Chapter 21 Guilty

My Turn

Next school day…


*Sawyer heads to her locker to grab her morning class books when Serim walks up to her. 


Serim: Morning


Sawyer: Morning


Serim: Look about yesterday I really meant it. I really like you, Sawyer.


Sawyer: I know and I really like you too.


Serim: You do? So does that mean we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now?


Sawyer: *nods* Yeah I guess so.


*Serim hugs her and smiles


Serim: Thank you.


*Sawyer smiles and hugs him back. Until Sawyer sees Allen heading this way and she runs up to him. 


Sawyer: Allen, wait, I’m sorry about yesterday, I-


*Allen avoids her and tries to head the other direction but she blocks his way. 


Sawyer: Allen, please-


Allen: Don’t touch me. You clearly never had any feelings for me, right?


Sawyer: What are you saying?


Allen: You know exactly what I’m saying. You just used me all this time, didn’t you?


Sawyer: Allen, please-


Allen: If you really didn’t like me, then you should have least told me before you kissed me. I think you have done enough to me, Sawyer. I’m breaking up with you.


*Allen walks away and Sawyer bursts into tears


Sawyer: What have I done? 


*Serim runs after him and hugs her


Serim: Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay.

Sawyer: How could it be okay? I clearly ed up big time. I broke his heart.


*Sawyer spent the rest of the day out of her mind feeling guilty for breaking Allen’s heart. Serim noticed this and he had to do something to cheer her up but how? Meanwhile, Bora sees this and scowls. 


Bora’s mind: Is that how you’re going to be? Well then two can play this game. You won’t have Serim easily. Just watch and see. *walks away*

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This story has now won first place for my university creative writing romcom writing contest


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