Chapter 8: (2013) Meeting

No Longer a Coward

… 4.15.2013

Jiyeon peeked repeatedly over the metal and glass railing onto the floor below where passengers exited. She had just arrived in Korea yesterday, flying in on an early morning flight to try and avoid the paparazzi. She would only be here for about two weeks before she left to restart promotions in Japan. 

Even though it wasn’t ideal for her to come back... here she was.

She wanted to see him again. Not just on her phone or on the TV. She wished to see him for real, in person.

Two years had passed since their chance encounter. Only two on-and-off years of friendship, yet she felt closer to him than anyone else. 

They had revealed each other their whole lives over text. Her life had even been turned upside down, yet he had reached out and stayed by her side. He spent hours comforting her when she needed him. 

She felt like she had known since he was young. He understood her.

That's how she found herself alone waiting in the Incheon International terminal, wearing a black hoodie and a black cap to cover her face.

She knew that no one was looking for her, with T-ara's waning popularity in Korea. However, she couldn't be too careful, she didn't want to hurt her members, or worse... him. 

Jiyeon had already checked the recent flight arrival list. His flight had just landed a few minutes ago. 

Her heart was already racing... she would see him again soon.

What did she even remember? He was pretty handsome... he was tall... he had a nice smile... he was warm hearted.

Somehow she still remembered that night in vivid detail.

Wait! People were coming out now. Was he there?

She watched as a crowd of people began to scurry into the main terminal. She scanned around the crowd for anyone who looked around 188 cm or taller. But she couldn’t see him.

Had he gotten on a different flight? Had he gotten lost? Had he missed his flight?

Incheon Airport was massive. It would be easy to get lost in the crowd of people. Her eyes scowered from left to right of the airport looking desperately for her tall friend.

She thought about calling him—she winced, someone had tapped her shoulder.

She jumped backwards, startled. Before quickly turning around— he had a goofy grin on his face. 

“Annyeong.” He greeted her with a smirk.

It was strange, for a second she couldn’t comprehend the fact that she wasn’t just hearing him on the phone.

It was really him. His voice.

He wore a navy blue NYU hoodie paired with tapered black jeans. A handsome smile and warm eyes. His mid length hair lightly ruffled from a 13 hour flight.

How had she not noticed before? He was rather good looking. Basketball Idol really did seem a fitting name.

“Daniel.” She gasped as she met his gaze, it was strange having to look up so high just too meet it.

“Long time no see.” He chuckled scratching his nape awkwardly.

He had broad shoulders. His athletic body perfectly filled the simple hoodie, especially the sleeves.

She realized she was still staring dumbly towards him and quicky made the first move.

“Pabo-ya. Welcome to Korea.” She approached him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

It seemed easy. Almost too easy, she felt extremely comfortable around him. It seemed almost impossible it had been two years since they had seen each other. 

She rested the side of her head against his strong chest.

Jiyeon was tall for a female idol. But she felt like her height was perfect for the tall basketball player.

“Thanks Jiyeon-si.”

He reached forward towards her face and Jiyeon froze. What was he doing? 

She squeezed her eyes shut immediately. Was he going to...

He chuckled. She slowly reopened her pupils. His head gazing down towards her, he grinned in amusement before twisting her cap backwards. He then wrapped his arms around her, reciprocating her embrace.

“It was poking me." He whispered smoothly beckoning towards the hat.

Jiyeon blushed, completely misreading his intentions.

"I'm happy right now." He continued, his gentle words disolving the awkwardness she felt.

His voice. It felt so genuine.

She confirmed something at that moment. She'd be lying if she didn't recognize his feelings. To be honest, she had realized it a while ago. 

I mean how could she not? He had broken up with his girlfriend. He stayed up into unreasonable hours just to converse with her despite his weary schedule.

The way he subtly flirted with her in their conversations was the final giveaway.

At that moment, she confirmed her feelings as well.

She liked everything about him. His charm, his comforting personality, his goofy grin. Even his scent seemed so perfect, masculine and soothing. 

But she wouldn’t show it yet.

