End of the school year

School Days

School was tedious and long but we finally got through our second year of high school with only one more left until we could officially graduate. I, of course, got high top grades in all of my classes without a single problem, but my roommate however got one of the worst.

“I can’t believe I passed most of my classes with barely passing grades.” Eunhyuk whined and went straight for his bed after getting his test results back. He wasn’t unhappy with his grades but he was unhappy with having to tell his parents about them.

“Well you passed, that’s the good part right?” I responded but really I knew what he was going through since all parents here in South Korea want only the best for their kids—and Eunhyuk was not doing the best at school and his work.

And they weren’t too happy with him being a trainee under SM Entertainment either.

“Sungmin you got in the top ten of our school so you can’t say anything.” He sighed out and rolled away from me to hide his misery. “I don’t know how I’m going to break this to my parents.”

It was now currently the end of June and the end of school with only graduation left for us to do until summer break officially started. Since we were officially out of school this was our last day in the dorms and we would normally have to go home for summer—but being trainees we were to live under the same roof with each other over the break to be close to the company building.

I was extremely excited for this since we got to choose three roommates totaling with four people per room and I already knew exactly who to choose. Training every single day from dawn to dusk wasn’t appealing, but to be a star meant we were going to have to step up our game so that we could debut as soon as we’re all out of high school.

Which meant two years since we still had a few of us in the grade below us—hint hint Kyuhyun!

“Well shouldn’t we be finishing our packing? Tomorrow is the graduation so we won’t have much time left.” I finally spoke again and changed the topic. Normally going to the graduation was optional and we would never go—but Leeteuk, Heechul and Hangeng were all graduating so there was no way that we were going to miss out.

“But I’m so lazy.” Eunhyuk rolled on his bed for fun but finally sat up and pouted. His aegyo never worked on me but he always tried to do it in hopes of maybe it working, but he should know I’m the aegyo king and all it took was for me to pout back for him to sigh and lift up his arms yelling, “Fine!”

It really didn’t take long before we were completely finished with our packing making sure to clear out the whole room from head to toe. Usually in this school’s case they make you clear it all out so that they can go clean all of the rooms and prepare for the next year so in reality Eunhyuk was still going to be my roommate for next year but we might actually get a new room. First and second years keep their rooms for the two years but when you’re in your last year they usually put you in a better room. Luckily they let you keep your roommate or let you change it if you don’t like the person.

Leeteuk had super bad luck and landed two bad roommates through his high school experience.

“So should we call for a taxi?” Eunhyuk asked once the last bag was officially zipped up. We really didn’t bring that much with us but we still had quite the load and the walk to SM Entertainment was long and tedious.

“Yeah you can do that and I’ll start taking these out to the front.” I replied grabbing two of my smaller bags and lifting them over my shoulders then grabbed my bigger bag that had wheels and walked out of the room while he started dialing the number.

It felt weird taking my things out of the room like this and it felt even weirder that I won’t be returning to the same room. There were a lot of memories in that room from the second I met Eunhyuk to joining the band, getting that fake girlfriend and finally ending up with Kyuhyun.

I couldn’t be happier in my secret relationship even if the only two people who knew were Donghae and Eunhyuk. I didn’t mind no one knowing because to be honest I just wanted him not the attention or anything that would come with a homoual relationship. I had a feeling Eunhyuk felt the same way about Donghae which is why he plays it off that Donghae is kidding with him when we’re around the other members. Though I’m sure a few more members know about their relationship than mine.

After finally arriving downstairs and getting to the front of the building a taxi was already waiting outside with enough space for both Eunhyuk’s and my things. To think that I was moving out of a dorm just to move back into a much smaller one with three people instead of two.

“Thanks for the help.” Eunhyuk joked from behind me and looked like he was struggling while holding all four of his bags. I just chuckled and smiled at him since he wasn’t actually mad at me.

So instead of helping him with his bags I just opened the trunk to the taxi and put my bags in first before finally grabbing one of his heavy bags and stacking it on top of my own. It didn’t take long for the back to be filled and closed properly before we sat in the back seat of the taxi.

“So you want a ride to SM Entertainment, right?” He asked to make sure and we both nodded at the same time. The taxi driver then nodded and started up the car. The drive really wasn’t that long but with all of those bags it was better just to drive there then struggle walking there.

The apartment we were to live in was really close to the building so it was best just to get a ride to the company and walk the rest of the way there. The graduation for Leeteuk, Heechul and Hangeng was going to be happening later on which gave us enough time to get to our room and set our things up for the summer. Eunhyuk and I got to choose the room we wanted and we went straight for the fifth floor since it was either fifth or sixth and set up our things in the room farthest from the living room and kitchen. The set up was four in one room and three in the other in one floor and the other had three in both making up the total of thirteen members. We opted for the bigger room since while the others don’t know about our relationships it was a chance for the four of us to be together. Kyuhyun didn’t mind sharing with the three and Donghae was all up for our idea.

“Since we’re the first ones—and the oldest we should be able to choose if we want top bunk or bottom.” Eunhyuk immediately stated once we found our room and looked at the two bunk beds. We both decided on bottom bunk since we were far too lazy to want to climb up the stairs every time we wanted to sleep.

Most of our bags stayed pretty full since we didn’t have the space like our last room did, but we didn’t care so much since over the summer it was pretty much going to be sleep, eat, dance, train, sing, eat and sleep. No homework, no chores just plain sleep, eat and work. We’ve heard rumors from some people that SM Entertainment had a pretty strict way of training their stars and all of the rumors were completely right. After training with them since late March we could tell that it was going to be a lot of hard work to get to stardom. But of course the rumors also stated that once we debut we’ll be stars almost instantly and everyone will love us. We hoped those rumors were true as well.

