ii Chapter 10: (2016)

No Longer a Coward


… 8.10.2016

“And good. Very good.” Daniel stood back to back next to the beautiful Yura. 

Yura wearing the bright firetruck red cheerleading outfit of the SK Knights, him in his new Adidas sponsored Red Jersey. The number 21 shining brightly pasted on the front. 

“Yura could you hold onto his arm?” 

Yura wrapped her left arm around his right arm. Their eyes locking together as he palmed the ball in his other hand. Daniel was more used to these seemingly sensual poses that the directors often tried with him.

“Very good. Very good.” The director continued praising them both.

“And just for fun I’d like to see Daniel hold the ball away and have Yura play defense. Just reach for the ball Yura-si.”

Daniel chuckled as he held the ball in one hand placing it high above the idol's reach, as Yura cutely tried to reach and grab it. Suddenly with one final competitive strike she extended too far and lost balance. Fallingl forward directly into his chest. He quickly released the ball and used both his arms to steady her shoulders.

“Are you ok?” He inquired worried she might’ve hurt herself.

“Yes.” She looked up nervously both blushing furiously at their contact. “Sorry.” 

 Her manager appeared quickly to make sure that Yura was ok and Daniel looked at the director who gave him a big thumbs up.

“And that’s a wrap. Good work!" 

“Thank you for your hard work.”

Daniel and Yura both bowed to the other workers as they walked off the stage. Daniel quickly walked over to his manager and was handed a cold bottle of water. 

He checked the time on his phone, it had been 4 hours since the shoot had started. The combination of outfit changes, lighting changes, and makeup corrections taking even longer than usual. This was after all a huge deal as it would be deciding the model for the SK Knights for the next year. The media making a giant deal out of it to promote interest.

“Last one.” His agent revealed to him staring at his phone.

"T-ara's Jiyeon." 

He had already shot with Gyungri earlier in the day. Now all that was left was Jiyeon. He breathed out bracing himself.

Ever since they had run into each other that day, Daniel had thought about her nonstop. Now they were modeling together. It seemed like a dream, to be next to the one he loved, but at the same time the thought made him tremble. 

Would he be able to keep his eyes off her? Would his genuine feelings show? If he slipped up and made a mistake… he could hurt her.

His head full of distressed thoughts he took a seat in a makeshift chair that had been set up for him. He quickly stood up and bowed as he watched Yura and her managers leave. The final smile on her face thanking everyone for their hard work. She was the picture of professionalism, knowing exactly what she needed to do, and executing it perfectly.

Daniel had to admit, he could learn a lot from experienced idols like her.

He took another sip of water and sighed. He needed to compose himself now.

“Hello.” The familiar voice was Jooyoung-si. 

She entered into the studio followed by her.

Park Jiyeon.

They ushered her towards the changing room, as she bowed to all of the staff before hand. Their eyes locking for a brief second. 

Daniel gulped nervously, seeing her again, all the butterflies in his stomach began to take off. He breathed out deeply. He needed to act cool, he needed to be strong… for her. 

“She’s the last one?” The director seemed somewhat surprised. 

“What a shame, I guess let’s make this quick.” 

Daniel hoped that he had misheard the directors words. But he knew that he had heard it correctly. He had to hold it in.

The stage was once again set for him, the lights and background fixed perfectly once again by dozens of stagers. 

A stage manager handed him a basketball and he prepared himself. 

That’s when she walked entered into the room in her outfit. He gasped.

She was beautiful… but why was he surprised? He knew she was this beautiful.

The whole room seemed to take in her presence, the aura of one of Korea's most prided visuals entering the room. Seeing her posture, and elegance with full makeup on, he couldn't understand how anyone could resist falling for her.

She had regained the weight she had lost when he had last seen her. Her cheeks now once again full of life, and her eyes. Completely different, her cat-like eyes just as round and dazzling as he remembered. 

