An Introduction

School Days

The ceremony for the graduation was quite large and we had to get there early in order to get a seat where we could clearly see Leeteuk, Heechul and Hangeng. When they saw us they smiled and were happy to see their entire band there to support them. The class for this year wasn't really that big and most of the people in the stands were family members making us stand out a lot more as the random high school students who decided to go. It didn't take long luckily and after a few speeches from the top students of their grade everyone was out and taking pictures that'll last a lifetime.

"I can't believe I had to be quiet for that long!" Heechul shouted the second he left the building, stretching his arms and smiling up at the sunlight. Everyone laughed at his comment and continued to walk out until we found a spot that was secluded from the rest of the graduating class.

"Yeah and now that we're out of school we get to practice even more than you guys." Leeteuk laughed but when one actually looked at his expression he looked tired already from how much work he had to do. Being a leader was hard work and he was trying his best too.

"I would be visiting my parents over the summer, but instead I have to practice extra hard." Hangeng groaned and said a few things in Chinese that I couldn't catch.

Finally after the complaining the cameras were taken out and pictures were being shot with all of the members, I stayed out of a lot of them and stood next to Kyuhyun who also really didn't care for being in a bunch of pictures. Being next to him just reminded me that this whole summer I get to spend time with him in the same room when we're not practicing. I was completely excited and I could tell Eunhyuk was excited as well since he didn't have to study and got to spend his time with Donghae.

It's weird thinking that at the beginning of this semester we were both either pretending to be straight or denying the fact. Especially now since we're both in our own relationships with the people we want to be with.

The only problem we have to face isn't here yet but once we debut it'll only get harder and harder to keep our relationships secret and away from the public's eye.

Once the pictures were taken and everyone was satisfied we all went back to our dorm to make sure everything was set for the summer ahead of us. Kyuhyun and I were completely fine with sharing the four bed room with Eunhyuk and Donghae and so far we haven’t had any problems with Ryeowook, Yesung or Kibum either.

Speaking of Kibum it wasn’t until this moment that I realized how distant I felt to him, it wasn’t that he wasn’t a part of the band and really he rapped really well alongside Eunhyuk and Shindong, but I haven’t had the time to really get to know him. Hopefully through this summer I’ll be able to make better friends with everyone in this band.

“Does our practice start tomorrow?” Kyuhyun asked me once we were back in our room setting everything up and organizing everything. Eunhyuk was out with Leeteuk and Donghae was just nowhere in sight. I was completely fine with that.

“Yeah, I heard rumors that we’ll be meeting some other trainees tomorrow as well. I hope we all get along with each other.” I answered sitting closer to Kyuhyun on the bed. “Do you think we’ll be able to handle our relationship in secret like this?” I quickly changed the subject placing my hand on top of his.

“I believe we can, I don’t see a problem in it.” Kyuhyun shrugged and seemed completely uninterested in holding my hand. I moved my hand away and stood up.

“I’m going to go out to the living and meet everyone.”

I felt like there was something wrong going on with Kyuhyun right now, he hasn’t been as passionate as he once was when we first got together. Maybe the spark died down for him and he really didn’t like me as much as he thought he did. I still love him, well hopefully love him, but the point still remains that I definitely like him. Our relationship is still new but I can’t help but look at Eunhyuk’s perfect relation with Donghae and wish we could be as passionate as those two. I’ve seen the red faces of Eunhyuk when he walks into the room after being with Donghae and I’ve seen how they hold hands whenever possible or when they’re around people who know of their relationship.

I could only wish that Kyuhyun could be more like that and better about the relationship we have. I’ve barely had the chances to even kiss him or be romantic with him. He’s always busy playing something or doing something that he doesn’t want to be interrupted during. I have a lot of patience for the boy but I think there has to be a line I have to draw or else nothing will ever get done.

“You look down.” Yesung commented once I sat down on the couch in our living room. It looked like only him and Ryeowook were there at the moment while the rest of the guys were probably partying in their dorm.

“I’m just thinking too much.” I reply which wasn’t a lie but I really didn’t want to explain to a current band mate that I was gay and that I was currently dating Kyuhyun who doesn’t seem to be as happy with our relationship as much as I was.

“Well if you ever want to talk about it, I promise I’m pretty understanding.” He gave me a concerned look and I could tell he could kind of guess what I was going through. I keep forgetting that he shared a room with Donghae and didn’t seem freaked out when he knew his roommate was gay, and he definitely wasn’t freaked out when Donghae and Eunhyuk got together.