She would take her time, she wanted to learn to love a little at a time, so that she could savor every moment with him.

She had never truly dated, she wanted to have the same experience she had dreamed of when she was young. Slowly growing fond of each other and then waiting patiently for a confession. 

“Shall we go? There’s a lot to see and not a lot of time.” She proposed.

He nodded in agreement as she flipped her cap to cover her face once more, and headed towards the parking garage. 

Watching her lead him towards the garage was a final wake up call. It still felt so surreal. He was really here. He was really here with her.

He lugged the small suitcase by his side. His backpack slung around one shoulder, his eyes glued to her beautiful silhouette.

Even in a simple black hoodie, Jiyeon looked incredible in front of him.

To be honest, he had spotted her instantly after sneaking into the main terminal. Aside from looking like suspicious in her dark apperal, he instantly noticed the woman gazing over the aluminum railing as the hat's bill couldn't hide the pearl white skin, large brown eyes that were so distinct.

He had originally planned on pranking her, calling her to tell her he had missed his flight. But the moment he approached her, seeing her searching frantically with her eyes... he realized he didn't ever want to see her distressed. 

He breathed out slowly, attempting to calm the invisible boxer that seemed to throw punch after punch at his beating heart.

He felt a little dizzy. He had often mocked the fact that his sister would talk about crying if she ever met her idols in real life.

He regretted it all now.

She led him to her car, a black KIA sedan, nothing fancy, but still a nice car. Perhaps he had been expecting a nicer car. Perhaps it was still strange that he was standing in front of a car at all, about to be driven by Park Jiyeon. 

“What?” She inquired noticing his curious expression. “Oh, it’s my Dad’s car... I just recently got my license.”

Daniel nodded hesitantly, as he decided he would trust her. He had never been driven by a celebrity before.

He placed his bags in the trunk and climbed into the passenger’s seat.

There was a moment of awkwardness as they sat silently in the car, both staring blankly out the windshield. Jiyeon sighed to fill the empty noise. 

“Shall we go drop off your bags first?” She finally offered.

“uh… sure…” Daniel smiled awkwardly.

It was driving him crazy. He was about to go to Jiyeon’s apartment. The one he had seen when IU had been filmed visiting her. The apartment from the Youtube video.

She had offered to let him stay there because she had two rooms.

And Daniel had only accepted because of how expensive hotels were, it was humbling to say the least. He had never been paid for being an athlete up until now. So he felt bad he didn’t have a source of income besides his allowance. His parents had been the ones to buy the plane tickets. 

Jiyeon drove out of the parking garage, it would be about an hour before they made it to Seoul from Incheon. He had already mapped out the distance in his head. He had done a lot of planning before.

“So when was the last time you were here?” Jiyeon inquired casually, trying to break the tension.

“3 years ago.” He responded.

The light turned red and she stepped on the brake, the car screeching to a halt. Both of them jerking forward. 

He chuckled turning to face her. “When was the last time you drove? Your last life?”

Jiyeon rolled her eyes. 

“Fine, I got my license 6 months ago before I left to Japan. And I haven’t drove since.” She conceded.

“You know you could say, thank you for picking me up, something like that.” Came her huff.

“I’ll be thankful if I live through this drive.” He enjoyed the opportunity to , one of the few ways to ease his nervousness.

“Hey, at least I have my license, Jieun doesn’t even have a permit.” She defended herself.

“Inna unnie praised for getting mine faster than Luna and Jieun.”

Daniel chuckled hiding the shock he felt inside. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't really dreaming at that moment.

“What?” She questioned all the while self consciously staring at him.

“It’s just that, you say it so normally. But those people are idols to normal people. As a fan, it’s crazy to me. Even my parents know IU and Yoo Inna from watching Television.” Daniel confessed. 

Jiyeon now was the one giggling. “I guess I never thought of that. They’ve always just been my closest friends."

A second later, a jealous expression fell over. “Do your parents not know who I am?”

Daniel grinned at how cute and yet pretty she looked: her forehead wrinkled, her eyebrows furrowed. 

