School Resumes and a tour of the building

School Days

Everything was set and finally my life was beginning the way I wanted it to. I sat beside Donghae and held onto his hand and he knew the deal we had made was still in effect and he knew my side had won. He wasn’t necessarily happy about the deal going in my favor but he knew it wasn’t just for us it was for the band. Everyone worked hard to get into an entertainment and everyone deserved the best kinds of treatment when it came to being accepted and that’s what happened to us—except Donghae felt cheated out of a real relationship and to be honest I did too.

“So we start tomorrow, right?” He whispered and squeezed my hand tighter as if silently telling me to never let go.

“Yeah, we’ll be introduced to all of the other staff members and we’ll start our training.” I answered almost in a monotone voice, not sure if I should be happy or sad at this turn of events.

“This is what we wanted—but why do we seem so sad about it?” He turned to face me now and I felt my heart breaking and yet I knew we weren’t even breaking up. How did I ever live without him by my side?

“Because we know the consequences and we don’t like them.” I responded with more emotion this time and sighing as well. “We’re doing this for the band and for the people—we both don’t like it but a deal is a deal and it is for the best.” A secret relationship was not on my bucket list of things to do in my life or in my high school life—but Sungmin had a good point and ever since then I knew if we got accepted we had to hide our feelings for each other.

“I’ll still flirt with you, you know?” Donghae chuckled adding in some happiness to our sad conversation. “The fans will never know if I’m serious or joking I promise.” He smirked and leaned in to kiss me. The kiss started off slow and sweet but soon grew more passionate and deep. It was like all of our feelings leaked into that kiss and showed the other just how much we meant to each other. Eternity could have passed and I would not have cared at all because all I needed was right in front of me and there was no chance of me letting him go.

When the kiss broke off we knew it was time to part ways and we waved goodbye before he headed off to his dorm room and me to my own. School was starting back up tomorrow after the long Spring Break but school wasn’t what I was sleeping early for—what I was resting for was scheduled right after school at the SM Entertainment building and was enough reason for me to want to get enough rest and relaxation before the real training started.

I opened my door silently when I reached my dorm room, unsure of if Sungmin was asleep or still awake. He ended up telling me everything that had happened on Friday and how he was now in the same situation as me; a secret relationship. As expected when I did come inside he was on his computer typing away with his headphones in and loud enough music for me to even hear from the doorway. I closed the door and ignored him at first to get ready for bed and to do a few things before actually sleeping. I checked all of my spring break homework to make sure I did it all and sighed in relief when I saw all the pages filled out and ready to turn in. Being so busy during the week it was hard to focus on the schoolwork but in the end Sungmin and I got it all done when Laura left and he even checked over my work to make sure I had it all correct.

Once I did that I noticed Sungmin had stopped listening to music and was turning his computer off for the night, he glanced my way and waved to me before going off to get ready for sleep himself. When he came back he sat on his bed and turned his attention to me, “So tomorrow is the big day.”

Of course I knew exactly what he was talking about and nodded to him, “Yeah I can’t wait, I’m almost too excited to sleep.” I smiled the best I could but all I could think about was Donghae and how we’d have to keep everything a secret.

“Yeah…” Sungmin trailed off and I knew right there that he was thinking about Kyuhyun. He barely got in a relationship with him and did not even have much of a chance to be a real couple before all this happened.

“You’re sad about Kyuhyun, right?” His eyes widened and I knew I hit it right on the mark. “At least we have someone to talk to about this.” I chuckled at my dry humor but it was true, it was nice to be able to speak to someone about this without things getting awkward. Sungmin and I have always had a good friendship and with everything that’s happens now our friendship is only getting closer and stronger. We had decided that whichever member that knows about our secret relationships are okay to know but the rest of them who don’t know we’ll just keep it that way. The only people who seemed to know about it from my understanding were Yesung and maybe Ryeowook. Yesung being Donghae’s roommate it might have been spoken about and Ryeowook being Kyuhyun’s.