The grin she had as her cheekbones shot up, prominent white circles almost traceable as her eyes scrunched up small crescent shaped moons.

Then add in how cute and innocent she looked in the cheerleading outfit. Like she had stepped straight out of a high school Rom Com, her long legs, tapered body, and long brown hair tied into a pony tail. He pinched himself wondering if it was just a fantasy.

Daniel was speechless. He could only bow awkwardly as he reached out his hand to greet her.

She took it hesitantly. 

“Hello.” Did he really just say that?

“Hello.” She greeted back just as awkwardly. 

“Ok let’s get this done now. I want you two to pose back to back.” 

The Director's annoyed tone snapped them out of their moment. Daniel clenched his teeth. If this continued he may really lose his patience.

Daniel posed next to her, him palming the basketball in his hand and her holding a set of pompoms. Smiling cutely, revealing her shiny white dinosaur like grin.

“Smile.” The director called out to Jiyeon. Jiyeon gave a cuter grin. 

“No, not like that, like you’re cheering for him!”

She adjusted the best she could to his continued orders, but they quickly turned from impatience to unfounded berating.

“I said smile? Why are you being like this? Aish!” The director scolded her. Even going as far as to contradict himself after every picture. 

Daniel did his best to contain himself. Refraining from clenching his fist as he knew so many eyes were on them.

Afraid of causing a scene Daniel could only watch as she took all the hate and tried her best to followed instructions. He wanted to say something, but that could but her in a tougher spot.

“God dammit just leave already if you’re not going to try! Aren’t you a professional?” The director growled. 

“I’m sorry.” Jiyeon bowed apologetically. 

That’s what pissed him off more. The fact that she stood there. The fact that she continued to apologize when she clearly wasn’t doing anything wrong. Her manager silent, the other managers silent, did no one else see this mistreatment?

“Director, what’s she doing wrong?” Daniel hid any annoyance in his voice, but had to say something.

“Miss Jiyeon-si, I don’t have time for has-been idols like you, just leave if you’re not going to take this seriously! This is a professional operation with a professional athlete.” This was an insult to her pride, not just a criticism.

At that moment Daniel turned and felt utter despair.

There they were, clear for all to see… helpless tears flowing down from Jiyeon’s beautiful face. Tears of humiliation and defeat.

He wanted to embrace her at that moment, to defend her, to protect her. But what would that do for her? 

In front of all these people he might just hurt her more. 

“I’m sorry for wasting your time.” Jiyeon choked on her tears as she bowed once again. 

Then she walked off the shoot, as involuntary sobs soon followed the tears. Jooyoung immediately rushed beside her. The manager struggling to comfort her as she was lead from the studio. 

“Director. Aren’t you being too harsh?” A stage manager inquired, finally someone calling him out for his arrogance.

“Am I wrong? What’s she doing here? Have some pride…” 

Daniel couldn't supress himself any longer. He dropped the basketball furiously and without hearing the rest of the conversation, took off behind her. He wasn’t going to let her run away.

He could see her not far away, she was leaning against a wall, grief and humiliation in her swollen eyes as her manager could only watch in silence. She was wailing into her tiny hands when Daniel found her.

Jooyoung locked eyes with him and noticing his desperation nodded. Without a second thought he reached forward and pulled Jiyeon into his arms. Holding her tightly into his chest, before gently nudging her into an empty studio room for some privacy. 

It was pitch black, but he brought her inside continuing to her back as she wept into his arms. Tears flooded into his jersey, the lightweight material allowing small bits of water to flow through onto his skin. 

He could feel her despair and grief as it seeped into his enraged skin, he felt the hate build. Hatred towards the unfair director, hatred towards those who had hurt her. Hatred towards anyone who dared insult her. 

“You didn’t do anything wrong. ok?” He comforted her in the warmest voice he could. 