“Of course they know… my sister loves you and T-ara. You’re her favorite idol.” He assured her.

“Really?” Jiyeon sounded touched.

"What about you then?" She continued to prod out. 

Daniel blushed slightly. Thankfully, he was pretty quick witted. “Well although I am a fan of T-ara. You're probably my Seventh... no maybe Sixth favorite?” 

“Ya!” She interjected in frustration. 

“I’m kidding.” He leaned back into his seat as he stared out the window.

Outside he could see they were cruising along the giant bridge that connected Incheon to Seoul. 

The city skyline was visible, but above it loomed the greyish sky. It was similar in that way to New York. Large buildings seemingly sprouting up from the coastline.

“Not much to see, but it’s what I call home.” Jiyeon seemed to notice where his eyes were looking.

“I wasn’t staring at the city.” He replied gazing straight towards her.

“Shut up.” She mumbled as her eyes darted back to the road.

About 40 minutes later they arrived at her apartment. She parked next to an older-looking 6 or 6 story building. As he lugged his suitcase from her car, up the flight of stairs, into her small apartment. 

“Wow, it’s cozy. Just like in the video.” He commented as soon as she opened the door into her abode. 

“You’ve seen my apartment?” Jiyeon questioned clearly oblivious.

“A million people have.” He pointed towards his phone. “The clip where IU came.”

“AH! And we cooked tteokbokki.” She immediately recalled. “...Those were good days.” 

“So you really lived here alone? When you were on breaks?” Daniel inquired scanning the obviously lived-in apartment. 

“Since I was 16. When I just wanted time to myself, I’d stay here for a few days sometimes longer.” 

Daniel stared at her wistful expression, it must’ve been lonely.

He wondered if he would have been able to do something like that especially when she was only 16. It seemed crazy. Sure, he was annoyed by his sister sometimes. But he ultimately enjoyed her company, he often missed having her around when he lived at the dorms. 

“Here’s your room. Sorry its pretty small.” She opened a door revealing a spare bedroom, a little smaller than his dorm room.

He thanked her and placed his backpack and suitcase down onto the twin bed that occupied almost half the room.

Then he breathed out, before pinching himself. It wasn’t a dream, he was really with her. His idol. 

He wondered what his sister would’ve thought.

She probably would've exploded in jealousy at how lucky he was. He still doubted to this moment whether it was reality.

“Are you tired? Do you want to rest first?” Jiyeon peeked inside the room, her cute eyes gazing through the generous crack. 

“I’m fine, let’s do something.” He assured her.

He only had 6 more days. He couldn't afford to waste a single second. “I’m a little hungry though.” 

It was already 3pm and he hadn’t eaten for almost 14 hours. 

“I know a perfect place.” She answered, a glowing grin on her face.

Jiyeon watched him gasp in awe at the large Hongdae market that stretched the entire paved area. 

Sure, there was a lot of people here. But she knew that the large crowd meant that the paparazzi wouldn’t be lurking around. She just had to avoid being recognized by those passing by.

She wore a black hat, along with a simple white blouse and denim skirt. She had long since realized that masks were far too obvious for people to suspect you as a celebrity. Besides, she wanted to look good in front of him. A mask hid the makeup she had visited her salon to get done specifically for this reason.

She knew it was shamelss, but she wanted him to stare in awe. It warmed her heart to hear her fan compliment her. Besides, if her beauty was her advantage, shouldn't she use it? 

Then, there was Daniel, she worried people might recognize him. But so far it seemed ok.

He didn’t have a specifically memorable face. Not that he wasn’t handsome… don’t get her wrong, he was handsome.

He had nice features and warm eyes combined with the simple blue sweatshirt. And seemed to be able to blend in with the crowd just fine. She wondered if it was hard to get, his hoodie. She liked the color.

Also, when she thought about it, he had yet to do any endorsements. People would’ve had to really stare at the TV or have watched a lot of his interviews to know what his face looked like.

They strolled side by side, she pointed out different attractions, introducing him to some of the most famous stores and clothing shops. She found herself smiling as she watched him react in interest at the stores she had already been to dozens of times. 