Maybe he could be someone to talk to if I can’t get ahold of Eunhyuk. Maybe.

“Okay I’ll keep that in mind, is everyone else upstairs?” I asked pointing up to where I assumed everyone was.

“Yeah they’re singing and dancing up there, but Ryeowook got a headache.” He pointed to Ryeowook who was mostly keeping to himself and holding his head. “I came down with him for moral support.” He smiled sweetly towards Ryeowook and something finally clicked in my head.

He had some sort of affection for Ryeowook but didn’t want to tell the boy about his feelings. I guess not everyone is lucky like me who finds a guy to love who also is gay. Ryeowook never showed the signs of ever being that way—but you never know.

“I guess I should go and see what’s up.” I sighed and sat up to go up to where everyone was. I really didn’t want to think at this point and maybe being up with everyone will make me not want to think about Kyuhyun and our unstable relationship. Maybe we just need some time to find that spark again over the summer since we’ll be spending a lot of time together while practicing.

The whole party seemed mostly done by the time I came up to join them with mostly just everyone lounging around and being lazy for the one day off we’ll have all summer. Eunhyuk was next to Donghae on the couch with Heechul causally sitting on the other side of them texting someone on his phone. Shindong and Kangin were talking about some subject close to a table that had food on it. Leeteuk was talking to Hangeng and the rest of the group just seemed to be doing their own thing.

Once Eunhyuk noticed me he got up from his spot in the middle of Heechul and Donghae and walked over to me. “What are you up to?” He looked slightly worried, mostly likely from the frown that was on my face at this moment.

“Nothing really.” I sighed leaning against the wall and just observing everyone casually having a good time.

“Is it something to do with Kyuhyun?” He leaned closer to me to ask this and I immediately blushed and stood away from him.

“N-No!” I didn’t mean to shout but the looks of everyone in the room glancing in my way felt really awkward and I had to shake my head and drag Eunhyuk out of the room so that I could talk to him in a more private setting.

Though being in the middle of an apartment hallway wasn’t all that private. “No, really tell me what’s wrong. You’re usually a lot happier than this.” He placed his hands on his hips and looked straight at me.

“It’s just that Kyu and I aren’t really all that close right now.” I sigh out and look away from him. I know him being silly was a way to lighten the conversation, but I wasn’t in the mood to be cheered up. I just wanted to know what I was doing wrong and fix it before our relationship fails.

“Well, is it you or him?” He asked being a bit more serious now.

“I don’t know. He hasn’t been in the mood to do anything lately and I don’t know if it’s because of me or because of something going on with him.” I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall, making sure to control my voice so that no one could hear me. “I feel like I’m being a bad boyfriend.”

Eunhyuk looked worried but at the same time gave off the expression that he didn’t know what to do and crossed his arms as well. I knew he wasn’t going to be very helpful but I still wanted to know his input on this situation since he is the only guy I could turn to without looking like I needed a pity party. “Maybe you just need to talk to him about it.”


After that I my heel and left to go back to our dorm area. I think it was about time for me to just go to sleep and think about this later. We have practice tomorrow and I didn’t want this ruining my concentration. This was our dream; we’re not going to let it go that easily.


“I know I didn’t introduce myself all too well before, but I’m Lee Soo Man, I’m the CEO of this Entertainment and I want all of you to know that you are welcome to our family. Welcome to SM Town.”

It was early in the morning, five to be exact, and our CEO had asked for all of us to go to his room for a proper introduction as well as instructions for what he wanted of us as a group over the summer.

“As you all know over this whole summer I want everyone to try their hardest in training and practicing and maybe if everyone really tries by the time everyone graduates we can release this as an official band under the name of Super Junior since Leeteuk insisted that we keep the name.” He continued to talk and at this point I was about to just pretend to listen and rest for a little bit.

But I knew what he was saying was important in some way or form and I didn’t want to miss any big details.

“Also I’ll be splitting you up into three groups of five based on your singing and dancing skills.”

Like that. What did he mean by groups? Were we not going to train as a whole band like we normally did?

“I want to make sure that those who sing better get some more dancing practice as well as the dancers to get more singing practice. Once a week we’ll get together and do group work as a whole, but with this many people it’ll be too hard to try training everyone as a group.”

“Excuse me.” Eunhyuk rose his hand and waited for Lee Soo Man to point to him, when he did Eunhyuk continued. “In groups of five? How will that work? We only have thirteen members.”

