A Wonderful Surprise!

School Days

School just couldn’t go any slower for me and each day dragged on more than it should. At least every day after school things would get better even if we were stuck training for hours without break and only a bottle of water to cool us off—anything to be famous, right?

“Are you busy tomorrow?” Sungmin asked once we got back to the dorm after a long day of training. It really wasn’t too bad since we were used to this kind of training when we learned all of our songs and dances throughout the year.

“Don’t we have practice?” I asked noting that we never got a day off and on the weekends we just had to work harder and longer hours. Being a trainee for a company wasn’t the best in the world since they don’t pay you or expect much of anything besides you training every single day for them. But it’ll all be worth it when we’re actual singers and dancers in a kpop group.

“Our trainer is taking the day off which means we get it off too.” He hesitated slightly but I didn’t think much of it because a break would be amazing right about now. We’ve been working there for more than a week now.

My grades have suffered because of this but I didn’t care.

“Oh really?” I asked completely interested in mostly the fact that tomorrow was Saturday and that meant I could finally sleep in and still not do my homework.

“Yeah, so do you want to go somewhere with me?” Sungmin pressed the topic more as if pleading me to say yes. I wanted to be suspicious of him but really he was my best friend so it’d make sense on why he wanted hang out with me. But on a day where he could be with Kyuhyun I still had to wonder.

“Yeah sure, are you going to invite Kyu?” I asked hoping that it didn’t turn out to be some date with me being the third wheel.

“Huh? Oh no he is busy doing something.” He seemed to hesitate some more but once more I didn’t think much of it at all since just knowing it’d only be the two of us felt nice.

“Oh good it’s been a while since we’ve hung out together as just the two of us.” I laughed and he laughed as well nodding as if that was what he was going for the whole time.

Now I could tell there was something fishy about this but really I didn’t want to think too hard about this or else I’d just stress myself out.

“So what are we going to do?” I asked going towards my desk and getting comfortable since I had some homework to get done even if I didn’t want to.

“Probably go around and go to some arcades and eat something. You have some money right? This isn’t some date you’re paying for yourself.” Sungmin replied with a smirk and stuck his tongue out at me in which I stuck my tongue out at him but still nodded saying that I did have money to spend but not too much.

  “So anyways are you going to help me with this subject?” I asked then after glancing at my extremely difficult homework and knowing that Sungmin would probably know the answer and have already done it. Lucky me for having such a smart roommate. The only good thing High School has given me was amazing friends and a chance to reach my dream, none of these have anything to do with my grades or smarts.


“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” Sungmin continued to shake me over and over even after I opened my eyes and glared at my so called best friend. He had the hugest grin on his face and all I wanted to do was smack it and go back to sleep so that I could enjoy my Saturday morning without any care in the world.

Sungmin was not going to let that happen.

“Come on! We gotta get something to eat and head out.” He sang out and shook me some more but that was not going to get me out—but what did was when he rolled me over onto the ground. God I hate having him as my roommate sometimes.

Finally waking up I checked my phone and noticed absolutely nothing from Donghae which was weird to me since he normally sent me a text in the morning to want to hang out even if I was not going to I still wondered why he didn’t text me. Sungmin noticed this and took my phone from my grasp and put it in his pocket.

“Nuh-uh, you are not going to even think about Donghae right now and I’ll not think about Kyuhyun, this is all for us right now.” He shook his head rigorously and pushed me up so that I was finally standing and feeling a little more awake. It was only ten in the morning and my whole body ached from all of the break dancing I had to do yesterday as a part of my dancing training. Sungmin didn’t have to do that as much since he was set as more of a singer than dancer, but even he looked a little bit tired out.

But he still remained happy and continued to bug me the whole morning as I took forever getting ready for the day. It was around eleven when I was finally ready and we went straight to the cafeteria that was nearly empty when we arrived. No one from Super Junior was even around to say hi and I wondered if maybe they were all still sleeping or busy for the day.

Eating didn’t take too long and soon enough Sungmin was dragging me out of the building and into the streets of Seoul to start our so called ‘day of fun’ that Sungmin wanted to call it. Most people would either think we were the best of friends or totally in love with each other, but luckily it was the former of the choices and we each had our own relationships. It would be weird to think of Sungmin in that way no matter how close we were.

“So where are we going first?” I asked after it felt like we’ve been walking for over thirty minutes. Sungmin just turned to me, smiled, and said it was a secret.

I don’t know what’s so secret about an arcade, but whatever it was nice to get away from both school and training for a day.

After about an hour at the arcade with Sungmin and I playing every single game making a competition, with me winning by one game, we decided it was time to leave. He kept staring at his watch after this point which made me check my own watch to see if there was some important time he was watching out for. It was only a little past two now so it was still early in the day, but he still seemed antsy about something.

“What next?” I asked making him look up from his watch for the nth time and looking at me instead.

“I thought we could go to the mall for a bit and check out some stores.” He nervously responded then looked back at his watch. It was starting to worry me that there was some important thing going on that I had no clue about.

But I brushed that idea away and followed Sungmin unto a bus that was heading straight to one of the many malls of Seoul. I could use a new shirt anyways so going clothing shopping didn’t seem like a bad idea.

Which is what we ended up doing anyways for about a whole hour. Sungmin kept dragging me to different stores asking about what I liked and didn’t like but not letting me buy a single thing. He kept saying it was window shopping and I wasn’t supposed to actually spend my money but I was starting to get annoyed with him when every time we left a store he would be on his phone.

