A time for change

School Days

It seemed like the whole world was shunning us and making us feel like the worst ever. The sun was shining brightly, there was a soft gentle breeze and even the birds were chirping as I woke up that Sunday morning immediately remembering the events of last night before closing my eyes hoping it was all a dream and if maybe I opened my eyes we really did win first place and this spring break was going to be amazing—not depressing and sad.

I glanced at my computer once I dared opening my eyes again and remembered one good thing about this Spring break and it was that my plan was finally going to go into action once my ‘girlfriend’ comes to visit me.

Oh? You didn’t realize huh? My name is Lee Sungmin and I’m taking over the narration of this little tale for a bit to finally tell my side of the story. Besides I’m so much better than Eunhyuk and I’ll entertain ya’ll so much more.

Eunhyuk was still sound asleep on his side of the room and I could tell he was not going to be getting up for another hour or so since it was the start of our Spring break which meant he didn’t need to be anywhere or do anything.

I got up and quickly went to my computer and turned it on as fast as I could and as quietly to make sure not to wake up the sleeping monkey. I looked at my recent chat log with her and smiled faintly. I knew I was a bad person to raise someone’s hopes so high that they would actually go to a whole different country just to visit their boyfriend, but she was coming for a whole different reason for me. I became really good friends with her while talking and she really trusted me and it wasn’t that I was lying about who I was—just my feelings for her. My feelings were for one person and one person only but the thing is he didn’t know I liked him at all.

We got into arguments a lot, we fight and he always seems to win, he smiles at me once in a while and it is like my heart stops, but he only sees me as a friend and maybe if he sees me happy with a girlfriend he’ll realize maybe he likes me too and we can finally be together. Yup you guessed right! My one and only person that I like is Cho Kyuhyun! The youngest evilest genius in our whole group and I was helplessly in love with him.

No one knows this secret and no one will know about it! Eunhyuk has his whole problems to deal with revolving Donghae and the rest of the members just wouldn’t understand and would probably tell me to give it up before I cause trouble to the already problematic group.

My girlfriend’s name is Laura and from the last message she sent me she’ll be heading over here today so my plan was to pick her up from the airport when she got here at around 7pm tonight. I convinced Eunhyuk a while ago to go with me and most likely Donghae will go with him I just wished Kyuhyun would want to go.

I didn’t mean to fall in love with Cho Kyuhyun but the second he walked into my life I had an attraction for him. He always seemed so calm and serious but he also had a fun and happy side when you got to know him. I met him back when he first came to this school and it was by my suggestion to add him into our group when I heard him sing when he thought he was by himself. I fell in love with his voice and I knew he was our last member to our group and he was going to help our vocals out the most! We grew close without me even realizing it and soon enough whenever he had free time he would always turn to me first. Maybe we got into a lot of arguments because I never wanted to say he was right or maybe because he always treated me as a friend when I wanted more than that. I really am a selfish person.

“Oh, Sungmin you’re up already?” Eunhyuk muttered while rubbing his eyes. I turned to face him completely and nodded. “It’s the beginning of spring break you can at least sleep in you know.” He continued and sat up in his bed.

“I just couldn’t sleep; I think last night shook me up a bit too much to get a good night’s sleep.” I replied speaking the truth. I’m pretty sure after what happened last night no one slept well.

“Don’t let one silly talent show slow us down, we’re going to get into an entertainment eventually and besides whoever said it was going to be easy?” Eunhyuk laughed but anyone could tell he wasn’t really happy and his eyes showed the distant look of sadness. We were all torn up about it; he’s just actually trying to make an attempt to smile it off.

“So what about that deal you made with Donghae, are you going to pronounce to the whole school that you love him and he is your boyfriend?” I asked slyly and he instantly tensed up; it seemed like he had forgotten about the little deal he had made with Donghae.

“I-I uh, well you see I would have to wait until after Spring break before I could because I said to the whole school which is nearly empty because of all the students going home for the week.” Eunhyuk stuttered and moved his arms around as if his hand motions could stop the deal and make it like it never existed.

“Good luck with that.” I smirked and turned around to face my computer once more; looking at Laura’s offline sign I sighed and logged off. Today was going to be a long day.

