Challenge Accepted

School Days

The walk itself wasn’t the problem on the way to the karaoke place where we normally frequent, however the Donghae holding my hand was definitely something I wasn’t too happy about. Heechul shot me random looks from the side as if trying to signal something to me but to me it just looked like he was making random faces at me. Shindong was walking ahead of the group apparently talking to Kangin about something and from the look of how interested Shindong seemed it was probably about a new restaurant in town that he wanted to try out. Leeteuk was walking just behind me and seemed to snicker once in a while probably laughing at my suffering, and Kyumin over there seemed like the happiest couple in the world.

Do they like each other? Nah that is impossible Sungmin has a girlfriend, or at least seems to be interested in girls; not Kyuhyun. But the looks they’re giving each other definitely means they’re hiding something and something important for that matter.

“What’s wrong, you’ve been silent from the second we left the studio, are you feeling alright?” Donghae broke my trail of thoughts and caused me to glance in his direction. He seemed generally concerned about me, which is nice but not while he was holding my hand so firmly.

“I’m fine, really. I just have a lot on my mind, that’s all.” I replied quickly, looking away from him with a  blush and attempting to take my hand away from him. He just held on tightly and pulled me closer to him to counteract my attempts to move away.

“Awww stop thinking too much about me, you’re making me blush.” Donghae whispered with a huge smirk on his face. Geez this guy it’s like everything is a joke with him.

“Don’t flatter yourself.” Was the only quick comeback I could come up with and by the sound of his laughter it didn’t work the way I wanted it to.

“Don’t be like that you know you want me.” Donghae spoke a bit louder this time hoping some of the people walking around us would notice.

“Hey Donghae would you stop that get yourself a girlfriend if you’re going to be that lonely.” Heechul commented pushing Donghae away from me and allowing me the freedom of the hand he was holding onto. I whispered a thanks in his ear before Donghae noticed.

“I don’t need a girlfriend if I have a guy like Hyukkie.” Donghae smirked evilly but walked ahead to interrupt whatever Sungmin and Kyuhyun were talking about.

“You have to be more forceful if you don’t want him hanging onto you like that.” Heechul said and nudged me on the shoulder. “Or if he wants to embarrass you in public why not do the same back to him and see how he feels. They always back down when the other steps up. Listen to your hyung on this I’ve dealt with people like this before.” He smiled his usual smile and ended our conversation there to give me time to think.

Hmmm fight fire with fire. But do I really want the entirely of Seoul to think I’m really gay? Well I guess I wasn’t planning on getting a girlfriend anytime soon so maybe this could be fun. Embarrass Donghae at his own game and he’ll give up eventually. Yeah this just might work.

Challenge Accepted.

By the time we reached the karaoke bar I had just enough time to think of several ways to ‘flirt’ with Donghae and make him embarrassed and I was hoping that at least some of them would work. The first thing I did was make sure to walk beside him and when he held my hand I held his right back, making him look at me in a confused manner. I simply smiled and pretended like nothing was wrong.

Maybe this’ll be fun afterall, but I still couldn’t shake the fact that I was actually liking the feeling of his hand. Nevermind that! I need to focus on embarrassing him. Fighting!

When we found our usual table we all sat down at random seats and I purposely sat next to Donghae to make sure we continued to hold hands.

“Hey Donghae, want to sing a duet with me up there?” I asked when the person singing was done and they were asking for whomever to come up next. He looked at me but nodded all the same and while still holding hands we walked up there and took the mic.

“Hello everyone.” I greeted with a bow, making Donghae bow as well. The audience clapped for us and the girls all screamed with excitement. You know the usual reaction when they see two attractive guys on stage AND holding hands. “My name is Eunhyuk and this is my partner Donghae. Together we’re Eunhae. I hope you like the song.” I smiled sweetly while glancing at Donghae’s confused expression that didn’t last long because then he smiled all the same and waved his free hand at the crowd.

