The infamous girlfriend!

School Days

The first ten minutes was pure silence as the taxi driver drove us to the airport. The only thing that kept me sane was the text messages from Eunhyuk that kept coming as he asked me how I was getting there, if he needed to be there, or other questions that pertained to the subject at hand. The excitement of meeting Laura for the first time was fantastic, but the awkward feeling I got from Kyuhyun while he sat next to me was anything but exciting.

Kyuhyun sat in his seat looking out the window in pure silence, he didn’t attempt to do anything on the way there, he didn’t attempt a conversation between the two of us; he just remained completely silent.

“I’m sorry to have gotten you involved.” I muttered hoping to break the silence and start a conversation. All I got was a ‘Hmm’ from him and a nod of his head. I could never tell what mood he was in unless he told me himself and maybe that’s another thing I like about him; he’s mysterious. He was top of his class, didn’t have any friends besides the members of our group, and he hid his emotions well. How was I ever going to get him to show jealousy if I didn’t even know when he was happy or mad. “Eunhyuk said he’ll be there first and to meet him in the main lobby. He is going to keep an eye out for Laura as well and even has a sign for her just in case.”

“Hmm.” Kyuhyun responded once more and continued to stare out the window. I almost let out a sigh but kept it in and instead looked out the window on my side and stopped the nonexistent conversation.

I once again kept myself entertained by texting Eunhyuk and asking about Donghae and if he was going to be at the airport as well. Even in his texts I could tell he was flustered at the thought of Donghae but still responded that Donghae was with him in the car and was definitely holding his hand. How can I tell? Because it took Eunhyuk far too long to respond to messages with barely any words meaning he was texting with one hand.

I glanced back at Kyuhyun and noticed his eyes dropping occasionally and wondered vaguely if he was tired. My guess was correct when his eyes slowly started closing more often and soon enough remained closed. And here I was thinking he wasn’t talking because he was jealous about the whole girlfriend thing. He was just tired from practicing too hard at the dance studio with me. I sighed and gave up for the moment and decided to try harder when Laura was around to show affection for me. I had a whole week to get him to be jealous and once she returns to America maybe then will he tell me his feelings for me and how much he wants me to break up with her.

And soon enough my eyes were slowly growing heavier and heavier until finally I decided to lean up against the window and take a nap until we were at the airport.

The next thing I noticed was a pair of strong arms shaking me gently until I finally opened my eyes and realized Kyuhyun shaking me and saying that we were at the airport. I glanced at the time in the car and noticed it was already seven and my eyes instantly shot open. “We’re late!” I shouted and jumped out of the car as fast as I could almost forgetting Kyuhyun before stopping myself and glancing back at him as he got out of the car as well and waved the taxi driver off.

“A thank you would have been nice you know.” He said rudely and shrugged at me as if showing that he was joking. I laughed nervously and said I was sorry before turning back and heading inside the building to look for Eunhyuk and Donghae.

Which were easy to find once I noticed the one affectionate boy sitting closely to the blushing boy as they held hands in the main lobby. Once Eunhyuk saw me he took that chance to get up, stop holding hands with Donghae, and walk over to us. “Hey took ya a while, was traffic bad?”

To be honest I wouldn’t know because I was asleep more than half of the way, “Um, yeah sure is Laura here yet?” I glanced around the surrounding area and didn’t see her anywhere.

“Not yet.” Eunhyuk verified it for me and even handed me the sign that he had created for her. I smiled and looked at it seeing her name in large letters all written out in English and even had ‘Welcome’ in English as well.

“Good so I didn’t miss her.” I chuckled and walked over to Donghae to sit next to him and wait for her to show up. They had the perfect spot on the bench where it was easy to spot the people walking off from the planes so of course I was going to sit there despite the whine from Donghae that I ‘stole Eunhyuk’s seat’. Eunhyuk was gladly talking to Kyuhyun in the process and staying away from Donghae; most likely he was embarrassed from the public display of affection that Donghae was obviously enjoying. Like I said before Donghae definitely didn’t seem to upset when we lost the talent show.

