chap 17

Summer Ghost Boy


Jisun stared on the blank ceiling while resting her head on her pillow. Slowly she touched her neck. The pain has decreased a bit, but the bruise was still there. She was still wondering if the thing that happened last night was real. Coz she can’t forget how Young Saeng warmly hugged her.

                “Protective ghost boy.. why don’t you just appear now, and tell me if you’re a real ghost or what..” She crossed her arms.


                A loud sound came from downstairs. Jisun got off her bed, wondering what’s happening to her brother whom she thought was alone managing the lunch. She went down the stairs carefully, and arrived at the kitchen.

                “What… is this..?” She was surprised to see Kyu Jong, Hyung Jun and Hyun Joong who were also in the kitchen. To her most surprise, they’re covered with flour. Everyone’s white from head to toe. And so does the entire kitchen.

                “Ah.. annyeong, Jisun ah..” Hyun Joong who was standing in front of the stove, still cooking his spaghetti,  greeted her. “I told these kids, we don’t need flour..” He looked at Hyung Jun with two angry eyes.

                Hyung Jun looked away, with his hands clearly holding an empty flour packet. “It won’t be like this if Jung Min wasn’t taking this from me..”

                “Something has gotten into us, and we became childish after Jungmin threw the flour onto Hyung Jun..” Kyu Jong brushed off the flour on his shirt.

                Jisun now looked at Jungmin. “So it’s you?”

                “I just.. well, I thought it was fun. So I put the flour on everyone’s face. But then everyone went so serious and wanted to put the whole packet into my mouth. So, that’s what happened..” Jungmin told her sister like she’s the mother who was getting mad over her naughty son.

                “You’re so my brother..” Jisun touched the kitchen counter, which was also covered with flour. Then she looked at Hyun Joong.

                “Oppa, your cooking isn’t affected, is it?” She worried about the spaghetti he’s cooking.

                “Ah, I protected it with my life. If not, I’d eat Jungmin coz I’m starving..” Hyun Joong smiled, but he’s clearly wanted to hit Jungmin with the ladle he’s holding.

                Suddenly Kyu Jong stood up. “Hey!” He suddenly yelled.

                Jisun was shocked by his sudden action. “Why, Kyu Jong ah?”

                “Look, there..” Kyu Jong pointed to the floor. They took a look, and everyone was surprised. They’re looking at the marble floor which was covered with flour. But that was not the one they’re getting shocked at. They’re looking at the footprints which were appearing one by one on the dusty floor.

                The footprints appear, and seemed to head towards the chair next to Kyu Jong. Jisun tried to figure out what did the footprint.

                “Yah.. no!” Suddenly Hyung Jun grabbed Kyu Jong’s bag on the chair, and held it closely and firmly. Kyu Jong looked at him in astonishment.

                “Why?” He asked Hyung Jun.

                “Can’t you see it? It’s coming to your bag, and here’s where you put the book. Remember?” Hyung Jun pointed on the bag. Kyu Jong looked inside the bag, and sighed in relieved that the book was still there. He put the bag back on the counter.

                “The ghost can’t come near to this book. She’s allergy to lemon, remember? Now let’s just clean this kitchen..” Kyu Jong took the broom and mop. He gave one to Hyung Jun, and they started to clean.

                But Jisun was still looking at the footprints. She went closer to looked at them with a clearer view. Then, slowly a figure appeared. It’s Young Saeng. “Eh.. you?”

                “Shh!” Before Jisun made an announcement telling he’s the one who made them have the thoughts that the ghost was back, Young Saeng put his index finger on his lips, wanted Jisun to keep quiet. She looked behind her, but the others were busy cleaning the kitchen, and Jungmin was helping Hyun Joong serving the lunch. She turned back to Young Saeng.

                “What are you doing?” She mouthed it at Young Saeng. But he just smiled, and then he disappeared. She looked around, but he’s nowhere to be seen.

                “He’s getting harder to be seen. He’s almost invisible.” Jisun looked at the floor, hoping Young Saeng would appear again. 


@MBTupan0721 hee, it's sheepless.. keke! 

@naegaBABOimnida thanks for reading! I'm so happy for that!^^

@i_candie when I'm imagining Jungmin wearing apron, I remmebered their dorm days.. keke.. wearing those cute aprons and cook together... ^^

@YSotter1103 thanks! hee, continue reading to figure that out!^^

 It has been a while since my last update, huu.. My dad bought me a guitar *which I've been requesting since before* so I was engrossed practicing the chords. Now all my left fingers feel numb. *it's so hard* And I'm having a hard time typing on my stiff keyboard.. haha~

Thanks a heap for who has been reading until this chapter.. You really motivated me to continue updating!^^

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Chapter 32: Love this fanfic.! Even though I kinda don't like love stories, .... Well, this has mystery anyways. Haha. So, I really like it. So sweet! :) And please write more stories. xD
Chapter 32: Wow!! I really really really like this fanfic!! Please continue write fanfic about SS501..
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 32: Daebak! I'm crying I live this story.
very good writing. i just read the whole story in one sitting. I couldn't pass it up till tomorrow, I was just hooked ^^
I loved this fic!
nice ending so sweet.. hehe.. they're now together.. waaaa.. such great story.. thanks for making this:D hope u can make another wonderful stories and of course starring SS501.. heehee:D
oww.. whats with yesun's father?? is he knows everything 'bout what happen to Young Saeng and Yesun?? kyaaa.. hope he will be a help for Young Saeng to comeback and for yesun not to disappear..