“Wow, that smells good.” He pointed towards a small street food cart selling fish skewers.

“O dang right?” He said in the most American accent she had heard. Clearly feigning to be more foreign than he actually was.

Jiyeon giggled, “Odeng,” she corrected him condescendingly. “Go get an order.” 

“Me?” He questioned pretending to be taken aback. “Are you implying you want me to pay?” 

“Ya! What if the lady recognizes me.” She scolded him, before pushing him in the direction.

“Fine. One second.” He disappeared and Jiyeon found a nearby wall to lean against.

She bowed her head towards the ground to hide her face. It took far longer than she had expected. She checked her phone, almost 10 minutes passed when he finally returned. 

“Are you that bad at Korean?” She scoffed annoyed and anxious after waiting so long.

Suddenly, he lifted up her hat slightly allowing his eyes to meet hers. She froze. Locking eyes, she realized she felt different with him. Unlike the actors and idols who made her heart beat faster, her heart slowed when she was beside him. 

Like time had slowed down. Just like the cheesy romcom dramas she watched.

He reached his hand forward again. What was he doing now? 

Despite already knowing he was likely teasing her, she felt her cheeks heat up like a bbq. 

He brushed back stray locks of hair behind her ear. She easily deciphered in his off hand something shiny. It was bright pink. 

Revealing a cheap neon pink pair of sunglasses he placed them over her eyes and settled them onto the bridge of her nose.

“Perfect.” He commended himself as he stared at her.

Jiyeon who hated bright flashy colors like pink and yellow didn’t say anything.

“Cute.” He complimented her condescendingly.

“Shut up.” She bowed her head, staring at the concrete pathway in embarrassment. 

“Want some?” She looked back and saw that he had already begun biting into a skewer of the fish cakes. “The lady gave me extra, because I told her I was buying it for my girlfriend.”

“I’m not you—” She couldn’t finish, he had already skillfully stuck a piece of the fishcake into . 

“Shh… she doesn’t know that.” He hushed her, once again teasing her.

She chewed on the piece as she watched him grin foolishly at her.

She wondered how someone could be so happy. Had he frowned once? Not only that, he seemed so calm.

She was going insane inside. Unsure of whether she was tired of his teasing, or secretly wanted more. 

He pointed at another store as she followed him and he threw away the finished skewers.

She wondered how ridiculous she looked with the pink sunglasses, but realized... she hadn’t taken them off either.

They entered a clothing store, trendy clothes strung on every wall. Truthfully, Jiyeon wasn’t the type who was obsessed with shopping and fashion. Her other members were and she was used to shopping with them. So she wandered around the store aimlessly browsing various blouses and shirts. 

There were several other couples in the store. She watched out of curiousity, as girlfriends picked up outfits for their boyfriends to try on.

Somehow she envied them... would she ever be able to do something similar? The smiles that shone on the couples faces as they teased each other and enjoyed the other's presence.

“What are we doing here?” She inquired cautiously. “There’s a lot of people here.” 

There was no response. Hadn't he been following her? She turned around and realized he had disappeared. Yet again.

She wandered around the racks of clothings, struggling to see through the dark visors of the sunglasses.

Jiyeon was tempted to call out for him— she felt his arms rest themselves on her shoulders.

She was rendered frozen by his touch, in his hands there was a scarf which he proceeded to wrap loosely around her neck.

Her eyes gravitating towards the adjacent mirror she spotted the item in its reflection. It was blue, the same color as his hoodie.

It was a nice color. It contrasted well with her brown hair. The top of the scarf even covered which was a plus for a celebrity.

Though she looked ridiculous with the pink sunglasses on too.

He laughed heartily as his eyes moved up and down looking at her reflection.

She wondered what was so amusing. “You know you don’t have to keep wearing those,” he motioned towards the sunglasses.

“You bought them.” She grumbled embarrased by his comments.

“I wanted to see why you hated pink.”

So he did know.

“You knew?” She questioned.

“That you hate neon colors?” He revealed. “Yes.”

“How?” She interrogated suspiciously. Had she told him? Was he really that observant?