Gut-wrenching sobs tearing from her already fragile body. Her figure tightly trembling in his arms. Slowly she calmed herself, her head began to stop shaking and now rested gently against his chest. Strands of her soft hair brushing against his jaw.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. You did well. You did well Jiyeon.” He continued to her back with one hand, the girl so thin that he could feel each bone on her spine as he did. The other nudging her face deeper into his chest.

How had she gone from being a self pronounced girl crush figure, someone who prided herself in her tomboyish personality? 

The cruel environment had taken all of that from her.

But at the same time he didn’t want to let go. This feeling, this feeling of her in his arms, under his protection, this was all he had ever wanted. 

Why did it have to be in these conditions?

“I’m sorry.” He started apologizing. He knew that part of this was his fault. 

He had requested the Director of SK Knights to choose Jiyeon as one of the top candidates. He had made the mistake of thinking everything would just fall in line according to his plan.

“I’m going to quit.” She mumbled. Her voice filled with defeat. He hated it, he hadn’t sacrificed his feelings for her to quit.

“Don’t.” He said firmly. “You can’t quit. Not after all you’ve done. I won’t let you.” 

Daniel wasn’t even sure what he was saying anymore. 

“You still have so much to achieve, don’t give up now.” He told her. “I’m your fan remember, who can I cheer for if you’re not there?”

“Daniel…” Her voice was weak and her lips stil quivering against his jersey. 

“It’s so hard. So hard staying strong.”

Then don’t face it alone. I’ll be right here beside you.

“Jiyeon. Don’t give up.” He comforted her again. 

He would make sure she would rise again. That’s why he had worked so hard these past few months. He would do everything in his power to help her.

“Just trust me.” 

Jiyeon lay back in her seat. The silent car ride to her apartment. 

She no longer was even given a black celebrity van to take, seated on the passenger’s seat of her manager’s personal car. Not that she was complaining she was thankful to Jooyoung. Maybe it was MBK's lack of success but budgets for so many things had been cut.

10 minutes had passed. Neither talking after what had just transpired at the studio.

“Jiyeon-ah.” Jooyoung finally broke the silence.

“About him.” 

“Unnie, sorry. But I don’t want to talk about it.” Jiyeon stopped her from continuing. 

She knew that her manager probably had questions, hell Jiyeon still had so many questions. But she wasn’t in the mood to talk about it. 

“Ok. Of course Jiyeon.” Jooyoung returned to staring out the window as they continued through the streets of Seoul.

Her apartment wasn’t much farther. She glanced at the side mirror of the car to check how badly her makeup had been messed up by her tears. 

That’s when she noticed it. The smile that was on her lips.

She knew why.

Holding her back there, it was everything she remembered and better. Even something so simple as comforting her, made her heart race this much.

It was dangerous… it couldn’t happen again.

… 8.20.2016

Congrats!” Her CEO’s voice rang through the phone. Jiyeon wasn’t sure what he was referring to. 

“About what?” 

She was sitting in her apartment, her back sunk into a sofa cushion as she watched a drama on her television.

You are going to be the spokes person. The SK Knights just called, they had to replace the original director of photography, and are going to have you have your first official photoshoot in three days.” The CEO congratulated her. 

Jiyeon couldn’t understand. Her photoshoot had gone horribly. She knew that part of it wasn’t her fault, but once the incident had happened she had considered it over. Surrounding her hopes of being chosen.

Suddenly it hit her. 

Just trust me.”

She couldn’t say anything though. This was too good of an opportunity to pass up. But still, she felt guilty. Did she even deserve it?

“Did you hear the news?” Jooyoung suddenly entered as she excitedly jumped up and down. When she saw Jiyeon she hugged her.

Jiyeon didn’t move.

“Why aren’t you happy?” Jooyoung asked.

“Unnie, I didn’t do well, I don’t even deserve it.” Jiyeon felt a tear flow down her face.  

