First Wish

By Your Side

Yu Meng broke their kiss. She smiled as she wiped the trace of her lipstick on his lips. Dylan smiled shyly at her. "Long time no see..." she said. "Long time no see." Dylan replied. She gave him a playful smile. "You didn't change a bit. You're still shy with me around." she said. Dylan could only laugh nervously.



Although he had been with a lot of girls before, Yu Meng had a different effect on him. He admit, she had always been his crush, but he never had an opportunity to pursue her due to their busy schedules. Maybe this time, working with her would give him a chance to be with her.



He helped her to her seat, and then settled on his own seat. "So, what kind of proposal do you have for me? I hope it's not indescent..." she . Dylan laughed. "Of course, not! I'm not that kind of guy..."

"I know. You've always been a nice guy."

"Ouch, you're already giving me the nice guy card?"

"Of course, not."



Then, Dylan took out a folder and slid it to Yu Meng's side. "We would like you to be the face of The Digital Bear." he told her. She opened the folder and Mad through the contract. "You have a really generous offer, Dylan. How could I refuse?" she said. Dylan smiled at her again. "So, are you going to accept it?"

"As long as I'm being taken care of."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure of that."

"Will you personally take care of me?"

"Of course, I will."



Yu Meng closed the folder and looked at him. "Well, how can I refuse to you. I accept this job proposal." she said. Hearing that, Dylan was happy as a smile formed on his lips. "Wow... I can't believe you said yes..." he said in awe. "How could I turn you down?" she said. She smiled seductively at him as she rubbed her foot against his leg. Dylan swallowed hard as he looked at her. She could be such a tease, and it makes him want her more. 



"I'm really looking forward to work closely with you, Chief." she said in a seductive tone. Dylan's forehead began to sweat kinds. "Same, Yu Meng. Same ..."






Xuan Yi was busy doing her report, when she saw a cup of milk tea was placed in front of her. She looked up, and saw Evan standing behind her and smiling at her. "You've been working hard. Take a break for a while." he said. Xuan Yi could only blush. "T-thanks, Evan..." she said. 



Then, he noticed the wallpaper on her monitor. it was from a video game he was playing. "Hey, I know this game. The Ultimate Hunters, right?" He asked. Xuan Yi nodded her head. "I'm currently playing it." she said. With that, Evan's smile widened. "Really? I love that game!" he said. Her face lightened up upon hearing that. "No way!" she exclaimed. Evan nodded his head. "What's sour character on the game?" he asked. "I'm using the female assassin How about you?"

"I'm using the sorcerer. What's your level? I'm on level 40. "



with that, Xuan Yi pouted. "I'm stuck on level 30 because I can't finish the quest to level up..." she explained. "I can help you." he offered. Xuan was in disbelief. "Really?" she asked just to make sure. Evan nodded his head. "Tell me your game ID later then I'll add you so I can help you with the quest." he said. Xuan Yi nodded her head.



As they were talking about the game, Sunnee and Win came back from the photoshoot. "Hey guys! Wassup?" Win asked. Sunnee looked at Evan, confused as to why he is around. "Eh, I thought Chief is in a meeting? Is he back?" she asked. Evan shook his head. 'Chief isn't back yet." he answered. "Then, why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be with Chief all the time?" she asked.



Evan gave her a meaningful smile. "Not all the time." he said. Sunree just gave him a confused look. "Chief wanted to go alone to the meeting to personally handle the matter. Don't worry, he didn't disappear like the last time." he said.



Sunna know what Evan meant but just played it cool. She can't let them know about their date when they disappeared at the office. 'Speaking of that incident..." Win said as he turned to Sunnee. "Where were you that day, boss?"



Evan let out a smirk."Yeah, you made us worry, Sunnel." Xuan Yi chimed in. sunnee just looked at them. Just then, Mei Yun rushed in to them. "Guys, I heard something juicy today!" she said excitedly. "What is it?" Win asked. "I heard through the grapevine that the Digital Bear will have a brand ambassador!" Mei Yun said. "Really? Who is it?" Xuan Yi asked. Mei Yun shrugged her shoulders.



All of them began to wonder who their new brand ambassador is. "It should be someone popular..." Sunnee said. "Meng Mei Qi?" Xuan Yi suggested. "Could be." Evan said. "Or Vivian Sung. Her drama is really popular." Win said. "Or maybe Greg Han or Jasper Liu or Patrick Shih!" Mei Yun said excitedly. Sunnee and Mei Yun looked at each other and smiled. Then, they shrieked as they jumped in excitement. "It's my dream to take pictures of Jasper Liu!" Sunnee said, followed by another shriek.



