ii Chapter 14: end?

No Longer a Coward

… 10.14.2016

“She’ll be ok. None of the pills made it to her stomach. With some help she barfed them up. She’ll be fine in a few days rest, she’s badly beaten. It’ll take sometime for that to heal. But she should make a full recovery.” 

Those were the words that Saito had translated to him. Before Saito apologized stating he had to leave to attend some business. 

Daniel thanked the doctor a million times hearing the good news. Basically to the point the doctor seemed uncomfortable.

That was an hour ago. The surgery had taken place over almost 3 hours and he had been waiting a total of 5 hours at the hospital now. Day had turned to night, still Daniel remained waiting for her.

She was alive… thank god she was alive.

Daniel sat on a stool beside her holding her seemingly lifeless hand in his. The soft touch of her skin in his fingers. There was a pulse, it was slight but he could feel it in her wrist.

Jooyoung was still outside the hospital room, she had been on a call for the last hour updating Jiyeon’s parents on the situation over the phone and assuring them that it would be fine for them to come tomorrow morning. He couldn’t imagine how devastated they must’ve felt.

Daniel watched as Jiyeon lay peacefully on the bed in front of him, her arm connected to an IV machine. Somehow… it must’ve been a miracle. Even through all of the beating she suffered, there were apparent bruises on her body. Yet her face hadn’t swelled up at all, her bright skin revealing itself again. It was beautiful, like an angel. 

No. She was an angel. 

He hadn’t realized how much that he had wanted to do this. Just to be beside her and watch her adorable face as she slept. Her large eyes closed into tiny minus signs, her lips slightly parted to reveal a glimpse of her dinosaur like white pearl teeth that she often hid behind her cold expressions.

Daniel wished it was under better situations, but he’d be lying if he wasn’t happy to have this chance.

It was already dark, almost midnight. Daniel had a game tomorrow, but he would skip it, he wanted to stay by her side.

Then… a cold reality hit again… he remembered her words.

How she had told him that they were not meant to be. 

How had things changed? 

Was he being selfish thinking that just because he saved her, she should suddenly fall deep in love with him?

Nothing had changed. He had simply done the right thing… he on his own desire had saved her… she didn’t owe him anything. That would be wrong for him to imagine.

He knew that he should leave tomorrow morning, he would sleep at a hotel tonight and leave tomorrow. He would pretend like nothing happened and keep being strangers as she had wished.

“Daniel.” Jooyoung suddenly entered. “The doctor said she’ll be fine with rest and medicine.” 

“I see.” Daniel nodded. “um… I’ll leave soon. Get a hotel."

This was the right thing to do. For her sake.

Jooyoung’s expression was completely different.

“With all due respect, I think you should stay with her for now. I need to make a few more phone calls to the CEO and i'd like to get some rest if its ok.” 

Before Daniel could respond she left the room.

Well… perhaps it’d be ok if he just stayed by her side tonight. 

He could finally hear a light purr from her lips. Tiny breaths erupting from her lips. 

It was cute. It made him want to lean over kiss her. But he wouldn't. 

Jiyeon had been taken advantage of enough. He wouldn’t do the same.

Otherwise how was he different than the boy who had kidnapped her? 

He had chased after her. Forced his will on her even when she had denied him.

It made him sad to think about. 

He had called her a coward. 

He knew she probably didn’t even know he had been the one to save her. 

That would be ok.

Tonight he would stay by her side. That would be enough.

He loved her.

His hands began to her cheek. His fingers gently locating the small bruises left by her assailants. His heart breaking for her everytime he felt a small bump in her skin. He wished he had been there sooner.

He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep. But he remained there kneeling beside her, his head resting against the bed and her hands blanketed by his.


She was there now. She was sure of it. She had died. 

Her eyes slowly opened. Expecting a bright light and perhaps a few tiny angels with halos above them.

Heaven sure looked like a hospital. 

There was a continued beeping.

Heaven sure sounded like an IV machine.

She suddenly glanced around. 

No it was a hospital. The source of the sound being a monitor behind her. She saw an IV attached to her wrist.

She felt a warmth around her hand. 

Jiyeon struggled to sit up. She looked to where her hand was. There was nothing. 

She was alone.

She had so many question.

Why was she alive? What had happened? How had she lived?