“What are you talking about? You just have the prettiest face. You don’t have to do anything.” Jooyoung tried to play if off, despite being there and knowing how much of a disaster it had been.

“Unnie I’m serious.” 

“Jiyeon, they chose you for a reason ok. Maybe it’s clear to them that you look great with him. Ok?” Jooyoung reasoned with her.

Him. Daniel Choi, had he been the reason?


SOOMPI: SK Knights and Adidas make bold move making T-ara’s Jiyeon the new spokes person. 

August 20th, 2016

Today Adidas and the SK Knights released the first promotional shoot result. They chose the underdog. T-ara’s Jiyeon despite not appearing for any media and comebacks for the past 8 months, many believe this to be because of the current relationship she is in with Actor Lee Donggun. However, today that ends. 

Jiyeon who has made appearances at almost all of SK Knight’s Home games is well deserving of the honor. However, many fans find it strange that she was chosen over the other candidates. 

Netizens on a forum posted this:

[+34,087 -7,897] “What is Adidas Kr thinking? I mean T-ara’s Jiyeon? I know she attends a lot of game, but just because she is stated as Daniel’s ideal type earlier does that make sense? I am disappointed in their choice of model, I think this could be hurtful to the SK Knights and even Daniel oppa. Plus she’s dating someone, this has scandal pointed all over it, how appropriate for Jiyeon. Please be safe Daniel.” 

Although I do think the two look good together in the original photoshoot I agree that it comes as quite a surprise. 

What are your thoughts? 


Top Comments:

“I don’t know… I’m disappointed by them, but I can’t lie that the pictures are nice, he just looks handsome starring beside anyone.”

“It’s not a big deal, he’s not dating anyone of them chosen, I don’t understand why Netizens are making it a life and death thing!” 

“I’m crying I was hoping to see him with Yura so badly! Well Adidas you sure messed that up!

…  8.21.2016 

Daniel had read the article, no he had read all of the articles. 

He knew there would be an immediate backlash, but he was sure that she could overcome it. Jiyeon… who could resist her charms? 

He would just be her protector, from the background if needed. She was talented, beautiful, and smart. He would just give her avenue to show the nation what he already knew…

(Days earlier)

“Are you sure?” The president and decision maker of the SK Knights was seated at a nice wooden desk.

Daniel nodded his head.

“You understand we normally never make decisions like this based on an athletes request?” The man remarked leaning further into his chair.

“I understand sir.” Daniel replied fidgeting his thumbs.

“The SK Corporation has gained a lot of revenue from this team. More than all of their other sports combined ever since you came.”

Now he was getting places. He nodded his head again affirming the president’s words.

“I think seeing as you have benefited the organization greatly and the KBL as a whole… there could be some merit to your decision.” The president had already agreed to his request… Daniel knew it. Now he just needed to wait for the man to justify his actions.

“I truly think this is the spokesperson and model who will best signify the team.” Daniel affirmed.

“Then it’s a done deal. If you have any other requests please don't bother to let me know.”

Daniel knew this was the power of influence. The SK Telecom Corporation couldn’t afford to lose him. His success meant giant profits for their teams in sponsorships from even international companies. It meant Billboards with his face on it for their phone company. Free commercials and marketing by just wearing his red Telecom Jersey.

Billions and billions of Korean Won in marketing that he provided basically for free. This was why Daniel had wisely agreed to commercials and appearances that he didn’t necessarily want to do.

Once you had influence you could help those around you. He would help Jiyeon.

They were back in his apartment.

“Are you sure this is the best idea?” Jenny was laying on the couch across from him. She was on her phone scrolling through articles in both Korean and English. Even American fans were beginning to have interest in Korean Basketball. 

Daniel stood up, realizing his legs were still sore from the morning workout. 

“I don’t. But it’s the only way. It’s the only way to help her. She needs to regain her confidence… then maybe, maybe she’ll give me a chance again.” He paced towards the window staring at his own reflection as he began to reminisce. 

