The Wonderful Date

School Days

Within the next few days at school random members from Super Junior came up to me and asked about the picture from Donghae’s phone, I really did not know how to respond so I just shrugged and walked away wanting to just ignore everyone and live my life like a normal teenager.

Like that was going to happen…

“Hey Hyukkie what are you doing this weekend?” Donghae asked as he put his arm around my shoulder, and not giving me a chance to answer continued on with, “Good me too we should hang out this Saturday, I’ll meet you at your dorm at around noon so be ready. No excuses, alright, bye!” And with that he left without me even having the chance to open my mouth to protest.

That whole fighting fire with fire did not work and someone remind me to smack Heechul for that one later.

“What was that about?” Yesung asked when Donghae had left the hallway.

“I have no clue and for some reason I think he is enjoying this far more than he should.” I responded with a sigh. What am I going to do? I guess I’ll just have to go, we are friends so I don’t see why not.

“I have a feeling that he isn’t just joking with you, and if he’s not try not to break his heart when you don’t feel the same way.” Yesung ended the conversation there and walked on to his next class without another word but left me to ponder what he had just said.

Does Donghae actually like me? No way he was just joking, there was no way he actually liked me as more than a friend. But it made sense, he was always sad when I would tell him to stop, he would always try no matter how many times I protested.

Dear God I think Yesung is right!


“What do I do? What do I do?” I freaked out the second I entered my dorm room. Sungmin stared at me like I had gone insane. “Sungmin!”


“Uh, well let’s say if Kyuhyun always seemed to act like you know, gay around you, but then you found out it wasn’t a joke and he was being serious, what would you do?” I asked using Sungmin’s friendship with Kyuhyun as a good example. He should be lucky that Kyuhyun isn’t as crazy as Donghae is, really lucky.

“U-Uh!” Sungmin stammered looking away from me with a blush. “I wouldn’t know, I mean friendship first right?” Why was he being so nervous about this I made sure to say ‘if’ first.

“Yeah, but what if you don’t feel the same way and you don’t want to lose a friend but he likes you as more than a friend.” I questioned further ignoring Sungmin’s slight uncomfortable look.

“Why not give him a chance?” Sungmin suddenly asked, his whole head turned away from me so I had no clue what kind of express he was giving me right now. Was he joking? Was he being serious? “When he was being so clingy to you did you ever blush or ever maybe like how he was?”

Wait wait wait! Back up a minute, I did blush a few times, and I did want to continue holding his hand that one time. No no no no! I am not gay! I do not like the feeling of Donghae’s hand or the way he looks at me or how he smirks or…great there could be a chance that I might be…er I can’t even say it it’s too embarrassing.

“Sungmin, if I ended up to er—be uh well…if it ended up that I liked Donghae as maybe, I repeat maybe, would you feel awkward around us?” I couldn’t even keep myself from shaking that’s how nervous I was, I didn’t know for sure but after he said that I was doubting myself a bit too much.

“Of course, “ Sungmin started to speak but seemed to mumble something else under his breath. I decided not to look too much into that and decided to worry instead about the date I was going to have with Donghae on Saturday!

“I have a date with him on Saturday!” I blurted out suddenly, blushing a deep red and hoping to cover my face with anything nearby.

“What?!” Sungmin exclaimed and looked directly at me, noticed my poorly hidden blush and busted out in a big fit of laughter. “That’s why you were asking me this.” He smiled brightly and walked over to me and patted me on the shoulder. “Good luck buddy because you are going to need it.”

Yeah like that was going to make me feel any better…


You know how time always goes by slow when you want something to happen, well it happens in reverse when you don’t want something to happen because the next thing I knew it was already Friday and the end of the day to make matters worse.

The entirety of Super Junior approached me at different times during the week asking me about the date that was between Donghae and I, mainly to make fun of me or give me false support. Only Sungmin and possibly Kyuhyun knew that I had possible feelings for Donghae and I was hoping to keep it that way because if the rest of them found out they might get awkward with me and make it hard to talk to them. Yesung approached me multiple times this week as well giving me some helpful advice over his roommate and gave me some pointers on how to handle certain situations. Yesung knew Donghae quite a lot since they were roommates so I took his advice to heart and also that was the reason why it wasn’t so hard to believe that Donghae could like me as more than a friend.