The door slid open. Jooyoung entered a smile on her face as she rushed over.

Behind her was her parents and her brother.

Jiyeon smiled seeing her family entering.

They were all here.

Tears were staining her mothers face, as large dark circles surrounded both her parents eyes. 

Her father rushed and grabbed her hand.

It was a different feeling. She swore she had felt something warm there before.

“Jiyeon thank god you’re ok!” Her mother remarked.

“Jiyeon can you move?” Her father questioned cautiously.

Jiyeon wiggled her body. Everything was sore, her ribs hurt like crazy. But she could move fine. 

“Jiyeon I’m so sorry this happened.” Jooyoung apologized bowing deeply tears in her eyes. 

“It’s not your fault unnie.” Jiyeon tried to console her. “It’s their fault.”

She remembered it so clearly now. All the pain she had felt in their captivity. How sad and helpless she had felt.

How she was about to die.

“Unnie how… how did I survive?” 

Jooyoung frowned at her question.

“I heard the police found you.” Hyoyoon her brother answered for her.

But Jiyeon narrowed her eyes on Jooyung’s expression. There was a lot of mystery in it. There was more.

What was it?

“Unnie. Please.”

Jiyeon! Suddenly in flash she slowly remembered his voice. His voice calling her name. What she had deemed to be a last minute imagination a final halucination.

But could it be more?

Jooyoung suddenly nodded.

“What you’re thinking is right.” She replied noticing Jiyeon's own expression.

Jiyeon gasped.

No way.

He was here?

“Where is he?” She suddenly reached and grabbed her managers hands to the shock of her family members.

“He just left when he saw your family arrive.” 

“Who’s he?” Her father questioned mystery surrounding everyone but her.

Jiyeon couldn’t believe it. He had been the one… but how?

She had pushed him away.

She shot up sitting up and used every ounce of her energy to propell herself off the bed. 

“Jiyeon!” Everyone exclaimed as Jiyeon grabbed the rolling IV and began hobbling towards the door.

“What are you doing?” Jiyeon’s father scolded her holding her gently back.

“Please! Please! Please!” Tears of desperation were filling her eyes at the thought of missing him.

She couldn’t let him leave again. She needed him to know. She had almost died.

“Please just trust me. I can’t be a coward any more.” She screamed at her innocent family.

She felt guilty... but...

Jiyeon’s father let her go. Still completely confused as the rest of her family members were.

Jiyeon saw a final accepting nod from her mother and continued hobbling out the door. She was racing down the hall calling for him. Scanning every man or tall man looking for him.



There weren’t many tall people in the hospital. Daniel being a giant among most asians should've been imagined. But she couldn't see anyone.

“Daniel!” She had descended into the lobby now. Hopelessly searching for him. Her weak limbs barely scraping through the hospital.

She finally exited the hospital entrance hoping to catch him before he left. There was a crowd of people walking around the outside of the hospital. But no Daniel…

She had lost him.

She had been too late again. She was paying for her mistakes. For her lies.

“Daniel!” She cried out one last time. Frantically scanning around, not caring at all at the various strange looks she received from people passing by.

She felt tears flood her eyes once again as the thought sunk in.

Why couldn’t she tell him?

How much she loved him.

That’s why she had tried to call him originally before this whole incident.

After hearing what he had done for her... what could she do? She felt so indebted, so thankful. She could never repay what he had done for her. Yet she pushed him away.

She had been so stupid.

She had been such an idiot to do so.

She almost collapsed, tired and sore she could no hold herself up, completely drained from her over exertion. 

She almost fell backwards unable to stand up anymore, her legs completely giving out from under her. 

But she didn't.

Instead she felt long arms wrap around her waist. Immediately pulling her into a tight back hug.

She knew immediately it was exactly who she had wished for. He had come back.

“Jiyeon be careful.” He scolded her lovingly, breathing hard, as she wondered if he had been running back.

“oppa.” She suddenly interjected as she completely loss feeling in her body. Her entire figure sinking against his unmoving posture.

“You left before I could say anything?” She pouted as she released a sob.

Both overjoyed to be in his arms and devastated that she had almost lost her chance. 

“I’m sorry Jiyeon. But what are you doing? You’re not in any shape to be walking around right now.” His genuine concern melting her heart once again.