"Actually, the meeting Chief is having right now, is with the new brand ambassador." Evan told them. "So, Chief is talking with my hubby Greg Han right now?" Mei Yun asked with excitement. "Hey!" Win protested. Evan shrugged his shoulders. "I honestly have no idea who that is. Let's just wait for Chief's announcement, OK?" he said. "Well, I really hope it's Jasper." Sunner said. "It must be my Greg!" Mei Yun said. Win could only sigh and shake his head.






Sunnee just got out of the building and was headed home. Then, a car stopped in front of her. Sunnee stopped walking. The window rolled down, revealing Dylan as the driver. "Hey, baobei !" he called her. Sunnee laughed at him. "Awww, baobei missed me..." Sunnee said. Dylan smiled at her. "Hop in. Let's go for a drive." he said. "You know I would never pass a chance to spend some time with you." she said. She got into his car and drove to the overlooking.



As soon as they reached the overlooking, Dylan put away the rooftop of the carto that they can stargaze. "Rough day?" Sunnee asked. Dylan shook his head. "Not that rough. I actually had a great day." he said. "You know, Mei Yun said she heard we'll have a new brand ambassador... Is that the meeting you went to today?" she asked. He nodded his head. "The new brand ambassador is a good friend of mine. That person just arrived from abroad, so aside from the meeting, we spent the day hanging out.



Dylan looked up at the sky, reminiscing of how his day went. After having a meal with Yu Meng, he brought her to see the chairwoman, who is very fond of her. then, he showed her around the city. After that, they had a little bonding time at her place.



"You must have a lot of fun today?" Sunnee said. "I guess I did. It was a relaxing day for me. Well, tomorrow's another story."

"Are we going to meet this new brand ambassador soon."

"Yes. the brand ambassador will drop by tomorrow to meet the team."

"I can't wait to meet the new brand ambassador. Is she a girl or a boy?"

"She's a very lovely girl."



Sunnee's smile turned into a frown, and Dylan quickly noticed it. "Why the sad face, baobei?" he asked. "I thought it's going to be Jasper Liu..." she said. She pouted as he folded her arms. Dylan let out a laugh. "He's busy, so he can't accept this yet. But don't worry, we'll get him in the future. Don't worry, you'll like the new brand ambassador." he said.



For a while, Dylan war silent. Sunnee couldn't help but stare at him as he looked at the night sky. Then, he suddenly turned to her and their eyes looked for a while. He smiled as she blushed. "Don't state at me for a long time. You might fall in lovewith me." he . Sunnee's check turned redder, and he laughed. "Just kidding." he said.



"Dylan, do sometimes think what it's like to fall in love at this moment?" Sunnee asked. Dylan gazed into her eyes. "Yes..." he answered her. "Sometimes I wonder what it's like to fall in love again. It's been a long time since I've had that feeling."



Sunnee just smiled at him. "I've always felt that way for you for a long time..." she thought. Dylan looked up at the sky once again. "I hope there's a shooting star right now. I could use a wish." he said. "I owe you three wishes, remember? Let me be your shooting star, and I'll do my best to grant your wish. Except to give you a billion dollars." she said. Dylan laughed.



Then, he turned to face her. "How could I forget that the little star beside me owes me a wish!" he said. Sunree laughed with him too. "So, Big Fluffy Bear, what is your first wish?" she asked in a cutesy tone. "Little Pineapple, I wish someday I could find love and be loved." he wished to her.



Sunnel couldn't help but smile. Finding someone who will love him is easy, as she's just right in front of him. Making him love her is a different story. But she'll work hard till the day Dylan falls in love with her too.



"This Little Pineapple promises to grant your wish." she said. With that, Dylan smiled and lifted his pinky finger. "Promise?" he asked. Sunnee lifted her pinky finger and looped it to his pinky finger. "I promise."






The next day.



"I swear to God Sunnee Yang Yun Qing you are going to be late!" Aaron angrily shouted by the stairs. He had been knocking on his door for ar hour now just to walk her up. "Sunn-"



Just then, Sunnee came down the stairs. Aaron was surprised to see what his sister is wearing. Sunner was wearing a pink tank top with a mint green hoodie on top of it, and a pair of navy blue shorts which is above her knee. Aaron knows Sunnee doesn't wear shorts when she goes out of the house, much more to her workplace. He also noticed she was wearing a makeup which is very unusual.



"Hey, Little Miss Yang, what are you wearing?" he asked. Sunnel looked at herself. "What's wrong with it?" she asked. "Trying to seduce that bear?" he asked. Sunnee just giggled. "Aiyo, ge, I wore shorts because I have no clean pants..." she said as her excuse. Aaron folded his arms and looked sternly at her. "You just did the laundry last Sunday and I know you washed all of your dirty pants. So don't give me that excuse. Also, look at how short your shorts is! Go back and change to something more appropriate." he told her.