He had thought of millions of ways… but he couldn’t come up with a solution. 

Seeing her defeated eyes, her limp body on the bed. Hearing that she was suffering from depression. He couldn’t sit still, not when he loved her so dearly. 

“Oppa, I just think you might be forcing something.” 

Daniel looked into her worried eyes. Part of him knowing his sister was right. The calming voice calling from his shoulder making him realize how dumb and desperate his attempts were.

“I know, but she will just pity herself and slowly kill herself if I don’t do anything. You weren’t there when she was in the hospital… I know it’s crazy but I can’t sit back and do nothing. I just want to see her happy again.” Daniel reasoned.

“I know you have pure intentions oppa. That’s why I’m not stopping you.” She replied.

His intentions… that’s what had changed after seeing her. Seeing her so unhappy, he realized that his focus should’ve been on her not himself this whole time.

“Thanks Jenny.”

“Just remember I leave tomorrow.” She sat up from the couch. “Irvine here I come again.”

He chuckled as he turned back towards her. Life was going to become lonely once more without her. 

“Let’s get one last round of teokbokki.” Daniel offered taking out his car keys.

“Call!” His sister leaped from her seat running to grab a coat.


If someone were to start describing her. What words would come first? How could you begin?

Daniel had no idea. He was completely speechless as he gazed as she brushed her hair back. Her silky brown hair freshly curled pulled behind her ears. 

The red cheerleader outfit perfectly fitting her slim figure. The outfit itself reminded him of an outfit that Jiyeon might perform in. A red top that exposed her nicely toned 11 shaped abs and a matching short skirt that revealed her long pretty legs. The bright red color contrasting perfectly with her pure white skin.

He couldn’t describe it, but there was an aura of elegance that she brought to the normally cute and y outfit. 

Needless to say his jaw was dropped when she exited the makeup room.

It occurred to him at that second, if she appeared at all of his games, his focus on the game might shift away quite frequently.

For a moment their eyes locked and she formed a tiny grin. 

What did it mean? Did she know he had orchestrated this?


“Alright let’s begin everyone.” The director announced, a different director from previously after Daniel had asked for him to be changed.

Daniel had already filmed several basketball scenes. He was sweating, but all of the sudden he felt flustered.

Would he smell bad? Was his hair ok? 

Would standing beside the beautiful girl amplify his ugliness…

Jiyeon took her place beside him. He caught her eyes again. This time it wasn’t the fake smile she had shown him before… there was an emptiness in her large round pupils.

He was confused. She finally was going to have a comeback. He had read that they would go around Seoul and then Tokyo over the month of September and promote their old songs. T-ara’s long awaited comeback.

But she didn’t look happy, she was smiling… but he knew her better than that she was unhappy. It dawned on him that it could be symptoms of her depression still. 

“You look beautiful Jiyeon-si.” He complimented her, his face still warm.

“Thank you Daniel-si.” She replied formally. Their conversation awkward after their previous encounter.

It would have to be like this for now. Neither able to express their thoughts in front of the 50 people on the production staff.

“Ok, and let’s start with scene 1.” The director requested. 

Daniel gazed into her eyes. He had practiced extra hard to make sure this commercial was a success. Spending long nights watching other commercials and copying their expressions. 

Jiyeon sighed in relief as she followed Jooyoung back to the makeup room to change and leave. 

The shoot had been rather successful in Jiyeon’s book. The director had even praised her acting, a director that clearly held no resentment or any bias against her. 

Shooting again… it was rather nice. It made her realize how much she missed her old life. Working hard and seeing the fruits of her labor payoff.

Jiyeon’s mood could be described as happy at the moment.

For just a second, it felt like she had returned to her life. Her life before the scandal.

That second didn’t last long.

Jooyoung held the door handle to open it when they heard two voices inside talking rather loudly. She froze and stopped her manager from entering.

