A simple walk gone wrong

School Days

“So what’s up with you and Kyuhyun, it’s like half the time you’re arguing and hating each other but then the next day you two are best friends.” I asked Sungmin after I couldn’t handle the silence in our dorm room anymore. For the last hour I was at my desk staring at my homework while listening to Sungmin type on the computer without a single word.

“There’s nothing up we just argue a lot, that’s all.” Sungmin answered shortly and continued typing on his computer.

“What are you doing on the computer anyways?” I asked, trying to peek at the screen but Sungmin hid what he was doing too well and I couldn’t see anything.

“Just talking to my girlfriend that’s all, she really wants to visit me.” From the sound of his voice he sounded like he was smirking as if he had something planned with this so called girlfriend of his.

“You two have barely been together and she wants to see you, I wouldn’t trust her.” I replied looking back at my homework, specially my math homework, and sighing when I didn’t understand a single thing on the paper. Did I sleep during math today? Hmm I don’t seem to remember anything at all so I’ll take that as a yes.

“I think it’s sweet that she wants to and Spring break is coming up.” Sungmin retorted spinning around in his chair to look at me. “I have a good amount of money from the part time job I did last summer and all the times I sang at that one club so I could afford to bring her here.”

There has to be something more to this, maybe he really does like her but it’s more likely that he’s using her for some greater evil scheme.  On the outside anyone would say Sungmin is a sweetie, but I’ve lived with him long enough to know his evil side.

 “Do what you want but online relationships are a bit hard and it’s very expensive to bring someone here for a whole week, you’ve barely been going out with her so she probably knows like zero Korean.” I answered with a sigh.

“Nevermind that it’ll be fine and worth it. Definitely worth it. Do you need any help with your math homework?” Sungmin changed the topic and looked at my paper.

“What makes you think that?” I asked curiously, not like he was in my math class so he didn’t know I slept through it.

“You’ve been on the same math problem for two hours now.” Sungmin answered in the most serious tone he could muster up, but he started laughing the second I sighed and nodded my head.

What would I do without Sungmin really? He’s probably the only reason why I’m passing my classes at all.

Time was going by too slowly in my opinion it was a whole month until the talent show that was either going to make or break our career in wanting to join an industry for music. Super Junior was practicing almost every day whether together as a group or just solo practicing dance moves or singing. I decided to take time out of my schedule of nothing and spend a day with Leeteuk, the leader to our group and the one guy I knew before going to this school. We were friends back in middle school where we grew up and had plans to go to the high school there until Leeteuk had to move away to another town before he finished middle school. And him being a whole year ahead of me didn’t help at all, I didn’t even know he went to this school until about a few months in when I saw him in the hallway by coincidence. He was the one that suggested the idea of a band and got some people together from there it was a lot easier to form our group.

“It’s been a while since we’ve hung out like this.” Leeteuk commented, sighing and stretching his arms in the sunlight. It was quite a beautiful day outside and it was nice to go on a walk every once in a while. Besides gotta stay in shape if you want to be a professional dancer like myself.

“Yeah, ever since we formed the band it has been hard to find time.” I replied doing the same and stretching my arms.

“Sorry ‘bout that, with it being my last year things have been hectic and I don’t even know what to do once I graduate.” Leeteuk laughed nervously scratching the back of his head with his outstretched arm. I could tell from the look on his face that he was not looking forward to graduating and going into the real life.

“Simple wait a year for me to graduate and we can get famous together. With our skills we’ll be famous on an international level. People from even the United States will know our names and wish we would visit their country.” I answered with confidence leaking from my voice. “And we can use our stage names Eunhyuk and Leeteuk and no one will even know our real names!” I shouted out of pure excitement but instantly calmed down to avoid the stares people were giving me from the streets.

“Whoa you sure have an imagination but do you really think Super Junior will make it? We’re barely ever as a whole team anymore and we’ve had to resort to subgroubs just to keep us going.” He seemed so unsure of himself, but I cheered him up by putting my arm around his shoulder and smiling my usual gummy smile.

“With me on your side we’ll be amazing! That talent show coming up is going to recognize us and we’ll be famous in no time.”

Then suddenly as if gravity was pulling me apart I was off of Leeteuk’s shoulder and my arm was swung over someone else’s shoulder by sheer force. I looked over to see who it was and I should have guessed it; it was Donghae.

“Whats with this, you’re cheating on me with the Leeteuk hyung?” Donghae smirked while acting as hurt as he could. Leeteuk just started chuckling in the background enjoying my pain.

“Why would I—“ Oh wait I’m supposed to be pretending to flirt with him. “—ever do that to you, you’re the only one I care about.” I cringed my teeth slightly but tried to attempt my gummy smile but only got a force awkward looking smile instead.

“Good, I wouldn’t have it any other way, lover.” Donghae retorted before turning his head to look at me and giving me a peck on the cheek. I immediately blushed and looked away from him in embarrassment.

“Aww look at that sweet couple.” Leeteuk joked and from in front of me I heard a click and looked over at Leeteuk who had just taken a picture of Donghae and me. “And you two are very photogenic together too.”

“Oh really?” Donghae asked letting me go and going over to Leeteuk to see the picture. “You definitely need to send me that one.” He said and pulled out his phone for Leeteuk to send him a text with the picture in it.

“Wait wait wait!” I shouted running over after the shock finally stopped. “You can’t have that what if it gets around.”

“I thought you liked me Hyukkie, or were you just joking around?” Donghae asked sweetly, but to me it sounded like venom from an evil snake.

“I…” I stopped and sighed. “Nevermind, there’s nothing wrong with you having that picture.” I forced another smile and sighed once Donghae smiled back.

“Good!” He exclaimed holding up his phone with his new picture. “Then you won’t mind this being my screensaver on my phone.”

Whatever happened to the simpler time in my life? Did it leave already, I want to go back to it…

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3