
But I loved you first?

"Minho!?" Taemin came in with a cup of orange juice....but dropped it all over the ground with a pissed off expression on his face....


Taemin's POV:

The next morning, I woke up with a huuuuge smile on my face. Couldn't wait to see my babe<3 I got her a cup of OJ and walked to her room. But what do I see? MINHO AND HER IN THE SAME BED!.....AND HER HEAD IS LAYING ON HIS CHEST!

"Minho?!" I screamed as I dropped the OJ all over the ground. I didn't give a if it left a stained.

"It's not what it looks like! She was crying and screaming when she was dreaming and----" He was cut off by ______.

"What? What was I screaming?" She asked, in a serious tone.

" ""please! don't go! I'll do ANYTHING for you!" " he explained.

Her jaw dropped.

Your POV:

"please! don't go! I'll do ANYTHING for you!" Minho explained. Right when I heard those words, my jaw dropped. Oh no, not again. Tears please don't stream down my face...

Right then, tears came from your eyes like it was a river. Minho was clueless....only Taemin knew.

You ran onto the roof, sitting there letting the morning breeze make your hair fly. It was freezing cold, but you didn't care even if you were in a big tee and bball shorts.

*Flashback: 2 years ago. You were 14*

______ and ______'s brother were walking around the park. _____'s brother was the only family member she had left. Her parents got into a car crash.

It was getting late and _____ 's brother's car was far away.

"You stay here under this tree and wait for oppa till he gets the car okay? DON'T LEAVE!"

"NEH dongwoon oppa!"

______ waited for half an hour, the car WASN'T that far! So you walked in the direction dongwoon oppa went & tried remembering where the car was. As you stepped further to where the car was, you saw your oppa laying on the ground nonstop bleeding.

You shrieked, "OPPA, PLEASE. ARE YOU OKAY?!"

"Neh," he tried to say, "oppa will be in a better place and will always be here for you. don't forget that okay?"

"please! don't go! I'll do ANYTHING for you!"

"Silly _____. now go call some----" he couldn't speak anymore. his eyes started to close slowly, and his heart stopped beating which made your heart stop. You were nonstop crying until a young boy, who was around your age and handed you his phone.

"Go call someone, your oppa will be fine :)" he said.

You didn't even know him, you didn't care if he thought you looked like crap. you grabbed him down to your level and cried on his shoulder. He called the cops for you since you were crying.

You wanted to kill those bastards who did this to your brother. You wanted to burn them inna fire with a passion!

After the cops & ambulance left, you looked around for that young boy. You couldn't find him. Every where you went, you couldn't find him. You hoped one day, you will.

*end of flashback*

You are now crying on to your big tee, it's all wet. Until you hear a camera flash before your eyes.

Your Pov:


I ran as fast as I could to open the door, until the door flung open and it was Minho oppa. He grabbed you by the wrist and closed the door behind you shut. You were panting real hard, because 1. you were just cyring and you didn't finish crying & 2. you were still thinking about the past...

Minho POV: *before getting ______*

"Taemin, please. Let me explain I wasn't trying to-----"

"yeah whatever save it. Don't ever talk to her, touch her, or look at her ever again!" Taemin yelled and ran to his room.

I wonder what ______ 's doing, Hopefully she isn't doing anything bad!

I ran up to the roof, opened the door and------


Hopefully they didn't get a picture of my face or _____'s!

Taemin's POV:

"Don't ever talk to her, touch her, or even look at her again!" I said to Minho. Then ran to my room.

That freaking Minho ugh. I should go check on ______, since she was having that bad dream about her Dongwoon oppa again....


Key:" hey...did you guys check on this gossiping website yet?...."



LOL. Sorry, I think this chapter is boring. oh wells! TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY TILL WINTERBREAAAK! YEEE.

Oh and thanks for the comments&new subscribers ;) I'll update probably inna hour. mmmkay?

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Chapter 32: Update please!
It's a great story, but you haven't updated for a year :( Must be busy, no?
Please update soon~ t__t
Kpoprelated #4
pleasseee update soon~
Waaaahh~ I love DDR!! <3 and You are doing a really good job!! [:<br />
Keep Up the Awesomeness!!
oooohhhh please update sooonnn :)
-kyeopta #7
Update soon~
Please update soon ^^
whoah, your schedule is really filled up.<br />
oh well, i'm sure i'll be able to wait. (:
hmph, hope u have more free time in the future!! :D