“I wanted to say… I wanted to say…” She paused collecting her thoughts. 

“I’m not a coward.” 

Unable to understand her meaning he span her around. Now face to face. His arms on her shoulders tightly gripping them to keep her afloat.

Their eyes locked. She could see that he had also been crying faded black circles around his usually warm eyes. A weakness she had never seen before.

“I’m not a coward.” She repeated affirming herself. She knocked her fist into his chest to calm her anger.

Daniel was confused by her. He shook his head innocently.

“Why did you leave?” She questioned raising her voice to him.

He should've stayed.

“Jiyeon… I had a game tonight and I thought you wouldn’t want me to stay…” He answered. 

“What gives you the right to leave?” She sobbed more upset than anything by his lack of understanding.

He had just saved her life, and he was willing to still walk away? 

She knew she was spouting nonsense. But she had lost every barrier. She had broken down every wall after coming so close to death. She couldn’t hide behind any more lies.

“Don’t you love me?” She pleaded.

He didn’t move. His head frozen still. Emotionless. Clearly unsure of how to answer the question. She had after all pushed him away so many times. Of course he was hesitant.

“What I mean is…” She gulped trying to clear the sobs and voice her confession.

“I don’t want to think about others anymore. I just want to stay by your side.”

More tears fell down Daniel’s face.

“Jiyeon. I… Jiyeon… I.” He stumbled through his words.

“Oppa. After all this, I realized… that there’s no point to living like this. If neither of us is happy.” She explained her thoughts carefully interrupting him.

“I mean I want to be with you all the time. In your arms. Looking at you. Eating with you… I guess what I’m trying to say is that... you're enough for me.” 

"I love you Choi Daniel."

He stared at her awestruck. His jaw dropped in shock. Every inch of him like a statue.

The handsome boy speechless after her confession. She couldn't read him. 

Was he happy? Did he despise her after all the times she pushed her away?

She just wanted an answer.

“Well aren’t you going to say something?” She was blushed as she looked towards the ground embarrased by her own directness.

She barely finished when he pulled her once again tightly into his embrace. Her head resting against his shoulder. His hand clutching her hair pushing her close. 

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” He repeated over and over again a desperation in his voice.

“Why are you thanking me?” She snuggled her face into his shoulder unsure of what he meant.

“Thank you for being ok. Thank you for staying alive. Thank you for telling me your feelings. Thank you Jiyeon.” More tears were rushing from his eyes as she could feel them brush against her hair. 

"But what's your answer." Jiyeon mumbled through his shirt nervously.

“I love you Park Jiyeon. I love you a lot.” He spoke it confidently.

She placed her own arms around him gently his back. 

She had finally confessed… and he had accepted it with open arms.

She didn’t deserve it… but she was happy.

They continued their embrace. Her entire weight resting against his warm protective hug. Her body trapped in the fortress that was Daniel. 

Finally, her tears stopped as she just snuggled deeper into his shoulder. 

“Do you want me to stay?” He whispered into her ear. 

“No. Go to your game. I’ll come to you when I feel better in a few days.”

“Then this isn’t our day one ok?” He revealed his concern more of an order than anything.

Jiyeon could only grin at how cute his reaction was.

“Ok oppa.” She nodded her head.

“Let me bring you back.”

“My parents are there.” She whispered in a soft voice.

“I’ll introduce myself and leave. Is that ok?” He inquired.

Jiyeon nodded. Trusting his handsome and assuring smile he gave.

Besides who could resist him? 

She leaned her entire weight against him as he helped her back to her room.

There was a gasp. When Jiyeon entered with Daniel. 

Her parents and her brother stared in shock at the scene before them.

“I can explain.” Jiyeon tried to not freak out either. “He saved me.” 

“That’s… Daniel Choi.” Hyoyoon seemed in total awe at the younger man who he admired so much.

“The basketball player?” His mother looked like she might faint.

“He’s in your CF.” His father suddenly remembered perhaps.

“Yes. But I knew him way before that.” Jiyeon tried to explain.

He first helped her to the bed. Before turning and bowing to her family. 

“Hello Jiyeon’s family.” He greeted them. “I’m sorry to have to meet you at such an occasion.”

“You’re dating her?” Jiyeon’s brother exclaimed in something like awe mixed with horror.