I waited on the bench for another ten minutes before I looked over and noticed a familiar face in the crowd of Asians; a familiar American face.

“Laura!” I shouted out almost instantly, forgetting about my plan to make Kyuhyun jealous but shouting out with pure excitement to see the girl I’ve been talking to for a few months now and finally getting to see her in person.

“Sungmin!” She shouted back and immediately dropped her luggage a few feet away from me to run and give me a hug, completely ignoring the other people in my group. She was a really pretty girl don’t get me wrong, she had nice shoulder length dyed blonde hair (original hair being a darker blonde), cloudy blue eyes, a dazzling smile and the cutest expression of happiness I’ve ever seen. “It’s so great to see you!” She said in English before shutting and thinking for a second before repeating it in Korean. I smiled warmly at the gesture of her attempting to speak my language, but luckily for her I was a smart student who understood enough English.

As for Eunhyuk and Donghae I wouldn’t really know; Kyuhyun being the top of his class I’m sure he could understand enough English as well so I was not really worried about him.

“My name is Eunhyuk.” Eunhyuk introduced in broken English with a horrible Korean accent but smiled all the same and held out his hand for her to shake. She smiled brightly and shook his hand back.

“Nice to meet you.” She responded in Korean but seemed puzzled as to what to say next in her basic Korean. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” She spoke the truth as I would tell her about Eunhyuk a lot and even told her about the relationship he has with Donghae. She seemed to have noticed that and blushed slightly when Donghae came up from behind Eunhyuk and grabbed his hand.

“I’m Donghae, Hyukkie is mine and we’re going to keep it that way.” Donghae spoke in Korean only saying ‘I’m’ in English.

Laura seemed confused at first but then pieced together what he said blushed and looked at me in embarrassment. “I-I uh.” She stuttered and stopped talking only staying close to me and leaving Eunhyuk and Donghae some space. Eunhyuk blushed at her reaction and turned to hit Donghae for embarrassing her in front of everyone.

Kyuhyun then broke the awkward silence by clearing his throat and making his presence known. “I’m Cho Kyuhyun, one of Sungmin’s best friends.” He introduced stepping forward and smiling at her. She blushed but walked closer to him and extended her hand. He glanced at it for a second before shaking it gently; I couldn’t keep my eyes off of his dazzling smile and didn’t even notice Laura coming back to stand beside me until she wrapped her arms around my stomach and looked up at me.

I looked down at her and smiled warmly, trying to hide my true feelings for the man in front of us and tried to keep all my attention on her. She really did have a way of worming her way into my life and into my heart but I couldn’t help my feelings for Kyuhyun. I just hope she doesn’t hate me after this week is over. “Shall we go now?” I asked her politely and she nodded at me with a happy smile on her face. She then let go and made sure to grab all of her luggage before walking back to our group and waited for further instructions.

Eunhyuk seemed puzzled when everyone was staring at him but then realized he was the ride home and quickly said, “My ride went to go eat somewhere but he’ll be back shortly.” At that we all walked outside and waited for the ride to get there. He made sure to find someone with a van that could fit all of us in it and soon enough we were all on our way back to the school.  Luckily for me there was a small hotel not far from the school that Laura would be staying in and it was a short walk away and was not a pain to walk to everyday.

“So where are the rest of the members you told me about?” Laura asked when it was all silent and she just felt like she had to talk to break the silence.

“You’ll be meeting most of them but Siwon is off on vacation so you won’t be able to meet him. You’ll love them all though if you have a hard time understanding anyone; don’t be afraid to ask me.” I responded talking in English for her to understand me better. She giggled and nodded with a blush muttering something about me having a cute English accent; that comment caused me to blush and turn away in embarrassment.

The rest of the ride to the hotel seemed even quieter and no one dared talk until the driver said they were there and Eunhyuk thanked his friend before everyone piled out of the van and looked at the hotel in front of them. Since it was such a short walk everyone decided it would be easier to make sure Laura was safe in her room before heading back to the dorm rooms.