“Excellent question!” He clapped his hands once. “I believe I forgot to officially introduce two members that will be working in your group as well. They might not join in officially as a part of the group, but they need training as well in the same fields. Two groups will be having one in each, their names are Henry and Zhoumi.”

As he smiled I could tell everyone in our group was groaning in one way or another. How could we have two extra members when this group was already as big as thirteen people? Maybe he was planning some sort of thing with the two? I guess whatever happens it’s best to just accept them as who they are and see if they have a lot of talent or not.

“When will we be deciding on groups?” Leeteuk asked and Lee Soo Man nodded and smiled once more.

“Right now, I’ll have someone take you to the practice room so that they can tell where you need to go.” He then stood up and walked to open the door. Someone was indeed waiting outside of the door and immediately bowed when he noticed the door open. “Jaejoong, you’ll be taking them to practice room C on the seventh floor, okay?”

“Okay, sir!” He bowed once more and looked over to see just how big of a group we were. He looked frightened for a second but regained his composer and bowed to us.

“My name is Jaejoong, I’ve been a trainee here for a year now and I’ll be taking you to the practice room now.” He seemed like a pretty okay guy besides him being a little shy, but I bet by the time he debuts he’ll be a completely different person. I could see a lot of potential in him; I could see why SM Entertainment took him in.

We followed him silently to the room that Mr. Lee had instructed us to go to and bowed when we got there. He left soon after that probably going to his own practice room to train some more.

Inside the practice room besides the mirrors and work out equipment there were five boys already in the room. Three looked a lot older than two of them and I concluded that they must be the two members he was talking about.

Leeteuk walked up first and talked to the three older instructors in the room probably asking them questions about how we were to be examined and placed into groups. At this time everyone in our group just started talking to each other and ignored everyone else in the room.

Kyuhyun nudged me lightly and leaned in closer to whisper in my ear, “I’m sorry about yesterday, I was being a bit too moody, forgive me?”

I glanced at him with a smile and nodded silently afraid to talk or else I might talk a bit too loudly. At least he knew I forgave him for his moody attitude and I couldn’t wait to talk to him later about it and maybe actually do some couple stuff tonight!

I can already tell today was going to be a good day!

It didn't take long for Leeteuk to get the information about the groups from the instructors and soon enough he was telling us what we needed to do and to start splitting up into groups. I immediately grabbed ahold of Kyuhyun to make sure we were in the same group being judged and I could already see everyone else getting with the groups they thought they belonged to.

After the small groups were made we all exited to different practice rooms and tested on our abilities in singing as well as in dancing. They had a hard time placing both me and Kyuhyun in a group after them seeing our equal dancing and singing skills and just stuck us in a group with an instructor by the name of Choi Minhyuk. We were to always call him Instructor Choi from now on and to not refer to him as anything else.

In our group after everyone was doing being judged and placed somewhere we had Kyuhyun and I as well as one of the new boys and Yesung and Ryeowook. I seemed happy with our placements and hoped that this new guy was going to be easy to handle.

"Okay converse amongst yourselves for now while I talk to the other instructors." Instructor Choi stated and left the room. I immediately stood next to Kyuhyun and started up a conversation with him.

"I'm so happy we have the same skills when it comes to singing and dancing, it's good to have you in the same group as me." I smile and nudge him slightly, he nodded in response and nudged me back.

"Yeah I was holding back my amazing singing skills so we could be in the same group." He joked and chuckled slightly.

"Uh, can I talk to you two?"

I looked over at the unknown guy and shrugged. "Sure why not, what's your name?" He was either going to be Henry or Zhoumi.

"I'm Henry, I'm a little young so I hope you don’t mind so much. I really am pretty good and a fast learner." He smiled and I could already tell I was going to like him in our group. He looked really young and was definitely not in my grade, maybe not even in Kyuhyun's grade.

"I'm Sungmin, and this is Kyuhyun. Over there is Yesung and Ryeowook. If you ever need any help you can always come to us and I'm sure one of us four can help you in some way." I smile back at his infectious smile and bow to him to be respectful. Yeah I know I was older than him, but in this room we were all equals.

After he left to go talk to Yesung and Ryeowook to introduce himself to them Kyuhyun nudged me once more but a little harder this time.

He looked stressed about something.

But why wasn't he telling me anything?


Whoa this story is almost a whole year old, thats weird to think that I've been on this site for pretty much a year now and about to be a full year of me writing on this site. At least I'm proud to say I haven't given up on this storyline! :D!!! Hope you liked the new chapter!

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3