
School Days

I wanted to hit myself upside the head; I wanted to hit myself upside the head with a huge boulder! How could I do that to Laura? How could I do that to Kyuhyun?! I kissed the one person I really didn’t want to kiss in front of the real person I wanted to kiss. And the worst part is I can’t tell anyone about this!

The second I walked into my room after saying goodbye to Laura I landed on my bed with a huge sigh and almost completely forgot the roommate whom was on his bed and gave me a weird look. “Are you okay?” He asked moving to look at me, but all I could do was sigh and look away.

“Things aren’t going as planned.” I mumbled and crossed my arms. My plan was simple, make Kyuhyun jealous and make him realize his feelings for me. Not kiss Laura, make her love me more while doing absolutely nothing to further my relationship with Kyuhyun!

“Look I don’t really know what’s going on, but you’ve been acting strange all week.” Eunhyuk stated in a serious tone and I knew right there and then that maybe it was about time to tell someone about how I’ve been feeling.

“You might not understand me completely but of all my friends you probably are the only one to at least attempt to understand me.” I sighed and turned to face him before sitting up on my bed and giving him my full attention. “I like someone.”

“Yeah you like Laura, I know this.” Eunhyuk chuckled but after seeing my expression afterwards he suddenly caught on and remained silent.

“I like Kyuhyun. Of all the people I could tell you’re the only one because now I know you like Donghae thus meaning you’re in the same boat as me, except you have someone and for me I have no clue how to approach Kyuhyun about this situation.” I explained and gave myself some time to breath before continuing. “I thought if I got a girlfriend and hung out with her maybe he would be jealous of her and confess his feelings for me, if he had any.”

“But then he couldn’t even hang out this week…” Eunhyuk pieced it together and gave me a comforting look.

“Then I kissed her, just a little bit ago and the only reason why I did it was because I saw Kyuhyun standing not too far away and he was looking at me. I freaked and thought this was my final chance to see but when I looked back he was gone. I think I really screwed up this time Eunhyuk, and I don’t know what to do.” I concluded and the second I stopped talking I almost hit the wall but stopped myself before I could damage myself and instead put my head in my hands and sighed heavily.

“You still have tomorrow, remember? You’ll be introducing her to the whole group and maybe you’ll have that last chance, don’t give up if you really like him. I’m kind of new with this whole”—He put up air quotes, “—Liking guys—“put his hands down, “—thing.”

“I know I know, but you were the only person I could trust with saying something like this.” I defended myself and put my hands up. “Tomorrow is my last day, I need to think of something or do something in order to get Kyuhyun to recognize me.”

“How about you just tell him how you truly feel and tell her about how you feel about him.” Eunhyuk suggested and I brushed the thought away before even considering it.

“I’ll think of something, but for now I need to sleep.” I stood up and went to get ready for bed knowing that I had a very important day ahead of me.


Everyone was already gathered at the dancing studio by the time Eunhyuk, Donghae, Laura and I made our way inside. Everyone was hanging out with their usual members but once they noticed the new girl standing beside me everyone flocked to where we were—everyone except for Kyuhyun.

“Hi! Nice to meet you!” Leeteuk greeted with his horrible english and smiled like a goof thinking he was so smart by knowing that much english.

“I’m Heechul, you look positively beautiful, why are you with such an average boy like Sungmin when you could be with me.” Heechul greeted in Korean, grabbing Laura’s hand and kissing it softly making her blush in the process.

“I’m Shindong!” Shindong exclaimed, thought for a moment and added, “Do you like food?” as his only english sentence.

“Whoa whoa, stop everyone and let her breathe first.” I bumped my way through the crowd and pulled Laura closer to me.

Laura giggled at my nice gesture and bowed to the crowd of people that was better known as Super Junior. “My name is Laura, I am Sungmin’s girlfriend and it is nice to meet you all.” She smiled brightly and bumped my hand, signaling that she wanted me to hold her hand; I did so and smiled along with her. “And yes Shindong, I love food.” Shindong smiled at her final comment and seemed satisfied enough.

Once the introduction was out of the way I let Laura go and talk to the other members as I moved my way towards Kyuhyun in hopes of starting a conversation with him, but every time I moved closer he moved farther away.

Soon enough we were both at the end of the dance studio away from everyone and standing awkwardly by ourselves.

“Look if you hate me just say so, okay?” I spoke up after seeing that there was a dead end and no way for Kyuhyun to run away.

“I don’t hate you, I just don’t want to see you right now.” He commented, attempting to move past me and back towards the other members. I blocked his path and looked him straight in the eyes. Thoughts of what Eunhyuk said last night came back into my head and I couldn’t help but consider just telling him the truth and getting away from all of my lies.

“Why not?” I chose to say instead; I was far too embarrassed to actually tell him my true feelings.

“Because it hurts to see you.” He snapped and pushed me against the wall; my cheeks instantly flushed and I was caught staring at his lips hoping for him to kiss me.

“What is wrong about me? I don’t get what I’m doing wrong—“ I was cut off by his lips and for once I was fine with someone cutting me off. I instantly started to kiss him back and move my hands so that they were around his neck and going through his hair. I was hoping that no one was noticing what we were doing, but to be honest at this point in time my mind did not care if someone saw us or not.

“I like you, okay?” He finally said after pushing away from me to catch his breath. “I didn’t like you with Laura and I couldn’t stand it so I wanted to stay away from you this week, but what I saw yesterday was torturous and I hated it! I didn’t want you with her anymore, and from that reaction to that kiss I have a feeling you feel the same way about me.” His usual smirk appeared on his lips and I felt speechless that all I did was nod, smile and kiss him once more already loving the feelings of his lips on mine.

