A tour around Seoul!

School Days

Usually when it came to waking up I was always the first one to wake up, but today was different. And it was proven by a pair of arms shaking me roughly until I finally opened my eyes to glare at the only person who could and would shake me awake like that. “What is it Eunhyuk?”

My glare didn’t seem to faze him at all, “You’re late.”

What was he talking about? I glanced over at my clock beside my bed and looked at the lighted up numbers reading 10:30. Why was this late? We’re on spring break so we don’t need to wake up early—suddenly a flashback of last night appeared in my head and immediately I shot up from my bed and glared at Eunhyuk once more. “WHY DIDN’T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER?!” From the looks of his wet hair and casual clothes he decided he wanted to wake me up after getting ready himself.

He shrugged, obviously used to my anger and glares. “You never told me to wake you up early and I wanted to be ready first for a change.”

“Laura told me to meet her at eleven and to not be late!” I shouted, jumped out of bed and ran for the shower to take a quick one before putting on whatever clothes I could possibly find and fixing my hair after I was all done. I checked the time again and it was not eleven yet so I grabbed Eunhyuk’s arm forcefully and yelled, “You’re coming too!” before dashing out of the room with the monkey being dragged behind me by the sere strength of my grip on his arm.

“Okay Okay I can run myself thank you!” He shouted back and I loosened my grip enough for him to tug free and run beside me and not behind me. “I’ll text Donghae real quick to tell him where I’ll be.” He pulled out his phone but I quickly grabbed it and shook my head.

“There’s no time for that, text him when we get to the hotel.” I stopped all conversation after that last comment and dashed as fast as I could to get to the hotel with Eunhyuk trailing behind me trying to keep up with my pace. There was no way I was going to be late to meeting Laura this morning! We planned to go out to lunch and everything or at least I planned to do that and to take her and show her around the town today. Making Kyuhyun jealous can wait, maybe just her being her will do but I was more concerned on making sure she was going to have a fun time visiting Seoul and not to leave with the thought of wasting her time and losing her friendship with me.

I reached her room five minutes passed eleven and I knocked on the door before catching my breath and resting my arm around the wall beside her door. Eunhyuk had taken his phone back from me and was texting Donghae and I knew we were probably going to have Donghae along for the ride as well. I didn’t have too much planned for today besides walking around and showing her around the town that was within walking distance. Casual dates like movies or walking in parks seemed a bit too average for the fact that she was visiting from a whole different country just to see me.

Laura opened the door slowly at first, probably checking to see who was at the door and when she saw me her face lit up and she swung the door open and hugged me as tightly as she could without hurting me. I hugged her back with almost the same level of tightness and all I could hear was her breathing and Eunhyuk in the background going, “Awwwww.”

She smiled, “I didn’t expect you to actually be on time.” She spoke in English at first but then went, “Oops!” And repeated it in Korean and waited for me to nod to her to show that she was correct in saying it.

“I would never be late for you.” I smiled back and spoke in English just to make sure she understood me. I am so glad I took all those English classes back in Middle School and my first year of High School it really helps when you’re talking to an American.

She blushed and remained silent for a little, closing her door and then greeting Eunhyuk with a “Good Morning” in Korean and a huge smile. He smiled back and replied in English with the same thing.

“Donghae will meet us at wherever we’re going for lunch so just text him the place and he’ll come a bit later when he’s ready.” Eunhyuk spoke to me and I nodded, grabbed my phone and texted him the place and put my phone away.

“Shall we go then?” I asked sweetly, extended my arm and smiled at Laura. She blushed once more but still wrapped her arm around mine and waited for my lead. I nodded to Eunhyuk and soon enough we were out of the hotel and walking the streets of Seoul.

People say Seoul is one of the largest cities in the world, maybe fifth but I’m not sure. What I’m trying to say is that people can get lost and fast too; I barely even knew my way around town and here I was trying to give Laura a tour of an area I knew only vaguely. There were a few places I was leaving off my list for a later date and kept to the average things like shopping places and food areas while we walked to the place that we were going to eat for lunch. I wanted to make sure she tried as much Korean food as possible here and even though she said she didn’t much care for spicy food she did not know what she was missing.

We met up with Donghae at the place I had picked out and he also brought someone else to tag along and my mood was instantly a lot happier when I saw Kyuhyun sitting on the opposite side of Donghae at the table they had picked out for us to sit at. Our seating arrangements were simple, Eunhyuk sat next to Donghae and I sat next to Kyuhyun while Laura sat next to me. We ordered our food and soon enough the whole table was erupted with conversation and once in a while I had to translate for Laura when she couldn’t understand what Donghae or Eunhyuk would say.

“So what are the plans for today?” Kyuhyun turned to me and caused me to stop talking to Eunhyuk about god knows what and give him all of my attention.