“Thank you so much for everything Minnie.” Laura giggled and wrapped her arm around mine. I responded by entangling my hand in her’s and walking with her to the main lobby of the hotel. I paid for her entire stay up front and made sure to request her to have as many English speakers as possible to make her stay more comfortable and less confusing. Once she was safely at her door she gave me a hug goodbye and made sure for me to promise to be at her door by eleven the next morning. I pinky promised her and she seemed satisfied enough to open her door and stroll inside and shut it gently.

I then went back to the main lobby where Kyuhyun, Donghae and Eunhyuk were waiting and signaled that it was okay to leave. “She was a nice girl.” Donghae commented once we were outside and a little away from the hotel.

I nodded with a smile, “Well duh she is my girlfriend you know and I don’t go for anything less than amazing.” I glanced at Kyuhyun in hopes for a reaction but just got his usual look that signified that he had no emotion visible.

“I just don’t want you to hurt her and don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Eunhyuk said with a hint of worry in his tone. He might not know much about her but he was the one to warn me about online long distance relationships. I knew not to get attached to her and I knew she was a good friend so I definitely didn’t want to hurt her.

“You two are a bit too different to really be meant for each other. You better be ready for the consequences.” Kyuhyun stated and remained silent after that one comment but it was enough for me to get my hopes up and get a goofy grin on my face. He cares! He just said we were too different, maybe that was Kyuhyun talk for ‘I want you with me Sungmin, not you with her!’

“Let’s just have fun this week and not care about what the future has? If it isn’t meant to be then Sungmin will find out by the end of this week, right?” Donghae stood up for me and grinned in my direction. For once I was completely agreeing with Donghae and nodded to him.

“Yeah, this week will be fun no matter what so let’s cheer up and show her a good time.” I replied as we walked into the dorm building and started towards our rooms. With everyone so down after the talent show maybe what they needed was a fan or someone to cheer all of us up after losing to a different group. We’re not going to give up though, we’re Super Junior not some small group with small dreams. We were a big group with dreams the size of the universe.

“Good night.” Kyuhyun waved as he left for his dorm room on the other side of the building; I forgot he lived farther off but waved goodbye and hoped he was up for hanging out tomorrow; I’ll have to text him later.

We walked a bit further and I felt slightly awkward as Eunhyuk and Donghae walked ahead of me with their fingers entangled together. When we reached Donghae’s room I looked away knowing Donghae was going to kiss Eunhyuk and waited until the door closed before looking up at a blushing Eunhyuk and knew they had definitely just kissed.

I wouldn’t feel so awkward if that happened when Kyuhyun went to his room but sadly that isn’t the case here.

“Let’s go.” Eunhyuk cleared his throat and continued walking down the hall, turned left to our side of the building and we walked to the room we’ve lived in for almost two years. Eunhyuk slid the key through the keyhole and opened the door easily, leaving it open for me to walk through and head straight for my bed. For some reason I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was sleep all my troubles away. I could dream that Kyuhyun was jealous of Laura, I could dream of Kyuhyun grabbing me and pulling me up against a wall and—Stop thinking those kinds of thoughts Sungmin!

I heard Eunhyuk yawn and tried to stay away from letting my mind wander. I went and changed into my sleeping clothes and said good night to Eunhyuk before finally settling down in my bed and giving out my own yawn.

“Today was a long day.” Eunhyuk said from his side of the room and I nodded silently then realized I had to speak since he couldn’t see me.

“Yeah, but I bet tomorrow will be even longer and I’m hoping things go smoothly—“ and have Kyuhyun fall for me fast, “—I really don’t want Laura to feel uncomfortable here and with all the members being so gloomy I’m hoping she’ll cheer them up rather than them bringing her down.”

“She looks way too happy to even be stopped by a few bad moods.” Eunhyuk commented and ended the conversation by yawning once more and saying a quiet ‘Good night’ and heading off to sleep.

I laid awake for a good twenty minutes after that just staring at the ceiling and sighing to myself. If my plan didn’t work I would lose not only a good friendship with Laura but my chances with Kyuhyun. This was just a big test to see if he even had feelings for me but even this might be pushing it. Bringing a girl all the way from the states who really likes me just to see if a boy here likes me.

And people say I’m the nice one of the group.

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3