Even though the feel of his lips was the best feeling in the world, and even though I finally had the chance to be with the one person I wanted to be with, I knew that I had to go back to the rest of the group and be with Laura—at least until I have the chance to tell her my true feelings for her.

“Okay everyone, since Laura finally knows all of us why not give her a performance?” Leeteuk suggested and clapped his hands together. “We can perform It’s You and Sorry Sorry, that sound good to everyone?” Everyone’s cheers were enough to say that his choices were good and everyone soon got into their positions.

It was weird standing there with the rest of the group waiting for the music to start playing, I just kept thinking about the talent show and how we had lost it even though we did perfect and didn’t even mess up one single part. It’s You started up first and stopped thinking and started dancing allowing the music to take over my actions and from the looks of it everyone else’s as well. I sang perfectly on my parts and watched Kyuhyun sing perfectly on his lines as well; we all kept in step and didn’t let that one loss slow us down from reaching our goals.

When Sorry Sorry started up we moved to the music and only once in a while did I glance at Laura’s smiling face and smiled right back at her knowing that this was going to be her last time being happy while staying in South Korea. I felt horrible for what I was about to do to her and I felt horrible for dragging her here just so I could get the guy I wanted instead, I just hoped that after all this she would stay my friend.

The second the song ended Laura ran up and hugged me tightly exclaiming over and over in English that we were amazing and the best band she had ever heard. It wasn’t until after she stopped talking did I notice someone else clapping off in the distance close to the front of the dance studio. He seemed like a complete stranger to me, but the look on Leeteuk’s face showed that he knew who was by that door and he ran to go talk to the person. Laura caught my attention once more and I smiled down at her forgetting the man by the door. “You guys are the best! Favorite band right here and I’ll be your number one fan!” She squealed and clapped her hands some more and went off to compliment the other members and I took that chance to stand beside Kyuhyun and nudge him slightly to show that I was next to him.

“You did well tonight.” I commented with a smirk and he smirked right back and nudged me.

“So did you.”

I was about to say something else but Leeteuk running back to the group caused me to stop what I was doing and look at our leader. “Everyone gather around right now!” He turned to the person held up his finger as if asking him to wait and turned to us once more. “That man over there is the manager to SM Entertainment!” He shouted and it took us a second to realize what he was saying before everyone remembered what SM Entertainment was.

“DOES HE WANT US TO COME IN AS ROOKIES?!” Eunhyuk shouted and looked at Donghae, smiled, then turned back to Leeteuk in time for Leeteuk to nod and everyone exploded into clapping and happiness.

“I’m so proud of you guys!” Laura shouted over everyone and clapped her hands as hard as she could.

“I wanted to make sure it was okay with everyone before signing the contract, they’re even letting us keep our name as Super Junior if we sign it.” Leeteuk calmed everyone down but not for long because then everyone cheered once more and nodded their heads as fast as they could.

“Of course we all want to join!” Heechul shouted and everyone else just agreed with him and shoved Leeteuk towards the manager of SM Entertainment and cheered for him the whole way there.

I was so excited I ended up hugging Kyuhyun in pure happiness and we both shared this happy moment as Laura just cheered as loudly as she could and congratulated everyone on a good job.

Once Leeteuk was back and the man was gone everyone cheered for our leader and he once again attempted everyone to get calm so he could explain everything that the manager had told him. “He wants us to start as soon as he can and he is allowing us time for school as well and since we’re such good dancers and singers already we don’t have to go through as much training before we debut! This is all thanks to Laura so make sure to cheer for her as well; if she wasn’t here we would have never performed for her in the first place!” He pointed towards Laura and she seemed confused at first but then she pieced what he had said together and smiled and blushed a deep shade of red.

“Oh thank you guys for performing for me.” She smiled and attempted to hide from all the smiles she was receiving. This night felt perfect, almost too perfect and that was when I knew I had to tell Laura tonight, I had to tell her the one thing I did not want to do.

I waited until everyone was done cheering and clapping for me to go up to Laura and ask if I could see her outside, alone, for a little bit. She smiled and agreed and excused herself from talking to Yesung about his guitar skills.

The night air felt chilly after being in the dance studio for a good few hours after the manager had left and everyone celebrated their victory right after it. Laura walked beside me, bumping into me from time to time until I finally found where I was heading and sat on the bench I had searched for. I patted the seat beside me and she responded by sitting down and looking right at me.

“What is it that you want to tell me?” She asked reverting back to her comfortable English and placed her hands in her lap, waiting for me to talk.

“I just want to say first that you really are a great friend and it was an amazing week that we had together but—“

“I know you like Kyuhyun, okay?” She interrupted me and sighed. “I knew from the start before even coming here.” She looked away from me and clenched her fists. “I was selfish to come here when I knew you liked him, just from the way you talked about him over messaging, the way you looked at him when we were here and I did see you two in the corner earlier today.”

“You’re not mad at me?” I asked unsure of what else to say in this situation. She was taking it a lot nicer than I had thought and that was one of the reasons why she was such an amazing girl.

“I knew dating a boy from Korea was going to end badly and all my friends thought so too, but I couldn’t help it. But now that I had the chance to see you, to be with you, even for a little less than a week, it was the best week of my life. We’re still friends and I wish you the best of luck in your career and your relationship with Kyuhyun. Thank you for being such an amazing guy and showing me just how much fun it is to be around you.” She smiled sweetly and moved to kiss my cheek with a huge blush on her cheeks. I smiled back at her and gently moved some hair away from her face.

“No thank you Laura for being the one girl I could ever really like, but you know my feelings and I thank you for understanding. It was a fun week and maybe we should do this again sometime once we’re famous. You’ll always be my number one fan.”

And that, my friends, was the perfect ending to a perfect night. Now all we can hope for is a perfect end to the story that is being told.

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3