That is until my phone went off and I checked to see who had sent a text to me.

What are you doing today? Kyuhyun texted and my mood was instantly lifted. Maybe if I hang out with him he’d want to see my girlfriend and maybe get jealous at the affection I show to her.

Nothing yet, want to hang out? I texted back almost instantly ignoring Eunhyuk as he finally woke himself up and went to get ready for today.

Sure, we can have breakfast down in the cafeteria as well if you haven’t eaten yet. He responded and I texted back saying to give me thirty minutes to get ready and instantly ran for the shower room.

When I was out and all cleaned up I ran out of the bathroom in time for Eunhyuk to walk to it slowly and go in leaving me the whole room to myself. I instantly changed in a casual T-Shirt and jeans and brushed through my hair until it looked perfect. I felt like a girl as I looked into the mirror making sure everything was good before heading out the door and making my way to the cafeteria.

Kyuhyun was already waiting there looking perfect as always and he smirked at me when he noticed my presence. I could just melt at the way he looked at me but I stood my ground and waved to him. He sat up and followed me to the breakfast line—which was practically empty due to the lack of students at the school and we soon got our food and sat down. Knowing the rest of Super Junior they would get here later in the day after sleeping in and taking forever to get ready so as of right now it was just me and him.

“What’s going to happen now?” Kyuhyun asked breaking me away from my thoughts to look at him and give him my full attention. I knew exactly what he was talking about—the talent show.

“Leeteuk almost cried, Eunhyuk isn’t taking it too well and the rest of us well I’m not sure everyone just left without much talking.” I replied with a sigh and poked at my food; I suddenly wasn’t very hungry anymore. “I could have sworn we did everything perfectly, but apparently we didn’t get the prize. I noticed the leader of SS501 signing on a contact to an entertainment too. DSP entertainment if I remember correctly.”

“Well they obviously don’t know good talent even if they got slapped in the face with it.” Kyuhyun smirked and I almost blushed but held myself back and nodded to his response. Obviously if DSP Entertainment chose them then they definitely didn’t know the great talents of Super Junior. “Ryeowook kept me awake half the night asking me if his singing was off or if he was off key at any point in the song—everyone sung perfectly so I don’t see why he was worried so much.”

“Eunhyuk seemed down as well but he didn’t talk to me at all when we reached out dorm, he just changed and went straight to bed.” I responded with a sigh remembering the horrible look on Eunhyuk’s face. He seemed so down so devastated. I couldn’t blame him though since he seemed like the most confident one out of all of us. He even managed to cheer Leeteuk up when he’s down.

“Change me roommates I’d rather deal with depression then a whining boy who doesn’t realize he’s super talented.” Kyuhyun chuckled. How about I trade with Ryeowook, I’d gladly be Kyuhyun’s dorm mate and I’d even fail a year to be in the same grade as him.

“Haha I think I’ll keep my depressed monkey, besides you wouldn’t want to deal with all the relationship problems he’s having.” I retorted keeping my truthful comment to myself. I told Kyuhyun about Eunhyuk and Donghae for one specific reason and that reason was to see how he felt about the whole same gender dating ordeal. He took it pretty well and even said things like ‘I figured as much’ or ‘I kind of knew that was going to happen’ but he never really told me about his personal feelings about the matter. He’s never had a girlfriend before or even his first kiss and I’ve never had my first kiss and my first girlfriend is Laura.

“Yeah is he going to be pronouncing his love soon because I definitely want to post that online.” Kyuhyun grinned and pretended to be holding a camera. “All my starcraft friends would love to see that.” Did I ever mention how much of a gamer he is? He was smart, attractive, and a nerd! Yup that’s Cho Kyuhyun for you, and he was perfect to me.

God do I sound cheesy right now.

“He said he was postponing it until school starts up so he’ll have all week to freak out about it before he actually does it. Maybe Donghae will let him off and not have him to do, but then again Donghae is probably waiting for it more than anyone. He didn’t seem all too disappointed when we lost last night.” I said and looked at my food once more before finally picking up my chopsticks and eating some of it; I was always taught not to waste food.