We decided on a song that we had made for the group since we’re still trying to promote our group and the song was ‘No Other’  it was a sweet song about a girl, but really if you’re singing it to each other it could sound a bit different, right? I don’t want to go too into this tonight or else he might think I’m being desperate when I’m just trying to make him stop flirting with me.

After the song ended the audience clapped and whistled signaling we did an amazing job, as usual. “Thank you, thank you.” I bowed once more and turned to Donghae. “Thank you for singing with me tonight.” And with that I stopped holding his hand and gave him a big hug right in front of everyone, even going super close to his face as if to kiss him, but withdrew before I got to close.

“My pleasure.” Donghae smirked and grabbed ahold of my hand and walked with me off stage and back to our seats. Before sitting down he pulled me close to whisper in my ear, “I don’t know what you’re doing…but I like it.”

Maybe the whole fight fire with fire thing was going a bit overboard…you think?


School. I hate it with the passion of a thousand suns and if I had the chance to burn it down I would with no regrets and only evil laughter.

It was another day of this boring hell and the only company I had in this certain class was my dear roommate, Sungmin.

“If I fell asleep would you tell me what I missed?” I whispered close to his ear, hoping for a ‘yes’ or even an ‘alright’. Of course all I got was a shake of the head and an evil smirk. Did I say dear roommate, I meant to say evil roommate.

I looked back at the teacher, hoping he wouldn’t notice me chatting with Sungmin and pretended to pay attention as he continued to talk about Biology and mitosis whatever that is. I am not going to need to know any of this when I become a professional dancer and rapper for some great industry, like SM Entertainment, I bet they would be great to work with. I was just smiling at the thought.

“Hyukjae you seem to be in a great mood today, would you like to explain mitosis to the rest of the class, since you seem so interested in it?” The teacher called out forcing me out of my comfort zone and into the battle field.

“Uhhh, something about Interphase, uhhh Prophase Anaphase and Telophase?” I guessed completely only remembering small bits of information from when I was actually paying attention.

“Close but you forgot Metaphase which is when the cells line up in the middle before going through Anaphase when they split apart and go through Telophase when they divide into two separate cells.” The teacher corrected, slightly annoyed but continued on with the lecture without bothering me anymore. Like I said I won’t need any of this when I become a famous star, just you watch you’ll be saddened when you realize you made fun of the best dancer in all of South Korea.

Sungmin snickered slightly and I looked over at him and shot him a glare which caused him to stay silent and continue taking notes. I’ll have to get those from him later if I ever wanted to pass Biology.


“Got in trouble again in Biology? What is this the fifth time this semester?” Ryeowook exclaimed when he heard the news from Kyuhyun and geez I wonder who told him that? My roommate is a traitor!

“Yeah yeah, it’s no big deal I’ll still pass the class and get out of this damned school.” I replied before eating a big mouthful of noodles from my lunch. Whenever we can the whole group likes to eat lunch together, but since Hangeng, Heechul, and Leeteuk were a year ahead of us they sometimes go out to eat since they have the privilege. I can’t wait until next year when I have that same privilege to eat whenever and wherever.

“You seem so confident, you sure you have the skills to become a dancer, I bet a lot of people are better than you.” Kyuhyun commented with a snicker before looking at Sungmin and laughing a bit more.

“You guys say that but so far he’s the best in our group so what does that make you?” Donghae retorted siding with me and moving a bit closer to me.

“I can get by with singing alone.” Kyuhyun ended the conversation with just that and continued to eat his food. Sungmin went to eating as well and both of them were completely silence.

“Thanks Donghae.” I smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

“Anytime Hyukkie.” He replied and grabbed my hand and moving it to his leg to rest there. Remember Eunhyuk you have to do this so eventually he’ll be embarrassed and stop. Get ahold of yourself, are you blushing?

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and kept my hand there until I needed to eat something on my plate that involved using both my hands. When I removed it I could almost see a look of sadness on Donghae’s face but I completely ignored it and went to eating my food.

For the rest of the meal it felt like my hand was so much colder without being on his leg and I almost had the urge to rest it there again when I was done, but I stopped myself and took the thought out of my head.

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3