“Um… yes just now.” Jiyeon admitted. It was easier to say out loud then she had thought. 

A sort of confidence that she remembered having back then. When they had first begun dating.

“Basically, he has to go to a game now.” Jiyeon nudged him.

They slowly nodded as he turned to leave.

“Excuse me. Daniel-si.” Suddenly her father beckoned for him to return. 

Daniel immediately returned so that he was standing in front of them. 

“Please just answer honestly. Do you really love her? Sincerely I mean.” Her father asked, it embarrassed Jiyeon to hear her father say that, especially in front of someone who had chased after her for years. There was no doubt his love was as sincere as anyone's.

“It’s just I want to know your intentions, because she has not had much luck dating.” 

Daniel straightened his shoulders before continuing. His voice deepening. 

“I promise you…” He paused for a second thinking about his answer. “I promise you I love her more than anything in the world and I've felt this way since we first met 6 years ago. So please entrust me with your daughter.”

Her family seemed touched by his words, and Jiyeon was too. Hearing his sincerity, made her heart leap as she laid back against the soft pillos.

“I love him too, very much. Very very much.” Jiyeon admitted to her family.

“I’ve never heard her say that so confidently.” Her brother announced. “She really loves him.”

Her mother smiled brightly.

“Then we will entrust you with our daughter than, please take good care of her.” Her mother told him.

Daniel immediately bowed to her with gratitude.

Seeing this made her wonder how she had ever denied her feelings towards him.

Daniel waived to her embarrased to display affection to her in the presence of her family. But disappeared to catch his flight not long after.

Her family let her rest soon after. Leaving to check into a hotel. The doctor had told she should stay for the next 3 days to recover, then she would be allowed to return to Korea. 

After a few hours Jooyoung revealed that they had found her phone. She probably needed to get a new one. But she wanted to text him. 

DAEHAN: I just landed

DAEHAN: heading to the arena now 

JIYEON: sorry I can’t be there to watch the game.

JIYEON: I'll try to watch from here I don't know if they show Korean games in Japan

DAEHAN: Probably not besides...

DAEHAN: no need to cheer for me, I’m going to win anyways

JIYEON: when did you get so confident?

DAEHAN: the moment you told me I’d play in the NBA

DAEHAN: the moment you told me you’d be my number one fan

DAEHAN: of course I’m confident

JIYEON: idiot

JIYEON: I miss you already.

DAEHAN: me too. I miss you Jiyeon

JIYEON: good luck you should probably get ready.


DAEHAN: I’ll call you tomorrow get some rest

JIYEON: ok oppa, if I’m awake I’ll call you after your game


DAEHAN: Just don’t force yourself

JIYEON: I wont. 

JIYEON: I love you oppa

DAEHAN: I love you more

DAEHAN: I can't wait to see you when you return

Return. It hadn't even been a week. Yet it felt like an eternity from Korea. But it would be different when she returned. She would be returning to him. Imagining him waiting there at the airport, standing dashingly a cap covering his face dressed like a model. A gentle smile awaiting her as he walked towards her.

There was no doubt about it. She was in love.


(Act 3 Prologue)

… 6.10.2010

“Just follow your sister and make sure she stays out of trouble ok?” 

Those were the words their parents had said to her older brother. When they forced the responsibility on him to babysit her while they went on their own date.

Jenny couldn’t believe her luck. After hearing that this summer they were going to Korea she was overjoyed. Her idols, her oppas, her unnies, well everyone. EVERYONE was in Korea. SNSD, TVXQ, Super Jr, T-ara, BIG freaking Bang…

Jenny could go on and on. Then add in the fact that the cousins they were visiting were also Kpop stans. They had things from concerts, glowsticks, everything. 

Jenny was so jealous, but she talked with them for hours, her half decent Korean coming in handy for the 13 year old girl talking with her cousins.

Then there was Daniel. He clearly hated this trip. He sulked in the corner and would stare at his phone talking with his girlfriend. Jenny couldn’t understand why he hated Korean culture. 

His cousins and relatives would all compliment him at how handsome he was and he’d just nod and roll his eyes later because he couldn’t understand nor cared to learn.

Put simply they were opposites. Jenny still loved her older bother… I mean brother. 

But, he was just too white washed or black washed or whatever he acted like. Cool washed?

