On the Other Side

Crossing Boundaries

While the first game was ongoing, A sleeping Yoona was to awaken. She sat up slowly as she rubbed her eyes. the curtains were close so it was quite dark in her room. The silence bothered her. *Where are my sisters?* She thought as she scratched the back of her head. After a yawn and a few more scratches, she got up from bed and changed her clothing. As she was about to leave her room, Kaeyeon opened the door from the other side.

"Ah. Miss Yoona, You're finally awake." She smiled.

"Kaeyeon, you startled me." She laughed "Have you seen my sisters? it's awfully quiet today."

"I believe they're still at school."

"School? But isn't it a weekend?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Indeed." She replied. "But I believe there was a special occasion today so they all left. Your dad told them that you needed to rest."

"I don't need rest!"

Yoona bumped Kaeyeon out of the way adn headed to the front door. She turned the handle but it was lock. "Open this door Kaeyeon." "I'm sorry but I can't do that." She replied as she walked down the stairs. "Your father gave me an order not to let you out of this mansion at all cause." She smiled.

Yoona smirked. "So you're saying you'll use force if you have to?"


"Then force is what you'll do!" At that moment, Yoona launched a fireball towards Kaeyeon. She managed to dodge just in the nick of time. 

Yoona Ran towards Kaeyeon.The latter did the same. As both were within close range, Yoona started to throw punches. Kaeyeon on the otherhand, just dodged and blocked. At the exact moment, Yoona launched a fireball towards Kaeyeon's stomach. With such a close range, it was imposibble to dodge. Sending Kaeyeon flying towards the air. As she falls, Yoona made a break for the door. But Kaeyeon wouldn't allow her. She recovered mid-air Stretched her arm towards Yoona and A large vine came out of her palm. Yoona was so close to the door but the vine grabbed on to her leg and pulled her back. 

"I won't let you leave so easily Miss Yoona." Kaeyeon stood firmly upon a clothed table. 

"Then I'll definitely enjoy this." Yoona got back up and threw more fireballs at Kaeyeon. Kaeyeon jumped off the table and shot out seeds from her palms. Yoona, unaware of the attack,  chased Kaeyeon jumped up in the air using her ability as boosts, hitting a seed in the process. As the seed hit Yoona, it became a thick vine that wrapped itself around her, making it impossible to move. Both girls landed on the floor with Kaeyeon standing victorious. 

"But how? How did you beat me?" You asked in frustration as she struggles to escape the vine.

"You underestimate me Miss Yoona. What good am I as a guardian if I don't know all of your weaknesses?" Kaeyeon retorted.

Yoona just looked at her in anger and frustration. Yoona couldn't burn the vines since it would also burn her if she does. Kaeyeon just walked pass her and let out a vine to pull Yoona back to her room.

"I'm sorry Miss Yoona, but you have to stay here until the others get back." With that, she closed the door and vine that entangled Yoona vanished. 

Yoona got up and tried to open the door. As she expected, it was lock. "Curses! How the hell am I gonna get out of here now?" She whispered to herself.


Out of nowhere. A shadow came from behind her. Sensing the unfamiliar presense, Yoona turned around with a fireball at hand. She was shocked at who she saw. Someone whom she hasn't seen since very that day.

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Chapter 26: Well..
Uhmmm..It's understandable though. There are certain things you wanna avoid completely so you'll never remember same pain again. Anyways, I thank you for deciding to continue this story. Good luck!
Chapter 26: Oh i don't know what to feel. I feel bad for ur breakup but im happy too that u r back! Wishing u all the best
Chapter 25: I miss your updates authornim :(( please comeback & update :*
mierolzafri #4
Chapter 25: pliss update soon author-nim....i really luv it
imlynn #5
Chapter 25: Author-nim, please update soon~ The story is getting more interesting!
Please update~! this story is amazing!
Nomnommonster #7
Chapter 25: Update soon please and can u have someone be paired up with hyoyeon
Update soon !!!! Please !!!!
Chapter 25: Update soon please
Chapter 24: love it hehe keep updating :) update as soon as possible lol hehe