked over at the sound of footsteps and saw Donghae walk towards me. He sat on the bench next to me and simply gave me a hug. “That’s from me and from Minho. He gave a message to Key to ask me to come give you. He said to stay strong, to remember that he loves you, he’s doing ok and that everything will be fine.”

I started crying and hugged him back. “Gamsahabhnida, oppa… I’ve been so worried.” He stayed silent and patted my back.

“I know you’re worried, Amber-ah… but things are already dying down a little bit. The biggest question on everyone’s mind is who he was singing to.”

I wiped my tears away and said, “Oppa… I feel like a pabo… he put so much on the line to do this for me, and I’m just here… doing nothing.”

“He doesn’t expect you to do anything for him, Amber-ah. He chose to do this, and he’s being a man and accepting everything that is coming with his decision.”

I sat there for a moment, and decided there was something I could do.

I cleared my throat and looked at Donghae. “Oppa… remember the night with the ice cream and our conversation?” He nodded. “Will you help me with something?”

He smiled and answered, “Anything for you, Amber.”


@DayDreamer_ ~ I'm glad you liked it- I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story ^^

@Aika0330 ~ I wish it pertained to RL too... I'd love to see them together with everyone supporting them! 

@sleepylips ~ I am a believer in "Love conquers all." I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it :)

@ch1kr ~ you have no idea how hard it was to come up with a "solution" to this particular drama... i've been constantly thinking of ways to do it- hope you'll like how it ends up!

@vip_love ~ thank you for always commenting and supporting. Happy to hear you liked the last chapter :)

@YuuYuu ~ oh to actually have a Minber scandal... lol Hope you're enjoying the updates!

@CassidyIsHere ~ you too... I'd be happy with just more Minber moments... lol ^^ but I'll keep waiting for them to come out and admit theyre dating ^^

@TwistedIllusions ~ <3 Thank you for your continued support, hon... hope you liked this chapter :)

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januarysunshine13 #1
Chapter 25: Hello, I really enjoy your romantic fics. there used to be two stories on Amber and Onew. Hope you make them available again. I wish you still kept writing about them. I really liked the way you portrayed them.
Chapter 25: It's been like 4 years and I'm pissed with my self that I only got around to this now! I loved it so so so much❤️
Chapter 25: I seriously keep coming back to this story! Hahahaha this is one of my favorite Minber fics out here!
Chapter 25: Aww I wanted to see the netizens reactions to amber being Juliette but still amazing story :D
sarakarrolina #5
Chapter 25: I LOVED EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER! Just wanted to say that. I've been reading this fic since yesterday, and it's amazing. It was so much fun reading, beautiful, cute, adorable... Awesome.
I loved the story, and you've done a really really good job! I'm almost disappointed I didn't find this story until it was finished. However, I loved it. <3
Thank you for an amazing story!! :)
Oh, dear Shisus! It was fluffy, then it was angsty, then it was fluffy again, it was a roller coaster ride of fluffy angsty-ness! I loved it to pieces!!! Great work, my friend.
i read it again and i'm starting fangirling again... this is all because i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored
OMG I FINALLY FINISHED NOW SPAZZING FA;OSIDJFAIOEFAKLXDJ;. (took me such a long time to finish lol.)
That was beautiful. During the middle I wanted to slap some sense into the characters sometimes, but I like the ending, it's so sweet. I especially like how you tried to make it realistic at the end. Wow, Minho got some courage lololol. Great story! ^.^
BassLover16 #9