“It’s on your profile page.” He replied with a smirk. "I read it online."

“Oh.” She rolled her eyes. 

However, inside felt satisfied by the idea of him researching about her. 

“Come on let's go.” He unwrapped the scarf from her neck.

“Why?” She questioned wondering why he had taken it off. “Does it not suit me?”

“You really must be tired.”

She didn’t understand what he meant.

“It’s almost summer,” He enunciated each syllable. "Too hot for a scarf."

She crumpled her head in defeat, she was never this person.

She wasn’t the klutzy dumb girl that acted cutely to get guy's attention. Yet here she was. Rendered speechless in front of him.

His personality was… so playful, charming. She liked it. The way he .

Even other male idols would just praise her and compliment her dancing or appearance. She wanted someone to make her feel normal. Someone who made her feel like just another young 20 year-old going on a date.

“Come on let’s go.” 

This was what she wanted.

She wanted him to act like her boyfriend and go on a date with her. She had never experienced it before...  she felt weary. What if she really let her feelings show? What would even happen then?

She was afraid.

Daniel was thankful for all the preparation he had done on the plane.

He had braced himself for various scenarios. He knew if he was going to win her over, he needed to be cool. He couldn’t just stand and gaze stupidly at her. The way he would if he went without a plan.

Truthfully, he was terrified of messing up. He was with the girl he was in love with... and she was a celebrity too. He wasn't shameless, he knew he was acting like her boyfriend.

Sure, he hadn’t gone so far as to take her hand. But he teased her, he flirted with her, and tried to hint at his feelings as much as possible.

He took the initiative, he knew that girls liked a guy who could take the lead.

At least that’s what he had noticed from his previous relationships. But with her, he felt like he was going in blind.

Then he had seen the scarf. Observing her acutely, he knew she had been sneaking glances at his hoodie. It really was the perfect couple item, what a shame it was too warm to wear a scarf. But just seeing her in it was enough. It was enough to make his heart race, luckily she had her back turned to him, but he had blushed uncontrollably. 

He exited the store and waited for her to slowly follow. That's when he noticed hesitation on her face.

Was he making her uncomfortable? Was he doing too much?

Daniel had never thought about that possibility. He realized from what she had told him, she had never really dated. Perhaps he was being too aggressive right now.

“Let’s get more to eat. Is that ok?” He suggested.

She nodded her head, revealing a smile once again. Following her pointer her finger behind him, he spotted another street food stall.

“That’s really good. Do you like spicy?” She inquired her expression brightening immediately.


It was a hawker selling seasoned fried chicken in small little cups.

“Get one, extra spicy then.” 

Daniel nodded as he watched her find another corner to hide in. He felt guilty, he hated seeing her have to hide her face like that. But what could he do? 

“Ma’am one order of chicken.” He smiled towards the lady.

“Of course. What flavor?”

“Extra spicy.” He answered with a smile thinking back to the excitement he had seen on her face.

“Are you an idol? Or maybe an actor?” The lady was squinting towards him. “You look familiar.”

“No. I wish, I’m just a student. But I do hear that a lot.” He lied.

“Ahh, I see.” She responded. “You have the face of an actor, your mother must be so proud. And you’re so tall too.” 

“Um thank you, although two toothpicks please.” He requested changing the subject. “One for my girlfriend.” 

“Of course, your girlfriend is very lucky to have a considerate boyfriend like you.” The lady smiled handing him the large cup.

Daniel thanked her and headed back. He was still getting used to the fact that he was considered tall here, in America he was on the taller side. But here in Korea, he was practically a giant.

He saw her staring into the distance. The cute pink sun glasses covering her pretty eyes that were otherwise easily recognizable. Yet, she still looked so pretty. Her long curled hair styled behind her ears, flowing down from beneath the cap. He reached for his phone and snapped a picture. He wanted to treasure and remember each moment.

He paced excitedly towards her, boasting the chicken he had just bought in his hands. 

There was a grin on her face. She loved food. He didn't need to research anything to know that much.

She snatched one toothpick and quickly impaled the top piece. 