Kyuhyun was silent after that and started to eat his food as well and by the time we finished we noticed some of the other members showing up in the cafeteria. Donghae had his arm wrapped around Eunhyuk’s, Ryeowook seemed dead tired and walked alongside Yesung, Shindong was talking to Kangin about the food they were about to eat and Kibum was walking by himself and went straight to the breakfast line. Heechul, Leeteuk and Hangeng were nowhere in sight but we figured or at least I figured they were off doing something else—or maybe still sleeping. Siwon also seemed absent but he did say something about visiting his parents this spring break so maybe he was already gone.

I never told you the arrangements of our dorm rooms did I? And I bet Eunhyuk hasn’t either! See this is why I’m so much better at narrating because I think about the audience too. For some reason I think the school really liked us and ended up pairing us up a lot, but not all of us got lucky. You should know about Eunhyuk and me, and Ryeowook rooming with Kyuhyun. Yesung is bunked up with Donghae while Shindong and Kangin share a room. Heechul and Hangeng have a room together, but Kibum, Siwon and Leeteuk were the unlucky ones and have to share a room with a stranger. They say its not so bad, but I can tell they don’t really like how everyone else was paired together and became great friends when they have to deal with a guy they don’t even care much for. Kibum and Siwon really got along with their roommates, but anyone could tell Leeteuk didn’t care for his.

“You ready to go?” Kyuhyun asked and I looked over at him and completely forgot what I was thinking about.

“Of course.” Without even waiting for the other members we walked to put our trays away and left the school.

Just hanging out with Kyuhyun was enough for me no matter what we did even if we just walked around and didn’t even talk. Just being in his presence was enough.

“Maybe since we didn’t do so well we can sing some songs at the karaoke bar.” Kyuhyun suggested and I instantly agreed by nodding my head and we turned our direction to the bar and started on our way there. After us losing anyone could tell we weren’t too sure of our skills but the second we sang a song or two in front of the audience they started cheering and clapping and all those worries washed away instantly.

DSP Entertainment just wasn’t look for our kind of talent, maybe they couldn’t handle thirteen strong members in their company and feared we would overpower anything else they have. We’ll find an Entertainment that’ll appreciate our talent and make us of it in any way possible. We were going to succeed; Super Junior was going to prevail!

 Time seemed to have escaped us and we only stopped to get some lunch before heading to the dance studio and practicing on some new moves. We danced for hours only taking breaks to drink some water before we were back on the floor trying even harder than ever. Spring break didn’t mean relaxing for us; it meant training hard and working to achieve our goal!

The next time I looked at my watch I almost freaked out and shouted, “It’s five thirty already?!” I have to pick up Laura from the airport at seven! I checked my phone and noticed two missed calls from Eunhyuk and three unread messages all asking where I was and when we were going to pick her up.

“What’s up? You need to be somewhere?” Kyuhyun appeared out of nowhere and looked over my shoulder at my phone. “What is Eunhyuk texting you about?”

“I have to go pick up Laura!” I shouted before turning to face him but blushed when I realized how close he was to me. “I-I forgot she was coming to visit this week.” I stuttered while looking at his concerned face. Was he jealous? Was he mad? Did he seem sad?

“Well how are you going to pick her up?” Kyuhyun asked breaking my dreams of him protesting that I shouldn’t see my girlfriend but rather to stay with him forever. I could already imagine the heated kiss we would share and how close our bodies would be to each other. Sungmin! Focus!

“E-Eunhyuk said he was going to uh.” I tensed up and stood away from Kyuhyun to catch my breath. “He said he was going to ask around to see if he could find me a ride.”

“There’s no time for that we’ll take a taxi I’ll pay for it.” Kyuhyun responded, grabbed my hand and led me outside to the streets before hollering out that he needed a taxi and one stopped beside us. “It’ll take us a little more than an hour to get to the airport from here so we’ll just take a taxi. Tell Eunhyuk to meet us there.” He then opened the taxi door and pushed me inside making me sit on the other side for him to get in as well.

“U-Uh sure.” I muttered and started texting Eunhyuk the plans as Kyuhyun told the taxi driver where to go.

This was going to be a long drive…

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3