Getting ready for the Talent Show!

School Days

Every day since that event Donghae has been around me nonstop, and for once I was fine with it. He would put his arm around me when we’re walking in the hallways; he would hold my hand when we were at the lunch table, we were finally a couple and that’s what couples do, right?

Besides the small things like that we really couldn’t do much more, not with the talent show sneaking up on us and us having to spend our time practicing. The scheduled date for the Talent show was March 14th and soon after that was Spring Break, time sure does fly when you’re busting your in order to make a good performance for the talent show. We didn’t have the time to spend a day together and he would envy Sungmin the most when I would choose Sungmin as my dance partner instead of him. It was easier on us to have me be partners with Sungmin since we live together, sorry Donghae but that was just how life works.

“So how are things between you and Donghae?” Sungmin asked one night as we worked on our homework, mainly math since I at that subject and scored well to have a smart boy as my roommate.

“He’s been really clingy lately and I’m not sure how to react, does he really want everyone to know about us being er—together?” I questioned while staring at my math book in hopes that if I stared long and hard enough the problems will soon have answers. It didn’t work.

“That’s always the bad thing about liking the same gender, the decision on if you want it to be hidden or public. He looks like he’s leaning more for public but in my opinion its best to keep it hidden and maybe only let the members in on it. Or better yet just keep it hidden from everyone who doesn’t know about it already.” Sungmin suggested as if he already went through that sort of thing before, but obviously he hasn’t since he has a girlfriend who lives in the United States.

“So maybe I need to talk to Donghae about it before making any rash decisions. I don’t want Super Junior to fail just because of this and I’d rather not tell anyone and keep it hidden for the sake of our fanbase, when we get one that is.” I agreed not much liking the idea of finally liking someone just to have to hide it from everyone. But it was for the best if we wanted Super Junior to be a hit idol band and they barely even want a member dating a girl I’m not sure what they would do if they found out I was dating a boy! And a member of the same band too!

“Yeah exactly.” Sungmin concluded going back to his math work in hopes of finishing the assignment before the end of the night. “Sometimes it’s better to keep it hidden then to tell everyone about it…” He whispered softly sighing in the process. Something was definitely up with Sungmin and I had a feeling that he was in a similar situation like me.


The talent show was slowly creeping forward and I spent all of my free time either at the karaoke bar or at the dance studio. We met up as a group a few times so far but lately we haven’t even decided what songs to do so I ended up practicing as many as possible to make sure that whatever we choose I’ll be ready for it. There was a week left until the show and from what I could tell there were about twenty entries for the talent show, not all being singing or dancing but of some sort of talent. We hoped if we impressed everyone at school we’d have a higher chance at entertainments finding us and taking us in as trainees.

“With one week left it’s time to reveal the song and dance we shall be doing for the talent show.” Leeteuk announced catching every member’s attention and causing everyone to form around him. All of us were here for once so this must be pretty important. “The producers of the show said we could only perform one song—“ groans erupted from the band, including myself. I can’t believe after all that practicing we can only show them one song. “—because the other participants need time for their performances as well. I decided that we’ll take a vote on our best song and go from there. Any suggestions?”

“Bonamana!” Donghae and I shouted at the same time, looked at each other awkwardly, but continued to look confident in our choices.

“I’d like to perform U.” Heechul suggested, that was also a good suggestion but I still believe after all the practicing we did for Bonamana we’d do better doing my choice.

“I kind of like the idea of Bonamana.” Sungmin joined our side, Kyuhyun agreeing next to him.

Bonamana—4 U—1

“It’s you is a good one as well, I’ll vote for that one.” Ryeowook joined the competition with a new song getting an agreement from Yesung and Kangin.

Bonamana—4 U—1 It’s you—3 We’re still winning!

“I’m thinking Sorry Sorry.” Hangeng added in another one of our good songs and caught the interest of Siwon and Shindong.  

So far we’re still winning by one, but Leeteuk and Kibum still had to choose as well.

“Okay okay those are all good choices, sorry Heechul looks like we won’t be doing U—“ Heechul sighed at the comment, “—so It’s down to Sorry Sorry, It’s you and Bonamana.” Leeteuk announced getting ready for the final votes. “When I call out the certain song just raise your hand and I’ll count you.”

Everyone agreed to these terms and waited for Leeteuk to call out the first song.

“Sorry Sorry!”

Hangeng, Siwon and Shindong all rose their hands but no one else. Same as before.

“It’s you.”

Ryeowook, Yesung, Kangin and Kibum rose their hands this time earning them a new voter bringing them to four.

But it was already won before Leeteuk even had to shout out Bonamana.


Heechul rose his hand along with the rest of us who had voted the first time allowing the song to win without Leeteuk even having to vote.

“Looks like Bonamana wins the contest, so we have a week left until the talent show get working on perfecting everything about this song and we’ll meet back up here as a group the night before the performance. You better be ready and give it your all. Fighting!” Leeteuk encouraged everyone and shouted out that last bit to make sure everyone was with him.

“Fighting!” Everyone shouted back with as much passion as him. Yup we were definitely going to win and we were going to show all the entertainments out there that what they need isn’t what they have but this amazing group called Super Junior!

Wish us luck!

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3