“Who are you texting?” I questioned trying to grab for his phone but he took it away from my reach and shook his head.

“Kyuhyun, you wouldn’t want to know what we’re talking about.” He blushed slightly and shuffled his feet. I had a feeling he was lying but I really didn’t want to find out and see some dirty conversation going on with him and Kyuhyun.

“So can we leave then if I can’t even buy anything?” I didn’t mean to sound completely annoyed but from the expression that crossed Sungmin’s face he looked almost panicked and went straight back to his phone to send another text message.

I took notice that it was after three now and the day was slowly leaving us. I kind of liked having the day off but really all I wanted to do right now was dance but I knew I shouldn’t if I was just going to get overworked tomorrow when we go back to training.

Sungmin shuffled a lot more now after that comment I made and soon enough we were heading for a subway station to take it somewhere completely away from where we were or near the school. I wondered if this was going to be another secret by him since he didn’t say a single word but when we got off the subway he just went to a playground and sat on the nearest swing.

“Really? You wanted to go to a playset this far away from our dorms?” I was a bit more annoyed this time and looked at the time again taking note that it had been a thirty minute ride and it was now three thirty.

“Well, uh yeah.” Sungmin responded and started to swing motioning for me to take the other swing. I sighed but still went for it and started to swing alongside him. It had been a while since I’ve been to a park like this and it felt kind of nice to just get away from everything and act like a kid again.

Once we become a band we’ll have less time to do this and have to spend all of our time working hard for our fans and company. Not that I was complaining, but I guess I should enjoy my free time a bit more when I get it.

We didn’t spend too long there even after I started enjoying myself and soon enough I was once again following Sungmin to an unknown place. Except the farther we walked the more familiar it seemed. I remembered certain parts of this area but I couldn’t place exactly where I was until we reached a familiar building that we used to frequent all of the time.

The dance studio we would practice at as Super Junior.

“Why are we here?” I asked but Sungmin stayed silent and walked to the door knocking on it three times, waited a second and opened the door to a very dark room.

“You go in first.” He smiled and gestured for me to go in. I didn’t think twice about it and walked through the door with Sungmin following closely afterwards.

Then all of the lights with shouts of “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” all around the studio. There stood the rest of our band all with party hats and confetti being thrown all around the room. My eyes went straight to Donghae and I smiled widely at him as he walked forward to give me a hug.

“Happy birthday Eunhyuk, I hope you liked the idea we came up with.” He smiled and hugged me even tighter. I didn’t know if I wanted to cry or smile so in the end it was a mix of both as I continued to hug the best boyfriend in the world.

“I can’t believe I forgot my own birthday.” I laughed at myself for not even checking the calendar to see what day it was and when I looked down at my watch it was indeed my birthday.

“That’s why you have us here to remind you.” Sungmin patted me on the shoulder and I almost wanted to hug him but I held it in since he looked like he wanted to go to Kyuhyun at the moment.

The rest of the members soon started crowding around me all smiling and expecting hugs from me which I gladly gave out. There was a huge table set up with tons of food ranging from small dishes to big and a huge cake in the center. Shindong was already at the table with Kangin munching on some of the appetizers.

“Thank you guys so much!” I shouted after the hugs were given and the music started playing in the background.

Then Leeteuk came up and smiled. “I’m happy you liked this, I thought since I might be the leader of this group I should be the one to say this. You really helped with so much with this band helping it get together and to even have faith until the very end.” He hugged me one more time. “So I thought this could be a good payment for sticking with Super Junior from the beginning to end.”

“I wouldn’t give up you guys for anything in the world.” I replied back wiping the tears that just couldn’t stop streaming down my face. “This is the best day of my life.”

Then I raised up my hand motioning for everyone to do it as well. “Super Junior forever!” I shouted and they all repeated after me all shouting and hollering as much as they could as the music continued to play and the food continued to be eaten.

The party lasted a while with lots of dancing and singing from all of the members as well as lots of food being consumed by mostly Shindong.

By the end of the party mostly everyone had calmed down and just seemed to be around the food table snacking on random things and telling jokes to each other. I stood off away from them just to take in all that went on today and couldn’t help but keep that same happy smile on my face.

“I’m glad you liked it.” Donghae whispered and I would have been freaked out by how close he was, but I couldn’t care less and instead just laced our fingers together and leaned onto his shoulder.

“It was amazing.” I sighed out taking in his scent and smiling into his neck.

“I got you some presents as well.” He moved slightly for me to look down and notice the multiple presents in his hand. “This if from Sungmin, Kyuhyun and me.” He handed me the bags one by one and each time I opened them I couldn’t believe my eyes. Each present that I wanted to get at the store earlier today was present from each of the stores Sungmin and I went to. I wanted to cry tears of happiness but I was so speechless that in the end I just ran to hug Sungmin since I knew this was possible with his help.

The people he was texting was Donghae and Kyuhyun the whole time so that they could go in after they left and buy the exact things that I had wanted! I really do have the best friends ever and best boyfriend!

This was the best time of my life and I knew that no matter what nothing was ever going to go wrong from this point on! We were going to debut as Super Junior and have the best lives ever even if we had to hide who we liked because we’ll make it through just fine!


I'M SO SO SO SORRY! Writers block on top of work, school and friends did not do too well with this story! But I'm trying to continue it okay? I'm not giving up on this story so it will be finished! Just please don't be mad at me :< I promise it won't be that long for the next update to this story at least not as long as it was to update it this time ><; I LOVE YOU ALL SOOO MUCH!!!

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3