The dance studio

School Days

Once we got the dance studio I instantly I walked away from Donghae and found the closest person to talk to to get my mind off of the events earlier that day; the closest person being Heechul.

“Hey It’s been a while right hyung?” I started up a random conversation hoping to have him talk to me so I could get my mind off of Donghae.

“Yeah it has hasn’t it? How have you been? Still single or did you finally find yourself a girl? I heard Sungmin found himself an American girl maybe you should follow suit.” Heechul replied after drinking some of his water. It seemed like the rest of the members were already practicing before I even got there.

“Still single and go figure probably because every girl in Seoul thinks I’m gay for Donghae.” I responded, grabbing a water bottle and opening the cap. “And with whole thing with Sungmin sounds way too fishy, I bet he likes someone and is trying to get them jealous with this girlfriend of his.”

“Whatever works, I don’t need any girlfriends to be popular with the ladies maybe I can introduce you to some of them some time if you’d like.” Heechul chuckled and ended the conversation by walking over to Leeteuk and talking to him about some sort of dance related topic. I sighed and looked around to see who all were already here. It seemed like everyone after I noticed Shindong eating something over in the corner, Sungmin talking with Kyuhyun, Kangin looking at his cellphone and Donghae by himself off doing some dance moves.

“Okay everyone! Gather together it’s time to practice some of our best moves, we’ll do solo dances at first to see how everyone is and then we’ll do some work together afterwards.” Leeteuk announced causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look over at him. “We’ll have the best start first so come up Eunhyuk.”

Maybe this will get my mind off of him. “Alright alright let the master show you the real moves.” I was the best dancer in all of Super Junior you know, and I always brag about it. “Can someone give me a beat or a song please.” I asked looking around to see what they were going to play. I saw Donghae smirking in the background while whispering something in Leeteuk’s ear.

“A little change has occurred, seems like Donghae wants to practice a certain song and dance.” Leeteuk called out, walking to the CD player and turning on a song I knew too well. Oppa Oppa.

Great this is not going to get my mind off of anything is it? I sighed and agreed to it and walked over to Donghae who had already started singing the song and dancing to his opening moves. Once my part came on I ignored everything else and focused on my dance moves and singing until finally the song ended.

Everyone else clapped and cheered us on which was nice and all, but I couldn’t help looking over in Donghae’s direction every once in a while to see if he was looking at me. Once the song was over I walked over to the table to grab my water bottle and Donghae walked over and stood next to me.

“Looks like we’re almost perfect on that song, think we should perform it anytime soon?” Donghae asked grabbing his water bottle casually as if nothing happened between us today.

“The talent show is coming up but I thought we were going to do something as a team not as a duet.” I replied, hoping to not have to perform this song anytime soon. It was already bad enough that we made this song together and the dance moves were far from normal dance moves. Sometimes I think Donghae gets a bit too carried away when he dances to it.

“Yeah but we can always do a separate one for just the two of us. We want people to notice us and recognize us you know and what better way than showing off what we’re made out of.” Donghae suggested before taking a long drink of his water, me doing the same.

We stayed silent for the next few minutes watching Sungmin doing some of his best dance moves but not singing like we had just done. He was pretty good because of his martial arts training and being so flexible. I was proud to call him my roommate.

“So do you know what’s going on between Sungmin and Kyuhyun?” I asked out of mere curiosity, looking over at Donghae. I knew Donghae hung out with Kyuhyun a lot recently so maybe something was up and he knew about it.

“I just heard they got into a fight, but from what I see they look like friends again.” Donghae responded, pointing to Kyuhyun who looked very interested in all of Sungmin’s dance moves and Sungmin after he was done walked straight over to him.

“Hmm seems like it, good thing since I don’t want any awkward moments in the band.” I smiled before realizing that maybe what was happening between Donghae and me would be considered awkward. I shook that thought out of my head and decided against bringing it up. Donghae was just joking with the whole ‘being gay’ thing there was nothing awkward between us friends.

“Yeah I agree.” Donghae snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at him. “Nothing awkward between members, not even us so try not acting so awkward in public with me.” He was one to talk; he’s the one being awkward with me not the other way around!

I held my tongue and continued to watch what the rest of the members were doing. It was Heechul’s turn and like always he was joking around and not really trying to dance. He was even dancing to a girl’s song and looking like an idiot.

Once everyone finished dancing it was time to go on to our next destination; which was where we practice our singing.

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3