And with it being the end of my Friday I just spent the rest of the night hoping to forget about what was going to happen tomorrow and focused on homework and talking to Sungmin for more than half the night. Donghae sure chose a good day for a date since after this weekend the whole group was going to be busy with getting ready for the talent show that was coming up very soon. That means practicing every day and little to no focus on school, that’s my kind of practice.


The dreaded day has arrived and after waking up at nine being ready by eleven I was ready for this day with Donghae to start.

Sungmin was already out of the dorm by the time I was ready and probably off enjoying himself with friends, most likely Kyuhyun if I had to guess someone.

By noon I heard a knock on the door and freaked out before finally getting enough courage and answering the door, already knowing who was on the other side.

Well here goes nothing…

“Oh!” Donghae seemed surprised. “You’re already ready to go?” He smiled and grabbed ahold of my hand and dragged me out of my room before I even had the second thought of cancelling the date. Would you call it a date? I mean I’m not entirely sure he does like me like that and I’m not sure if I like him like that. Maybe he just wanted to hang out like friends.

“Yeah as ready as I’ll ever be. What are the plans for the day?” I answered and asked the beginning question since Donghae was in charge of the entertainment since he did ask me to go out not the other way around.

“Well first lunch, I’m starving next we’ll watch a movie, take a walk and see from there what else we can do.” Donghae answered simply and continued to drag me until we were out of the school and on the main streets. From then on he let go of my wrist and held my hand instead. I blushed for a good twenty minutes before I finally had the courage to hold his hand back and kept completely silent.

When we finally arrived at a nice eat out place, apparently a noodle shop, we sat down, next to each other, continued to hold hands and ordered some noodles to eat for lunch. The entire time Donghae had this huge smile on his face like you wouldn’t imagine how happy he must be. In a way it made me happy as well and for once I wasn’t embarrassed to be with him. It felt nice.

After getting our food we ate silently, deciding since the noodle bowls here were so huge we’d just share one, and ate out of the same bowl. And no the thing from Lady and the Tramp did not happen, this isn’t Disney here.

We talked for a bit after the meal, mostly about dancing and singing and some future plans for what we want to do with the band, the talent show was brought up multiple times and every time it was brought up I made sure to say, with confidence, about how we were going to win first prize.

“What about Oppa Oppa, should be try to enter into the talent show with just that song as well?” Donghae asked, making me recall from when he mentioned it beforehand.

“I think we should wait on that, we’re so good they might want to take just us and not the rest of the members.” I chuckled, making Donghae laugh as well and agreeing with me. “Maybe for a different type of contest we can enter, we’ve already mastered the lyrics and dance so I don’t see why not.”

“Good idea.” Donghae concluded and stood up, holding out his hand for me to grab, I guess it was time to go see that movie he said we were going to see.

And the movie ended up being a scary one, and the name of the movie was Death Bell. At first it seemed scary, then it got better with an amazing plotline and the gore of the movie was pretty well done as well. I hated it when the friend died after saving the girl he liked but it was nice to know she survived in the end. By the end of the movie it seemed like there was going to be a second movie and when we were leaving the theater he made me promise that if there was going to be a second movie that we’d watch it together. I promised since it was a good movie and the second, if there was one, would be a good movie as well.

By the time we finished walking around, mostly around the park and being stupid by playing on the swings and the playground, the time seemed like it was about time for us to go back to our dorms. When we reached my room Donghae seemed to have a frown on his face and wasn’t as happy as he was like the rest of the day, was I really that much fun to hang out with?

“Well, I had a good day today; we should do it again sometime.” I smiled with my gummy smile and it caused him to smile as well.

“Good, glad you had fun.” He responded, I turned to open my door but before I could go in he grabbed ahold of my hand, turned me around and kissed me right on the lips!

God I hope Sungmin didn’t see that!

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3