Daebak did you see him in the shoot? He’s so handsome. I can’t wait to watch his games again he’s totally my type.”

“Yes. But… i don't understand why her?”

“I know right? She’s just a walking scandal. Even her arrogant face looks bad next to such a handsome guy.” 

“Right? It doesn’t make sense why she was chosen… she’s not talented or beautiful.” 

“I know I heard she bombed her shoot with the last director and so he got fired. I wonder if her CEO slipped in some money to get her the job.” 

“Really? I heard she might’ve got her boyfriend to ask the team.” 

“Wow, the famous actor? I wouldn’t be surprised. She seems like such a snake.” 

It took Jiyeon’s tight grip to keep Jooyoung from entering and clobering them clearly seething with rage.

Jiyeon knew the truth, she didn’t deserve this, someone else should’ve been the model.

She put her hand on Jooyoung’s shoulder and tried to smile beckoning for them to just leave and not cause a scene. She was tired enough.

That’s when a hand grabbed her shoulder, keeping her grounded. Forcing her to stay when she wanted so desperately to leave.

“Wait here.” It was Daniel’s voice it was cold sending sent chills down her back. 

What was he going to do?

She found herself unable to move heeding his command. He swiftly opened the door and entered.

“Say it in front of her face. If that’s what you really think. Say it to her face.” Daniel challenged them, his normally kind and warm voice filled with frustration. 

She had never heard him lose his temper.

“Daniel-si.” She heard both of them react to him completely astonished by his mere presence.

Without a second of hesitation, he came out and dragged Jiyeon by her arm inside of the room. Standing by her side, she was facing the two makeup artists who had been bad mouthing her.

Standing face to face with them, their mouths completely agape by her presence.

“You seem so sure that what you’re saying is true. So I hope you can repeat exactly what you said to her face.” Daniel exposed them.

The two seemingly normal young women shaking in fear at the sight of his enraged figure. That's what surprised Jiyeon. It was just normal innocent young people who left such hurtful comments. It made it hard for Jiyeon to hate them. They weren't spoiled or psychopaths. They were just regular people who vented their hate onto her.

Why was he doing this?

“If you can’t say it to her face, I hope you’ll apologize for saying it behind her back.” He scolded them.

“I’m sorry.” They both apologized immediately bowing to Jiyeon. 

But Jiyeon wasn’t paying attention, it was too humiliating. It was too humiliating, someone who she had rejected… someone she had pushed away. 

He was the only one standing up for her.

“Stop.” She mumbled to Daniel unable to match his energy.

“Just go. Before I get angry and report you for slandering!” Daniel’s voice was seething with frustration as the two makeup artists quickly left, closing the door behind them and leaving the two alone.

Still raging with anger he paced angrily towards the makeup station and pushed a basket of makeup onto the floor. The small accessories rolled near Jiyeon as she glared directly at the ground. She felt so ashamed.

Seeing him in this state… how selfish was he?

“Who the hell hired them?!” He questioned angrily. An entirely different Daniel breathing out furiously.

 “Why did you let them say that? Huh? Go tell them the truth? Don’t you have any pride?” He was glaring at her with confusion.

Now Jiyeon was beginning to feel frustration, she didn’t say anything at first.

What should I tell them? How you were the one to pull the strings?

“Please stop.” She whispered again. 

“Jiyeon I can’t watch this happen to you! Do you know how hard it is for me?” He was scolding her now. 

It made her feel so ashamed in front of him. She wouldn’t take this from him. It hurt more than she realized hearing him scold her. Not when she had sacrificed so much for him. 

“That’s enough!” She immediately raised her voice in defense.

For the first time in months she raised her voice, shocked by her own ability to.

“Stop doing that! Stop interfering! Stop pushing your way into my life!” She let out all of her frustrations at once. 

Do you know how humiliating it is? Then to face you knowing that?

“What do you mean?” He questioned acting as innocently when she knew he was guilty of it all.