It was a large piece, but she expanded  revealing her large teeth before chomping down on it. She really did look like a baby dinosaur as she bit into it.

Remembering that was her nickname, made him chuckle.

“What? Now?” She questioned, food still in .

He sighed condescendingly as he wiped her lips off with a napkin. still stuffed with food.

“Don’t you know proper date eating etiquette? Chew before you talk.” He chided her.

Did she even know how pretty she looked when she ate like that? He could barely contain himself from grinning.

“Shut up.” She mumbled self consciously, turning around this time to take another bite.

To be honest just watching Jiyeon would've been enough.

Seeing her smile after all the pain and hurt she had experienced. That should've been enough for him.

If he left as friends only accomplishing that... wouldn't it be a sucessful trip?

That scenario seemed likely. Perhaps maybe he'd move her heart slightly with his actions.

To be honest, he couldn't read her, he had never chased after a girl like this. His past girlfriends had confessed to him, he had no clue what to do with such a beautiful celebrity. 

"It's good. You can't get chicken this good in America." Daniel admitted restarting the conversation.

"Didn't you tell me there's a Korea town in Los Angeles?" She asked curiously.

"There is, but it's nowhere near as good as the food here. Plus I live in New York now, the Korea town isn't as big there."

Just the scenery was nice, he felt surprisingly at home considering the fact that his Korean was not the best.

He had no doubt that this was somewhere he'd be comfortable living in.

"Maybe one day I'll move here." 

He said it carelessly, but Jiyeon quickly spun around in confusion, he was still processing his own words himself. 

"Why would you do that when you can play professionally in America?" She questioned.

"I love America don't get me wrong, but being a Korean basketball player is not easy there." He explained.

He wasn't really sure how he could define racism to her, someone who grew up living in a country with all Koreans or other Asians racism wasn't really prevelent.

"You see... a lot of people don't believe Koreans or Asians can play in the NBA. Even at games many people called me names."

Jiyeon was silent for a while processing his words. He felt sorry for ruining the mood. 

"Don't give up." Her voice. It wasn't pity... no it was encouragement.

When he thought about what she had gone through. His problems seemed pitiful compared to being 'exiled' from her own home.

"You can conquer it, we both can."

"Thanks. I think with your encouragement I definitely can." Daniel boasted.


Jiyeon could see that he was exhausted. After all he had done most of the talking, initiated so much of the conversation.

He didn’t know it, but for her, just watching him gave her energy.

Him treating her like just a normal close friend put her at ease.

She had always wanted to go on a 'date' like that, one where she didn't have to worry about her image. One where she could just relax and enjoy someone else's presence. 

He jerked himself awake repeatedly on the drive back, his eyes shutting on their own. It was already dark, almost 8 pm. 

She couldn’t believe they had spent 5 hours there, it felt like time had flown by. She prayed the rest of his trip didn't, not when there was still much to clarify about their relationship.

They arrived at her apartment and she opened the door as she led him up.

“Go to sleep, sleepy head.” Shec ordered him like a child.

He yawned and collapsed on the couch. Seeing him lie like a baby across the cushions, she wandered to her kitchen to check for something to eat.

Upon opening the fridge, she sighed realizing it was practically empty and made a mental note to go grocery shopping later. 

After arriving, she had lied to her parents that she was going to stay at Inna unnie's house for a week. Because of that, she had no time to prepare the apartment, besides clean the guest bedroon.

Glancing back at him, she was relieved to see he was peacefully asleep on the small sofa. Observing him, she figured he did have quite a cute resting face.

Jiyeon sighed and walked towards the closet. She had a blanket for occasions like these. Hyomin had fallen asleep on her sofa numerous times after getting drunk.

She carefully placed the thin blanket over his tall body, his long legs awkwardly sticking out the sofa.

She crouched down next to him, amazed by how much happiness watching him sleep brought her.

His mid length jet black hair ruffled up after a long day, several strands falling and covering his eyes. 

She reached out to sweep them back, but was interrupted. There was a knock.

A pound on the door. Jiyeon stayed silent. Then another pound.