Anyways, Jenny didn’t feel like explaining more. The fact was she was shaking in excitement as she could see the famous SM building in the distance. She had dragged her brother outside of the hotel room and promised him they’d go to a cafe to get some snacks. What she didn’t tell him was that this cafe was across the street from the SM building. She heard from her cousins sometimes the Shinee members could be seen walking in and out of the building. 

She looked back hoping to see her brother staring in amazement along with her. 

But of course he wasn’t. He was still on his phone texting his stupid girlfriend. Or maybe his stupider friends. 

Like literally stupid. Jenny had once seen Daniel trying to help his girlfriend with her homework. He was explaining multiplication to a Junior. A junior in highschool.

It was no wonder both Jenny and her mother despised his girlfriend. 

“Oppa!” Jenny waived her arms to get his attention.

He looked up. Then rolled his eyes.

“What?” He asked annoyed.

“Look in front of you.” She was beckoning towards the building.

Daniel squinted his eyes, then shrugged his shoulders.


Jenny almost scoffed.

“Ya! get off your phone.” She whined. 

Daniel placed it in his pocket and looked again.

“Oh. Isn’t that Shinee?” He pointed behind her.

Jenny almost jumped as she turned around hoping to see her oppas.

But there was no one there. Besides they were still too far to make out anyone.

Suddenly Jenny felt a pat on the head.

“Idiot.” He chuckled as he led her forward.

“Ya!” Jenny whined.

“Whatever its where idols work. Who cares?” 

Who cares? Who cares?

Jenny cared. Thats who. 

“I hate you.” Jenny sulked as she noticed the cafe she was looking for across the street.

The two both walked towards the cafe. Daniel finally excited about something… drinks. 

They both entered the large glass cafe, it was filled with people. Groups of teenage girls from her age to much older. There were college students, office workers, everyone imaginable. 

The cafe she had heard knew that most of its fans were here because of the entertainment agency and had embraced that. There was SM memorabilia everywhere. Posters of TVXQ, Shinee, Super Junior, and well… all the groups hanging on the walls.

Jenny ran to an open window booth that a group of girls just left. Her eyes glued to the building outside. 

Of course she didn’t see anyone. But that didn’t matter, soon. Soon, she would see everyone. 

Jenny heard her brother’s large body collapse against the booth. As he sank back into the seat his eyes glued to his phone. 

Jenny had half a mind to yank it from him and throw it away. But he was still her older brother.

Suddenly he giggled.

“What?” Jenny inquired curiously.

“Jay said he wants to show up to practice hungover and see how the coach reacts.” Daniel commented.

Jenny groaned. 

“Oppa. We’re in Korea! Look around.” She pointed towards the beautiful cafe. 

Daniel followed her eyes around the cafe, scanning the large printouts of the beautiful people, making his way around the different organized corners for each group, one for SNSD, one for Boa, one for Super Junior, right back to his phone.

Jenny gave up. She stood up to go order.

Daniel handed her some money. 

“Get me something to drink, I don’t care what. And something to eat too.”

Jenny wasn’t sure what that meant but didn’t really care at this point.

She ordered a hot chocolate for herself and something bitter for her brother. Maybe that would wake him up. She also got a scone and another pastry that looked tasty.

When she returned he was no longer laying down. Now sitting upright against the booth. She almost smiled until she realized he was taking a picture, tightening his jaw to look cooler.

“For Hannah?” Jenny asked.

“Yup. She said she wanted to see my face.” He boasted.

Jenny didn’t want to talk more about his girlfriend. He seemed to notice that because he changed the subject.

“So what did you get?” He asked finally putting his phone away.

“Surprise.” Jenny replied.

Daniel nodded his head.

“So, who are you expecting to see? Big Bang?” He asked nonchalantly.

Jenny was close to killing him. Looking around for a knife to do the deed.

“Big Bang is YG not SM.” Jenny bit her lip trying to hide her rage with disappointment.

“Ah. My bad.” He scratched his head sheepishly.

“Number 43?” A cute younger waitress appeared carrying a tray with their food and drinks.

“Yes.” Jenny showed her receipt.

“Here you are.” She laid eyes on Daniel as she did.