“I was going to give Laura a tour around Seoul for today and it would be great to have some extra tour guides to help me.” I didn’t really need any tour guides but if it meant Kyuhyun tagging along for the day then god yes do I need tour guides.

“That sounds fun, we can catch a subway or a bus and show her the 63rd building or maybe some other places that people usually see when they visit here.” Kyuhyun suggested and I almost had to ask him what he said but luckily I caught it all and didn’t have to embarrass myself for actually looking at him and not listening to him like I should.

“Sounds great.” I agreed and decided to keep it a secret from Laura so she could be even more surprised when we take her around the city. This place had a lot of attractions to offer and I hoped we could see a few of them before the day ended.

Lunch ended soon after that and the next thing we knew the five of us were loading onto a subway and heading towards the 63rd building and with everything it had to offer I was sure it would entertain us for the whole day without a single problem.

And I was correct on my assumption and we ended up staying there until it was starting to get dark and we knew we had to head back before it got too dark. The subway ride back was crowded and in the end Kyuhyun and I were standing while the other three were happily sitting and chatting with each other, switching from English to Korean whenever they felt like.

“Today was a good day.” Kyuhyun commented breaking our silence and making me focus my attention on him, which was never a bad thing.

“Yeah thanks for the suggestion and for the help, you should tag along with us the whole week.” I spoke back hoping that he’d agree with me and I could have every chance to make him jealous during the whole week.

“I have a few things I need to get done during this week so I won’t be able to hang out every day.” He responded and my hopes were shot and killed.

“You’re still up for when we introduce her to the other members, right?” He had to at least go to that or else it’d be weird to sing and dance without his amazing voice and great talent.

“Sure I’m free Friday so we can do it then, its Monday now so it just means I’ll be busy mostly throughout the week until the weekend.” Kyuhyun replied and once again my hopes continued to die and have barely any chance to revive.

Kyuhyun was going to be busy throughout most of the week and Laura had to leave Saturday! That meant he was only able to hang out with us for two days out of the week I had planned. I looked from Laura to Kyuhyun and sighed inwardly, “Sure that sounds great I’ll make sure the other members can make it too.”

Our conversation was cut short when our stop was arriving and we had to exit the subway station. Today went from bad to good to right back to being bad again. I couldn’t really think of much else to show Laura and I was relying on Kyuhyun to be around the whole week instead of only two days. Oh well I guess I’ll have to figure out some ideas with Eunhyuk the rest of the night and he better not bail on me either!

It didn’t take long to walk Laura to her hotel and after that we headed back to our rooms, said goodbye, Donghae giving Eunhyuk a goodnight kiss, Eunhyuk blushing up a storm and us walking back to our room to go over ideas for the week.


The rest of the week went by just fine with going to parks, eating out a lot, seeing museums, and even going to an amusement park. It wasn’t until Thursday night did Laura finally speak about something that I was dreading the whole week, and Eunhyuk was gone with Donghae leaving me all alone.

She wanted to go to the park and they had not so we decided to go there for a little bit and I forgot the reason why I had not wanted to be actually alone with her.  She was swinging slowly with a small sad smile on her face; she kept facing me and almost sighing.

“How long have we known each other?” She asked quietly speaking in English just because she was more comfortable.

“Known each other for four months and going out for a little over a month.” I responded, I was sitting on the other swing but I was not swinging but just had most of my body turned to look at her.

“I’m not much of an asker on things, and I don’t force anyone to do anything for me, but—“She sighed this time and stopped swinging entirely. “—why have we not kissed yet? We’re going out right? You’re my boyfriend and I’m your girlfriend yet all this week you haven’t asked me or tried at all.”

I knew this was going to happen, I knew she was going to bring this up and I had no clue how to respond to it. I didn’t want to bring her hopes up by kissing her when I knew I already had feelings for Kyuhyun and I already knew these feelings were not going to go away.

Maybe it was about time I tell her why I brought her here in the first place. I stood up and walked the few steps to her swing and kneeled down in front of it to look her in the eyes. Maybe I should just kiss her and make her happy since she took the time to come all the way to South Korea just to visit me. To visit the boy who planned on using her to get with the guy he wanted to be with.

She closed her eyes and her cheeks were tinted deeply with the shade of red. I leaned in slowly, holding the swing handles for support and enough push to get me to actually kiss her. It felt like forever and I knew it felt like that for her too, but even when inching towards her my eyes wouldn’t close and my heart felt hurt and my mind knew this was wrong.

It was then that I saw a familiar figure in the corner of my eye, my gaze shifted to him alone and he stopped and looked at me. It was now or never! I closed my eyes and leaned in the rest of the way and closed the gap between Laura’s lips and my own. I knew this was wrong, my heart and my mind were both telling me the same thing, but I continued to kiss her for a good five seconds before finally pulling away and checking to see if that same familiar figure was there.

He wasn’t.

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3