Wait? What! Am I? What happened to?

But I loved you first?

I'm in class right now, not paying attention to my erted teacher who is giving us a lecture about why girls should wear shorter skirts for their uniforms. aish.

I've been thinking about when Minho and I did it, it was only like a 3 weeks ago?.... Today is suppose to be my time of the month! I remember that he didn't use a ...but he didn't like inside me? I should talk to him later.

But if I'm going to have a baby! I don't think I can handle it! I'm only 16 for crying out loud! I don't have any family member for support.

I wonder if Minho would leave me? I mean of course he wouldn't! We've been together for about a month and a half. I can trust him! Can't I? If i'm pregnant will he always be by my side? Will he call me stupid for not stopping him?

*rinnnnnnnnnng rinnnnnnnnnnnnnng*

ah, finally lunch!

Half of this school day, tons of girls kept asking me:

"are you really with minho!?"




I. Just. Want. Them. To. Shut. Up.

"_________________________-AAAAAAAH!" A girl shouted as I was walking to my locker.

It was one of my closest friend, Min Hee. I don't like the other girls in this school. They tried too hard. and for the guys, they are all immature heads.

"____! _____! ______! THANKS FOR TELLING ME ABOUT YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Min hee yelled in my face as she poked my forehead.

"I'm hungry. Can I get some food and then talk about this?" I said with no emotion, I wasn't really in the mood.

"fine fine. but omfg! I thought you were going to go out with taemin wasn't he one of your-----" I quickly shut and ran into an empty hall.

No one really knew Taemin and I were best friends. If I did they would laugh and mock me.

"nice one min hee!" I shouted as poking her forhead.

"oww! sorrrrry!" She said while rubbing her head.

We walked to the cafeteria.

"mmm! which one should I get? Radish Kimchi? Pizza? French Fries? chow mein? spring rolls? i want them all!" I said while examining all the food while my lips. they look so delicous!

"_______! calm down! the more fat you get Minho will break up with you!" Min hee scolded me as she was getting a salad and I was already paying for my food.

"bleeh" I said while sticking my tongue out.

Min hee and I sat a booth. Barely anyone was inside. mostly everyone eats at the patio area.

As I picked up a pieace of my radish kimchi Min hee starts attacking me with questions!

"So _____! how did it start! did you guys do it?! I thought you would end up with Taemin? Can you hook me up!?" I just stared at her with a iamnotamused face.

before I could answer her, someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Excuse me, _____." It was a man's voice.

"Neh?" I said while turning around to see who it was. It was the principal of our school.

"Please follow me to my office." He started walking off.

"Araso." I said. I turned around to Min hee & waved goodbye. She looks so sad and lonely. -____-

I finally caught up to my principal as he was opening his door.

"______-ah, take a seat." He let me in the room first. I've only been in his office once. It was because this threw a sandwich at me and i kind of punched her in the throat.....

I finally sat down as the principal sat in the seat behind his desk.

He let out a big sigh and said, "You can go now." As he was pointing behind me and smiled. I turned around to see,


"Minho!? what the!" He put his index finger on my lips and bowed to my teacher & said "kamsahamnida!"

"No problem Mr.Choi! anytime!" The principal said. Wow, he sounds happy.

I got up from my seat and thanked my principal.

Minho offered to hold my hand while we were walking through an empty hallway, and I gladly took the offer.

"oppa, what are you doing here?" I asked. He kept looking straight and said nothing. He didn't look so happy. I decided to not let my mouth talk to much. I really wanted to talk about the pregnant thing....

We reached his car and went inside. He didn't put the keys in ignition. He just sat there and stared into my eyes. i could see sadness in his eyes

He finally let words come out of his mouth.

"Taemin.....is in the hospital."



waaah~ so many things going on! ______ think she might be prego and Taemin's in the hospital :C

I'm going to type up the next chapter later tonight. sowwwy.

I'm going to church now!

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Chapter 32: Update please!
It's a great story, but you haven't updated for a year :( Must be busy, no?
Please update soon~ t__t
Kpoprelated #4
pleasseee update soon~
Waaaahh~ I love DDR!! <3 and You are doing a really good job!! [:<br />
Keep Up the Awesomeness!!
oooohhhh please update sooonnn :)
-kyeopta #7
Update soon~
Please update soon ^^
whoah, your schedule is really filled up.<br />
oh well, i'm sure i'll be able to wait. (:
hmph, hope u have more free time in the future!! :D