Immediately Jenny regretted bringing her brother. She knew it. She knew he was the one who got their beautiful mom’s genes. Her cousins all loved to talk about how if he was in Korea he’d be an idol. She was a little jealous not gonna lie.

“Are you a trainee?” The waitress asked. “For SM?”

Daniel clearly had no idea what she was saying.

Jenny almost wanted to leave him hanging and torture him with the awkwardness.

“My brother’s not. We’re American tourists.” Jenny answered.

“Ahhh. I see. Your brother is very handsome.” The waitress commented.

Daniel smiled at her just nodding along pretending like he understood. 

“He has a girlfriend.” Jenny crushed the hopes of the girl who looked to be in her early 20s. 

“Ah… yes.” The waitress quickly nodded before leaving flustered by Jenny’s bluntness.

“I understood that. I could’ve talked.” Daniel tried to defend himself.

Jenny almost rolled her eyes again.


“She asked if we were American.” Daniel replied clearly only understanding the word America. 

“Yes. That’s exactly what she asked.” Jenny decided not to explain further.

They camped out there for at least an hour. Jenny staring out the window hoping to catch a glimpse of her idols. Two other teenage girls from separate groups coming up and asking for his number. 

Jenny explaining each time the two underlying statements. He’s not a trainee, he has a girlfriend.

Clearly now Daniel knew what was going on.

Finally after an hour of Daniel nagging her. They left the cafe, unsuccessful in her attempt to spot her loves. 

They were heading back when Daniel suddenly stopped.

“Hey how much is the taxi back to the hotel again?” Daniel asked.

“20,000 won.” 

“We spent most of the money Appa gave us already.” Daniel suddenly exclaimed pointing towards his wallet.

“Let’s take the subway then.” Jenny decided. “It’s cheaper.” 

“Ok do you know the way?” 

Jenny had of course researched already exactly how to get to every entertainment agency and Music Show venue.

But she decided to nod her head instead of explain fully. She knew he would just about it.

They found a subway entrance and stood on the escalator that descended down to the station. 

When they arrived Jenny lead him to the machines to buy their tickets. He stared blankly at the machines trying to decipher what she was doing. She bought tickets and they both walked deeper into the large underground station.

Suddenly they passed a large billboard. Jenny had to look closer. 

It was a birthday poster likely by fans of T-ara. She had almost forgotten that three days ago was T-ara’s Maknae Park Jiyeon’s birthday. There was her birthday scribbled on there along with the words, “Happy Birthday Jiyeon”. 

Jenny wanted to take a picture of course. She begged Daniel to take it on his phone and he agreed after expressing his discontent.

“3, 2, 1. Smile.” He held up his phone towards her. 

Jenny frowned when she didn’t see the flash. Was he taking this seriously? Did he take another stupid selfie?

“Ya, do it with flash.” She complained.

Daniel shrugged his shoulders but kept the phone up.

“3, 2, 1. Smile.” This time Jenny saw the flash.

“Let me see.” Jenny begged him and snatched his phone from his hands. Her hands zooming on the tiny screen making sure the photo was good.

She scrolled left and saw that her suspicion had been correct, the first photo was just a selfie. 

Daniel noticing her reaction began jogging away mischievously. 

“Ya oppa!” She screamed. 

Daniel turned to face her taunting her as he jogged backwards. Right into someone.

The girl almost fell over, but for once his quick athlete instincts came into play. 

“Sorry.” He repeated one of the few Korean words that Jenny had taught him. 

Jenny groaned at her clumsy brother.

Oddly enough though the girl didn’t respond. Well. It seemed like a girl. She wore a large red hoodie that covered most of her face and large grey oversized sweatpants.

She looked like she whispered something and ran off. The clearly slim figure having trouble running in such an oversized outfit. 

“Ya, oppa! What happened?” Jenny bellowed.

“I said I was sorry. She just mumbled something and left.” Daniel tried to defend himself. “Weird she had such a big hoodie on I couldn’t even see her face under the mask.”

The girl was wearing a mask too? Why?

Was she an idol?

Jenny suddenly wondered. She looked back at the selfie he had taken of himself instead of her. 

Sure enough in the background there was the hooded figure taking a photo of the poster. 


Jenny kept thinking about it the whole trip back. 

Who was she?

Daniel clearly forgot because he fell asleep on her shoulder on the ride back despite drinking bitter coffee.

