The beginning of my troubles

School Days

School was not for me; school was about learning academically and getting a job to show for it. I didn’t want a job that dealt with what you learned in school, I wanted a job that had nothing to do with learning or teaching. I wanted to be a professional dancer, and possibly singer on the side and by singer I mean rapper because actual singing is not my forte.

But here I am stuck in this damned all boys boarding school that was ranked number one above anything else when it came to academics. When I told my parents I wanted to go to a dance school this is where they placed me. As you can tell I am not a happy camper.

Oh? I haven’t introduced myself have I? My name is Lee Hyukjae, but please call me Eunhyuk because that’ll be my stage name when I do become a professional dancer/rapper. Besides Hyukjae just isn’t a good name for me, it doesn’t bring out my true self.

Now let’s start my story, the story of how I dealt with this living hell that was called a boarding school.

“This is such a pain in the , why am I here? Do my parents hate me? They must hate me.” I complained the second I walked into my boarding room. My roommate looked at me slightly, sighed and then went back to his book without a single word. My roommate, at first, didn’t really much talk to me but then we became friends after a while and now I believe he can handle my complaining and not hate me for it. His name? Lee Sungmin. I have a feeling they either thought it would be funny to pair the guys with the same last name, or maybe it was just a random coincidence that we have the same surname.

After finishing the page he was on Sungmin looked up at me and shut the book. “I’m surprised you’re still complaining after all this time, you should at least be thankful for your parents sending you to such a high ranking school. I wanted to be a musician or a singer but here I am and I’m not complaining.” Sungmin replied, setting his book down and giving me his full attention.

Hmm, I seemed to have forgotten I wasn’t the only one at this school that didn’t want to be here. “Yeah yeah.” I sighed and sat down on the bed next to where Sungmin was currently sitting at. “I’ll just deal with this school and then do what I want to do afterwards.” Wishful thinking, right?

“My point exactly, and it’s the weekend now so let’s gather up some people and go singing or something; better than doing nothing in this boring room.” Sungmin suggested which I completely agreed to. After being in this school for an entire year Sungmin and I have found all the people that wanted something to do with the music and/or dancing industry. We formed our own group with these students and we like to call ourselves Super Junior. Cool name right?

“Who is all available to hang this weekend?” I asked, curious to see which of the members were free to do this.

Sungmin then grabbed his phone from his pocket, sent a single text message and after a minute he replied, “Shindong, Kangin, Leeteuk, and Heechul.”

“Oooh the members of Super Junior T, alright. I wonder what the rest of the members are doing.” I pondered but didn’t think about it for long. “Text them to meet up tomorrow at five, we can go to the dance studio for a while then go sing afterwards.”

“Alright.” Sungmin went back to his phone, texted exactly or hopefully exactly what I said and sent the message. Now it was time to wait for tomorrow which just meant another boring Friday night.

“I wonder why Donghae or Kyuhyun never seem to go.” I wondered out loud and quickly looked over at Sungmin as if to see his reaction. He wasn’t on such good terms with Kyuhyun at the moment and tried to stay away from him as much as possible. Something probably happened between the two but he won’t tell me a thing.

“Yeah Donghae started hanging out with the other members a lot more recently, wonder if he is avoiding us.” Completely ignored Kyuhyun; told ya.

And about Donghae, he was actually my first friend at this school believe it or not. He is sort of a playboy in a way and always tries to catch attention to girls outside of school. He’ll sometimes hold my hand in public just see the reaction the girls give us. He annoys me sometimes, but other times I just get plain embarrassed. All he is doing is trying to make us seem gay together, and it’s working.  

“I have a girlfriend.”

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked directly at Sungmin. Whoa, when did he get himself a girlfriend?!

“She is online and actually she’s American. I’m trying to teach her Korean and she’s helping me with my English.” Sungmin continued with a small smile on his face. He almost looked distant as if he was using this girl to keep himself from thinking of something else, but it’s not like I can read minds or anything.

“Well good luck with that, but remember online relationships never last.” I warned and kicked back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. By now it was probably getting late and it was about time to get my homework done and get to sleep.

“Yeah yeah, I know.” Sungmin responded, moving over to his desk with the same idea of getting his homework done.

The rest of the night was pretty much just that with just the thought of the next day lingering in my mind.

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3