Who could possibly be here at the time? She hadn't told anyone that she was back.

“Is she not here?” It was clearly Yoo Inna’s high pitched voice. Anyone could recognize it.

Why was she here? 

“Her car is here. I messaged her several times, but she never responded.” Jieun’s voice was also apparent from behind the door.

“What if she’s sleeping?” Inna questioned back to IU.

“Don’t worry I have the key. Let’s scare her and wake her up!” IU proposed mischievously.

Jiyeon had forgotten she had entrusted her best friend the spare key to her apartment. She regretted it now. 

Without no solution coming to mind, she instinctively covered Daniel’s face with the blanket and ran to the door.

“Hello?” She quickly swung the door open to see two slim figures. The recognizable sihlouettes of her two close friends.

“Jiyeon. Hello!” IU greeted innocently, as if she hadn't just plotted to prank her earlier.

Before she could answer Inna wrapped her arms around her, “I missed you. You practically live in Japan now. I never see you anymore.” She whined in her adorable way.

“I missed you too unnie.” Jiyeon answered. It was the truth. She missed her friends a lot.

IU revealed and picked up two large bags that rested beside her feet.

“Chimaek! (chicken and bear).” She announced excitedly as Inna clapped along with her.

A horrified look was plasered over Jiyeon’s own face. She always enjoyed the company. But why now? Why now of all times...

"Actually its already late, I mean..."

“We have all night to catch up.” Inna ordered ignoring Jiyeon's attempt to stop them. “You’re not getting out of this! It’s been too long since we've talked. I'm getting bored of just Jieun."

They both boldly marched past her as Jiyeon stared blankly towards the staircase.

“Your brother told me you were back and said you were going to visit us, but you never came and didn’t respond either.” IU explained upon entering. It was now only a matter of time before they saw him.

“So we came to make sure everything was ok.” Inna announced proudly as if they hadn’t just broken into her house.

“Ahhh…” Jiyeon slowly nodded. How could she explain him?

There was a scream from inside and Jiyeon rolled her eyes.


Apartment visit from IU:

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I just wanted to thank all the new subs and upvotes, L&B may be over, but getting the notifications that people are reading means the world. Please feel free to leave thoughts and comments, I'll try to reply haha.


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Chapter 7: this is so nice ^^
iv7000 #2
Chapter 11: Wow this is so cool.
I was in the fandom during these times when they actually happened.
All personal opinions aside, the recreation of how the news articles were released is so accurate.
I feel like I time traveled to a degree xD
Awesome writing!
tarafan2 #3
So glad you will continue to write a Part 4. Happy new year
justcrazy #4
Chapter 68: Would love to read more of this. Thank you!
tarafan2 #5
Chapter 66: Looks at the [M] tag. woohoo! it's like christmas came early.

Too bad you didn't/won't continue writing. The 6 members of T-ara are still active (well, except for Boram). Soyeon is back in the entertainment industry too.
ilovenobody #6
Chapter 66: It's ending soon :(
I'm still hoping to see if they will get expose and receive blessing from public.
Looking forward to the last chapter :)
justcrazy #7
Chapter 65: Aww. I’m so sad this is ending. I was hoping there will be more but thank you very much for this story. Looking forward to more of your works!
justcrazy #8
Chapter 64: I am really happy I found this story. I love their love story and I hope they get to date peacefully for at least a year lmao. And I hope after all those years they are not together, their relationship will somehow be smooth sailing from now.
ali1432d5h #9
Chapter 62: I read this in a day and im eager to read more im so sad I finished it 😭 I’ve heard of T-ara but I never knew how big they actually were or the whole story of what happened to them, now since yesterday I’ve been looking into them and I love them also I can’t stop listening to Jiyeon’s Take a Hike and I’m about to watch the variety she’s in 😭 thank you for introducing me to T-ara and Jiyeon ✨😭 I’m also enjoying their relationship so much and all of the events in the story, I wonder if we are gonna see some current time scenes hopefully 🥺 I can’t waitttty
tarafan2 #10
Chapter 62: Aww <3