“We’ll make it work, we’re strong hearted and this won’t stop us from achieving our goals. We should always look on the bright side to these sorts of things. And maybe once we’re out of high school and living in the dorms provided by the company we’ll be able to room with who we want to room with.” Sungmin commented trying to cheer up the conversation a bit with a smile almost plastered on his face. He wanted to look at the situation as a ‘glass is half full’ type of thing and to be honest I’d much rather a positive view than a negative view anyways.

“To share a room without Sungmin, oh no how will I ever get my work done?” I joked and laughed at myself and soon enough Sungmin laughed as well and his real smile came out which was what I was going for.

“You won’t be able to last without your hyung.” Sungmin teased but all I could do was agree with him and laugh some more. At least when we’re out of high school we won’t have to attend college or do anymore school related things. Everything will be pretty much about the band and promoting it which I was completely fine with.

“Ha, I bet I can do so much better with Donghae as my roommate.” I stuck my tongue out at him and he just did the same as a retort. The idea of sharing a room with Donghae almost seemed too good to be true. He’d probably flirt with me openly in there and we could do all our ‘relationship’ things in our room if you know what I mean. I can already see me not focusing as much on the group though and that scared me since I wanted to try my best at everything no matter what; Donghae might end up distracting me and setting me back.

“I’ll have super smart Kyuhyun so I’ll manage a lot better than you.” Sungmin had spoken up but it almost felt like he was speaking from a distance; I was too busy thinking about the future to even try to focus on the present.

“Haha.” I laughed just to pretend like I was listening but afterwards I just said it was about time to go to sleep and I retired for the night knowing it was best to get a lot of rest before our first training tomorrow. Soon enough we’ll have to start balancing school and training at the same time which could be quite difficult but as long as I had Sungmin’s smarts on my side I should do just fine.



School flew by as if it were nothing, I didn’t pay attention in any class and ended up zoning out and thinking about the beginning of my training instead of the work on the board. I got called out a few times once in Korean and a few times in Math, but luckily it was review and for some reason I knew the answer and got away with it.

I met up with Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Donghae right after school and we went off to look for the other members of Super Junior in hopes of rounding them all up. Heechul, Hangeng and Leeteuk were all over at the Entertainment by now since they have a different schedule than us and got out a bit earlier than the younger students. We found the other members not too much longer and walked in a group of ten to the SM Entertainment building everything chatting about the upcoming events and how excited they were to finally be accepted into a company.

“What if they force us to be someone different on the cameras and we have to pretend to hate a member or something?” Ryeowook asked whoever was closest to him and looked panicked for a while until Siwon came over and calmed him down with the help of Kangin. Kibum and Yesung were chatting with each other in the back talking about class or something school related while Shindong whined about not getting enough lunch to last him the rest of the day.

I glanced around this group of boys and smiled knowing that we were all friends and on good terms with each member. Most didn’t know about the relationships in the group and only assumed it was either one-sided or completely pretend though I bet even if they did know they wouldn’t make a big deal about it—or at least I hope they wouldn’t.

“What are you smiling about?” Donghae asked and moved closer to me, brushing his hand against mine and glancing at me only slightly before looking forward. I knew he wanted to hold my hand, I knew he wanted to look at me and only me and we both knew we couldn’t and it still broke my heart knowing we would have to keep it all a secret.

“Just thinking about the future of Super Junior, we’re finally getting somewhere after all this practice and hard work. I’m just really proud to say that I’m a member of this band.” I replied brushing my hand against his in response to his movement and smiled even wider. The building was getting into view and I could already hear all of the conversations between the other members go straight to wondering about the training and how it was going to be like working in that building.

Getting closer and closer all I could do was stay silent and walk beside Donghae for support. I was so happy I could almost die and with Donghae at my side I knew nothing could go wrong today. All of our dreams start in that very building and just knowing that caused my pace to speed up until I reached the doors and stopped to look at the other members.