Sunnee pouted at her brother. 'Aiyo, ge... You know that we don't even have a dress code. And if I go up and change, then I will be late. So, I have to go to work, ok?" she said. Before Aaron could protest, Sunnee already rushed to the door. All he could do is shake his head.



Sunnee just got in the office on time. Everyone immediately noticed how she's dressed differently today. "Wow, boss... You look y today!" Win told her. Sunne just smiled at him. "Why are you wearing shorts? And is that make up?" Win aslad. "Win, stop being annoying early in the morning." she told him off.



After a while, Dylan and Evan came in. "Good Morning." he grated his staff. As usual, Dylan stopped by her desk to give her a cup of coffee. "Good Morning Sunnee." he said. Then, he stared at her for a long time then smiled at her. "You look pretty today." he told her Sunne blushed. "T-thank you..." she said shyly. She watched him as he retreated to his office. 



"In today's episode of - "

Before Win could finish what he's about to say, Sunnee glared at him. "Shut up before I fire you so you can be an AV actor in Japan." she hissed at him. And with that, Win kept quiet and continued doing his work."






It was a busy afternoon, when Dylan got out of his office. "Get ready, everyone. The new brand ambassador will be here any minute." he said. Then, he turned to Evan, who stood up from lis seat. "Evan, meet Miss Lai at the entrance and take her here." he told him. Evan nodded his head. "I'm on it, Chief." Evan said. Then, he turned to the manager to the other side. "Get the bouquet I ordered at the front desk. It should have been delivered now. Then, assemble a welcome party for her." he said. "Yes, Chief!" Both Megan and Amber replied. 



Sunnee was about to grab her camera, when Dylan called her. "Sunnee, I need a word with you. Please come to my office." he said. Sunnee nodded her head. Evan rushed to the door of his office and held it for them. Sunnee went inside the office first, then Dylan followed her. As Evan was about to enter, Dylan closed the door, making Evan bump on it. He could hear everyone's muffled laugh. Although he was embarrassed, he composed himself. "I'll just pick up Miss Lai downstairs." Evan said before leaving the office.



"What do you want to talk about, Chiet? Do you want me to take pictures for publicity?" Sunnee asked as soon as they wer alone. Dylan nodded his head. "Yes, please. We need that for her launching event. Actually, today is her contract signing, so we need you there too." Dylan said. Sunnel smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "You know you can count on me." she told him.



"I'm a little nervous, you know..." he sheepishly confessed. "What's there to be nervous about? She already agreed, right?" she assured him. "Well, look at me. I feel like a mess. I've been working hard since this morning, my suit's a mess, I don't look handsome..."



She let out a laugh. "I think you're just as handsome as you are this morning." she said. She walked up to him, and tun helped to straighten his tie and his collar. As she did that, Dylan was looking at her. When she looked up at him, there was a boyish smile on his lips. "I'm so luck to have you in my life, baobei..." he told her.



There was a pink tint on her checks upon hearing that. She let out a shy smile. "Aiyo, don't be like that..." she said. "It's true. Life has been much better with you around." he complimented her. "Aiyo, you're such a sweet talker..." she said. Then, she patted his chest. "Now, go out and prepare to welcome her." she said. All of a sudden, Dylan hegged her. Although she froze in her place, her heart melted with his gesture. "Thank you so much, Sunnel. I owe you one." he said. "Y-you're...welcome." she said.



They got out of the office. Sunnee quickly grabbed her camera while Dylan grabbed the bouquet from Megan. "She's here!" Amber told them. Sunnee got ready to take pictures. The moment the brand ambassador entered, everyone greeted her. "Welcome to The Digital Bear!" Everyone greeted her. Sunnee continued to take pictures, although she was surprised to see Yu Meng. She was happy to know she would be working with her best friend.



But then, her happiness was short lived. When Dylan gave her the bouquet and kissed her cheek, when she noticed how Dylan looked at her, her happy smile slowly faded.






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Chapter 29: dylan... you have a girlfriend, you have no right to be jealous of wes and kai
Chapter 28: i'm also curious whag's dylan like from before
Chapter 27: wes you're such a jerk! but dylan... i hate you more!
Chapter 26: BOSS :'( but yay, kai is back!
Chapter 25: sunnee... dylan i hate you!
Chapter 24: chief i hate you
Chapter 23: dylan... i actually want to k!ll you, bring you back alive, k!ll you and repeat it all over again!
Chapter 22: dylan... i really want to hurt you right now