“So when was graduation again?” Eunhyuk finally asked after all of the setting up was completed. I wanted to smack him for forgetting but with his grades I guess it couldn’t be helped.

“Tomorrow night, around six is when it starts I believe. We’ll probably be practicing tomorrow but I heard they’re letting the three get ready for graduation.” I responded and sat on my bed already getting used to my new home for the next few months.

“Oh okay, do we have practice today?” He asked while laying down on his bed across the room from me.

“Yeah but we have a shorter practice since people are most likely moving in like us.” I replied trying to get comfortable but the second I felt comfy I started hearing noises coming from the front door of our apartment. Eunhyuk got up thankfully to check it out since I was comfortable and came back not much later saying it was Ryeowook and Kyuhyun. That immediately got my attention and I stood up.

“Kyu!” I shouted and left the room going down the hall and passed the living room to the front door. He had four bags with him while Ryeowook had five but of course I was going to help Kyuhyun before helping Ryeowook—sorry Wookie.

I grabbed two of Kyuhyun’s bags and took them to our shared room placing them on top of the bunk of the bed I chose. He didn’t look too happy with getting the top bunk but he didn’t say anything about it until I asked Eunhyuk to leave and to find Donghae.

“So why did you chose the bottom bunk?” Kyuhyun asked once the door was shut and it was only the two of us.

“I thought since I’m the older one and the one who got here first that I should be able to pick the one I wanted.” I smiled even though his frown just deepened at my answer. He didn’t like knowing that he was the youngest in the group, the maknae.

“That doesn’t mean I have to deal with the top bunk, you’re shorter than me so you should take it.” He defended using my height to his advantage, but I was not going to give up my spot either way.

“Yeah but I’m still the older one so really you should be calling me hyung and treating me with respect.” I tried to stand up taller with confidence, but the look he gave me after that just showed that he was not going to be nice about this. He never showed respect to any of the members and I was definitely included in that.

He crossed his arms. I didn’t want to show weakness but I had a feeling that he was going to win if I didn’t think of something quickly. So I kissed him.

I didn’t know what else to do or say so I decided that maybe if I kissed him he would be a bit softer and not think about the sleeping arrangements. Our kiss lasted a full minute before we finally broke off for some air.

“You know we could always share a bed.” I whispered right after I got enough air, I caught him at the right time because all he did was nod and I knew I won the bottom bunk!

So after officially winning my place on the bed I decided to help him set up his part of the room while Eunhyuk still continued to wait for Donghae and probably help Ryeowook out as well.


“So is everyone officially moved in?” Leeteuk asked once all thirteen members were gathered in the living room of the sixth floor. He took that floor along with Heechul, Hangeng, Siwon, Kangin and Shindong. We just got Yesung, Ryeowook and Kibum as the other three that inhabited our floor.

“Yes!” Everyone shouted happily since they got to choose who they slept with as well as the floor they wanted to be on. Pretty much everyone was happy to be away from school and away from school work.

“Is everyone going to my graduation tomorrow?” Leeteuk then asked nodding to Heechul and Hangeng as well for them to all step up. When everyone nodded once more Leeteuk smiled. “Now we’ve been together for a while now, some more than others but remember one thing, okay? We are a family through thick and thin. We’re going to be famous soon, or really just be a band that we’ve wanted to be for a bit now. With hard work we got here but we have to continue to show our hard work from now until the end, got it?”

“Got it!” Everyone yelled.

“So don’t think that us graduating and leaving school means you all can slack off, okay? I want this summer to be fun and full of work but when the new semester comes I want to make sure everyone does their best at school too.” Leeteuk finished his speech and stepped away allowing Heechul to step forward now. Eunhyuk looked a little worried by that last comment most likely because of his grades, but I’ll make sure that he pulls through.

“I know I’m not the serious one of the group and hell I don’t even know why you guys want me with how much I slack off.” Heechul chuckled and shrugged. “But I will do my best to make sure Super Junior is successful so everyone should do their part as well, okay?” He rose up his fist and smirked. “Because if I can get through this and be fine then everyone else should too.”

Then finally Hangeng stood up and looked slightly nervous. “Look I’m not really into the whole getting famous thing but you know what we’ve gone this far that might as well got the whole way, right? I want to show that Chinese members can be just as famous as Korean members and if I can do this and not even have Korean as a first language then everyone should be able to get through school and get through training just fine.” He nodded and ended his speech. Everyone clapped for the three graduating seniors and their touching speeches.

Now was a time for training and hard work. We have a lot to get through for the summer and we have to continue working just as hard throughout the school year as well. All we had to do was get through graduation and the rest of the summer is pure training.


Happy Birthday Sungmin! Whoa like I did not like how this chapter came out but whatever it'll get better soon once graduation is over and the summer begins! Hahaha anyways Happy birthday to the most amazing 27 year old ever! I wanted to post this sooner but well I was busy today making cupcakes for him XD Because I'm that cool that I totally made cupcakes for Sungmin!

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Finally! I updated~ I can now be happy for a little bit


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Poor Kyu -.-
Update soon =D
Poor Kyu!! My boy, I'LL KISS YOU INSTEAD!
Poor Kyu!
Haha Kyuhyun is taking this really well
Sorry everyone X3 Its all part of the plot no worries and the reason I chose SS501 is because I needed a DIFFERENT entertainment then SM to win the talent show and they came out around the same time so it made sense to go with it XD Things'll turn out well don't worry~
WUT THE WUT. HOW CAN SUPER JUNIOR LOSE TO "SS501"?! they could lose to DBSK, but NOT whatever the ery SS501 is!!
Sujucrazii #8
Oh no they lost?! /:
OMO they're so cute!! And at least they made the deal!!:D
Woooooo I love bonamana <3