It felt like I was the leader for the second I stood there and looked at all of the happy faces of each member. So this was how Leeteuk felt when he faced everyone and spoke with such pride and confidence. “Ready?” I asked simply and when everyone shouted yes and nodded with enthusiasm I knew we were ready to face anything the world was going to throw at us.

Opening the big doors to the company we walked in high and proud to the front desk to be escorted to where we needed to be. Before even reaching the desk I noticed Heechul standing to the side and looking at the members with the motion of asking us to follow his lead. I turned to him and nodded before picking up my pace and walking to him.

“Come on, Leeteuk is already talking to the manager about certain guidelines we have to follow so I was told to wait for everyone to get here and everyone to the room.” He explained while walking to the elevators; he seemed so serious and calm which was very unlike him.

He told the rest of the members where the room was and which floor since eleven teenagers were not going to fit in one elevator. Donghae instantly went to my side to show he was sharing the same elevator, Sungmin and Kyuhyun also joined us and Yesung as well as the last person. That made it six in our elevator and five in the other one. The floor was the fifth floor and the room number was 525. It seemed easy enough to remember for if we’re ever called to meet the manager about anything.

I started to really feel nervous once we hit the floor and walked to the room to wait outside; Heechul explained that the talking was for the leader to discuss with the manager and not anyone else. Hangeng was already beside the room and greeted everyone silently when we all arrived.

It felt like forever when Leeteuk finally exited the room along with the manager and greeted us with a bow and a smile. “We’ll be touring the building today and starting our real training tomorrow.” He felt like a true leader when he spoke up and caught everyone’s attention. Even the manager seemed impressed and nodded in approval. By the way I really needed to learn his name before I start calling him Mr. Manager.

No one needed to respond to his statement but instead he led us to another room where another person was who was going to give the tour. Leeteuk said goodbye to the manager and we were split up into two groups, one with six people and the other with seven. I was lucky enough to get Donghae on my team, but Sungmin and Kyuhyun were separated to the other group and we were with Ryeowook, Kangin, Siwon and Yesung.

While we might have been in a group of six in the end we paired up in twos with Donghae and I, Yesung and Ryeowook and the last pair being Siwon and Kangin. Our didn’t mind this and said it was easier for spreading around the areas. He introduced us to another group that was training under the same company DBSK was their Korean name but I could barely remember any of their names separately. Then we greeted the hair stylists and makeup stylists, the guide, his name being Jongin, said we had to be extra polite to them because if one were to get on their bad side then that person would have horrible makeup or hair for the next month without any regret.

After that Jongin showed us to multiple practice rooms that were usually filled with mirrors and enough space for the groups to practice their dancing and singing. He told us to get used to the rooms because we’d be there for most of our days as trainees until we debut as a real band. And soon enough the tour came to an end and we met back up with the rest of Super Junior.

Everyone seemed fascinated by the different things SM had to offer, they liked the idea of being like a family and being a part of SM Town. Leeteuk seemed very proud as we walked back to school and continued to tell us how amazing we are and how great it was to finally be accepted into a company.

“We’ll all work hard and show them that it was worth taking us in.” Leeteuk shouted and everyone cheered in response to show that everyone agreed with him and everyone was going to do their best at everything that will be thrown at them. “Our manager said that once we graduate High School we’ll all go into an apartment together and we’ll be sharing rooms with each other as always. When Heechul, Hangeng and I graduate at the end of this school year we’ll start it up and get it ready for the next year when most of you will be arriving. He also said we can choose our roommates.” He explained and the second he said that last thing I instantly smiled and looked at Donghae; he had the same feeling and looked at me with the same happy smile.

I can’t wait until I graduate!


I'm so sorry for the delay! I just got unmotivated and I sighed and I didn't like this chapter and ugghhhh! I'm going to bring in some more drama once they set in as trainees or at least I'm hoping to XD I'll be gone to Canada for two weeks on Tuesday and I wanted to update before I left so I didn't leave this story hanging too much ; ; SORRY once more thank you for sticking with me! I love all of my subscribers and reviewers and silent reader!

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3