“What? You think I wouldn’t notice? This spokes person ad. The Chanel endorsement they want me for, the Trevi water endorsement. You think I don’t know it’s because of you? What did you do? Huh? Force them to sign me so that you could gloat?” She accused him.

He couldn't respond at first. She knew she was right.

“You think I wanted to gloat?” His voice suddenly fragile as he she saw him genuinely hurt by the thought of it. 

“What? You want to show off that I dumped a big star? Is that right?” She continued.

She knew very well he wasn’t capable of doing that to her, he was too caring to ever do such a deed.

But what else could she say? 

I’m dying inside because I feel so helpless in front of you.

“Jiyeon. It’s not your fault, those scandals that’s not your fault. But everyone believes it because all you do is let them believe what they want. That’s why I’m helping you. Because I care about you. Because…” He paused.

Without hesitation he reached forward and pulled her into him, just like he had done at the store, just like he had done at the last photo shoot.

She struggled against him this time. ing her shoulders and arms to try and break free, but he was too strong. His powerful embrace unwavering when put up against her helpless attacks.

“Because I love you. I love you Jiyeon.” He whispered into her ears his arms squeezing her desperately against him. A piercing blow against her will.

Her legs slowly turned to jelly at the sound of his confession. Her flailing becoming less and less powerful.

She ran out of excuses. When put so directly she had no more lies to justify her actions.

“Daniel… I have…” 

The boyfriend card. It was all she had left in the cartridge. 

“I know.” He responded interrupting her.

So why was he doing this? He wasn’t a bad person. 

“I know the truth.” He justified again. 

“oppa.” Jiyeon didn’t understand. 

What was he saying?

“I know it’s fake. I learned it recently.” 

Jiyeon’s jaw dropped at that moment as any attempts to escape stopped. The whole weight of her body falling against him. Her whole world turned upside down...

“oppa.” She had no words. Nothing.


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I just wanted to thank all the new subs and upvotes, L&B may be over, but getting the notifications that people are reading means the world. Please feel free to leave thoughts and comments, I'll try to reply haha.


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Chapter 7: this is so nice ^^
iv7000 #2
Chapter 11: Wow this is so cool.
I was in the fandom during these times when they actually happened.
All personal opinions aside, the recreation of how the news articles were released is so accurate.
I feel like I time traveled to a degree xD
Awesome writing!
tarafan2 #3
So glad you will continue to write a Part 4. Happy new year
justcrazy #4
Chapter 68: Would love to read more of this. Thank you!
tarafan2 #5
Chapter 66: Looks at the [M] tag. woohoo! it's like christmas came early.

Too bad you didn't/won't continue writing. The 6 members of T-ara are still active (well, except for Boram). Soyeon is back in the entertainment industry too.
ilovenobody #6
Chapter 66: It's ending soon :(
I'm still hoping to see if they will get expose and receive blessing from public.
Looking forward to the last chapter :)
justcrazy #7
Chapter 65: Aww. I’m so sad this is ending. I was hoping there will be more but thank you very much for this story. Looking forward to more of your works!
justcrazy #8
Chapter 64: I am really happy I found this story. I love their love story and I hope they get to date peacefully for at least a year lmao. And I hope after all those years they are not together, their relationship will somehow be smooth sailing from now.
ali1432d5h #9
Chapter 62: I read this in a day and im eager to read more im so sad I finished it 😭 I’ve heard of T-ara but I never knew how big they actually were or the whole story of what happened to them, now since yesterday I’ve been looking into them and I love them also I can’t stop listening to Jiyeon’s Take a Hike and I’m about to watch the variety she’s in 😭 thank you for introducing me to T-ara and Jiyeon ✨😭 I’m also enjoying their relationship so much and all of the events in the story, I wonder if we are gonna see some current time scenes hopefully 🥺 I can’t waitttty
tarafan2 #10
Chapter 62: Aww <3