She kept staring at the photo, trying to zoom in to see her face. The hoodie, it seemed expensive. Definitely a brand name, but she didn’t know Korean luxury brands.

“Ya, quit it. There’s just weird people in Korea.” Daniel groaned as he snatched his phone back. “I’m gonna delete it cause you’re such a weirdo.” 

He deleted the picture and Jenny’s heart dropped.

What if that was a picture of an idol? She would’ve treasured it for years.

She almost screamed out loud on the crowded train.

“You idiot.” She whispered poking his side. “You idiot.”

Daniel just sighed and shook his head condescendingly as he went back to sleeping.

Jiyeon really wanted to see it. She had seen it on her fancafes. The beautiful advertisements that her fans had put up for her birthday. But unfortunately her birthday had been filled with celebrations, and the next two days they had gone on Variety shows. Basically today was her only day off to try and visit all three advertisements.

She had gone to the first two, and was standing where the third was. She had a large oversized red hoodie on and a mask to hide her identity. T-ara’s growing popularity meant that she needed to be careful when wandering alone. 

The third one was at Cheongdam, or the more affluent neighborhood of Gangam. She heard this one was the largest and had purposely saved it for last.

Unfortunately when she arrived there. There was already a couple there. She couldn’t really see it well, but a tall young man was taking a picture of a cute young girl. They seemed to be bickering and Jiyeon decided that she didn’t have time to wait. She snapped a few pictures from behind them. 

She was about to leave when she noticed the teasing had gotten a little out of hand. The boyfriend was running backwards taunting her not noticing. 

He collided against her.

She almost fell over backwards but the boy was quick to reach out and steady her.

He was pretty quick. 

“Sorry.” He immediately apologized, Jiyeon didn’t want to face him, not wanting to expose herself.

His Korean was horrible, was he a foreigner? 

Jiyeon was annoyed that he hadn’t watched where he was going.

“Watch where you’re going.” Jiyeon expressed her annoyance. She bowed her head and quickly walked away groaning.

“What a douche. She should find a better boyfriend.” Jiyeon found herself mumbling as she walked away. Even his voice sounded annoying.

She forgot about the incident by the time she made it back to her dorm.

Never in a million years would she ever imagine, fate had an odd way of working. That this was her destiny...

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I just wanted to thank all the new subs and upvotes, L&B may be over, but getting the notifications that people are reading means the world. Please feel free to leave thoughts and comments, I'll try to reply haha.


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Chapter 7: this is so nice ^^
iv7000 #2
Chapter 11: Wow this is so cool.
I was in the fandom during these times when they actually happened.
All personal opinions aside, the recreation of how the news articles were released is so accurate.
I feel like I time traveled to a degree xD
Awesome writing!
tarafan2 #3
So glad you will continue to write a Part 4. Happy new year
justcrazy #4
Chapter 68: Would love to read more of this. Thank you!
tarafan2 #5
Chapter 66: Looks at the [M] tag. woohoo! it's like christmas came early.

Too bad you didn't/won't continue writing. The 6 members of T-ara are still active (well, except for Boram). Soyeon is back in the entertainment industry too.
ilovenobody #6
Chapter 66: It's ending soon :(
I'm still hoping to see if they will get expose and receive blessing from public.
Looking forward to the last chapter :)
justcrazy #7
Chapter 65: Aww. I’m so sad this is ending. I was hoping there will be more but thank you very much for this story. Looking forward to more of your works!
justcrazy #8
Chapter 64: I am really happy I found this story. I love their love story and I hope they get to date peacefully for at least a year lmao. And I hope after all those years they are not together, their relationship will somehow be smooth sailing from now.
ali1432d5h #9
Chapter 62: I read this in a day and im eager to read more im so sad I finished it 😭 I’ve heard of T-ara but I never knew how big they actually were or the whole story of what happened to them, now since yesterday I’ve been looking into them and I love them also I can’t stop listening to Jiyeon’s Take a Hike and I’m about to watch the variety she’s in 😭 thank you for introducing me to T-ara and Jiyeon ✨😭 I’m also enjoying their relationship so much and all of the events in the story, I wonder if we are gonna see some current time scenes hopefully 🥺 I can’t waitttty
tarafan2 #10
Chapter 62: Aww <3