Chapter 3

Being Juliette


[A/N I wrote this during lunchtime at work. Again, not as long.. but I think this needed to happen. lol. Enjoy]


“Oh my god,” I said to myself while looking at the mirror. Honestly, I didn’t think I looked too bad.. just.. different. I leaned in closer and lightly touched my hair. “Not bad,” I said quietly… I touched my lips… red. I sighed. Ugh... why red? I mean, red was a good color on me, I guess… but maybe it was just the dress… the short dress that I was more bothered about. I sighed again and picked up the mask. “Where did unnie run off to?” I wondered. I took a deep breath and counted to ten… ok, maybe it was more like thirty… and turned to head out the dressing room.

“At least I’m only wearing two inch heels and not stilettos or anything like that,” I said out loud and opened the door. I swear I could feel the dress ride up. I bent down and pulled at the hem. “Damn dress… damn short dress!” I muttered to myself.

I looked up when I heard some movement.

“Wait… Amber?” a voice said.

“Omo, omo… ottoke,” I mumbled and immediately turned around. Why him? Why did he have to see me like this? Why of all people, one of my best friends (and one of the ones who liked to tease me the most)… Mr. Flaming Charisma himself.

I felt my cheeks burn up. If anyone told me, my face matched the shade of my dress I wouldn’t have argued the statement. Could someone die from embarrassment? Knowing me, I’d be the idol to make headlines over that.

“f(x) main rapper, and known tomboy extraordinaire, Amber Liu, found dead in a dress at the latest SHINee MV shoot. Cause of death: Embarrassment.”

“Ottoke,” I said to myself.

“Amber?” Minho asked again. I closed my eyes wondering what I did wrong in a past life to have to go through this embarrassment.  Minho put his hand on my shoulder. I could feel the warmth through my sleeve... as well as my face getting hotter.

“Ottoke… ottoke…” I repeated in my head.

“Amber?” Victoria said softly trying to get my attention. I honestly hadn’t noticed she was there too. Thank God for Victoria being here as well… wait... SHE was the one who brought Minho here? She was dead… I could have sworn it on the whole of my cap collection!

I took two deep breaths hoping to settle my nerves, and hope I’d turn back to my original color. What did Heechul Oppa always say at times like this? “Confidence… never let anyone see your fear.” I counted to three (heck, I’d already make them wait long enough) and turned around. I prayed I was no longer red and would sound like the normal, cool Amber. I looked up at the pair.

“Hi unnie… Hi Minho,” I said in a calm voice that even surprised myself. “Are they ready for us?” I asked with a smile.

Victoria stood there blinking at me expressionless and completely silent. “What now?” I thought.

Minho, on the other hand, kept looking at me… from head down to toe… back up... and down. I ignored his odd behavior.

“Confidence,” I muttered.

“What was that, Am?” Victoria asked. Minho was still silent, his face sort of pinkish. Was he feeling alright?

I raised an eyebrow but shrugged off the question. I was determined not to blush anymore.

Victoria’s phone beeped signaling an incoming SMS message. She checked it and cleared . “I have to go Am, manager oppa’s outside.” She wouldn’t look me in the eye. I was so going to get her later about bringing Minho here.

“But Minho promised to help keep your identity a secret,” she quickly added, “right, Minho?” She glanced at the silent idol and poked him.

“Uh… ne. I will,” he answered while nodding. He was still looking at me. What? Did I look that bad? I ignored him again.

Victoria looked between us and sighed. She rushed to hug me. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you in a week, Am. Give my love to the girls. Remember, you’re umma while I’m gone.” She still hadn’t released her hold on me. “You look beautiful as always, Am… honestly, just different.  Fighting!” And with that, she ran off to catch her ride to the airport.

I exhaled a breath I had not known I was holding. I ran my hands down the dress at an invisible wrinkles and looked at Minho. “Ready to go?” I asked. Nothing. “Minho?” Still no response. I slapped his arm and asked, “Do I look THAT bad?” I was agitated and could feel tears starting to well up.

His mouth opened and closed with no words coming forth… twice... three times.

“Fine! Don’t answer me,” I nearly shouted and walked around him to head towards where the others were probably all waiting for us.

Minho cleared his throat. “No… no Amber. You look… beautiful,” I heard him say.

I stopped walking and turned around. “Mwoh?”


@TwistedIllusions ~ thank you for the comments. I've always enjoyed your stories and am honestly quite flattered to see your response. :)

@rubyroo ~ Most of us are ers for minber or in all honesty, anyber fics, right? tee hee

@mybabyboo ~ I LOL'd while writing it. I imagine Mr. Flaming Charisma to still be just a boy deep inside. A very cute one that!

@YuuYuu ~ In fact, originally, I had Jonghyun, her dinosibling be who Victoria called... but I couldn't help start the Minber interaction! Plus, while writing this, I saw the link posted on TwistedIllusions profile of them in Shanghai. I'd trust Amber with him! I'm not sure I'd trust any of the fans with him though.. they'd eat him alive!

@CassidyIsHere ~Thanks for the kind words. In fact, I've tried adding the minber tag twice and been epic-failness.. but I'll keep trying! :)


Hope you all enjoyed the update (albeit shortish one.) I'm hoping to update again tonight.. we see. :))

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januarysunshine13 #1
Chapter 25: Hello, I really enjoy your romantic fics. there used to be two stories on Amber and Onew. Hope you make them available again. I wish you still kept writing about them. I really liked the way you portrayed them.
Chapter 25: It's been like 4 years and I'm pissed with my self that I only got around to this now! I loved it so so so much❤️
Chapter 25: I seriously keep coming back to this story! Hahahaha this is one of my favorite Minber fics out here!
Chapter 25: Aww I wanted to see the netizens reactions to amber being Juliette but still amazing story :D
sarakarrolina #5
Chapter 25: I LOVED EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER! Just wanted to say that. I've been reading this fic since yesterday, and it's amazing. It was so much fun reading, beautiful, cute, adorable... Awesome.
I loved the story, and you've done a really really good job! I'm almost disappointed I didn't find this story until it was finished. However, I loved it. <3
Thank you for an amazing story!! :)
Oh, dear Shisus! It was fluffy, then it was angsty, then it was fluffy again, it was a roller coaster ride of fluffy angsty-ness! I loved it to pieces!!! Great work, my friend.
i read it again and i'm starting fangirling again... this is all because i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored
OMG I FINALLY FINISHED NOW SPAZZING FA;OSIDJFAIOEFAKLXDJ;. (took me such a long time to finish lol.)
That was beautiful. During the middle I wanted to slap some sense into the characters sometimes, but I like the ending, it's so sweet. I especially like how you tried to make it realistic at the end. Wow, Minho got some courage lololol. Great story! ^.^
BassLover16 #9